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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10102307 No.10102307 [Reply] [Original]

How embarrassed would you be if you were always shitting on someone else's valid work and then it came out that you had a government contract to design a plane but you totally it fucked up because you thought that the rarification of the air along the longer distance on the top of the wing created an upward pressure into the low pressure zone instead of recognizing the real lift mechanism through which the angle of attack of the wing pushes air down and conservation of momentum then pushes the plane up. I bet you'd be pretty embarrassed but if even after you totally did everything wrong on the plane you doubled down on your error on like 20 times always saying, "No I'm right, someone else fucked something up," when really the whole time it was all your wrong idea about how airplanes work then I bet you would be so embarrassed! I bet you wouldn't even acknowledge your obvious failure to consider the law of conservation of momentum and then you'd go on pretending to be some super expert while you continue to say "I'm right, they are wrong," about other totally valid ideas later on when really you are just jelly you weren't smart enough or hard working enough to come up with them on your own. WOW, I wouldn't want to be that guy!!! I bet if there was a person like that he still hasn't acknowledged that he was totally wrong as fuck about how airplanes work and has subsequently been totally wrong about a lot of over math/science stuff while still ego-tripping on himself every day like he is some kind of expert or genius or something when he's just an average guy who makes the kind of average mistakes average people make. Even I myself once totally messed up the chain rule, to an embarrassing degree, in one of my papers but I didn't deny the error even once and I fixed it as soon as noticed it (which was several months because I didn't reread the paper right away.) However, had I been taking derivatives in a professional capacity rather than producing a hobby paper...

>> No.10102314
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>tfw I made that guy teach you the wrong thing

>> No.10102336

If there was a guy like that, then we should collect up all the paper work on the failed contract and determine who was right and who was wrong about each little point of contention, in public, and then after we established who is unable to admit a mistake we should do a further case study to determine what other kinds of instances there were in which that person was unable to admit making mistakes about clean cut technical matters whose validity is decisively determinable... all of this in public... going to great detail about who was obviously wrong at each point of technical contention.

>> No.10102689

6.02 x suck my^(dick)

>> No.10103083

I'm not the one that likes sausages. That's the guy who doesn't know about airplanes. I don't want to rib you too hard over it; I'm still holding onto the chance that I love one of you guys dearly and I miss him. You know better than me... I still don't know who is who.

>> No.10103181

You are you, internal experience communicator.

>> No.10103328

>even after you totally did everything wrong you doubled down on your error on like 20 times always saying, "No I'm right, someone else fucked something up," when really the whole time it was all your wrong idea
yeah can you IMAGINE something like that happening
holy shit like wow

>> No.10103350

you should come to /sp/ and make threads like this. They could get hundreds of replies and new memes could be made.

>> No.10104493


>> No.10104645
File: 19 KB, 250x139, dfgddsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you're here, Jon. Seems like you've accomplished quite a bit by explaining your paper on sci.

>> No.10104727



>> No.10104806
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>> No.10104809

I don't get embarrassed. I've lived most of my life in a dissociative haze, and don't care what other people think besides. They're worthless and therefore social standing is worthless.