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1011031 No.1011031 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone think of a hypothetical reason on why everything exists and how it was created? Or is it beyond human ability to even imagine something like this.
Current explanations are basically.
1. Big Bang made everything (scientific)
Problem: What caused the Big Bang? What was before the Big Bang?

2. God made it. (religious)
Problem: Who made God?

3. We are in a virtual reality.
Problem: How does the virtual reality exist?

This is all speculative ofcourse, but can anyone think of a way to explain everything without these type of problems?

>> No.1011050 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1011055

>Problem: What caused the Big Bang?

Last I heard it was universes colliding.

>> No.1011069 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1011083 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1011092

Virtual reality and God is basically the same thing ain't it? We are here at someone's will? I don't see the point in even considering this. All questions regarding us can then be transferred to them and so on, endlessly. I feel this suggests that there is no top being.
Example: "Why are we here?" "God!" "Why is God here?"
I propose that any answer to that question can also be applied to us. Making God a good helper function to find our purpose.
I don't want to argue religion but rather this specific point of the argument.

>> No.1011106 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1011142

Alan Watts:

"There was never a time when the world began, because it goes round and round like a circle, and there is no place on a circle where it begins.
"In the same way, there are times when the world is, and times when it isn't, for if the world went on and on without rest for ever and ever, it would get horribly tired of itself. It comes and it goes. Now you see it; now you don't.
"God also likes to play hide-and-seek, but because there is nothing outside God, he has no one but himself to play with. But he gets over this difficulty by pretending that he is not himself. This is his way of hiding from himself. He pretends that he is you and I and all the people in the world, all the animals, all the plants, all the rocks, and all the stars. In this way he has strange and wonderful adventures, some of which are terrible and frightening. But these are just like bad dreams, for when he wakes up they will disappear.
This story, obviously mythical in form, is not given as a scientific description of the way things are. Based on the analogies of games and the drama, and using that much worn-out word "God" for the Player, the story claims only to be like the way things are. I use it just as astronomers use the image of inflating a black balloon with white spots on it for the galaxies, to explain the expanding universe.

>> No.1011159 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1011168

>what was before the big bang

You don't understand physics. Go away.

>> No.1011172

God made the big bang, but no one made God... He is ever lasting and eternal.

God made the universe is the only answer there can be

>> No.1011179

>What caused the Big Bang? What was before the Big Bang?

That's like asking what's south of the south pole. The singularity combined everything, space and time. There was no "before the big bang" because time didn't exist until the expansion.

>> No.1011184

what caused the singularity?

>> No.1011199

There is before the big bang, its just not measured in time. Time is an invention of humans btw.

>> No.1011200
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Foolish OP, it's turtles all the way down

>> No.1011202


The concept of infinity.

>> No.1011210

infinity implies infinite, but infinity itself did not exist infinitely seeing as there was a Big Bang. So therefore there was a long period of whatever then the Big Bang.

>> No.1011217

True, but to our understanding the only way to measure before or after is with time. Before, by definition, requires time. If you're going to talk about before the big bang you can't even really use the word "before." It's so over our heads that it's really pointless to even discuss.

>> No.1011218

> 1. Big Bang made everything (scientific)
> Problem: What caused the Big Bang? What was before the Big Bang?
For the big bang, being caused and having always existed are the same thing. The Big Bang has the properties we should expect of a black hole, only inverted. Or as some have said, a white hole. The visible dark region of a black hole expands to fill the sky as you approach it. Your image dims and slows. It is a region which the speed of light is insufficient to escape. Viewed from the inside, the event horizon is a boundary the speed of light is insufficient to approach. Closeness to it makes it be brighter and your time accelerate. The first instant of the big bang, as we think of it, would be for the big bang itself an infinite amount of time. So it both always was from its perspective, and was created in ours. There is no contradiction here, as this mimics in exact inversion how images decay as they fall into a black hole.

>> No.1011222

you need to let go of foolish notions like "before" and "time" these are human inventions, they're useful for measuring and keeping track of things but cannot be applied to abstract concepts like the universe and creation, there was no "before the big bang" because "before" doesn't really exist.

>> No.1011230

You're still assuming there was time before the big bang. You're trying to measure shit before time was invented.

>> No.1011236

We are in a virtual reality where reality was made by the Big Bang. The virtual reality itself doesn't really exist, so there is not any "how" to respond because logic only can be applied to "our" reality not to the virtual reality itself.

>> No.1011251

if there was a Big Bang, does it imply a Big Crush some day?

>> No.1011257


maybe the dude's trying to say "something (big bang) came from nothing"

how so?

>> No.1011279

Does the universe really have a net energy value of 0?

>> No.1011283

Well, that would be incorrect, as the singularity is definitely something. How it got there, we're not sure. It's kind of difficult to go back and see what happened caused it to be there because (like it's been said) there was no before the big bang. It's hard to wrap our heads around that. We want to think that there had to be something before it or there was an infinite amount of time before it, but that's just not accurate. There was nothing. Did it always exist? Probably not, and the best answer we can say is "we don't know." Will we know eventually? Probably. Will we know within our lifetime? Maybe, maybe not.

>> No.1011298

Which brings us to the clear distinction between Science and Religion. There is no religion which will say 'we don't know'.

>> No.1011299


so basically... God?

>> No.1011316

If by god you mean the universe then probably...

If by god you mean an all powerful entity with a convenient showing of human emotions then probably not...

>> No.1011321

Maybe, maybe not. God is a really convenient answer, isn't it. But the truth isn't always that easy. It was really easy to say "God makes it snow" when we didn't know what caused snow. But now we know how freezing and crystallization works, so God isn't needed. It was easy to say "God created all the animals" when we didn't know how to explain the diversity of life. But evolution and abiogensis don't require God. To need God to explain the origin of the singularity would be really convenient, but not necessary quite yet. Who knows what we'll discover in the next 100 years.

>> No.1011344

>>Or is it beyond human ability to even imagine something like this

Yes. For now it is.