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File: 133 KB, 800x539, TIMESAND___762sdiwftw79d78dLIONwiygyitsfr2wdzzifcs55s59s59s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10125159 No.10125159[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Greatly improved in v5
>Proof of the Limits of Sine and Cosine at Infinity

Who was right?

>> No.10125170

I wanna read for the laughs but nigga 70 pages.

>> No.10125182 [DELETED] 

Limits if sine and cosine at infinity are both -1/12

>> No.10125186

imagine spending this much time to produce absolute, incoherent dreck

Imagine being jon tooker

>> No.10125188

The limits of sine and cosine at infinity are both -1/12

>> No.10125194

it's in a large font and quadruple spaced.

>> No.10125220

I read one page every five seconds and it still wasn't worth it.

>> No.10125235

Lol I know. What a load of bullshit. I feel like people who do this shit do it just to stroke their own ego and make themselves feel smart

>> No.10125247
File: 198 KB, 720x338, TRINITY___MathematicsLanguageGod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you find something wrong? If so, was it of genus errata or genus error?

>> No.10125258

lol you idiot sin goes back and forth from -1 to 1, there is no limit lol

>> No.10125262

Fucking based pic Jon.

>> No.10125272

Whoa dude, better be careful with that intuition and logic there, you might actually call him out on his bullshit

>> No.10125299
File: 188 KB, 720x338, TRINITY___Face_of_God.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a lot of people liked that one. Pic is from 2012 but if you do the overlay on the lines I think you will see something peculiar about chronology. (Pic is from the Benghazi video actually: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q18hXaE-FpU )
>tfw it's not hard to make me look stupid

>> No.10125355

Prove using your hat infinity that lim x->inf x*(x+1)/2 = -1/12 and then i will be convinced. Not shitposting.

>> No.10125371

The reason i say this is that if it does turn out true, then you would have an explanation outside of the definition of the zeta function and number trickery as to why zeta -1 = -1/12 but the infinate sum does not.

>> No.10125414

I have gone through the derivation of -1/12 before. I will probably have a look again. This seems like a good research direction. Good suggestion.

>> No.10125422

>why zeta -1 = -1/12 but the infinate sum does not.
Could you clarify this? What precisely is the contentious issue between these two cases?

>> No.10125435

Interested in those leads re: typo insertion. I imagine it's some routine javascript.

>> No.10125465

The riemann zeta function is formally defined as the infinate sum, except for negative values of x, these values give rise to the equation 1 +2+3+4+5... which is generally agreed ro not equal the continuations of the zeta function that are valid for all non negative values of x. We just take the negative values based on a few formulas that work for all other numbers. Technically speaking there is no law saying an infinate sum of continously increasing sequences can't equal a constant due to the rules of infinate sets and infinity being so finnicky and difficult to prove.

>> No.10125512

Whatever it was, Benghazi happened a few days later and then it became a scandal about a video and who changed the talking points, and the people who did it have not yet been brought to justice. In fact, they have enjoyed their impunity to the extend that they no longer just fuck with me on the computer, now they do it in real life too. Even unto this day.

>> No.10125518

Why do post pictures of yourself? Looking like a damn cue ball.

>> No.10125526
File: 34 KB, 1879x531, theorem127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's where you fucked up, it's impossible for a linear function on R to go to infinity, so this snippet is nonsensical

>> No.10125637
File: 2.56 MB, 2237x821, TIMESAND___762++145rhwrss3fs3ifs3gss3fs3ggege4y57s3rss3f45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

f(x) = infinity * x + 5

f(x) = infinity

f : R --> {overline R}

Which part is nonsencial.

My reaction folder is running low on anime girls

>> No.10125641

But you yourself determined that infinity in R is absorptive

>> No.10125654

Your post seems to support my claim that Thm 1.2.7 is perfectly well posed.

>> No.10125927
File: 155 KB, 777x780, TIMESAND___762++145rrdhwrssdwfewrtetyhinrtubiet6uq8641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10125945

How sad is your life you need to brag on this site?

>> No.10125957

It's pretty sad but I'm not bragging. I'm here to burn time until I feel sleepy because I have nothing better to do.

>> No.10125962

Give me a quick rundown

>> No.10125964
File: 358 KB, 572x514, military Pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im goin in boyz

>> No.10125971

>Used one to one instead of injective

>> No.10126001

>acknowledges receipt
literally means nothing

>> No.10126007


>> No.10126012

The Editorial Board of This Random Anon acknowledges receipt of the following post:

Author(s): Jonathan W. TOOKER
Number: 10126007
Post characters: 12

You will hear from us as soon as a decision is made concerning a response to your post. Until then, we would most appreciate if you could inform us of any change in your username.

Sincerely yours,


>> No.10126013

I don't see the accepted definition of a limit at infinity given anywhere in the paper, so I can only assume you don't know what it is.

>> No.10126033


>> No.10126045

>I have nothing better to do.
What about studying mathematics? If you do that for a while, eventually you might actually understand the problem you are trying to solve.

>> No.10126048
File: 14 KB, 776x229, TIMESAND___762++145rrdhwrssdwfewrwrssdwfewrwrssdwfewrtetyhinrtubiet6uq8641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably not. what is it? i'll tell you if I'm familiar with it. I thought it was pic

>> No.10126050

>I thought
That's where you fucked up, dumb-dumb

>> No.10126056

I have had so many indisputable discoveries
that got ignored in my physics research that I'm not really motivated to do the rigorous slogging of the rudimentary mathematical tedium of formality just to make more contributions that will ignored by the mathematicians instead of the physicists. The next book I open will probably be a QFT book but since I have already done so much lately I am in the phase "wait and think" which is in between my phases of "write papers about new discoveries." However, if the mathematicians embrace me where the physicists have rejected me, I would have to reevaluate based on new information. Also, studying for more than a couple hours a day, even when I am in study mode, is not realistic for me. The brain fluid runs out.

>> No.10126058

This is basic real analysis stuff.

If a sequence converges to L, then for any positive error margin you can find an integer N such that after the Nth entry in the sequence, you're always within that error margin from L

For functions, it's really similar except instead of an integer N, pick any real number X, and it's for any x>X.

>> No.10126060

What is the correct answer then, faggot?

>> No.10126062

I'm not doing the work for you faggot, fuck off

>> No.10126063

So... you're saying it's totally equivalent to the definition I used:

>> No.10126064

>indisputable discoveries
>"derivation" of fine structure constant

>> No.10126067

If you're the one saying "this is wrong" without giving the answer you think is right then be assured, between you and I, it is you who is the faggot.

>> No.10126068

You literally say nothing at all about error margins in the equation you posted.

>> No.10126069

>I have had so many indisputable discoveries
that got ignored in my physics research
Did you consider the possibility that your discoveries are all nonsense, and you don't know the material well enough to distinguish legitimate progress from incoherent drivel?

>> No.10126070

I'm not the only one calling you a dumb nigger fren

>> No.10126071

Are you disputing that
2 pi + (Phi pi)^3 ~ 137?

Or do you dispute that this is within 0.4% of the currently accepted value?

Or do you dispute that there aren't multiple of assumptions which go into the "determination of the FSC to 10 sig figs?"

>> No.10126073

I'm disputing that it's a derivation and asserting that it's pure numerology.

>> No.10126076

I did consider it and I was able to rule out that possibility because all of my results are 100% reproducible.

>> No.10126079

I really hope you don't sincerely believe this.

>> No.10126080

Please give an example of how numbers of the form x~137 could be separated from numerology or could be anything other than pure numerology

>> No.10126085

Can you apply your framework to derive any gauge couplings other than the QED coupling? If not, it's numerology.

>> No.10126087

This guy is fucking insane lol

He's also tangentially related to: https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Mohamed_El_Naschie

We are dealing with a man so autistic he was run off of reddit

>> No.10126089
File: 78 KB, 1052x780, TIMESAND___762++145rrdhwrwrssdwfewrtetyhinrtubiet6uq8641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do believe it. If you don't, please cite something irreproducible. Pic related, are you unable to reproduce the three most important dimansionless constants of physics within this one simple framework that I developed. If you think it's incidental that these three dimensionless constants arose in my model, then please provide another model that incidentally does the same thing so you can demonstrate the non-uniqueness.

>> No.10126090


>> No.10126093

Being reproducible doesn't mean it's right.

For one, why should the n=1,m=1 eigenvalue the inverse of the fine structure constant?

>> No.10126096
File: 208 KB, 1005x408, TRINITY___particles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you can't do everything then what you did is nothing
I predicted from first principles the structure of the standard model of particle physics. To your question, I have not invested much time in QFT yet as I am still filling the gaps in the foundations on which the unsound of house of QFT with its infinite vacuum energy density is built. My research is in the foundations of physics and your question, "What about this thing from the 1970s when you're working on the 1920s?," is stupid and you know it.

>> No.10126098

>I predicted from first principles the structure of the standard model of particle physics.
Sure you did.

>> No.10126100

That's a good question but it is not the result reported in that paper. The result was that that eigenvalue is equal to the FSC to with 0.4%. Do you dispute the result?

>if you can't do everything then what you did is nothing

t. guy whose theory had already been polished for 80 years before he even started college

>> No.10126101

Looking good Jon!

>> No.10126102

So your result was that you found an operator with an eigenvalue somewhat close to the inverse of the fine structure constant?

>> No.10126106
File: 115 KB, 500x396, TIMESAND___762++1ef898wj679g8ef6yh8sryg98uy557643477978974613134dw3t4rhgb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure did. You're right.

>> No.10126108

The fact that you think a rigged Hilbert space has anything to do with three generations shows you don't really understand what you're doing.

>> No.10126110

By the way, you haven't addressed the fact that you didn't use the actual definition of a limit at infinity:

>> No.10126139

That was the main result of one of my papers. The title of it was:
>Derivation of the Fine Structure Constant

Have you ever found an operator like that? I built my operator on a foundational system of QM: the 2D box. If you can come up with such an operator, please let me know which common physical application motivated the construction.

In this later paper :
>Tempus Edax Rerum
the main result was that Einstein's equation falls out of the same framework the FSC fell out of. Have you gotten GR and FSC out of the same simple framework? If so, please state which common physical application you used to derive your framework.

>> No.10126142

That's because I did use the actual definition. It's right there in the paper, and even as a pic in the thread. The word "diverges" encompasses all of that nuance you cited.

>> No.10126145

Fuck off namefag: >>10126117

>> No.10126146

What is your mechanism for three generations? Mine is that there are three classes of particles that live in three distinct state spaces, the three spaces comprising the three vector spaces of the rigged Hilbert space.

>> No.10126148

The 2D box is about the most physically irrelevant thing to QED that I can imagine.

And your "derivation" of Einstein's equations is taking an equation a = b + c and then giving definitions of a, b, and c that give you the result you want.

>> No.10126151
File: 2.49 MB, 675x900, TRINITY___Where_Beef.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8===d ~~o ~~o :-(

>> No.10126153

If you're saying things in the smaller space are, say, electrons, and things in the larger space are, say, taus, then you're saying that electrons are taus. That right there is immediately wrong.

>> No.10126156

A Minkowski diagram is a 2D box, and so is any Penrose diagram. How's that for relevance?

>> No.10126158

They're 2D diagrams because paper is 2D. They'e literally representations of concepts, not the concepts themselves.

>> No.10126159

Your logic does not follow at all and you are stupid.

>> No.10126164

lmao, anything in the smallest space is also in the largest space, by construction.

>> No.10126169

So you're saying that if I want a precision of 0.1, then you can find me a really large real number X such that if I take sin(x) when x>X, I'll always be within 0.1 of some limiting value?

>> No.10126191

Listen faggot, stop fucking up this board, I have access to every image you've posted here: https://boards.fireden.net/_/search/filename/TIMESAND_*/