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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10123526 No.10123526[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck am i supposed to focus on my CS classes if fucking uni makes me take pointless gen ed shit because ""muh well rounded students""? God, i cant work properly on my projects without worrying about some stupid ass paper for a random as literature class. FUCK FUCK FUCK I HATE THIS SYSTEM, JUST LET ME DO MY MATHS AND COMPUTER STUFF

>> No.10123528

If you aren't a polymath you aren't going to make it

>> No.10123553

not science or math

>> No.10123564
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>computer science
>not science

>> No.10123568

>not democratic

>> No.10123569
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>my CS classes
I am so sorry.

>> No.10123571
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>if it has "science" in it, it must be science

>> No.10123572
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>> No.10123581
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>igboring the fact that without computer SCIENCE,a lot of complex problems and probabilities couldnt be solve, and would not have led to a great amount of modern technology we have today

>> No.10123587

Not science or math, leave
>political science
>logic of science
>the gay science

>> No.10123592
File: 188 KB, 1294x912, so wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving cs credit for EE and CpE's work


>> No.10123597
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>> No.10123607
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>> No.10123624
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>im-fucking-plying that they were the ones who understood HOL which FUCKING LEAD TO THOSE ADVANCEMENTS. Suuuure, they could use assembly to make a fucking simple computer store data and do basic manipulation with it, but it was CS people that built upon that

>> No.10123625

based optimizationposter

>> No.10123626

>and would not have led to a great amount of modern technology we have today

>> No.10123639
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>responsible for technology

>> No.10123641
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>> No.10123645

The forced sociology classes are cancer and make you feel like a buzzfeed writer. I can't believe people do that shit every day of their life and think they're doing something meaningful.

>> No.10123651
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Finally, an actual fucking reply. Thats what im talking about, i have to focus on how to sound ""correct"" in my writing just to pass some stupid ass literature analysis class, which will almost never be used in my life
>inb4 "what about textbooks"

>> No.10123657

>so you're telling me that when something is not True it's False?
>This CS stuff is really hard

>> No.10123660

>Finally, an actual fucking reply.

>be shit OP
>Make shit thread
>complain when response is shit
Aren't you a joy.