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File: 93 KB, 1199x666, stephen_hawking_on_iq_by_americandreaming-d80q2f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10115105 No.10115105 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10115106

Low IQ detected.

>> No.10115108

because they're insecure about their general mediocrity at life and need to find some stupid number to help them delude themselves into a superiority complex

anybody talking about it on /sci/ needs to acknowledge that it's a really poorly-defined thing just like every other quantitative thing psychologists have ever tried to come up with.

>> No.10115111

Intelligence is a very poorly-defined thing, yet it is real and a status symbol.

>> No.10115115

Especially when you consider situations were average to less than average people get involved in an accident ,suffering some blunt force trauma to the head and subsequently possess great acumen, whether it be mathematical, artistic or musical.

>> No.10115117

Wealth don't make no one happy
-Bill Gates
-Some fucking schlomo

>> No.10115121

sure, but saying you can unambiguously put a number on it is brainlet-tier shit that only a psychologist would be stupid enough to attempt

anyhow the real status symbol of intelligence is having degrees, and the prestige of the school awarding it and the advisor who signed off on it. people who are smooth talkers with intelligent sounding talking points get a certain value but that doesn't imply they're actually smart. but if you go into a room trying to impress people "i have an iq of N!" everyone will think you're a true douche

>> No.10115122

What does this say against IQ?

>> No.10115126

>anyhow the real status symbol of intelligence is having degrees, and the prestige of the school awarding it
No, that's American McIntellectualism.
>but if you go into a room trying to impress people "i have an iq of N!" everyone will think you're a true douche
Nobody does that.

>> No.10115128

>No, that's American McIntellectualism.
jelly? it's only the top academic system in the world with an overwhelmingly dominant presence in the sciences and almost all other fields. what would people in your country value more as a sign of intelligence than a PhD from e.g. Harvard or Stanford?

>> No.10115130

>Nobody does that.
Just because you've never heard of it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

>> No.10115135

Insecurity and leverage. Like an animal might puff itself up to ward off a predator that lacks the neurological machinery to infer that this appearance may not be reality.

I saw a picture of a snake the other day with a primate face pattern on the back. It evoked a primal terror. Like I wanted nothing to do with that thing and would steer even clearer than I would a massive snake otherwise, and I had no incentive to counterbalance or nullify this innate reaction. It was a weird face, and that means avoid it.

>> No.10115142

Yes it is. But I think showing off your MIT degree would get you more bonus points with dumb people than intelligent.
>what would people in your country value more as a sign of intelligence than a PhD from e.g. Harvard or Stanford?
Accomplishments. The first impression you get from knowing someone's degree is pretty irrelevant to judging someone's intelligence.

>> No.10115144

/thread. Raving about IQ constitutes the entertaining of the asininity of psychology.

>> No.10115147
File: 161 KB, 1328x2000, group-of-snake-friends-chandan-nagar-kharadi-pune-snake-catchers-1epuj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is. I don't mind snakes otherwise.

>> No.10115149

Wow that snake is so insecure lol

>> No.10115150

most IQlets say things like "IQ is predetermined as soon as you pop out of your mom; nothing can possibly change it no matter what" more or less. so people who have an accident and then develop some new mental skill afterword shows that this is plainly not true

>> No.10115155

Ehhh... weak

>> No.10115161

>Accomplishments. The first impression you get from knowing someone's degree is pretty irrelevant to judging someone's intelligence.
well, that's what a PhD program requires in the USA. you need to do some original research, and it needs to be approved and checked by your advisor (who is an expert in the field) as well as peers in the field. a PhD implies you've accomplished something like this, so when i go to interview for a job at Google, they just look at the letters after my name; i don't need to explain the details of the specialized things i've published on to people whose eyes would immediately gloss over due to it being way beyond non-experts

>> No.10115162

Actually, they reduce your IQ at birth by injecting the mother with hormones and anesthetics, early clamping of the placenta depriving you of your iron stores and blood supply before your lungs are capable of operating, vitamin K injections which further thicken your hypoxic blood, and probably vaccines. Circumcision also introduces infant trauma which is known to damage the brain, prime it for dissociation, and lower IQ.

The hospital birth is an assembly-line to produce a new compliant fellow citizen.

>> No.10115166

I wonder what that fear says about my ancestry.

>> No.10115201

Nice argument. You showed him.

>> No.10115204

Gonna need some sources or links Alex Jones.

>> No.10115227

If you want to know, then what you need is to look it up yourself, lol.

I've already done the legwork and am giving you the result. Whether someone will help you along a given matter is hit or miss.

>> No.10115584

>the meme of IQ
Lrn2meme fgt pls

>> No.10117429 [DELETED] 

[math] \mathbb{"} \mathcal{IQ} \mathbb{" \ is \ a \ }\mathfrak{meme \ }\mathbb{for \ }\mathcal{insecure \ } \matfrak{douches} \mathbb{.}[/math]

>> No.10117434

[math] \mathbb{"} \mathcal{IQ} \mathbb{" \ is \ a \ }\mathfrak{meme \ }\mathbb{for \ }\mathcal{insecure \ } \mathfrak{douches} \mathbb{.}[/math]

>> No.10117451

IQ posting should be a bannable offense in sci. it would greatly improve the quality of the board.

>> No.10117456

Here here!

>> No.10117573

i second the motion.

>> No.10117587


>> No.10117608
File: 29 KB, 400x360, 1341434169244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ posters are just the current meme

Trolling has always been easy on /sci/ what with the Creationist vs Evolution shitposters and Flatearther Reptillean Illuminati faggots from /x/

>> No.10117651
File: 139 KB, 555x414, Theodore_Kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern leftish philosophers tend to dismiss reason, science, objective reality and to insist that everything is culturally relative. It is true that one can ask serious questions about the foundations of scientific knowledge and about how, if at all, the concept of objective reality can be defined. But it is obvious that modern leftish philosophers are not simply cool-headed logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge. They are deeply involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality. They attack these concepts because of their own psychological needs. For one thing, their attack is an outlet for hostility, and, to the extent that it is successful, it satisfies the drive for power. More importantly, the leftist hates science and rationality because they classify certain beliefs as true (i.e., successful, superior) and other beliefs as false (i.e., failed, inferior). The leftist’s feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the rejection by many leftists of the concept of mental illness and of the utility of IQ tests. Leftists are antagonistic to genetic explanations of human abilities or behavior because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to others. Leftists prefer to give society the credit or blame for an individual’s ability or lack of it. Thus if a person is “inferior” it is not his fault, but society’s, because he has not been brought up properly.

>> No.10117786

IQ is everything

If you're low IQ, you're fucked to misery.
IQ is synonymous with bodily health.

>> No.10117996

IQ is the far right equivalent of "muh dick"

>> No.10118065

no, you retard. IQ posting has been in existence since I came to sci in 2012. it's tiresome and people who do it are kids who have not made contributions to science.

t. phd in med school

>> No.10120092

Because even though high IQ doesnt mean youre a genius it does mean that youre better at certain tasks than average people

>> No.10121069

How will a high IQ help you to reduce the flames in your living room when a vulcano erupts in your backyard? Checkmate.

>> No.10121772

IQlet identified

>> No.10121776

Nice try. We all know you are just attacking IQ because IQ score is clustered around ethnically similar groups.

>> No.10123110

OP is an FAGOT, clearlly low IQ who cares what fameous cosmolgists say??

t. 156 IQ

>> No.10123695

its like talking to a fat fuck who stuffs his face with burgers and fried food, and says he's naturally fat because of genetics.
it gives them an excuse to cover up their insecurities as a person.

>> No.10124011


Psychometricians generally regard IQ tests as having high statistical reliability. Clinical psychologists generally regard IQ scores as having sufficient statistical validity for many clinical purposes. In a survey of 661 randomly sampled psychologists & educational researchers, published in 1988, Mark Snyderman & Stanley Rothman reported a general consensus supporting the validity of IQ testing. Generally, scholars w/ any expertise in the area of intelligence & intelligence testing share a common idea of the most important components of intelligence, & are convinced that it can be measured w/ some degree of accuracy. Almost all respondents picked the ability to acquire knowledge, ability to solve problems, & abstract reasoning as the most important elements.

>> No.10124019

seeking happines in this eternal suffering lmao

>> No.10124022


>> No.10124097

Because 4chan trolls play on the insecurity of its audience. /fit/ trolls with gyno, /gif/ with dicksize, /ic/ with talent, and /sci/ uses IQ.

>> No.10124171

honestly this, same thing with everyone on this site calling each other virgins

>> No.10124189
File: 606 KB, 1416x1600, b2q6yc8u8mq01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


same as they like to brag about how much they lift in the gym
>wow that's great you can lift so much, can you help me with moving my stuff?

>> No.10124191

>OP is an FAGOT


>> No.10124197

Expanding that image startled me. It's face-like pattern creeps me out.

>> No.10125316

Because jealous brainlets like you get triggered by it.

>> No.10125323

>primate face
If you think that looks like a primate face, I have some bad news, anon

>> No.10125324

read the entire post. It's ironic humour.

>> No.10125361

ITT: triggered brainlets

>> No.10126043

This is like a guy with a 2 foot horsecock telling you that size doesn't matter.

>> No.10126082

Because studies show that IQ correlates strongly with life success on a personal level, and stable Civilization on a much larger level. IQ isn't quite the end-all be-all that people make it out to be, but it is a strong indicator of future successes.

>> No.10126176

Money is the measure of intelligence.

>> No.10127567

bump, simply because >>10109218 is still going

bunch of closeted retards still shitposting their fake IQs to make themselves feel better and get keks from triggering noobs

>> No.10127721

Well, ok. IQ is not by hardly any means a measure of intelligence. Examples:>>10126176
What else?

>> No.10127841

Dick size gotta count for something

>> No.10127856 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 1416x896, TRINITY___Faces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helene, pic related, was always so proud that she qualified for Mensa. It probably made her feel superior. Pic related, it's two Biblical figures: the King of Babylon and the Whore of Babylon, the word Bible itself being a derivative of the word Babylon.

Look what you did with that high IQ Helene. What did it do for you?

>> No.10127877

Wa choo talk'n bout?

>> No.10127880 [DELETED] 

Helene is evil.

>> No.10127882

Correct. 1 extra cm = 5 extra IQ points.

>> No.10127890

I'm starting to like the metric system

>> No.10127897

Is this about Enki? High IQ with misdirection forges new paths.

>> No.10127910
File: 255 KB, 684x325, HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sci without all those god damned IQ posters

>> No.10127911

Hey. The gifted students are kicking our asses. Speaking of which, I have a little story. Well, its a boring story. I was once trying to avoid physical confrontation and was not delicate enough in expressing that fighting was stupid. He broke my nose and said, "Seems pretty smart to me!" He was right.

>> No.10127919

lol ok go bang your head against a wall till you "possess great acumen" then
teach a sub 90 iq goblino how to put ink into a printer with your new god given wisdom too while youre at it

>> No.10127926

You will never pass law school with a sub 120 IQ. FACT!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.10127935

That was mean to everyone. Good job.

>> No.10127937

How do we end up with black and Mexican lawyers?

>> No.10128073

You dumbass aren't keeping up with the "gifted student 140+ thread.

>> No.10128181

Hawking knew nothing outside of his field of expertise. Any non-physics shit he said was just so embarrassing.

>> No.10128418

>Accomplishments. The first impression you get from knowing someone's degree is pretty irrelevant to judging someone's intelligence.
A degree in a demanding field obtained from a re spectable university fits the definition of "achievement" perfectly well, you disingenuous brainlet. I take it you´re not aware of the fact that the whites and asians (who don´t benefit from affirmative action) attending engineering at MIT, CalTech or any other highly respected instution got there by almost pure merit - they simply don´t admit people (of caucasian or asian ethnicity, at least) with a low SAT-score, e.g. with low IQ.

>> No.10128651

because it correlates with everything

>> No.10128958

Is anyone been spouting their IQ in real life? I heard a friends IQ once and it was pion request of another friend. Who ever brags about IQ would be a loser.

>> No.10129198
File: 35 KB, 426x341, 1532672349578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10131019


>> No.10131025

Fuck dat nigga, he ain't even can walk.

>> No.10131031

This. Please make it happen.

>> No.10131291


I guess I'm the only one that thinks it looks like a dick and balls

>> No.10131302


The word 'bible' is derived from the Greek 'biblos' meaning book. You dumb fuck.

>> No.10131401

Yes please

>> No.10131470
File: 464 KB, 499x499, IMG_3688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these low IQ tards mad at us 130+ IQ chads ITT

>> No.10131688

Its a fallacy to think that because there is positive discrimination in favour of blacks that those black students dont have a high enough iq. Those places are incredibly competitive and plenty of people with high iq probably get rejected... But still probably get accepted to some other top school.
Its a myth that affirmative action means lesser people get admitted to whatever job or institution is using it.

>> No.10131712

>Why do people love to prattle on about the meme of IQ?

Because it correlates strongly with educational achievement and income, more so than almost any other characteristic. Intelligence matters and IQ is a pretty good proxy.

>> No.10131901


Notice how he uses the word 'boast'.

There is nothing wrong with having a high IQ nor is it something not to be admired.

>> No.10133189

No, IQ matters and perceived "intelligence" is a good proxy.

>> No.10133196

Well he's not wrong, your IQ does change. It goes down the older you get.

>> No.10133239
File: 140 KB, 800x600, buckeye_1158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm not the only one that gets freaked out by this stuff?
It's uncanny.

>> No.10133240

Which IQ test should i take to accurately measure my IQ? Thinking about doing one soon. They cost money right?

>> No.10133686

if you don't believe in IQ just find a 70 IQ kid and a 140 IQ kid, put them both in a college electromagnetic class and let's see who scores the highest on the exam.