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10114440 No.10114440 [Reply] [Original]

put a really long space elevator or whatever on a really fast spinning planet and boom you have a speed faster than light.

obviously won't happen now, maybe never will bcz physics, but it's a way of traveling faster than light


>> No.10114442
File: 417 KB, 888x1011, DA2ABE54-905A-4802-ABAE-AA427A063F96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts image of a yo-yo in action
What did OP mean by this

>> No.10114450

forgot to explain, but basically its a lot faster at the end of the ¨line¨ than it is at the ground of the planet since it has a bigger circumference to over you know

>> No.10114476

Another scenario.
have a very long spaceship travel at 99.99999% the speed of light
get in your supersonic intraship vehicle and accelerate to 99.9999% the speed of light in the direction of flight.
you're now travelling faster than light

>> No.10114481

Are you pretending to not know anything about relativity for a gag?

>> No.10114485

>the ship would deform and become immensely long in order for to not break this """law"""
if only you had evidence of such nonsense

>> No.10114497

really clever idea
maybe go to nasa with this? it's gotta be big

>> No.10114498

ye no, that's not really interesting because you don't know how to accelerate to that kind of speed.

Thanks for your participation tho

>> No.10114503


>> No.10114508

I think deflection in solid materials is pretty well understood.

>> No.10114509

>what is reference frame

>> No.10114512

Not sure if you're serious.

Did the maths on it, the idea would atleast not work on earth since the space elevator would have to be abnormaly long, 25902068400 km if my calculations are correct.

We will have to fin d aplanet with a really fast rotation speed, which is really big hurlde to overcome itself.

>> No.10114517

Now do the math on the tensile stresses on the elevator. It will break before you hit any appreciable speed.

>> No.10114534


>> No.10114540

Its space and nanographene could make it possible.

Point of the idea was kind of to state that it is possible to travel faster than light.

>> No.10114551

in that case, rigid motion occurs from the transfer of kinetic energy through a medium (the molecules that make up the rigid object)

you'll probably be familiar with the limit on that transfer as the speed of sound, which im sure you know is slower than the speed of light
not only will it not exceed the speed of light, it won't even get remotely close

>> No.10114554

Yeah and so could a flux capacitor but last time I checked we haven't made either.

>> No.10114556
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Could use strings attached to the planet if it's a problem.

>> No.10114584

Hence the do the math part. You can't get enough strings and reach out those would break on their own as well.

Think anon...

>> No.10114591

Learn to read anon, the purpose of my idea was not to present a fully functional system, but an idea. Nothing more.


>> No.10114682

When you rotate a frame, the geometry becomes non-Euclidean. In other words, the ratio between the circumference of a circle and its radius is no longer pi. Hard to wrap your head around. In this manner, a rotating rigid body, despite its size, can not have a point at any radius away from its center move at any speed faster than the speed of light: the faster you spin it, the more spacetime will warp to counteract the spin. This is all assuming that the body is indestructible.

>> No.10114703

1. stand outside in daytime
2. look at hand

The particles of light FROM the sun are moving FTL relative to the particles of light bouncing off your hand. Einstein is a douchebag


>> No.10114711

Light is traveling faster too, if you have different observer.

>> No.10114728

Did you read The Elegant Universe too?

>> No.10114737


So you're basically saying that it's impossible?

Why not move a little bit slower than the speed of light? Then if you really want to, you can use a space sail(/solar sail) to reach the speed of light?

>> No.10114751

>Then if you really want to
not how physics works.

>> No.10114800

ur a dick, it would work

explain why it wouldn't

>> No.10114901

>Spoonfeed me
Open a textbook

>> No.10114917

>the fundamental laws of physics are dependent on the current state of human technology
The state of this brainlet

>> No.10114921

Who're you quoting, retard?

>> No.10114928

you retard
you need a drawing retard

>> No.10114932
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>> No.10115300

since OP is being a brainlet lwet me explain in simple terms.

If it takes an infinite amount of energy to accelerate to the speed of light, it requires infinite rotational energy to do the same thing. every bit of energy slows the rotation.

>> No.10115338


>> No.10115351

no should I?
no it's not possible.
People are being unkind to you because you come across as someone who read maybe a paragraph on special relativity and then made this thread without spending even the tiniest amount of time doing the math and seeing if the idea would work.

>> No.10115355

You came to the correct conclusion, but you missed all the interesting parts about the paradox. Look up "Ehrenfest paradox"