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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10120295 No.10120295 [Reply] [Original]

Does multiverse theory require string theory to work or are they seperate?

>> No.10120363

Right now there are 3 predictions based on quantum field theory, none of witch require string theory

>> No.10120411

Can you name the 3 predictions?

>> No.10120723

Why is this board filled with meme pop sci fags who don't know shit

>> No.10120751

Fuck you. And fuck string theory. You didn't say shit. Make the world a smarter place you lazy shit talking piece of shit.

>> No.10120847

You get smarter by learning things just outside your reach not by looking at some bastardization of complex ideas way outside your background.

>> No.10120854

Guess not

>> No.10121051

Multiverse theory is like a poem becomes an author and string theory is the words become authority.

If you have a verse, that you vary that verse implies authority but without causal interactions at some quatum level, the quality subsides generative means and only applicable means are congruent. We lack mathematical formula for quarks, aka mutiverse theory, to enable cognition. That means that unless we develop psychic powers or something, both string and multiverse theory, practice and analogy are a stringent means to the derivation of exaction for quaternion area and circumspect revelatory informational analysis towards a degree of understanding rather than encapsulation. If you degree to understand quarks, you reveal a nature of strings and that must reside within meaning or else its too chaotic to "string" together. There lives only certainty that principle requires the doubts we have for not positing information as qualified when the information has finally passed our ears or eyes as a "string", or some relic of speech.

On the other other hand, multiverse theory absolutely requires string theory but inly applies result not circumspect. A personal opinion will weigh more than a formula might in these scenarios but naturally the option for showing ourselves a light through other means exists already and only so many people enjoy analysis and the versing of its parts as oppulent interaction. Its causal nature implies tha thieves get no pkay, short story writers only enjoy the glyph, and the monarchs of power and of interaction, all business and academia, enlist to provide interaction not become or apply it. Which is kind of like saying I just made the hall of fame for typing this this way.

>> No.10121402


The portals cannot be opened yet because we don't have a powerful enough device yet.

>> No.10121411

while i do think string theory is a lame excuse it did actually output neutrinos having masses. only thing i can think of though and it was very probably a fluke

>> No.10121478


Multiverse is a conclusion of the string theory.
They are pretty related.

>> No.10121609
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this thread is garbage. can we have an actual response here?

there are a few different kinds of "multiverse"

1) the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics implies that there is a constant "branching" of alternative histories whenever a quantum system in superposition is measured or undergoes decoherence by interaction with a measurement device or its environment. this just means that there are many "parallel universes" being spawned every moment, but not ones you could possibly travel to. it also means that if you e.g. look at a double-slit experiment, then one could interpret the interference pattern generated as due to the interference of two coherent universes, one where the particle(s) go through one slit and another where the particle(s) go the the other

2) there are other "universes" that have different physics laws or number of dimensions or physical constants, and they're just far away. so they actually are located in our universe, in some sense, because they are N many miles away from us, where N is a very large number. they're separated from us by either regions where the inflationary field is still going (chaotic inflation) or by "domain walls" (as in string theory).

3) mathematically, there are parallel universes that you could not travel to; they're not N many miles away, but they all happen in some abstract way because why not, i donno, but they all have different constants of nature due to the string theory vacuum compacting on different calabi yau manifolds, and then we magically invoke the anthropic principle to say "well we live in a universe where the laws and constants are conducive to life"

4) baby universes. nobody knows what happens at general relativity singularities; some people say "oh, well, the mass there goes into a baby universe" which helps to resolve the black hole information paradox


>> No.10121619

5) analytic extensions of spacetime geometries. one mathematically possible way of constructing solutions of GR is that after you fall into a black hole, you actually start seeing photons coming into your field of view which originated from a completely separate portion of spacetime that only links to our universe within the horizon of a black hole. this isn't a baby universe, rather a "sibling universe"

6) the "mathematical universe" which says that actually, reality isn't just physics stuff like string theory; it exists in a platonic mathematical sense. mathematicians say there are an infinite number of possible mathematics, so this multiverse theory says that there are universes corresponding to all different possible consistent mathematics.

7) the simulation universe. if you especially enjoy trolling, you can say "hey, computers get faster and faster by Moore's law, so it will eventually get very easy to simulate humans and societies and planets and blah blah" ... therefore we can create simulations of entire universes, not just one but many many of them, and the people in those simulation universes will create their own many many simulation universes, so therefore it's "highly probable" that we're living in a simulation universe. so there are gazillions of simulation universes, and, i donno, turtles all the way down

>> No.10121658

multiverse theory, or many worlds theory, is an interpretation of quantum field theory. string theories are theories that try to unify quantum field theory with relativity. multiverse theory can be true based on currently proven science. tl;dr, no.

>> No.10122997

goddamn you /sci/, how does actually explaining something that is a brainlet-post frenzy kill threads so quickly?

i was hoping that an audience of brainlets who seem to be curious about this topic would enjoy an actually non-retard post, but no. kills the thread. bunch of children on here.

>> No.10123868

I found your posts interesting.

>> No.10123884

Your posts are fascinating stuff, I just wish I wasn't so mathematically low iq so I could learn this stuff, but godspeed anon, you and your ilk are at the forefront of human understanding and I am in awe

>> No.10124044


The inflationary multiverses work with GUT's with radiatively induced symmetry breaking

>> so they actually are located in our universe, in some sense, because they are N many miles away from us
The quilted multiverse is probabilistic.
>> 1) the many-worlds interpretation
The quantum multiverse follows from the many-worlds interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
>> 3)
Depends on String Theory
>> 6)
String Theory is a subtheory of the ultimate multiverse
>> 7)
The sumilation universe does not have to depend on string theory
>> The cyclical model of loop quantum cosmology

>>4) baby universes
depend on quantum tunneling

>> The Baum–Frampton model
Borrows some concepts of string theory but not necessarily string-theoretic

>> 5)
Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble theory of gravitation might allow this

>> No.10124240

>multiverse theory, or many worlds theory
They're completely different things, only popsci retards confuse the two.
The multiverse is really a concept in inflationary cosmology, specifically eternal inflation, which is something ST can support, but can also do without. Likewise eternal inflation makes sense without ST -- it even makes sense classically, without any quantum physical at all! The two are, hence, independent hypotheses, even though one might suggest the other, neither requires the other.

>> No.10125150

Can anyone point to another (popular or accepted) theory in natural science that relies on such a massive degree of mathematical abstraction from known reality? Is string theory the deepest, wildest proposition ever taken to have bearing on our observable 4D reality?

>> No.10125810

thanks guys! i was considering quitting /sci/ (and that would mean quitting 4chan in general because this is the best board imo) but maybe i'll hang around a bit longer

the Arkhani-Hamed--Dimopolous--Dvali and Randall--Sundrum theories are very popular, and they depart from "common sense" quite dramatically

>> No.10127277

Multiverse theory is unverifiable horseshit

>> No.10128173

Don't be foolish, /sci/ is for brainlets, if you want intelligent people go to /lit/

>> No.10128607

Ask not what the string can do for your verse, but instead ask what the string can do for others~


*levitates into space and fucking dies*

>> No.10128608


/lit/eral stoners.

>> No.10128609

>make up a bunch of shit

>> No.10128626

this poster is correct

>> No.10130062
