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10109416 No.10109416 [Reply] [Original]

You are scientifically illiterate if you don't believe climate change is a threat to life on this planet.

>> No.10109419

>You are scientifically illiterate if you don't believe climate change is a threat to life on this planet.
but climate change is pseudoscience

>> No.10109423

>b-but i deny science

>> No.10109427


>> No.10109432

>muh planet

I don't care. I'll been dead before things get really bad anyway.

>> No.10109434

yeah, fuck the future. massive tax cut financed by deficit spending NAO

>> No.10109435

How is it pseudoscience?

>> No.10109436

I don't think it's a threat to life, life....finds a way.

But it is a threat to real estate and infrastructure and we could be budgeting and planning for it NOW before it becomes a big hassle later but we WON'T. Ugh.

>> No.10109437

Life is astonishingly resilient. Climate change, even under a worst-case scenario, would have no chance at all of being an existential threat to life. There is life wedged into the rocks a mile down, there is life around the deep-sea vents-- what does climate matter to those guys?

>> No.10109447

The earth is in a warming cycle right now. To assume humans could actually impact this massive planet is ridiculous. No species could ever alter the earth on such a scale that's up to God.

>> No.10109454

Predictions have always been 30-50 years. It's difficult to determine when conditions will actually get bad due to the unpredictability associated with the equations. However, the solutions to the ECWMF PDEs approach chaos behavior as global temperatures rise. The climate won't change much until we reach that point.

>> No.10109504

The biggest threat to infrastructure is stagnation. If only there was some event that would spur everybody to move somewhere else all at once.

>> No.10109518

You are scientifically illiterate if you don't believe manmade non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation is a threat to life on this planet.

>> No.10109566


>> No.10109582

Congratulations. You can look up videos instead of arguing your own opinions.

>> No.10109645

>ITT: /pol/ roleplays as its opposition

please fuck all the way off

>> No.10109754

How did you know I almost exclusively browse /pol/?

>> No.10109755

It is a threat to all modern forms of life that have existed in this geological age
This isn’t what the OP meant
You plan on being dead at 50-60 anon?

>> No.10109756

Just like my grandmother. No free rides, selfish dissociative broad.

>> No.10109771

Everything is a threat to life. That's why they call it that. Warmers are cool aid drinking brainwashed peeps who can't think for themselves. All you can do is your part. Life will be here long after we are gone and one day the sun will explode or something. The OP is literally illiterate for needing other posters to clarify what he/she "ment" to say. Is there ever any good ideas? Or are there just more things to make and dopes to sell them to.

>> No.10109781

"If you believe the Copenhagen interpretation, you're a science nigger" -t Erwin "A Dead Cat in every Box" Schrödinger

>> No.10109825

don't take the bait

>> No.10109859

Missiles flying into the sky and exploding up just as high might set some proportions to a dangle if you know what i mean. How many bricks can you shit, I meam.

>> No.10109935

>you are [thing] illiterate if you don't believe in what I believe

>> No.10109949

i support threats to this planet

>> No.10109954

life has always adapted to climate changes

>> No.10109978


>life on the planet
>implying that human lives are the only lives that matter on the planet

epsilon/10 made me reply

but probably not even humans will go extinct
but it will be a mr bone's wild ride through and through

>> No.10109987
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I'm a brainlet on this subject, so could someone answer this question for me, please? How are papers on climate change peer-reviewed? Are there different methods used to measure things like temperature at a certain place or something?
Legit question.

>> No.10109995
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>This isn’t what the OP meant

>re-frame the argument

What a gay thread. Life and humanity will adapt. Always have. Quit listening to unemployable environmental science students.

>> No.10110002
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Everything's a threat to life on this planet. The biggest threat to life on this planet is other life on this planet. Don't be a pussy. If you can't hack it you were a shitty Earthling and deserve extinction. Get ate motherfucker.

>> No.10110518

Survival of society is not really killed with high temps, but with dry fields.

Focusing on temperature is bullshit, you should focus about land's fertility.

>> No.10110541

I just read that 60% of the wildlife on the planet has disappeared since 1970

Oh, we're doing great huh?

There (WAS) a Kelp forest off the coast of California. All gone now. It stretched over thousands of square km.

>> No.10110547

If you believe in man-made global warming you are a pop sci npc asking to be ignored.

>> No.10110671

It's a threat to HUMAN life.

>> No.10110682

Is it not more just a threat to a WAY of life? I don't know about every area but, Would hunter gathering be a consideration? (Actual question guys.) I see black berries enough to feed my whole county growing like weeds all over and nobody's using them. How long would a whale last as food?. Ever been in a window seat? There is a lot of room left out there.

>> No.10110691

>implying climate "science" isn't just a SJW echochamber

>> No.10110700

Why the bullcrap?

>> No.10110729
File: 29 KB, 660x574, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the people who think climate change is a threat to humans are the same people who believe we can have a base on mars in this century or that we will be able to create a real AI

really gets the noggin jogging how people are able to over and underrate humanity so much at the same time

>> No.10110889

You are a literal retard.

>> No.10110907

boomers still think microwave ovens cause chemical reactions with their food and that most people only use 10% of the brains. but call them scientifically illiterate and they'll fucking rage at you

do you really think these people can grasp high school chemistry or physics

>> No.10110922

Why all the ageism on 4chan? Most boomers are dead anyhow. You think people with more experience than you are retarded. Hawking was a boomer. You weaken your own arguments by acting like troglodytes.

>> No.10111995

dead in 15 years?

>> No.10112412

Ocean currents will change as the Arctic and Antarctic melt. When the currents change, the climate will change substantially.

>> No.10112444

>How are papers on climate change peer-reviewed?
They are submitted to journals and reviewed by other scientists. Same as any other field.

>Are there different methods used to measure things like temperature at a certain place or something?
There are different methods for measuring different things. Land surface temperatures are measured at weather stations using standardized thermometers. These standards or the placement of the thermometers or the time of observation sometimes change, meaning adjustments have to be made to the temperature record to account for these changes. Techniques are also used to identify and remove extreme outliers due to mistakes and to ensure that the data reach a certain threshold of coverage/accuracy. Sea temperatures used to be measured by taking the temperature of buckets of water, then by measuring the temperature of water being taken in by engine rooms, and now with buoys. These changes in technique also require corrections in order to combine the data so that they are analogous. The temperature of the upper atmosphere is measured with weather balloons and satellites, which also have a host of issues that need to be corrected. The satellite record is the most corrected dataset as biases caused by inconsistent orbital patterns and issues with calibration of the instruments that detect infrared are frequently discovered.

>> No.10112454

>life and humanity will adapt
>therefore don't do anything to adapt
You sure are dumb. The current rate of warming is unprecedented in human history. Warming over the past hundred years had only occurred in the past over thousands of years. This is not enough time for the ecosystems we rely on to adapt without us suffering the consequences. We can mitigate that damage but only if you stop denying the problem exists amd allow us to do something about it.

>> No.10112499

>You are scientifically illiterate if you don't believe manmade non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation is a threat to life on this planet.
touche, t. telecomm nurd

>> No.10112503


To lay-people though, the argument seems convincing. Altho, lay-people are fucking retarded and believe almost anything.

>> No.10112556

>peer review
By who? There are predatory/fraudulent organizations that take payment to "peer review" and publish shitty, false papers.

>> No.10112575

If 95% of scientists agree that climate change is real, and most of the world has been cucked by left wing socialists supporting climate change existence, and most of the worlds wealth controlled by liberal companies, why hasn't anything been done?

Fucksticks like you would rather bitch about why people don't agree with you than actually doing something.

>> No.10112643

>This isn’t what the OP meant

I can't read OP's mind -- i just had to go by what he said. If he meant something else, he should have said something else.

>> No.10112710

exactly this, the question boils down like this you brainsore idiot sjw:

will the entire planet be inhospitable tomorrow, in one year, in ten years, in 100 years? if the answer is a resounding NO to all of those questions, then I'm sorry but NO ONE CARES, go home

>> No.10112748

Gee maybe because one of the biggest per capita polluters in the world is run by a retard who denies basic science and won't do anything about it? This is the definition of a circular argument: you deny it because nothing is being done about it and nothing is being done about it because you deny it.

>> No.10112752

>hurr when will a process which is already occurring begin
The planet is already less hospitable then it was at the beginning of the industrial revolution and is becoming less inhospitable as we rapidly warm the climate. Your question is nonsensical.

>> No.10112771

your brainlet is nonsensical anon, you're incapable of the extrapolative logical thought necessary to bring you to the conclusion that what you're saying, although nice and ethical, is not what will be

99% of humanity will not give a fuck about the environment unless it impacts them personally, such is human nature. the environment will continue to shift, natural or human provoked

in the end not much will change at all in the next 100 years, we'll get some more hurricane's, we'll have flooding, bread baskets might tilt, and deserts might get more fruitful, maybe this maybe that, humanity will cope just fine

there are so many unknowns that making a stink about this NOW is non-sensical, TOO LATE, which is what you're claiming is not going to happen in the next 100-1000 years, so go away

>> No.10112782

Ever heard of ice age? Learn history, there were already many climate changes.
Wait, it's not global warming anymore?

>> No.10112795

>there are so many unknowns that making a stink about this NOW is non-sensical
It makes business sense for those invested in green energy. This doomsday bullshit is just marketing, a lot of it free marketing because "I fucking love science" types will preach the pseudo-science apocalypse for you.

>> No.10112798

Yep. Why can't these simpletons see it for what it is. They think that science and intelligence are "majority rules " more likely they are wrong if everyone agrees with them.

>> No.10112802

>The current rate of warming is unprecedented in human history.
weather's been comprehensively measured only in the past hundredish years of human history.
>... without us suffering the consequences
nigger you can't even define the consequences.

your fearmongering and threat game is weak soiboi

>> No.10112806

prove it

>> No.10112808
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i didn't expect that reaction, but I'LL TAKE IT :D

>> No.10112816

>Why can't these simpletons see it for what it is.
Because science has turned into a religion to them. If a mainstream "scientific" theory like anthropogenic climate change turns out to be false, then it's like their religion has been proven false even though so many so-called "scientists" said it was true.

>> No.10112837

Hell yes. I've said tha same thing myself. Would you agree that, if these zealots had some kind of a point (but they don't really): the single biggest thing that happened during modern times to fuck the way of nature was the building of the Panama Canal? Have you ever heard anyone bring that up? Oh, that makes too much money. Two completely different sides of the world swapping spit. I think industry is pulling the strings of the warmer puppets?

>> No.10112851

ever wondered WHY we would want a mars base?

>> No.10112869

How come climate "science" can forecast future climate by looking at temperature chart? It's like the stock echange forecasts future stock prizes...

>> No.10112871

>the single biggest thing that happened during modern times to fuck the way of nature was the building of the Panama Canal? Have you ever heard anyone bring that up?
That's never brought up. The funny thing is that these cultists never gave a shit about the environment before, they likely laughed at tree hugging hippies, but now their religion has commanded them to become pseudo-hippies themselves.
>I think industry is pulling the strings of the warmer puppets?
Definitely. For whatever reason, they want to move away from oil, and they've been pushing this for a while. They used to say we were running out of oil, which turned out to be bullshit. They have framed wars in Iraq etc as being oil wars, despite there being plenty of other motives. Oil carriers constantly still crash and spill oil every year, and the media always reports it (we've all seen seagulls covered in black goop). Gasoline prices constantly rise. Oil doesn't have great PR at all, and they do nothing to improve it, they don't even deny anthropogenic climate change is happening, and are invested in green energy themselves. I see no evidence to suggest that they are against this doomsday scam and are hoping to cash in on it.

>> No.10112899

yep, another great point, sjws go home - either open your mind and think, or GTFO

>> No.10112908

ITT: Why humanity does not deserve to survive.

>> No.10112941

humanity deservers to survive just fine, just like every species that came before us, and just like every species that comes after us, go home

>> No.10113053

One disadvantage the "deniers" have is that most of them (us) are brainwash resistant high IQ or Just street smart meat packers, press operators, truck drivers, army men, and so on. A lot of people are smart but lack the formal training to stand against those who were more fortunate. Any dumbass can go to college if they grow up under the right circumstances. Science is funded by politics which is funded by industry.

>> No.10113086

Immigration and keeping the turd world on life support have a huge impact on the environment. Earth First and the Sierra Club both knew this before they were infiltrated by urbanites. I hate to go /pol/ but that's one of the steps we as the west need to take. As for China and India, God help us

>> No.10113100

Well, we keep the third world on life support in order that they do not learn to complete with us.

>> No.10113258

99% of the world is scientifically illiterate. If you cannot convince a retard it is true in under 5 minutes, they will never believe you.

>> No.10113279

Well gee if a /pol/tard says it's nothing I guess we can just ignore all the scientists that say it is.

Just repeat this mantra whenever reality isn't going your way:

cant no nuffin
cant no nuffin
cant no nuffin
cant no nuffin
cant no nuffin
cant no nuffin

>> No.10113284

legit dont give a fuck nigga lmao
ill still throw beer cans on the beach and play with fire

>> No.10113289

>weather's been comprehensively measured only in the past hundredish years of human history.
Red herring.


>nigger you can't even define the consequences.


>your fearmongering and threat game is weak soiboi
Your denial of reality is pathetic.

>> No.10113398

>does it exist?
>is it a threat for all life on za worudo?
>can you stop it?

>> No.10113446

you know what else is a threat to life on this planet? sharks, bears, mosquitos. but they are all just natural things

>> No.10113451 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10113461

Are you citing scientific data or is this just like a figure of speech or somth'n?

>> No.10113462
File: 151 KB, 565x600, 1526062216531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NIce sophist bait post, try harder next time.

>> No.10113464

Says the puppet of /pol/tard

>> No.10113475

>A lot of people are smart
No, no they are not.

>> No.10113478

Wrong. Obama had 8 years of full control and did nothing.

Per capita pollution is irrelevant when 60% of total pollution comes from 2 countries opposed to us but willing to take our money.

>> No.10113491

>we'll get some more hurricane's
Been saying that shit ever since Katrina.
Been wrong ever since too. Also, you don't need to include an apostrophe every time you put an "s" on something.

>> No.10113499

What's that called when you take half of someone's sentence and use it to quote them out of context in order to boast your fallacious argument because you have not been formally trained in rhetori, cannot use the scientific method and you're wrong?

>> No.10113508

Just what the fuck are we not doing that we should do? I have respect for the leaf eating hippie who is still driving their 1967 Dodge Dart and won't wash their close until they see a low impact opportunity but what's it going to take to satisfy the whining hypocrites when most deniers already agree that we should be efficient and conservative?

>> No.10113560

No, no, maybe

>> No.10113564

>Obama did nothing so nobody can
What a retarded argument

>> No.10113567


>> No.10113573

we've already had multiple devastating hurricanes: Sandy, Harvey, Maria were all near calamitous and the Caribbean is still recovering from the latter. Are you retarded? The reason Katrina was specifically so bad was because of Louisiana, Southern Fried, corruption and nigger stupidity combining with swinish irish-germanic racist pettiness that caused serious harm to the city of New Orleans.

>> No.10113592

>Obama had 8 years of full control and did nothing.
I'm not even an American and I know that's false.
Obama placed CO2 and Methane emissions from power generation under the control of the EPA. That's one of the larger things Trump was complaining about and trying to revoke, remember?

>Per capita pollution is irrelevant
Do you believe that Kuwait (4M people, 24.4 t/person) is "greener" than France (64M people, 5.1 t/person)? Talking about national statistics without adjusting for the size of countries is just dumb.

>>we'll get some more hurricane's
>Been saying that shit ever since Katrina.
Actually, climatologists DON'T predict more hurricanes. They predict that the hurricanes that do occur will be more powerful.
>the historical Atlantic hurricane record does not provide compelling evidence for a substantial greenhouse warming-induced long-term increase.
>it is likely that greenhouse warming will cause hurricanes in the coming century to be more intense globally and have higher rainfall rates than present-day hurricanes.

>Just what the fuck are we not doing that we should do?
In my opinion: Shut down the use of thermal coal.
Even moving to combined-cycle natural gas would be a huge improvement, but the window for a "gentle phaseout" of coal power started closing in the mid-nineties and is long gone by now. Ideally we'd be discussing zero-emissions (or even negative-emissions) economies by now, but stopping doing the worst-possible thing would at least be a start.

>> No.10113711

>wait for china population to reach 5 billion. Per capita pollution is 100x less than the us. China then is contributing to 75% of total emissions but it's ok because no one person is using too much amirite?

>> No.10113720

>Per capita pollution is irrelevant
the main reason they argue against this is because they are literally obsessed wtih population growth, and they know that per capita energy use must decrease as a consequence.

>> No.10113726

>Per capita pollution is irrelevant
it has nothing to do with climate change.

>> No.10113733
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>> No.10113747

So are warmers protesting with their wallets? Heating? Air? What you driving? I would think if less bought pollution, less would sell. Clean coal? Is that just bull? Would you drive or get on a plane? won't there be negative effects of going back to the Stone Age?

>> No.10113752
File: 83 KB, 610x425, Population_pyramid_of_China_2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wait for china population to reach 5 billion.
The Chinese population boom is driven by the enormous spike in birth rates during the "Great Leap Forward". The fertility rate (births per women over the course of her life) is actually very low, and they're going to end with Japan-style demographic issues in another few decades.

>China then is contributing to 75% of total emissions

>but it's ok because no one person is using too much amirite?
I honestly don't understand what kind of metric you're using here. Compared to the USA, people in China both emit less CO2 and have less children (by fertility rate). What possible grounds is there the claim they're contributing more to the problem?

>> No.10113905

I don't know no science or nuffin but china is a polluted hell hole. Retard

>> No.10113907

All America has to offer in terms of civilization is on the coasts, which will take the brunt of the damage. Uneducated oat farmers in the middle of the country are happy to let civilization die because it interferes with their hobbies of racism and rape. Racist rape if they're having a good day.

>> No.10113939

I guess these tactics must be working for you.
Seems like you may be disagreeing with yourself. Kansas is sea level.

>> No.10114065

The sum of contribution of all contributors of a specific category... Not one you are talking with, but this is my assumption.

If we assume problem per capita, US is biggest problem.

>> No.10114107

Humans can't do anything effective until actual solutions are discovered. It doesn't matter how people live their lives until then.

>> No.10114160
File: 186 KB, 640x1136, 56A9C7C6-0B84-45D9-B0B0-502DA4937370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Climate change is only bad for Third World.
Developed world in majority will benefit from climate change

>> No.10114170

What kind of bs excuse is that? That's like if i can't get a hundred percent, I might as well drop out of school. I see most of you are just a bunch of hypocritical bitches that want to keep others down so you can have it for yourselves. Is this post representative of other warmers?

>> No.10114276

My point is you cherry picked an example where both the per capita and total emissions of one country was higher than the other. But this is not true for all countries. By your logic, it is possible that a country could be the most polluting country by volume, but if it has the lowest per capita, then it's not concerning for climate change.

Obviously this is a garbage tier argument because the climate isnt sensitive to where the emissions come from, only how much.

>> No.10114287

>My point is you cherry picked an example where both the per capita and total emissions of one country was higher than the other.
If you mean the Kuwait-France example, then no. France has much higher total emissions than Kuwait.

>By your logic, it is possible that a country could be the most polluting country by volume, but if it has the lowest per capita, then it's not concerning for climate change.
That depends on what you mean by "concerning". If you're just calculating the global amount of emissions then no, obviously what matters is the net emissions from each country. But if you're trying to distribute responsibility to reduce emissions, then it's fair for the people with the highest per-captia emissions to have the most responsibility.
That's why I picked France and Kuwait for my example. Even though France has more total emissions, Kuwait has a lot further to go to bring their emissions back to sustainable levels.

>Obviously this is a garbage tier argument because the climate isnt sensitive to where the emissions come from, only how much.
The climate also isn't sensitive to national boundaries. You need to consider the relative size of countries if you want to convert total emissions into a quantity that actually means something.

>> No.10114478

I know what you're saying. I disagree that responsibility should be based on per capita. It should be based on net emissions per country and that burden can be distributed per capita or any other way. But saying china isnt as responsible as the us is ridiculous.

>> No.10114505


>> No.10114519
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>making projections about the global economy eight decades from now

>> No.10114526

I fear niggers, spics and muslims more than any Natural phenomena. I swear the retardation of humanity will be its biggest challenge

>> No.10114533

I pray to whoever/whatever listens that you and your ilk are punished accordingly. Filth who think like you are probably the most evil glob of goo to ever trespass on this shithole of a planet

>> No.10114539

>the sun will blow...
U do not blong in this thread.

>> No.10114587

Your argument is absurd. This means that a citizen of Monaco can emit 35000 times more than a Chinese person and Monaco would still be less "responsible." How much a country emits is a product of population and lifestyle. Unless you are arguing for population controls then per capita emissions determines how much each country needs to mitigate. Demanding that large developing countries pay the most while those who have gorged themselves get off scot free is both idiotic and unrealistic.

>> No.10114597

Something tells me you are not exactly someone advancing the borders of humanity's intellect yourself.

>> No.10114603

I guess I hadn't thought about it that way. I suppose you're right.

>> No.10114686


>> No.10114693

>8 years of full control

That’s a blatant lie though. And I still don’t understand this meme of liberal left controlling everything while almost all major governments are currently controlled by right or center right leaders. It’s one thing to be a retard and deny climate change is going to have devastating consequences but how the fuck do you actually make up your own realities this way?

>> No.10115187

You pose an existential threat to other humans and life in general and should be terminated like the cancer you are. One day it WILL be socially acceptable to kill people like you. When push comes to shove people like you will be among the first killed by anyone actually trying to survive.

>> No.10115208

Not him, but if you think that killing "deniers", taxing carbon, and driving around in a $100k electric car is going to save future generations then you are so completely and utterly brainwashed there is no hope for you.

Economic/population growth is depleting non renewable resources at an exponentially increasing rate - climate change is just one of many symptoms of THAT fundamental sickness.

I used to think it was worth fighting for but because of people like you I'm sort of drifting into his camp. Maybe accelerationism really is our best bet in the long term.

>> No.10115328

> taxing carbon, and driving around in a $100k electric car is going to save future generations

I didn't say that at all. If you're going to give up, you deserve to be given up on.

>> No.10115350
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>hurrr durrr i don't like CHANGE
Tsssk, get with the times, gramps.

>> No.10115361

you'd better be dead sooner than that

>> No.10115362

Fee and dividend with border carbon adjustment. If a bunch of western nations got together for it, it would force countries like China to clean up their act (or pay us substantially to continue doing their thing). At the same time, it creates a small welfare system that doesn't take money out of the budget and doesn't have any additional possibility for abuse.

>> No.10117113

Do carbon dioxide and greenhouse gasses have an effect on rising temperatures?

>> No.10117165

>60% of the wildlife on the planet has disappeared since 1970
This is a misunderstanding. A better explanation of the data would be that vertebrate animal populations have lost, on average, 60% of their members. Some have lost more, some have lost less. Some have actually increased. White tail deer for instance have been multiplying like crazy in the US, thanks mostly to the extinction of their predators.

>> No.10117170

Hunter-gathering is actually MORE endangered, because it's at the mercy of the weather. Say you have a drought for a couple years. All those blackberries die off. And then, so do you.

>> No.10117185

But developing nations don't need to do as much to improve their per capita rate. The US needs to redesign it's whole electrical grid to use renewables. Bangladesh can build it that way to begin with.

>> No.10117195

"Climate change" is like saying "change change".

Water is wet.

Fire burns.


>> No.10117210


>> No.10117214

>literally not even knowing the difference between weather and climate
>this is taught in high school
you aren't helping your point

>> No.10117215


Show me the proof I'm wrong. "Studies" are a shit, and so is "academic review".

>> No.10117223

They, both, change. Climates change. Weather changes.

But, go ahead and shit yourself more.

>> No.10117224

>he actually believes this

>> No.10117239

>Show me proof. I won't accept proof, btw
Ok, retard.

>> No.10117243

Studies and academic reviews are not science, they are opinions, usually political opinions.

>> No.10117244

What would you consider proof?

>> No.10117255

Science. Too bad the science says the climate is ~supposed~ to change, has ~always~ changed, and will ~continue~ to change, because that is what climates do.

>> No.10117261

Can you provide a more concrete definition? What should I be looking for?

>> No.10117265

the science unequivocally says that the earth is warming and that humans burning of coal and oil are to blame

>> No.10117269

A climate that has not changed over the lifetime of the earth.

>> No.10117270

To infer that humans can't be behind today's climate change because climate changed before humans is bad reasoning (a non-sequitur). Humans are changing the climate today mainly via greenhouse gas emissions, the same mechanism that caused climate change before humans.

>> No.10117274

/thread /issue /argument /debate /controversy /yourentirelife

>> No.10117275

What science? All I've seen are opinions and no science.

>> No.10117277

t. science expert

>> No.10117279

Bullshit opinion is not science.

>> No.10117282

I know what scientific evidence consists of and a "majority opinion" is not science.

>> No.10117283

Correct. Your bullshit opinion isn't science.

>> No.10117286


Demanding observable, repeatable proofs is not an opinion, it is how science works.

>> No.10117299

Exactly. That's why global warming is a scientific fact. Well done, you figured it out.

>> No.10117312

>observable, repeatable proof
>"We all say it's humanz!"

The first is what actual science demands, the second is a religion.

>> No.10117317

What you believe in is a religion.

>> No.10117319

Yup. Global warming caused by humans confirmed. I'm glad we agree

>> No.10117324

Denied due to no repeatable proof.

Not science, you worship a religion.

>> No.10117326

>everyone says that humans caused global warming -> they didn't cause global warming
Nice non sequitur, faggot

>> No.10117330

Denying the proof doesn't make it go away. Nice try though

>> No.10117335

I said that popular opinion is not science. go ahead and continue crying.

You need to ~have~ scientific proofs in the first goddamn place. You don't. You have a bunch of opinions.

>> No.10117337

>You need to ~have~ scientific proofs in the first goddamn place. You don't. You have a bunch of opinions.
>LALALA I don't see the evidence LALALA

>> No.10117342
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>> No.10117348

>waaaa, I have no scientific evid3ence to present, so I'll insult you!

So, are you going to try to have a counter-point, or are you going to depend on being an troll?

>a study is an opinion
>presents an opinion

Here we go again.

>> No.10117353
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>> No.10117356
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>you have no scientific evidence
>post scientific evidence
>you have no scientific evidence

You have to go back.

>> No.10117365


>still has no scientific proof.
>USE A meme!

>The south pole is not a climate!

>> No.10117370


>> No.10117373

You are still resorting to memes. You have beliefs, not proof.

>> No.10117378


>> No.10117383

A song and dance video does not ameliorate your lack of scientific proof.

I can't spend all day showing how and why you are simply wrong, I have to go.

Remember, demand scientific evidence!

>> No.10117385
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Reminder that arguing over climate change happening or not and being anthropogenic or not and being a bad thing or not is a big distraction from the bigger issues. We know for certain that pumping CO2 into the air is a bad thing in other ways. There's no need to care about the climate to care about reducing CO2 emissions.

>> No.10117386

This post is brought to you by Exxon

>> No.10117388

B-but muh volcanoes

>> No.10117420


The study that I linked you is actually work that's being done in the shallow water column off the Siberian Arctic Shelf... which is off the coast of northern Russia, not the south pole.

And yes, technically, the south pole is a climate... but that's completely irrelevant because that's not what we're talking about.

You're not even reading what people are saying.

>> No.10117545

The abuse and destruction of the natural world is more severe than most realize. It will take decades or centuries to do, and millennia or eons to undo. The crisis is the irreversibility of this damage, regardless of whether or not the process is on the timescale of a human life. Looking at all of the things happening (surface warming, extinctions, topsoil erosion, overfishing, toxic metal and plastic pollution, desertification, and on) leaves very little to be optimistic about. Anthropocentrists are blind or apathetic to what is actually happening.

>> No.10117576

Nice job, quoting all the cool people. The "anthropocenterists name calling" is omnidirectional. The fact is that nature has created man and we are part of the system. We may not be as special as we think.

>> No.10117597

I mean by anthropocentrism the perspective that nature may be fully exploited by humans to meet our needs and wants. As opposed to a viewpoint that considers the natural world to have a right to independently exist without human interference, or something else like misanthropy.

>> No.10117612

Each are valid
Every creature exploits nature to the best of their ability. Just clean up afterwards and don't ruin it for everyone

>> No.10117614

Anthropocentrism is untenable without stewardship, which none of you even want.

>> No.10117648

That would also be a function of nature. I want what is best.

>> No.10117694

>blah blah we're part of nature
What an irrelevant and meaningless comment

>> No.10117712

Stewardship is the responsibility of humans doing the polluting, to minimize the damage. Humanity isn't absolved of responsibility for our actions because "we are part of nature :)".

>> No.10117741

because were a capitalism and there's no money in it.

>> No.10117959

There is plenty of money in it.
More meaning than this.
No arguments here. But nobody said we are absolves of responsibility. We may be plenty dumb to think that the solutions we have now are better than what we had in the past. Seems like this has been a long series of ideas that seemed like good ones at the time.

>> No.10117971

>actually this
we don't have enough data to know if climate change is just a part of natural cycles of the weather.
This post is entirely correct

now I believe in climate change myself, but every time I mention this to someone, everyone gets butthurt as fuck and just says ur wrong

>> No.10118049

>we don't have enough data to know if climate change is just a part of natural cycles of the weather.
That's wrong.
We know that the additional CO2 in the atmosphere is from human activity because the carbon isotope ratios match those of fossil fuels. We know that it's driving global warming because of the increase in downward IR on the the frequencies CO2 emits on.

>> No.10118119

Can someone tell me why people always bring up things like microplastic pollution, fertilizer run-off, and heavy metal pollution when the topic of climate change comes up? None of these things have any effect on the climate. AGW is caused by greenhouse gas emissions, not plastics and fertilizer.

>> No.10118122

most of those things are indirectly products of petroleum mining

>> No.10118156

>Kansas is sea level.
Where is the ocean?

>> No.10118169

You're scientifically illiterate if you don't believe chimpanzees can learn to farm, user melee weapons and make a feudal simian society.

>> No.10118176

The solution is to transition away from fossil fuels, whatever that might mean for capitalism.

>> No.10118181

You mean something that is not fossil, clean, cheap and effective? Well we do have nuclear power, but nature loving hippies say it's bad soo, we will stay on fossil a long time.

>> No.10118182

Water goes downhill and seeks lowest level. There are aquatic fossils all over the Great Plains. Many coastal areas are adjacent to areas of higher elevation (or they wouldn't be coastal.) someone was dissing farmers for not needing to give a fuck. If there is a threat. It is a threat th the lower elevations. Not to people Reno can drive for thirty mins and get to the ocean. There is a lot of dummies here. It is time to kill this and wait for the next.

>> No.10118183

Capitalism will do just fine honey.

>> No.10118184

Yeah I sure like where they conclusively tested that with experimental data, whoops no they didn’t because climate niggers can’t do anything but observe and play with biased computer sims. Cyanobacteria have already fucked the climate of the earth more than humans ever could.

>> No.10118194

This don't change the fact that fossil fuel is finite and is ending fast

>> No.10118207

>Yeah I sure like where they conclusively tested that with experimental data, whoops no they didn’t because climate niggers can’t do anything but observe and play with biased computer sims.
>I don't know anything about this subject, but let me tell you why everything in it is wrong.

>Cyanobacteria have already fucked the climate of the earth more than humans ever could.
What the fuck is that even supposed to mean?

>> No.10118213


Why are you even talking to the guy? He used "climate nigger" as a moniker.

>> No.10118222

>Water goes downhill and seeks lowest level.
Your city can be below sea level and it doesn't fucking matter if the sea is hundreds of miles away.

>> No.10118231

>doesn’t know how Cyanobacteria we’re involved in climate change but pretends to know climate science.
Okay “climate chink”, happy fag.

>> No.10118269

It matters, if it is not protected by a higher surrounding area somewhere along the line. Quit arguing about that shit.

>> No.10118331

>doesn’t know how Cyanobacteria we’re involved in climate change but pretends to know climate science.
I know what the expansion of cyanobacteria did to the atmosphere, I just can't see how it's supposed to be relevant to modern climate change. "X happened in the past, so Y can't be happening now" only works as an argument if you can somehow argue that X implies Y isn't possible, and you've not done that.

>> No.10118338

All the "Climate religion believers" ITT:

"Muh African culture humanities indoctrinator sayez that opinion sciumz is real sciumz, so stop asking for proof!"

>> No.10118355

Not who you are replying to.

We have been having huge cyanobacteria blooms occurring on the ocean, multiple blooms the size of Texas in some cases.

>> No.10118368

>"Muh African culture humanities indoctrinator sayez that opinion sciumz is real sciumz, so stop asking for proof!"
Here's a 1552 page summary of the proof:
Now fuck off.

>> No.10118372

Yay, an ~opinion~ ~study~.

You fuck off.

>> No.10118374

>an ~opinion~ ~study~.
It's a summary of the published research. What exactly were you expecting?

>> No.10118377

Hawking was an exceptional individual. I tend not to put stock into the reasoning skills of most people, let alone aging dorks whose lives were defined by television.

Younger people today have the internet. For all its pitfalls, they can get access to all sorts of scientific information if they look for it. And socially, they at the very least have early encounters with philosophy dorks who spout off "that's the ____ logical fallacy" whenever anybody says anything, even when they're completely right.

More exposure to scientific knowledge and critical thinking techniques. People who grew up without comparable stimulation are more vulnerable to believing bullshit, and treating anything complicated with distrust.

Anyway I don't hate old people, I'm just sick of old people saying evolution is real because "I didn't evolve from no monkey! But maybe the blacks did! Ha ha! laugh out loud! Also Praise jesus"
It's just fucking unbearable

>> No.10118386


>Baby-boomer mindset

Fuck baby-boomers, literally fucked the millennials with their pump and dump Reaganomic mentality, where you maximize your self gain at the cost of fuck-all, because for all you care, by the time your recklessness comes back to bite society in the ass, you'll be retired on your yacht in Monaco.
Just wait and see the amount of fuckery that generation will release in their final couple decades of bleeding the world for all it has.

>> No.10118390

Science. Observable, reproducibleresults, you know, like SCIENCE is made of if you have a science.

A united nations(biased as hell) opinion piece is not science. Testable, reproducible results is something climate religion propaganda noticeably lacks.

>> No.10118396

>a bloo bloo, darned boomers and their demands for proof! JUST ACCEPT THAT TRUMP IS ACTUALLY HITLER!

>> No.10118405

"anyone who believes the thing must have gotten it from authorities who have no reason to talk about the subject and are part of an institution I inherently distrust"

hey maybe you should try looking through this little journal for some research articles that hit on topics that interest you about climate change. It's not a big journal, or anything, just this little mom and pop thing with a few pretty-OK scientists running the show

I put in a sample search in the search bar but feel free to type in other things


>> No.10118407

>life has always adapted to climate changes
>climate changes has always brought with it mass extinctions, decimating millions of years of highly specialized evolutionary traits that could have brought on being as smart, or smarter than humans millions of years earlier.

>> No.10118416

You cannot ~honestly~ say it is science, and neither can anyone.

You can lie. You can insult. You can scream and yell and spout the same things over and over and over.

You cannot bring scientific evidence.

You are in the wrong.

>> No.10118423

> Implying Trump is different from any other boomer
> go back to /reddit/ with your PC implicity

>> No.10118426

>not being excited for the perfect storm of climate change, resource depletion, and overpopulation
2030 on is going to be one hell of a ride anon, at least you were around to see the height of human techno-industrial civilization
I'm personally betting we'll go nuclear

>> No.10118429

Trump wasn't the problem with your argument, your lack of scientific evidence is.

>> No.10118434

Did you even try looking at the search tool? You can see separate articles that are marked to tell you if it's Research or Opinion. Look at some of the Research ones.

I didn't even tell you what the conclusions of your search should be. I just thought you would find it interesting to look over. You see, these guys have to list their methods, label their claims with citations, the articles themselves get reviewed by panels for their methodology, and you have to go through some pretty tall orders to get published. Like, pick anything on there at random and just try to follow their reasoning. Then come back and tell us which one you read, and why you think it's good or bad. And we can discuss it.

>> No.10118435

>Science. Observable, reproducibleresults, you know, like SCIENCE is made of if you have a science.
>A united nations(biased as hell) opinion piece is not science.
Did you not even look at the link? It's not an opinion piece, it's a summary of the published research - the actual science. You can just read the list of references if you prefer.

>> No.10118436

more anthropocentric myopia, while the world bleeds out

>> No.10118445

>if I don't look at the evidence, it doesn't exist
imagine being this fucking dumb

>> No.10118449


Studies are not proof, they're an accumulation of data with opinions.

~Not~ scientific proof.

You don't have scientific proof, you have very detailed Star Trek "cascade effect" arguments.

>> No.10118454

There is nothing myopic about these two true statements. You are plenty humancentric yourself, it would appear

>> No.10118455

>scientific proof isn't scientific proof
Peak denier stupidity reached.

>> No.10118458

A study is not a fucking proof, you religious nutjob.

>> No.10118461

>Studies are not proof, they're an accumulation of data with opinions.
>~Not~ scientific proof.
Okay, if peer-reviewed scientific publications don't count, what WOULD you consider "scientific proof"?
Do you need someone to hold your hand as they walk you through how the greenhouse effect works?

>> No.10118473

Bystander here. I appreciate that you accomplished humor in your attempt at being a dick to somebody. I wish all dicks were so thoughtful. We would definitely find more common ground.

>> No.10118483

>what WOULD you consider "scientific proof"?

Oh, my, god. Are you people trolling me? You understand that acting like a retard means you are retarded, right?

"Scientific proof" is not a mysterious thing. It is something that you should understand like; "Hypothesis can lead to a theory which may lead to understanding/discovering a law."

>> No.10118484

>anthropocentrism isn't myopic even if very bad things happen
>also you're actually an anthropocentrist even though you're arguing against it
No, I'm pointing out your foolish, ignorant, myopic viewpoint and all you can say is "durr you think da same thing as me" even though that's not true. The current state of human activities is destroying the natural world humanity depends on. This is untenable. Something should be done, far more than building a few nuclear plants and continuing business as usual as econophiles constantly suggest here.

>> No.10118490

Can I just say that how you feel about Donald Trump is completely irrelevant to the discussion at hand?

This is the problem: The sissified left has appropriated this very real issue as their own, and that's what's driving the conservative backlash against it.

>> No.10118498

Actually, the problem is that colleges are liberal, and they are demanding that the sciences become more "emotionally-in-touch and female-friendly so that women can shout down the difficulty of needing evil proof and evidence.

>> No.10118500


People have been linking you peer-reviewed scientific literature all day long, and your response is like this:

"...That's not real science."

I proved earlier that you're not even reading the damn things. I linked you an article about something happening in Russia and your response was, "Antarctica isn't a climate."

I really, really, don't want to resort to the ad hominem with you my man, but you're really making it difficult.

>> No.10118503

Do you have a problem with scientific articles my dude? I'm trying to get you to understand, this is how all science is done. Biology, chemistry, physics all have their subfields, and subfields are gonna have their journals, but it's all basically the same format. People have ideas, they then test the ideas. This is how everything humanity knows is actually done.

Like next you'll tell me I don't **REALLY** know smoking can give me cancer, that whole idea is just a leftist propaganda circlejerk. I mean, there's a point where this YOU DONT REALLY KNOW thing makes us question if even the universe actually exists.

IF the universe exists, and
IF things A, B and C are true,
THEN blah de blah

If it holds up, it's probably not bullshit. That doesn't mean it's infallible for all time, but uh, if I observe an axe-wielding maniac heading my way I'm not gonna stop and think "gee maybe all of my existence is a dream, therefore I should disregard everything I perceive around me"

>> No.10118507


Fair enough, but you're going to find more and more as you go through life that people you hate sometimes speak truth. Part of rational maturity is learning how to parse fact from fiction in all situations, not just the ones that make you comfy. Your enemies will occasionally be right, and to say that they aren't PURELY because it came from an ideology you oppose is fallacious logic.

>> No.10118508

Whatever ends life on this planet will change the climate quite severely too. It won't be us.

It will take a gamma ray burst, some freakishly large asteroid or simply the atmosphere slowly getting cooked off. Until then, life will do just fine.

>> No.10118515

yeah OP would be correct in saying that lives are threatened, but not life. Life went through harsher conditions already. Not sure all of us will be ready for it though

>> No.10118519
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It doesn't even need to go that far. Once the community determined temperature tracks C02 emissions the real battle was over. Now comes the tedious and bloody process of mopping up the stragglers.

>> No.10118525

>that people you hate sometimes speak truth
I have no problem with truth. In fact, I expect it as a minimum. Unfortunately, liberals think it is not needed for accurate science.

That is because they have no morals, and if they're wrong, they just shrug and go back to insulting, screaming and saying the same wrong things over and over like that will make their religion/political indoctrination correct.

>> No.10118540

Because it is not fucking science.

"dis study is proof!"

"dis study is proof!"

"dis study is proof!"

"dis study is proof!"

You can present ~all~ the academic studies you want, and repeat them over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and... just like you are still doing now!

You are not presenting anything but data with opinions.

>> No.10118543


We've reached a point of common ground, and that's nice, but it has no utility because you seem to be under the impression because climate change falls under the umbrella of Liberal doctrine, that means it isn't happening. How can I dissuade you of this?

>> No.10118550

>You can present ~all~ the academic studies you want, and repeat them over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and... just like you are still doing now!
So what exactly WILL you accept?

>> No.10118551


Very well. Show me what real science looks like. What criteria would a paper have to meet in order to satisfy you that it was indeed real science?

And don't think that I'm going to mock you or deride you based on what you present to me. I am genuinely concerned about the future of the earth, and I think you should be to, therefore, I want you to present your definition of something scientific by providing an example, and I will attempt to work within those parameters in order to convince you.

>> No.10118556

>How can I dissuade you of this?
>So what exactly WILL you accept?

Go back to demanding proof. Until that happens, science will always be a political tool instead of an exploration of our universe.

>Show me what real science looks like.
If you need me to show you, you need a lot more help than I can provide. "Scientific inquiry" and the acceptable standards of evidence needed to interpret the results are things that cannot just be comprehended, they must be understood.

While I understand, I cannot teach.

>> No.10118564
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>> No.10118566


We've provided you with proof, but you dismiss it without reading it. If you are indeed the same gentleman who dismissed my nature.com publications earlier offhand, then you disregarded that article without even investigating. How do I know? You got the location in question completely wrong. The paper is about Russia, but you replied with Antarctica.

I can only conclude, therefore, that you are not interested in reading or understanding facts that do not align themselves with your belief system, and that you sir, are, in fact, JUST as ideologically possessed and unreasonable as those disgusting college liberals you despise.

What do you have to say to that?

>> No.10118567

>We've provided you with proof,
The problem is, you do not understand that you DID NOT provide proof. You are still saying "My climate Jesus is proof!"

>> No.10118571


Also, by the way, comprehension and understanding are synonyms.

> "Scientific inquiry" and the acceptable standards of evidence needed to interpret the results are things that cannot just be comprehended, they must be understood.

What you're saying sounds like this to me, " "Scientific inquiry" and the acceptable standards of evidence needed to interpret the results are things that cannot just be known, they must be known.

Also, why is "scientific inquiry" in quotes? Do you not think scientific inquiry is legitimate?

>> No.10118573

It's funny because I'm pretty sure this one famous smarty scienceman once said if you can't explain it you don't understand it well enough

anyway people give articles because it has data and the convergence of lots of data starts to develop a theory, and when you develop a mechanism that demonstrates principles of the theory, it starts to look like the closest reflection of reality. At that point you can be say it's got problems, and okay, point out what the problems are. Science is a conversation. Folding your arms and saying it's not real, but uh, I can't explain what it should be, isn't useful

Do you want me to explain how I can use radiation to make gaseous chemicals vibrate? and how that vibration keeps getting passed between gas molecules in the atmosphere to keep the heat around? Because heat making things vibrate is the basis of a shitload of understanding chemistry


>> No.10118577

The future will be interesting.
The last time CO2 was this high there was no Ice in greenland.

>> No.10118579

The Plague is only bad for the peasants. The people living in my castle will benefit from The Plague

>> No.10118580

>comprehension and understanding are synonyms.
They have similar but different meanings.

Also, I'm not going to argue about my grammar when I'm tired.

>if you can't explain it you don't understand it well enough
I can explain it, but I need to be able to grab your head, first.

>> No.10118581

>I can explain it, but I need to be able to grab your head, first.
*unzips pants*

>> No.10118584



>"My climate Jesus is proof!"

Nonsense. I never made any such claims, nor have any of my assertions been even remotely faith based.


You see this? This BY ITSELF, is not proof that the climate is changing unnaturally, but it IS proof that permafrost is thawing and methane is escaping.

From there, there's only one logical step left: The permafrost is thawing because it's getting warmer.

And that's just ONE paper.

>> No.10118585

>*unzips pants*
Oh, you need a hammer and nails...

>> No.10118586

>I never made any such claims,
Every time you think a study is proof, that is exactly what you are doing.

>> No.10118588


>> No.10118594
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>> No.10118597
File: 316 KB, 1449x1088, 2000_Year_Temperature_Comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Greenland temperature
>global mean temperature
these uh, they're not the same thing

>> No.10118600


I think a study is proof because it demonstrates itself to me. It provides me with data, it maps that data, it INTERPRETS that data, and then USES the data in order to reinforce the interpretation. At no point during that process am I pursuing truth through faith.

>> No.10118603

This graph is completely wrong. It has the ice core data ending at 1900 but it actually ends in 1855 just at the beginning of the Hadcrut data. This has the effect off pushing the ice core data forward and the Hadcrut data down in order to meet it. But even if it didn't make this major mistake, appending global temperature to Greenland temperature as if they're the same is simply incorrect.

>> No.10118609

How the hell are those stitched together?
This looks like someone's taken two different graphs with two different choices of zero and slapped them together in Excel.

>> No.10118612

This time, I am me. I was not me when you said, "you" and "me," nor were you even you. You are having an argument with several people and do not SEEM to realize it. I was stating that two statements are true. Because they are. You are acting like a psycho bitch who has a vagina. That large syllable word that you like to use is a good fit for your arrogant ass. Nothing anybody can do or suggest is going to be good enough for you. The real problem with most people is in the mirror.

>> No.10118615

Global mean temperature change means everywhere on the entire planet changes by the same number at the same time, duh

>> No.10118616

>I have no argument
Then why did you bother typing out all this bullshit?

>> No.10118618

>it demonstrates itself to me.
It might as well talk to you in a voice only you can here.

Proof has actual standards like reproducibility. If you don't have reproducibility, you don't have proof. You are calling a belief proof.

>> No.10118623

Ok, can you explain what caused Greenland to heat up so much at the end of the bronze age?
It sure as shit wasn't carbon emissions

>> No.10118624

She was called a honey and now accused of having female genitalia. The OP is obviously a lady too but, probably had a nice father who raised her to have civilized and open minded debate. Take your twat elsewhere. The humans are trying to talk.

>> No.10118625

Can climate scientists test large scale theories like climate change? A biologist can mutate a gene and then use a complimentation test as proof of function. The physicist can come up with a great theory and prove it with experimental data. How do you test and prove climate change aren’t there way too many variables in a constantly changing system?

>> No.10118629

Measure the warming of air with different concentrations of CO2 that has been radiated with infra-red radiation.
If global warming is real then you should expect higher CO2 concentrations to cause more warming in air.

>> No.10118631


Ok, so although the process has been long and tortured, we are actually getting somewhere.

So you say that proof isn't proof unless it can be reproduced. Is that your only criteria for proof, or are there others?

Nevermind, you seem pretty emphatic. No reproduction, no proof.

Ok, let's try it.

1 + 1 = 2.

No matter how many times I reproduce the test, adding 1 thing to another makes 2. Checks out there.

Now how about an example from the study I linked you. Pic related. Shakhova et all conducted a test. This is what they had to say.

"(a) Column-like acoustic anomalies (blanked areas) interpreted as gas plumes are shown as areas with no colour and blue colour. Acoustic anomalies highlighted in blue correspond with the centre position of the submerged lake basin and interpreted as gas propagating through the submerged thaw-lake talik. In 2008, the top boundary of this acoustic anomaly was located ∼5m below the seafloor; (b) in 2011, the position of the top boundary of this acoustic anomaly was reaching the seafloor, causing doming of the surface layer of sediments. During the survey in 2011, bubble plumes of CH4 releasing to the water column from the seafloor were observed at this site; multiple pockmarks in the seafloor were also documented within the site as shown in Fig. 6b."

So in 2008, they sent acoustical waves into the ground to establish areas in the seafloor that have become porous as a result of gas buildup. They refer to this as an "acoustical anomaly".

Then, 3 years later, they REPEAT this test, and the data demonstrates that that same acoustical anomaly is now located closer to the sea floor (remember, this is all happening underground).

Therefore, the gas has migrated upwards, because the test was reproduced and the conclusions validated the hypothesis.

So apparently, Shakova and her team ARE providing you with proof according to your own standards, because they are reproducing their tests and getting the same results.

>> No.10118634
File: 136 KB, 684x519, ncomms15872-f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My fault, here's the pertinent image.

>> No.10118637

I, not someone you replied to, not a climate scientist, and also someone who doesn't care to look it up, cannot. But I also don't know how failing to account for a thing in the past means a thing today makes no sense.

"HEY You said cigarettes give people cancer! Why come I get cancer when I give myself an arsenic enema? HMMM clearly there is a gap in your theory of cancer!"

>> No.10118641

>Go back to demanding proof.
You've been presented with proof. So far you've completely failed to communicate why you think it doesn't count.

>> No.10118645
File: 103 KB, 1000x700, 2012_movie_tidal_waves_roland_tsunami_monk_hd-wallpaper-216160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing the ocean come over the mountains that surround me is my ultimate nightmare. Pic related.

>> No.10118646


He's been fairly clear about that in my opinion: It doesn't count because he doesn't want it to. :)

>> No.10118648

Problem is though that is not something you can control it even have a control to study in contrast, It’s observational only establishing a correlation right? In something like biology where you create antibiotic resistant bacteria, knock out the resistance gene and then insert it to another using a plasmid and then sequence it to prove it. There is no model system for climate change is there?

>> No.10118649

It would help in gaining a better understanding of temperature change throughout the ages.

>"HEY You said cigarettes give people cancer! Why come I get cancer when I give myself an arsenic enema? HMMM clearly there is a gap in your theory of cancer!"
End your life and erase that pesky carbon footprint

>> No.10118651

Is this the only time in all of the existence of earth that this happened?

Yes there is observable evidence and yes, the examination of the evidence is reproducible.

Great job. Now, saying "climate change is real" because of suboceanic gas buildup does not draw a reasonable conclusion from the evidence, does it?


I have been presented with opinions. Yours, and the opinions of the people you believe.

>> No.10118653

>I have been presented with opinions.
Explain why the studies posted don't count.

>> No.10118654

I like his analogy better than hers.
Shh! I'm trying to hear what these smart dudes are saying.

>> No.10118657

Studies are opinions.

>> No.10118659

>Studies are opinions.
What, in your mind, separates "opinions" from "proofs"?

>> No.10118660

Information helps, and we should totally try to know what we can, but a lack of information doesn't prove something is false. I can observe thing A and thing B have similar outcomes but can have entirely different causes. "What about X" is a non-sequitur if you aren't establishing why you think that disproves something. Even if climate changes "naturally" that means jack shit about whether or not humans can influence it. Those aren't mutually exclusive ideas.

>> No.10118663

Ah yes the crab people are almost to the surface.
I for one welcome our new crustacean overlords

>> No.10118668

I'm nodding off. I'm old and I go to sleep whether I want to or not. I'll come back to this thread tomorrow.

Empirical evidence and scientific controls are good.

Good night.

>> No.10118670


Certainly not. In fact, the thawing of methane clathrates in the ocean is hypothesized to have been one of the primary driving forces behind the Permian Mass Extinction, the worst extinction event in earth's history.*


So you agree then that the evidence provided in the paper is reproducible, therefore, according to your own definition, the paper is legitimate science.

Thank you. And no, as I said before, one paper depicting oceanic gas buildup doesn't conclusively prove that the earth is warming, but it helps to know that permafrost is so-called because it is for all intents and purposes "permanently" frozen. Therefore, what would cause something permanently frozen to thaw?

An unprecedented and unnatural rise in global temperatures.

These are not unsubstantiated opinions... don't confuse me with the NPC rabble you interact with on a daily basis.

>> No.10118671


He already established that bro you're behind. Proof according to anon is only proof if it's reproducible. So I demonstrated that the paper had conducted reproducible tests so he conceded.

I can tell I haven't changed any mind, but I've planted seeds.

>> No.10118675


Coping with humor! Shows you understand the implications of the material!

>> No.10118676

Global warming has saved us from the ice age the planet would have naturally cycled into.

>> No.10118677

Trying this hard to show you are above a simple joke. Hows that high functioning autism treating you?

>> No.10118682


No it was a good one. I'm not above it all. Very funny. :)

>> No.10118683


Also, not well, generally speaking... but I'm working on being more social.

By the way I caught your insult, I'm just choosing to ignore it.

>> No.10118688

Hmm now I just feel mean, I'm going to bed. Good luck with the whole being more social thing anon

>> No.10118699

Oh this "so you agree with me" bs again. I think I went to elementary school with this one.>>10118671
You are planting seeds. Complements from a denier.>>10118682
Very clean. This is how it is done.

>> No.10118700

no it doesn't retard, it's an average.
are you a 10-year-old?

>> No.10118708

Anon, I...

>> No.10118721

Are you sure you guys aren't saying the same thing?

>> No.10118922

>It matters, if it is not protected by a higher surrounding area somewhere along the line.
But it doesn't matter in the example that was actually being discussed.

>> No.10118972

based & redpilled

>> No.10119073

Sure, during the bronze age there was a series of explosive volcanic eruptions. These large eruptions released sulfur which formed sulfate aerosols that block the sun and cause a sharp drop in temperature. However these aerosols don't last long in the atmosphere and the temperature shoots back up.



>> No.10119087

>not making blackberry jam
What's wrong with you?

>> No.10119179

It worth mentioning but you don't understand the negative feedback which the planet implements on temperature change. If you believe it will accelerate you are "scientifically illiterate." I am more worried about ocean acidification then the green house gas effect.

>> No.10119234

Just woke up.

>the paper had conducted reproducible tests so he conceded.

I didn't concede that climate change is real, I agreed that the reproducible tests were reproducible.

>> No.10119466

The next glacial period isn't due for several thousand years. CO2 doesn't last that long. What would have saved us if we kept our fossil fuels to release at the correct time.

>> No.10119469

Who said it will accelerate? Are you suggesting if it doesn't accelerate its not bad?

>> No.10119493


So based on yesterday's discussion, we know that Shakhova's study fits your definition of scientific proof because it contains within it reproducible results.

So today what I have for you is a publication from the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine which comprehensively addresses all of the questions I think you might have on the subject, and of course, provides you with the resources and materials you need to be satisfied that it is indeed science.

From the Introduction:

"The question then of how global mean surface temperature varied over the last 2,000 years is of great interest. When analyzed in conjunction with reconstructions of solar variability, volcanic activity, and other influences on climate during this period, surface temperature reconstructions can be of use in efforts to reduce the level of uncertainty in projections of human-induced greenhouse warming. Such reconstructions provide a measure of the natural variability of the climate system, against which projections of human-induced global warming can be compared. "


>> No.10119500


I'd like to note also that the material that I linked was presented to Congress in 2006 as per it's request, and is by no means the view of one or even a handful of scientists. It is a group effort that includes scores of highly qualified individuals.

>> No.10119504

The planet will be fine, It's the people that are fucked !

>> No.10119541
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The area where I live is already being desertified.
I went to an underwater aquarium a couple of months ago and it looked unbelievably sad. Most of the coral reef was bleached.
Even regular weather is getting so erratic. Lethal heatwaves and infrastructure-wrecking storms used to be rare events but are now happening on a biannual basis.
So hearing stuff about global water crises and future climate migrations and ocean acidification and glacial retreat or arctic shrink or dear lord god those fucking feedback effects really does terrify me to the bone.
Like, I am not a political man, at least not REALLY. I love bitching online about stuff that, in rare moments of lucidity (e.g. now) I am willing to admit is probably meaningless in the long run. But god fucking lord god damn if environmental degradation doesn't rustle my jimmies.

This may be just me projecting my fat ass out there, but I think a major reason why climate denial is a thing is because people are just terrified of even thinking of it all. Admitting that it's true is paramount to admitting we as a civilization are committing a massive collective suicide. It means that our lifestyle is simply unsustainable. Nobody wants to think about that. I know I don't.

>> No.10119544


>> No.10119570

I feel the same way my dude. I wish there was a leader we could rally behind to save the human race, but it really does seem like we're reaching the end of the road.

>> No.10119592


There will be. He or she is out there as we speak. I assure you, the human enterprise will not go quietly.

If man-made climate change is proof of ANYTHING, it's that homo sapiens have become a force of nature.

I believe that as the crisis deepens, REAL leaders will filter to the surface. They always do.

>> No.10119626
File: 19 KB, 306x401, I tried to warn you, but you didn't listen so embrace your fate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody wants to think about that
that's one factor, imagine growing up in the 80s or 90s with technology jumping in leaps and bounds only to be faced with the reality that it's unsustainable and the odds greatly favor that the last half of your life is going to be more in line with 17th or 18th century life than 20th or 21st century life and there's literally nothing you can do about it. Of course people will stick their heads in the sand about it and carry on as normal.
Not to mention that humans just can't into long term planning, we're not built for it and our civilization simply isn't capable of handling the problems we've unleashed.

sorry lad, even a great leader can't do much at this point. The tipping point was literally decades ago, at this point it's just a question of whether we can prepare enough to avoid extinction
if the feedback loop is correct it's most likely extinction in the long run for humanity

>> No.10119665

Unless the entire planet is going to stop polluting, why should we in western countries shoulder the entire burden?

Fossil fuels are basically the most economical and readily available sources of energy we have right now. Electric cars are more expensive. And require rare earth minerals.

If we shoot ourselves in the foot with "green" policies, then the rest of the world will continue to use fossil fuels and they'll gain an advantage. They'll have more industry, a bigger military, etc. And then we'll be fucking screwed.

The tolerant left, everybody. Wow, they're so nice. It's such a surprise that they didn't win enough people over to their side to win the 2016 election, isn't it? I'm amazed people weren't persuaded by their message of """love""" and """inclusivity""".

>> No.10119741
File: 132 KB, 767x1024, A95E5853-F9D3-44CB-A931-23849CFFA387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading climate doomers when I am living in Poland, weather outside is 20 degrees Celsius in November and I am eating apple pie.

must suck to live in Third World...haha

>> No.10119755


>> No.10119774

Polish apples aren’t for everyone Poojet

>> No.10119805
File: 236 KB, 719x750, 1534496195285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we eliminate all but the white race climate change wouldn't exist, simple as. 3rd world shiters don't care about this planet.

>> No.10119809

Oh no, what do we do bros? Big Apple is onto us

>> No.10119812

I thought Steve was dead

>> No.10119895

So we should weaponize global warming to fight the planet in the future

>> No.10119943

I hope the warmers go ahead and save for retirement. Just in case guys.

>> No.10120125

Can someone convince me why I should give a shit about "global warming"?

The thing is that we just KNOW developing countries are going to keep using fossil fuels - such an abundant, cheap source of energy. Meanwhile, electric cars are fucking expensive, partly due to using loads of rare earth minerals. And generating renewable energy is not that cheap either (I think we should do nuclear to be honest - that's a pretty cost-effective way of generating lots of electricity).

But anyway the point is this - why should western countries shoot themselves in the foot, deliberately making things MORE expensive for ourselves, allowing our enemies to catch up, allowing them to have more industry and develop their militaries until they can beat us?

>> No.10120130


Because the alternative is extinction.

>> No.10120165

Surely we'll adapt like we always have. Some parts of the world that are currently too cold to inhabit, like Siberia, will become habitable. We'll make do.

But I guess I would be willing to reduce emissions if we can be sure that all countries will do it equally so that no country can sneakily use fossil fuels and gain an advantage. Perhaps we should give the UN the power to enforce this sort of thing.

>> No.10120184

Russia and china will openly piss in the face of the UN

>> No.10120188

The solution is extinction of certain races

>> No.10120204

Stupid contest. Who will win?!

>> No.10120207

>T. Lesser race

>> No.10120228

Well that's the thing. And that's why I'm sceptical about the idea of western countries taking on the burden of reducing emissions.


>> No.10120240

If we take up being more environmentally friendly we would have to force it upon others like the races who don't give a shit about the planet. We would have to be brutal to achieve this goal of fixing the planets climate

>> No.10120250

Sure, but first stop rapidly warming the planet out of the climatic optimum.

>> No.10120646

The planet is warming the planet, and it causes more vegetative growth. Why do you hate the environment?

>> No.10120650

The planet is fixing the environment by raising the temperature to cause more plant growth.

>> No.10120666

>Can someone convince me why I should give a shit about "global warming"?
Because fix problems is cheaper than ignoring them in the long run.

>The thing is that we just KNOW developing countries are going to keep using fossil fuels - such an abundant, cheap source of energy.
How do you "just know"?

>But anyway the point is this - why should western countries shoot themselves in the foot, deliberately making things MORE expensive for ourselves
Because your disproportionately responsible for this problem. Look at tit the other way around: why would developing countries that are struggling to get by with a quarter of your emissions cut back, unless you cut a path and show them it's possible?

>allowing our enemies to catch up
Which enemies?

>Surely we'll adapt like we always have.
Adapt to what? So long as we keep contributing to the problem the situation will continue to get worse. There won't BE a stable state to adapt to until we cut emissions.

>But I guess I would be willing to reduce emissions if we can be sure that all countries will do it equally so that no country can sneakily use fossil fuels and gain an advantage.
Sure. Expand whatever internal emissions-regulation mechanism you use so that it also covers imports. Write trade deals that are contingent on other counties setting up similar emissions controls.

>give the UN the power to enforce this sort of thing.
That's not really how the UN works.

>If we take up being more environmentally friendly we would have to force it upon others like the races who don't give a shit about the planet. We would have to be brutal to achieve this
If you want everyone to work together towards a common goal, "be brutal" probably shouldn't be your first suggestion.

>> No.10120678

There is nothing to fix. The planet is getting warmer to increase plant growth. It's natural. Why do you want to poison the environment?

>> No.10120725

>If you want everyone to work together towards a common goal, "be brutal" probably shouldn't be your first suggestion.
The world isn't some fairy tail place where everyone gets along. Grow up and realize that some people need to be forced into action.The meek will accomplish nothing. Its the strong that will always prevail.

>Which enemies
Are you implying that no country out there would leap at the chance to dethrone America?

>Because your disproportionately responsible for this problem.
What is this? thinly veiled white guilt?

>How do you "just know"?
Jesus, its like you are a little child that thinks everyone just gets along and couldn't possibly have ulterior motives.

>> No.10120730

Shit *fairy tale

>> No.10120776

>The world isn't some fairy tail place where everyone gets along.
It's also not an edgy teen novel, where only blood and violence ever gets things done. Diplomacy and negotiation actually work, as the comparative peace of recent history clearly shows. If you want other countries onboard with addressing AGW, proposing deals that benefit the participants is going to be far more productive than waving around empty threats.
Or do you actually think that the US could use military force to cut emissions in China?

>The meek will accomplish nothing. Its the strong that will always prevail.
Don't conflate "strength" with "quick to resort to violence". It makes you look foolish.

>What is this? thinly veiled white guilt?
Reality. The developed world (particularly the USA and Australia) have vastly higher per-capita emissions than the rest of the world. Given how profitable the use of fossil fuels is, developing countries can't afford to take the lead on moving away from them. This is why the USA abandoning the Paris accord was such a big deal (despite how thin the actual agreement was): If the USA isn't interested in participating, then it will vastly harder to convince anyone else to either.
Hell, this is exactly the issue that ridiculously-abused Ottmar Edenhofer quote is actually talking about: For developing counties to leave their fuels in the ground after the developed world have already burned theirs represents a huge transfer of wealth - they're not going to agree to that without getting something in return. It's incumbent on us to lead, or else no-one will.

>Jesus, its like you are a little child that thinks everyone just gets along and couldn't possibly have ulterior motives.
Understanding other peoples' motives is the entire point of diplomacy.