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10124893 No.10124893 [Reply] [Original]

Is this conclusive scientific proof that there is an irreparable intelligence gap between whites and blacks?

>> No.10124935


>> No.10124990


>> No.10125003


>> No.10125016

They're clearly bullshitting about pinpoiting genes that increase intelligence and i can't find a review of this paper anywhere

>> No.10125053

Where is this taken from?

I don't know how they came to the conclusion that these genes are responsible for the gap. They are pretty much just stating that it is. I don't think anyone working with genetics would make claims as strong as these about complex traits.

>> No.10125058

The paper is listed at the bottom

>> No.10125066

No. Nothing about the paper suggests "irreparable" anything

>> No.10125070

But blacks have shittier genes as shown above

>> No.10125072

This is not in the paper, they just used it as a reference in the image. If you dont agree; where in this paper are they making the same claim the image is?

>> No.10125073

>image on 4chan told me its true
Funny how easily people abandon any form of skepticism when something confirms what they already belive. Of course I'm assuming here that you have ever been capable of it.

>> No.10125075

>ask a question
>get an answer
its almost as if you have an agenda or something. Its as if discussing science is not actually your primary interest.

>> No.10125076


>> No.10125080

Look at the gene percentages though

>> No.10125085

Are you a geneticist? Do you know what anything on that page means ("niggers r dum" isnt an answer)? Why did you start a thread just to confirm your beliefs?

>> No.10125088

From Lee, James et al:
>Second, we found that our score for educational attainment has much lower predictive power in a sample of African-American individuals than in a sample of individuals with an European ancestry, and we anticipate that the score would also have reduced predictive power in other samples of individuals with a non-European ancestry.

But your image (/pol/ propaganda no doubt) applies the findings from that paper to African populations, which Lee said specifically you can't do.

>> No.10125093

So does this mean that black people have fucked up gene expression?

>> No.10125097

This is interesting because there are a bunch of inclusion programs that can confound a "natural" achievement. Perhaps a genuine authentic achievement of AAs would be much lower if you were to magically place their brains in white bodies and it would increase the predictive power of this. Maybe I'm misunderstanding HOW this lacks predictive power though. It's also possible that their withholding their approval of the predictive power for political means.

That is one limitation, even though I acknowledge the absurdity of testing it.

>> No.10125120

How do you explain this

>> No.10125123

Without reading it further, he is talking about the actual predictive power of the data when applying it to educational outcomes. Not limitations of the method they used.

> It's also possible that their withholding their approval of the predictive power for political means.
Jesus you clearly have no idea how any of this works. Just say you hate black people, no need to hide behind this fasade of scientific interest.

>> No.10125125

/pol/ would be my best guess.

>> No.10125127

stop believing memes anon

>> No.10125129

But how can you argue against it

>> No.10125132

/pol/ made it

>> No.10125133

What effect do these SNPs even have? It could be absolutely negligible
How do you know which racial groups have them more frequently? The paper says nothing about that
Where did you even get these SNPs from?
Where did those percentages come from?
I used the search feature and alas, no results

>> No.10125135

So? All the data seems accurate

>> No.10125139

>All the data seems accurate
How did you evaluate it and come to this conclusion?

>> No.10125154

It has sources

>> No.10125160

>Jesus you clearly have no idea how any of this works. Just say you hate black people, no need to hide behind this fasade of scientific interest
God damn, this

>> No.10125164

Anon, I...

>> No.10125167

So? Sources that do not contain the conclusion presented don't mean anything.

>> No.10125168

The proof is comparing Europe in 1200s to Sub Saharan Africa at that time.

>> No.10125173

This is how we get threads like these. God damn.

>> No.10125179

Try comparing europe in 1000 BC to mesopotamia at the same time

>> No.10125185

Comparison wont work because Mesos and Whites are the same race the Caucasoid race.

>> No.10125190

Very scientific, im sure you have a paper to back that statement up

>> No.10125200

Look man I know you like blacks but you gotta face it they aint on par with us. Just from their appearance they were on this planet a long time before us yet for some reason we beat them in everything. I mean Homo Erectus was on this planet for a very long time compared to us yet humans beat it in stone age technology so the reason for blacks being behind us is because they are just stupid.

>> No.10125202

First time I've heard someone on 4chan call MENAs white

>> No.10125205

All of West Eurasia is a single race called the Caucasoid, whites are a subgroup of Caucasoid.

>> No.10125211

Do you believe there are differences between subgroups

>> No.10125215

Yes, thats why you can tell whites from turks,arabs, persians, or indians. In terms of intelligence they were probably equal at one time, but Islam really screwed the intelligence of the persian, north african, and middle eastern subgroups, where as India mixed with cousins of abos which downgraded their intelligence.

>> No.10125221

I thought you believed the differences were genetic

>> No.10125224

I love /pol/ fan fiction.

>> No.10125228

Yeah, this is /sci/ where things which are prima facie such as
>0 < 1
Cannot be acknowledged without endless mental masturbation.
Anyone who has lived where there are large numbers of blacks knows they have severe problems functioning in polite society.
There are outliers who are good people, but most earn the title "nigger" through their behavior.

>> No.10125232

Islam means the islamic inbreeding. Indians are a mess nowadays the IQ of their high caste people who are most likely the purest Caucasoids in that land would be on par with whites.

>> No.10125241

So you admit this isn't really about science for you, you just hate them and want to circle jerk.

>> No.10125242

Prove it

>> No.10125248

You would hate them too if you met them, I mean I dont even hate mexicans as much as them and they will be the demographic majority in the US.

>> No.10125252


Not at all. I think there is this phenomenon of publication bias present. I don't hate black people, but I'm not unwilling to consider group differences between populations, which races are an approximation for. I think there is an unwillingness to consider group differences in the domain of intelligence because it is not PC and has previously led to terrible outcomes. However that does not mean it is not true.

I don't care about which group. It can be whites for all I care that are proven to be less intelligence.

>> No.10125254

Sure, but none of that is science. I dont need a person to "be on par" with me for me to like them. Kys

>> No.10125259

Never said anything about hating anyone. Interesting that you feel compelled to accuse everyone of that.

>> No.10125260
File: 317 KB, 2048x700, Uk gwas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite proof yet. These SNPs may not be directly in the causal gene, they might simply be adjacent.
That said, these polygenic scores can do pic related

>> No.10125265

> I dont need a person to "be on par" with me for me to like them.
I bet you call people brainlets

>> No.10125274

>Interesting that you feel compelled to accuse everyone of that
How naive do you think I am? We are on 4chan, Jesus Christ, take that shit to the YouTube comment section or somewhere someone might actually fall for this.

>> No.10125286

>ur a H8ER!! D:
Got anything besides ad hominems? No, of course you don't.

>> No.10125307

This thread has just been /pol/ image one after another, where you shits haven't even bothered to read the referenced papers in them. Its obvious for everyone, from /pol/ or not, that the motivation behind this isn't scientific curiosity. There are threads like these every day, always the same shit. Don't play dumb.

>> No.10125314

Lmao. In reality the proof of burden is on populations being the same. Not different. Yet that is taken as the initial conclusion.

That itself should be indicative of the political nature. It's charged no doubt about it.

I myself am ACTUALLY curious about this because it can yield a lot of insight about humans in general, yet it is not to be studied because hurr durr racism, INSTEAD OF ACTUALLY ADDRESSING WHY WE SHOULD BE EQUAL DESPITE DIFFERENCES. But that apparently is too high level of a conclusion for skeptics.

>> No.10125329

The burden of proof is on whoever is making a claim about genetic causality, I don't see anyone in this thread claiming everyone is equal, I do however see a lot of posts saying black people have inferior intelligence because of genetics. Stop the fallacious shit.

>> No.10125339

it's not a paper, it's some autismo from here making a relation table off the data from published papers

>> No.10125354

I haven't posted any images in this thread. You are assuming all people who don't agree with you are the same person.
Anyone can go drive through a black neighborhood and see what its like.
Anyone can look at how their convenience stores and fast food places have to barricade their employees to protect them from the prison inmate-tier customers.

>> No.10125360

You, you are neo. You have taken the redpill and know the truth.
Now go fight sjw's in slow motion for furher.

>> No.10125399

Sorry in advance if I'm being retarded. Am on a shitty phone so can't check sources. Have to go off what the image says.

You can't actually come to a conclusion as big as that based on this image tight? Just because these genes exist with this distrubution difference doesn't mean there are no genes that do things the other way around. I find it hard to believe there are no "dumb genes" for Europeans and vice versa.

Idk tho, this might just be a devil's proof.>10124893

>> No.10125406

Very scientific of you.

>> No.10125413

>You are wrong about my intentions not being scientific curiosity
>black neighborhoods are dangerous
>implying that is at all related to the thread

>> No.10125448


I'm just trying to say the uncomfortable truth
Science is too pc

>> No.10125458

>headline literally says /pol/

>> No.10125462

>two populations are different
>hurr durr MUST be genetics
this is your brain on /pol/

>> No.10125476

He's trolling

>> No.10125477

Fuck off with your charles murray-esque logic
52 genes determining intelligence have been isolated and their impact has been miniscule. Scientists reckon there are thousands more to be discovered so the 20 or so that you probably pulled out of your ass do Jack shit. How vague is their description "increase intelligence"
That is literally all it says

>> No.10125488

Psychology isn't science, there is no real answer

>> No.10125495

There have been multiple reasons to INFER that races differ genetically. Phenotypes (even skull sizes and brain scans have shown differences), IQ, and achievement gaps. However, these differences have been explained away through cultural differences and social science.

Yet attempts to refute these differences are rampant and still fail to hold up under scrutiny, thus they are met with ignominy. (Grit, Stereotype threat especially)

I would say that as of right now, the burden of proof is on the opposite inference regardless of whether there is DIRECT genetic proof, ALTHOUGH genetics can detect different racial groups (but Gene's for intelligence haven't funny been typed).

There is a lot of cause to reason that intelligence would be different. Morton's skulls were remeasured in 2011 to prove Mortons measurements correct and Gould's measurements FORGED.

This is why it's so peculiar that people are unwilling to consider the conclusions. I think this is because they cannot reason past intelligence = superiority , which is false. There are a lot of variables for success, intelligence being only 1 of them, although a large one. For people who lack intelligence, it is crucial we teach them to overcome through sheer hard work and to pick careers that are correct for them, not to encourage achievements that are outside their scope. One thing is certain, it is toxic to personal development to believe you are "fixed". That is not a growth mindset. While you are what you are, that does not mean you are the best that you can be.

While genetic proof hasn't shown up yet, it is on the way. It's important that we acknowledge the possibility at least. But society does not and will not because of this vision and dream of equality. While not exactly articulate (phone posting) this is probably the most accurate and prescient post you will see on this subject. I hope people actually consider the evidence. I have tried to a bit and this is my conclusion.

Cheers everyone.

>> No.10125502

One thing that I will add is that Gould's measurements were proven wrong by an undergrad, but that does not mean they were incorrect. I believe they were supervised by a professor, but I'm not totally sure.

>> No.10125516

lol it's like you can't help yourself and must focus on ad-homs and invent dialogue for your opponents. Real low-IQ vibe coming from you... I wonder if the reason is genetic?
The point about black neighborhoods is that the phenomena of consistent black failure exists and is easily observable and verifiable.
Given that the phenomena exists and is consistent across diverse geographic locations, societies, and time-scales is a good indicator that the cause is inherent to blacks. I.e., get a lot of black people, get a lot of aggressive low-IQ behavior with it.

It's obviously genetic. Prima facie obvious explanation is obvious.

As for the article presented by OP - it's a step in the right direction to at least attempt to identify specific genes that lead to the nasty social problems endemic to black populations. Far from being /pol/-tier as it tries to narrow down from simply "all niggers are violent animals" (/pol/) to "many blacks have these specific genes which have a high correlation with antisocial behavior".

>> No.10125521

>I'm not unwilling to consider group differences between populations
The contrary, you are obsessed with race. That's embarrassing, anon.

>> No.10125536

>complains about ad-homs
>ad-homs in the next sentence
>implying genetics is the only thing that is consistent in an ethnic group

>> No.10125541

Lol, our society is multicultural jackass. It's a topic that's argued disingenuously.

Exhibit A: You.

It's especially relevant when we craft policies around a conclusion that isn't established. I don't care what you call it, I'm looking for a truth. So quit your ad hominems.

>> No.10125548

All you do is focus on making ad-homs and inventing dialogue. Also major obsession with race, which is what you accuse everyone else of (i.e. "projection"). Even when it is pointed out, you continue (i.e. "perseveration").
That's embarrassing, anon.
Try addressing the actual arguments rather than do nothing by try to attack the people making them.

>> No.10125570

I haven't been disingenuous about anything, i just don't h8 nigs. You made this thread feigning an interest about genetics, but you don't actually have deeper understanding. Then you said you don't care about science, you are merely concerned that some trains of thought are punished or discouraged in science. Turns out that starting with a premise, and working backwards IS discourged, and that's by design.

You don't care about truth, you want data to support your faggot ideology.

>> No.10125587

Think you're confusing me withsomeone else, I've only posted in greentexts thus far.

The part about ad-homs wasn't an argument, I just thought it was funny. Also the whole thing about "implying" is that it's not what you are actually saying, but rather what it implies. Would be way easier if you just tell me what I'm interpreting the wrong way instead of just saying I'm inventing stuff.

>> No.10125590

I didn't make the thread.
I don't hate "nigs". (Shows how much you respect blacks to refer to them as "nigs").
Never said I don't care about science.
Yes I am concerned that some trains of thought are punished, but that is a concern with free speech. A concern that is not too controversial.

There you are again just like >>10125548 anon said, inventing dialogue. Please stop, you are only proving our point about your disingenuity.

I maintain, population differences in intelligence is likely a scientific fact.

I can't believe you exist. You disgust me, intentionally muddying the waters of debate for your own purposes. That is rather evil.

>> No.10125600

Id bet everything in my bank account you have self-identified as a "national socialist" at some point in your life or another, if not now. The existence of population differences is trivially obvious, btw.

>> No.10125605
File: 37 KB, 339x351, 1535050232325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>80 replies
>17 posters

>> No.10125611

>Shows how much you respect blacks to refer to them as "nigs
Lmfao what website do you think this is?

>> No.10125612

It's almost like they're having a conversation

>> No.10125621

I know where I am. My statement holds truth. I don't use that word, yet I am on here. People who use it most likely do not respect Blacks.

Lol, you mean your mom's bank account? There you are again, grasping at straws. The best part is that I've never done that. Even if I can't prove that to you, I now KNOW how disingenuine you are, and how you absolutely hate being called out on that. Please, stop embarrassing yourself. You are not wanted here. You added absolutely nothing to the debate at hand and are merely displaying how disingenuine you are and are proving my point and post above. Please leave.

>> No.10125636

>Think you're confusing me withsomeone else
That must be because you replied to me when I was not addressing you and there are no IDs on this board.
If you are confused, try reading the conversation chain minus your useless input.

>> No.10125662

Funny how 1 troll has absolutely stopped all conversation. Great. Let anyone reading this acknowledge how absolutely no debate has happened, and pure sliding has. Very intriguing. Link down below.


>> No.10125696

Bad link

>> No.10125709

I disagree. I think it's plausible to have happened on this thread.

>> No.10125713

Yes. The anti science redditors will tell you otherwise, though.

>> No.10125726


>> No.10125737

>no debate has happened, and pure sliding has. Very intriguing. Link down below.
Yes, it's usually obvious when the paid shills come out of the woodwork to slide and sage the intriguing topics.
Probably they have real people watching all topics that pop up (and bots scanning extant but yet unflagged threads for keywords), and if it's a topic that is on their "must bury" list, they forward the link to individuals who specialize in sliding that specific topic.

>> No.10125746

Unsure if you're being sarcastic. But I agree nonetheless. I suppose race and genetics are a big topic for those in power.

>> No.10125791

Nope, not sarcastic.
>I suppose race and genetics are a big topic for those in power.
Definitely. If science could study race and genetics without being inhibited by fear of being called "racist", the truth about certain matters, as well as open discussion about the foolishness of current policy, would rapidly spread through academia.

>> No.10125799 [DELETED] 
File: 205 KB, 500x764, golden-jackal-of-east-africa-and-eurasia-revery-distinct-species-14420110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol the amount of #NIGGERED in this thread is pathetic.
Just look at the glorious Europa.
And now look at Africa.


>> No.10125811

Ya. It reminds me of that Lenin quote: "Repeat a lie long enough, and it will become the truth."

Funny how relevant a quote by a communist is.

Are you in full agreement with Charles Murray? While I agree that these programs are not helping the group as a whole, I believe that it does help some individuals escape the toxic poverty. Yet again I also think that it enables other individuals to stay in the welfare system. I have trouble deciding how to modify this system to help those impoverished folks who use it to actually better themselves.

>> No.10125850

I think there are a significant minority of blacks who can function well in society... the so-called "talented tenth" (though I'm not so sure how accurate that fraction is).
The problem with all the social programs is they do nothing to fix the underlying problems, thus ensuring that shitty ghetto culture thrives in perpetuity.

>> No.10125864

1. These are SNPs, not genes

2. If you actually start going through the list, you see none of them have anything specifically to do with IQ,and they're all housekeeping/metabolism genes.

>> No.10125868
File: 258 KB, 588x768, 15120123036501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10125889

Lol the number of blacks leaving poverty and not in it is higher then ever before. Shit's clearly working.

>> No.10125893

i see what you did there and I like it

>> No.10125912
File: 136 KB, 250x203, 1541530147172.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stopping by to say I truly believe blacks to be inferior to whites.

>> No.10126016

I don't dispute this, but I would like more information on it to make sure it isn't artificial, i.e. it would be sustainable for them in future without any programs. I think there are a lot of diversity programs right now that may be artificially allowing these numbers to rise and them not being sustainable.

Of course, if they are sustained, I will accept that gladly.

>> No.10126022

Funny, but we're measured the difference between humans and blacks and they're massive. But yeah keep trying to push your tumblr propaganda basedboy

>> No.10126035

Stop spreading this rhetoric. You're muddying the message. They're not huge. They are present and we must acknowledge them, but by no means huge. You and I are likely much less intelligent than Frederick Douglass. You and I are likely much less intelligent than millions of blacks, regardless of what proportion they are to their general population.

Don't be so naive and juvenile with such an important fact.

>> No.10126348
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>> No.10126534

Who is black?

>> No.10126630


>> No.10128108

I'll give this a bump.