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File: 92 KB, 1280x720, MV5BMzZmNTk3YWYtYTFiMy00NTc3LThmNmEtOTA1NGY4NDNjNDQ3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDkwMDUyMzM@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10111972 No.10111972 [Reply] [Original]

Apparently we'll be able to use gene editing to be pretty.

>mfw everyone's 10/10 and nobody is at a disadvantage
>mfw only economic status and personality will matter.
>mfw it's in the no so distant future
>feelsgoodmane. Jpg


>> No.10112022

But will you be able to reap its benefits?

>> No.10112024

And what makes you think '''they''' will give your worthless ass access to the technology?

>> No.10112026

All you need is money
Even if the jesuits or bogdanoffs ruled the world they wouldn't give a shit about someone prettying themselves up, immortality or hyperintelligence is what they might lock down

>> No.10112036

96% of humans are immune to crispr

>> No.10112040

> mfw it's in the no so distant future

you'll be dead before they're able to do this on adults, I guarantee you. Its not even a case of "they will do this eventually" its actually a case of "is this even possible?"

editing genes in the germ line is one thing, doing it on a fully grown human that has been shaped not only by genetic information but by the very ENVIRONMENT is another thing.

this is a similar boat to anti-aging nonsense - great we can lengthen the telomeres. Okay but how to you reverse 50+ years of oxidative stress and dna damage? Can you even?

>> No.10112047

Yes. If you can think about it, it is possible, given enough resources. Dualism is a meme, there is no difference between what you can think and what you can observe. Im 100% percent sure we could turn into a gigantic flying blob of shit and atomical asmergy. Hint: Asmergy is a unimaginable (not really since you can imagine the unimaginable too), never ending fart.

>> No.10112063

Your brain is a never ending fart

>> No.10112068

Immortality is what would finally give us the economic reason to go to space. Immortality pensions will be dangled over the middle class to increase their economic output. It's gonna be a helluva ride boys.

>> No.10112090


>> No.10112095

Why wouldn't I?

All I want to do is be Better looking

>> No.10112099


Don't panic baby


>> No.10112163

Gon be fun

>> No.10112379

>its actually a case of "is this even possible?"
not really
bioprinting is the name of the game, you don't just inject cells into the body and let them magically make the person handsome (doesn't even work because growth has already stopped), you grow skin, bones or muscle with matching immune profile and use ultra-regenerative cells or whatever treatment to make them heal up like new when implanted into the patient

>> No.10112382

>>mfw only economic status and personality will matter.
I don't want this. I'm extremely autistic and the only reason I'm not a virgin is that I'm an 8/10.

>> No.10112409

So it's possible.

The nigga that said it isn't, can eat a dick

>> No.10112413

U can make urself more intelligent, just not richer or have better status

>> No.10112421

Well you know making a million dollars is easier than getting a gf.

>> No.10112433

yeah, I mean that it's not really a case of "is it possible"
like we know we can get somewhere with bioprinting, all we really need to so is to print good skin and good bones that we can meld to the face and that's like 90% of facial looks. In some people the bone structure is very warped from ideal though, so it might require a very comprehensive surgery.

>> No.10112456

Will never happen
Rich people will be 10/10
Poor will be hideous goblins

>> No.10112459

>to increase their economic output
Automation will make human labor obsolete.

>> No.10112466

So do you lot actually think technology is going to save you?
I bet you pseuds think your "revelation" is just around the corner lol

>> No.10112468

No it won't
Machines are just tools, a robot won't replace the Human anymore than the oxen or horse did
They will simply change the nature of labour

>> No.10112469

>tfw it will probably only be used on embryos
>tfw it probably won't work on adult humans

Because you're already made of trillions of adult cells that would likely have an immune reaction to CRISPR

>> No.10112472

Save me?

From what?

>> No.10112475

So just engineer a virus that will work on all the cells at the same time and doesn't make the immune system have a reaction

>> No.10112478

From the tediously dull life of a faceless toildrone

>> No.10112479
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Your brain isn't magic. Whatever mental labor you would do, an AI will probably eventually do better.

>> No.10112482

IF genuine AI is even possible, which is doubtful as-is, there is no guarantee (or even high likelihood) that it would become some enlightened intelligence.
Being created by man it would merely be a reflection of man and this little more than yet another step in the endless blind march of evolution.

>> No.10112484

I actually look pretty good, Aside from my shitty underdevoloped jaw bones

>> No.10112492

Doesn't mean all of our lives aren't tedious facsimiles of authentic human existence
The only future for humanity as it exists now is to be relegated back to the state of animals in a kind of "game preserve" here on earth while our successors move beyond us

>> No.10112495

Take your meds, depressed fag

>> No.10112502

>IF genuine AI is even possible, which is doubtful as-is
We know human brains exist, so there can't be any laws of physics preventing human level intelligences from existing. Are you saying that there are things that can exist, but are somehow impossible to understand or engineer?
>there is no guarantee (or even high likelihood) that it would become some enlightened intelligence.
An AI doesn't need to be "enlightened" in order to take your job. It just needs to be better than humans at some economic task. There are already AIs that can preform intellectual and creative tasks like writing music, proving mathematical theorems, doing scientific research, etc. What sorts of things do you think are impossible to automate?

>> No.10112511

Civilization is an aberration, its arrogant for us to assume a mere few decades can alter our course, or even a mere few millennia in the face of millions of years
People look in awe at how vast the cosmos is, I look in terror at how minisqule we are and how uncaring everything is.
When the terror and pain is over none shall remain
aliens don't exist because life in general is a complete fluke and civilization even more so. And remember that the greatest success story in animal evolution isn't Man but the trilobite, and they've been gone for eons due just to rotten luck

>> No.10112547

>. There are already AIs that can preform intellectual and creative tasks like writing music, proving mathematical theorems, doing scientific research, etc. What sorts of things do you think are impossible to automate?

Link me some examples

>> No.10112552

>its arrogant for us to assume a mere few decades can alter our course, or even a mere few millennia in the face of millions of years
But it can. Imagine if when life had first formed on earth, a volcano erupted and buried it in lava, killing all life on earth. Earth would most likely be a barren planet today.

>> No.10112557


>> No.10112571

sounds interesting

>> No.10113144

Why are his abs crooked?

>> No.10113629

>>mfw only economic status and personality will matter.
As if personality traits won't be engineered. What is a domestic dog?

>> No.10113633

a childish wolf
there was a russian experiment that supposedly domesticated foxes and after a few generations the adults foxes kept child traits like droopy ears and shit.

>> No.10113644

Did you even read the article you posted?
self awareness is probably the most scarce of traits at this point
We’re not building a bridge its not simple at all. It may be impossible.
Drugs and normal muscular asymmetry

>> No.10114507

We thought going to the moon is impossible

>> No.10115212


>> No.10115235

Genetics barely matter for aesthetics.

>> No.10115534

This experiment was one that selectively bred foxes who were less skiddish around people. "The ears became floppy, the skulls changed, and the coats changed. It's called domestication syndrome, and it is wild."

From the YouTube video: "we met the world's first domesticated fox" 9:56s long.

>> No.10117271

is that a fucking imvu character?

>> No.10119311

Nah dats jeff seid

>> No.10119818

If you think the people that will own this development are going to use it to make everybody happy, you're fucking retarded. If it gets to the point that they can use it on adults, it'll be used to turn you into an obedient, simple workhorse, not Jeff Seid.

>> No.10119936

>hurrr ids a gonsiprinancay
yes yes we all know how medical science has been stagnant for the last 100 years because the jews kept all the good shit to themselves

can't let the proles have the world-shattering powers of looking good after all


>> No.10120169

Using your logic, why would rich people want ugly slaves.

They would want their slaves to be genetic 10/10s too

>> No.10120174

I only trust the Japanese with this technology.

America would only want super soldiers.

Japan would give us Elves, Cat Girls, Monster Girls, etc

>> No.10120501

But death anon, death

>> No.10120613

I will make a race of amazons and small men it will be so hot

>> No.10120637

To the bacterial delivery vector.

>> No.10120640
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I would rather replace my flesh with synthetics.

>> No.10121038

You have too little respect for the flesh. A single of your cells is more complex than your computer, we don't even understand everything that's going on in one of them. And it's a network of trillions of cells, and you think some fucking electronics, plastic skin and bones and artificial muscle fibers will come near them within your lifetime? Get real.

>> No.10121048

>Are you saying that there are things that can exist, but are somehow impossible to understand or engineer?
yes, brainlet.

>> No.10121111
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>wont cure manletism

>> No.10121122

Its a hell of a lot simpler.

Without AI, this is all a pipe dream.

>> No.10121775

None of that is AI you fucking brainlet, that is all algorithmic computing.

And no, the brain is not the same you fucking faggot.

>> No.10121784

but no one will ever love you OP cuz you a genecuck

>> No.10121822

im afraid sjws and christcucks wont allow it

>> No.10122518

Reopen the growth plates

>> No.10122522

My genes are overall pretty good, but why be a 7.5/10 when u can be a 10/10?

>> No.10123131

Dont have too. Organics function on a "just good enough" design. Lots of evolutionary dead weight and inefficiency.

>> No.10123175

96% of humans are immune to crispr editing anyways.

Pointless endeavor.

>> No.10123180
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why would you want to? we should straight up reverse the dimorphism of the species.

>> No.10123208

Just need a new vector.

>> No.10123259
File: 24 KB, 500x500, 1539270872929.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres hoping

>> No.10123397

>unironically linking Humans Need Not Apply
I like Grey, but that video is flawed in so many ways.

>> No.10123716

Please chill


>> No.10123718

Can you please explain why it's flawed?