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10113244 No.10113244 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck happened to college students?
The data only goes to 2016 but I'd wager it's even worse now with Trump in office.

>> No.10113249

it became trendy to have mental problems
plus the question is clearly from self-diagnosis, not actual clinical diagnoses

>> No.10113253
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>> No.10113256
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coincident also with the boom in transgenderism

>> No.10113257

im depressed

>> No.10113260

Sensitive attention-whores with daddy issues.

>> No.10113261

>National Survey on Drug Use and Health
not clinical diagnoses
mental problems are trendy

>> No.10113270

>lmao im soooooo depressed yeah ill check yes to that question :^(((

>> No.10113275

We have created a schizogenic and depressive anxiogenic environment, we are experiencing the tail end of a disgustingly dysgenic breeding period involving boomers and gen x, the media actively promotes psychotically destabilizing media, people are put on psychotropics at a young age that case permanent mental illnesses, mutational load is beginning to mount. All of these will cause people to become mentally ill. There's another element at play, which is likely overdiagnosis of these disorders but I doubt it outweighs actual increase in psychopathology.

>> No.10113300

>I'd wager
there is no wagering at 4chan, Grandpa

>> No.10114091

Remember when it used to be cool to go to school and complain how little sleep you got while getting good grades? It pretty much just evolved from "Wow, you only slept 3 hours but got an A?" to "I have insomnia and depression and never want to do anything but somehow I managed to get top marks, wooow"

>> No.10114094

Women have always been craycray

>> No.10114113

Victim culture, no clear end goals, attention seeking behavior, feminism, and le bad orange man have created unbelievable cry babies. I can not believe we are now calling “anxiety and depression” a mental problem. What a crock of shit. These kids are so fucking weak it’s pathetic.

>> No.10114130

Who knows? Smart phones and social media could have something to do with it I feel like. While they have benefits, I think like society has become much shittier becuase of those.

>> No.10114717

says the person who has never had serious anxiety and/or depression issues.

>> No.10114720

kids these days are actually going way harder than you lazy boomers

>> No.10115438

Social media.

>> No.10116983

You don’t have to have them to conjecture the cause dipshit

>> No.10116999

People become more aware and talking about their problems more

>> No.10117026

Munchausen syndrome
Everybody is a special snowflake and wants to be pitied and attention, so they convince themselves they have some obscure psychological disorder.
i have a friend who literally pretended to have an OCD where he couldn't refrain himself from saying the number three after he heard the number two (he would claim this would also happen subconsciously) after he started watching the bing bong thearry (i assume the lead autist on that show also had some kind of retarded compulsive behavior and he was trying to emulate him)
anyways few years went by and bazinga stopped being relevant in favor other pop garbage and he simply forgot about this peculiar behavior.
props to him for being so dedicated in keeping up with this crap

>> No.10118265
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Read Industrial Society And Its Future

>> No.10118287

what is going on with the female rates, 10% growth in 4 years wtf??

>> No.10118289

This exactly kind of idea cause the problems it proposes to solve.

>> No.10118295

((They)) are using women and edamames to pass their bullshit more. Even if Trump is their friend, in the end, he is a thread regardless.

>> No.10118336

You are a faggot. Do not speak again. You have shit where your brains should be and in your colon an erect penis ejaculating.

>> No.10118349
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They should call OP chart: "Female students 2.5x more likely than male student to speak to malpracticing psych workers that never let anyone out of their office without a diagnosis."

Where is the chart: "Percentage of people who consult with psych workers that get a clean bill of health?" I think this chart would be a flat line down at zero.

>> No.10118357
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>> No.10118361


The upper class is becoming more and more morally corrupt and its children (who attend college to gain official membership in its ranks) are becoming lost in the wilderness of ideology, drugs/alcohol, loveless sex, meaningless friendships, and intense societal expectations that the undergraduate university experience have become.

College is Hell unless you're inoculated against it beforehand. The worst thing is that kids are still arriving expecting it to be a paradise.

>> No.10118419

>that y-axis
The increase is much less steep than the graph makes it appear

>> No.10118475

/r9k/ BTFO and BTFO
social media made women compare themself qith stacy from multimillonary family travel around world.

>> No.10118633

Yes you do. Kill yourself

>> No.10118979

>it's just the graph guys, not a big increase

>> No.10119050

There has always been a gap between diagnoses and true prevalence of mental problems. We are just seeing that gap finally begin to shrink. As to why men have lower reported mental problems than women, I suspect that has a lot to do with social pressures on males to avoid displays of emotion or weakness.

>> No.10119060

just for the record I have no mental health issues no matter what you say or think

>> No.10119074

Nice try, Ted, but you're online and not innawoods like you should be.

>> No.10119253

They started getting honest. Also pharmacorp needs to make money.

>> No.10119269

college attracts leftwingers (snowflakes)

>> No.10120172

are you retarded?

>> No.10120237


So anyone know if there's data from something like the American Psychiatric Association or similar on actually diagnoses?

>> No.10120299

What's your problem.

>> No.10120304

Tumblr became popular in 2012

>> No.10120331

We are no fucking where near the tail end of dysgenic

Average iqs are dropping 5 or more points a decade in every western country