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File: 553 KB, 2400x2708, diverse-science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10101516 No.10101516 [Reply] [Original]

Is diversity necessary for the future survival of science?

>> No.10101518

>Black dude playing game app teaching him how to count to 60
>Feminist drinking coffee looking at black guy and thinking about BBC
>Black qween learning how to draw a circle under supervision
checks out

>> No.10101519


no, keeping political bullshit out is necessary for the survival of good science

>> No.10101523

So in the future research will be so underfunded that we'll have to fit 3 times as many people in the same office?

>> No.10101524

Has anyone ever provided a rigorous defense of diversity? Harvard's only defense in their trial is only diversity for diversity's sake.

>> No.10101526


>> No.10101538

Kill the whitey.

>> No.10101540

8 researcher are better than 3, yes.

>> No.10101544


only for data gathering

>> No.10101545


>> No.10101557

There are only like 3 black people in our physics faculty, never two in the same room.

>> No.10101561

skill based recruitment is the only rule that matters

>> No.10101565

The proportion of conservative people in the academic world doesn't match the proportion of conservatives in society as a whole, however this kind of lack of diversity is seldom discussed. Just saying.

>> No.10101567

Diversity should be encouraged but not at the detriment of any other candidates.

>> No.10101571


>> No.10101572

>not completely niggerish

Jesus, by this author accord the powers were quite slow in their race homogenization.
Unless the white ones are (((white))).

>> No.10101580
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>> No.10101590

>Black dude just wants to help get people into space
>Gets dragged into every photo-op because, HEY LOOK, A BLACK GUY!

>> No.10101604

>the picture

What a fucking shit vision of the future - Low energy imagination from that artist

>> No.10101606


>> No.10101632

Companies are implementing stricter affirmative action guidelines than outlined by government because they find it helps their bottom line. Why is this the case? Because people hire people that are like them. Simple case of "the person you know". This limits application pool. Enforced diversity hires increase the pool being drawn from. Companies realized this, and purposely have stricter diversity hiring policies than required.

"Necessary" is a strong word. You could only hire race X and still have science be around.

If the current trends hold, diversity is an important variable in science.

>> No.10101638

You need more to maintain the pace of sciencetific advancement.

So many fields which were niches which were covered by some crazy guy are now full fledged subfields.

Just look at numerical mathematics and its application in science.

>> No.10101641

>Nixon killed von Braun's Mars plans
>blame minorities which weren't even a thing 20-30 years ago.

>> No.10101730

Maybe we should go back to wearing white button down shirts, ties and pocket protectors.

>> No.10101735

I think this might be it. I tuck in my shirt and it's a whole different deal from that point on. I can only imagine what wearing a tie and pocket protector would be like.

>> No.10101745

>first image
Everyone is working or looks like they're about to get a drink and go right back to work
>last image
3 people _might_ be working but there's 8 people not working


>> No.10101748

This is actually something I/Q psychologists recommend to have a set of clothes exclusive for work.

>> No.10101752
File: 220 KB, 362x362, SadNasaDude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my feet hurt
>I just wanted to send more people to the moon
>I'm just monitoring 20 dumb satellites all day
>I'm more fulfilled playing Kerbal Space Program than being here.

>> No.10101757

No. It should be kept out because it just tries to enforce quotas. Instead, you want people interested and capable of doing such jobs in the first place.

>> No.10101758

doesn't look like he wants to be there

>> No.10101763

Then you are supporting diversity

>> No.10101767

>Has anyone ever provided a rigorous defense of diversity?
It prevents people from having their feelings hurt.

>> No.10101769


>food in lab setting with microscopes
>people talking during sampling and lab analyzing process
>no bookshelves
>fire extinguisher not norm compliant
>no chemical emergency showers
>no workstations anywhere, only meme tablets
>the only thing which changes are chairs and sofas and the apple like design

jesus christ this really pisses me off

>> No.10101772


he is supporting people being competent and being selected via meritocracy , not on some shitty racial bias and emotional nonsense.

>> No.10101773

Lot of mathematics done for trip for the moon was counted by black woman called calculator.

>> No.10101778

Good science is dependent on “political bullshit” policies

>> No.10101787


clearly you know nothing about science and research, politics are the cancer which undermines science itself

>> No.10101795

Then you are supporting diversity and getting rid of institutional racism and sexism, which stop people to tap into STEM

>> No.10101796

You say that like it's not the normal level of stupid for universities.

>> No.10101802

Well, I honestly wouldn't somebody get a role in society just because he's people of color, and that would be racism, people getting positions just to maintain diversity is PURE BULLSHIT.

>> No.10101804


get the fuck out with your retarded sjw mumbo jumbo.
these are politics and are worse than anal cancer, on par with human resources sheer retardation.
you people brought political correctness in pure STEM fields in which we don't even study humans for fuck's sake, you all need to commit suicide for the good of the whole world.

>> No.10101806

>black woman called calculator.
Do you actually think she was called calculator?

>> No.10101813

My calculator is called black woman

>> No.10101815

Clearly you didn’t understand my point

>> No.10101816

It's funny how people are arguing that only the quality of their work should count but then supporting nstitutional racism and sexism that large group of people can participate in the first place.

>> No.10101817


>> No.10101819


why don't you illustrate your reasoning then?
it's not his job to understand your hidden motivations.

>> No.10101821

Giving somebody job, because he is people of color is racism, comparing two candidates and choosing better independent of race is not.

>> No.10101829

Imagine /sci/ is actually an accurate mirror of the scientific community, as long people always reduce minorities to "the person only got the job because..." as long do we need diversity policies.

>> No.10101849

no. ban blacks from doing science. there are plenty of jobs for them as menial workers.

and incidentally you can tell some things about skill based on race.

>> No.10101854

Today Asians inmigrants and europe of east made most STEM academia in universities and research outside USA is huge in any field.

But number african inmigrants from other countries in USA for science begin superior to afroamericans.

Women number don't begin equality in any field.

Science is diversity but no kind SJW diversity

>> No.10101856
File: 97 KB, 881x816, muh low iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a hypothetical situation.
imagine you have 5 positions to fill with 10 candidates, each of which has perfect scores and are all equally excellent candidates based on the numbers.
5 asians, 2 whites, 2 blacks, and 1 hispanic make up the 10 candidates.
which 5 do you take and why?

involvement in the sciences is correlated with intelligence.
liberalism is also correlated with intelligence.

>> No.10101862


I ignore the racial profile of the candidate and if the numbers are truly equal, order of paperwork presentation rules, first comes first served.

>liberalism is also correlated with intelligence

trait opennes is correlated with intelligence, liberalism is also correlated with less selective interpersonal boundaries, which is correlated to a series of personal traits unrelated to intelligence.
the modern "inclusivity and diversity" motto is not liberal, but authoritarian.

>> No.10101872

as long people always reduce minorities to "the person only got the job because..." as long do we need diversity policies.
What? Do you guys ever check your posts before clicking 'post'? Incomprehensible.

>> No.10101882
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>the person only got the job because...
feels bad man
4.0 gpa 99th percentile gre, got accepted to phd program, have a white guy suggest to my face that i only got the position because of race when in fact i outscored him

>> No.10101885


>> No.10101889


that's the sad consequence of affermative action policies, it damages the ones who are actually competent and would have gotten the position anyway

>> No.10101893

>Watch out Sam Harris, Gordon Hodson and Michael A. Busseri of Brock University are giving you competition for the worst use of statistics in an original paper.

>Their “Bright Minds and Dark Attitudes: Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact” published in Psychological Science1—headlined in the press as Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice—is a textbook example of confused data, unrecognized bias, and ignorance of statistics.


>> No.10101895


>> No.10101912

Money is necessary for the survival of science. These disenfranchised have more to prove and are sometimes more motivated by that. For instance I had a black female in my graduate class that made a pcr machine from scratch. We both got good jobs.

>> No.10101926

>it’s not his job to understand your hidden motivations
Spoken like a true conspiracy theorist in a science board

>> No.10101928


>burden of proof is now conspiracy theory

the absolute state of /sci/

>> No.10101938

>and incidentally you can tell some things about skill based on race.
Race says nothing about *individuals*

>> No.10101940

It pretty intuitively leads to more creativity. People with different cultures and personalities have different ideas. You could even be edgy and say certain groups won't have as many good ideas, but being presented bad ideas forces you to define why it's bad, bringing you closer to good ideas.

>> No.10101942

>involvement in the sciences is correlated with intelligence.
>liberalism is also correlated with intelligence.

correlations are not transitive. take a look at scientific misdemeanor by SJWs.

>> No.10101948


different ideas doesn't translate in better ideas.

also nice publications you've linked there.

>> No.10101958

Bullshit. If that were true there wouldn't have been so much convergent evolution in technology in the pre-industrial era. A sickle is recognizable as a sickle whether it's from Asia, Europe, or Central America.

There are a finite number of ways to perform an action. Culture does not change that.

>> No.10102012

the bio department at my university is so hung up on pushing diversity it makes me a little sick. There is this organization that gives so much funding to "underprivileged" people and sets them up with a lab and gives them 1000 a month. They argue that since science has historically been dominated by white men that they SHOULD and DO hire people who are less qualified based on their ethnicity as a way of "correcting" for the past.
In my opinion two wrongs do not make a right, and the merit of the work or candidate should take precedence. I had to do bitch work for a year for this lab and then finally got hired on in a paid position, didn't get shit just handed to me cuz of my skin color. Fuck them. Fuck diversity.

>> No.10102028

I hope that America will find necessary to diversify their r&d engineering with poor, not really experienced slavs and offering them $100k jobs that can be done remotely.

t. poor slav from EU earning €650/month

>> No.10102043

You don’t even make sense

>> No.10102045

>women weren't a thing 20-30 years ago

>> No.10102046

is the joke that with every change they do less work?

>> No.10102111
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>> No.10102118


>> No.10102127


>blank whiteboard
>sterile gloves on touchscreen
>stock pictures
>no stains on lab coat
>no nametag or badge

c'mon man.

>> No.10102340
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>> No.10102359

>therefore the races are biologically equal
Found the retard

>> No.10102531

That's ignoring all the technologies that didn't show up across all cultures. Even if you're idea was true, access to more ideas would lead to us finding solutions faster.

>> No.10102546
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>> No.10102557

Ya srry no sources because I'm a lazy phone poster. Have you ever worked on a creative project with others though? Shitty ideas one person would never think of can inspire someone else to think of a good idea. Also, I'm not saying we hire dingos just to meet a diversity quota. I'm saying unique ideas are valuable, and one way to get a variety of different ideas is to work with people from different cultures.

>> No.10102577


yes I do work with other people, it's my job.
never a muslim, or a hindu, or the guy from sierra leone has given us a better insight on how a material deforms because of the quran, the dharma or whatever they do in sierra leone but the muslim guy has given us a nice idea because he's fucking smart and has great competence in the field.

unique ideas are unique, not inherently valuable and not everything unique can be useful.
unless you find some people who have a cultural predisposition to study instead of going to the clubs I say that competence trumps diversity every time.

in the research field we value one thing and one thing only: solutions and how to approach new problems, we care zero about other stuff.

the diversity quotas and mentality have seriously impacted the productivity and created a monster machine of bureaucracy to hide the fact that some people are better than others and perform better and it's nobody's fault.

>> No.10102590

I would encourage people to be more specific about what they mean when they say "diversity." Diversity in ethics is going away, everyone who ethics are much different than mine is going to go away.

>> No.10102598
File: 133 KB, 500x459, just-because-youre-unique-doesnt-mean-youre-useful-19585701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as another anon said. maybe you need an illustration, snowflake.

>> No.10102601

>thinking finding better ideas faster is a good thing
You're just begging for the singularity, aren't you.

>> No.10102605

What kind of tool would make an image like this?
>hurr my goal in life is to be useful to ((society))

>> No.10102612

lol, being useful for the market makes one gains. enjoy poverty.

>> No.10102638

That's called being capable. Being useful is for low-tier wageslaves.

>> No.10102645

idk man i think you are wrong. I think it is important to produce for society, to create, to offer something of value

>> No.10102650

>tries to preemptively damage control knowing full well these “diverse” elements are lower iq
>says their retardation will force us to more rigidly define our ideas
>this goes against the initial premise of increased creativity
>every single part of the post seems to admit these people don’t belong in academia or research
lol its over already, give us 10 years
Only white, jewish and asian candidates

>> No.10102668

>which 5 do you take and why?
Naively, the best choice would be the 5 asians, but given that we know asians lack creativity and also over perform on tests, I'd take the 2 whites and 3 asians, provided they were all men.

Just because they have perfect scores doesn't mean they are equal, just that their performance was above the level measurable by the instrument. The blacks are the most probable worst candidates.

>> No.10103183

4.0 in african studies

>> No.10103280
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Poor dude, he just wants some god damn peace and quiet while doing his job

>> No.10103284
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>> No.10103295

Yes. She was only allowed to have a true name after five successful launches.

>> No.10103300
File: 3 KB, 262x261, Scientists and Politics.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is a straight up kook.

>> No.10103306

>they shopped him out in the official pic

>> No.10103308
File: 1.26 MB, 1240x923, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta sell those lego sets

also no, they didn't

>> No.10103570

i see what you did there anon.
very good.

>> No.10103823

Without society you'd either be useful to your family/tribe or dead before adulthood.

>> No.10104532

The main argument for diversity is that different perspectives and such is good and favorable. And I agree it's true in some cases. But for other cases, it really shouldn't even be a factor.

However while American media largely promotes "diversity" it's always in the form of physical diversity. No real emphasis on anything but skin tone and gender. And especially no diversity of politics.

It's messed up but especially in Hollywood stuff diversity is just a phrase for "black people"

>> No.10104573

The idea that only humans can do science isn't exactly hubris.

>> No.10104574

No but its preferred

>> No.10104664

Depends, if you are one of these /pol/tards you probably think the smartest scientists are going to be coming from caucasian populations.

However, you'll want diversity to recruit the smartest minds into the lab. Thats one of the reasons for diversity. Especially when you are competing for the best scientists with other institutions.

You'll just be missing out on talent if you stay in your "whites only" mentality.

>> No.10104679
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>> No.10104763

>Implying this happened

To be clear, I find your alleged qualifications improbable because you post on 4chan, not because you're insinuating your black.

>> No.10105962


You know after figuring out that nobody has been to space and we have never been to the moon it kind of makes sense why they bad a black mathematician in the background doing these "numbers"

>> No.10105969

Your line of thinking comes from a strawman.

>> No.10105973

>multiple black women
>not a single pajeet or minglee

Whoever drew this is a tard

>> No.10105974

Except diversity programs in STEM try to keep out qualified Asians and Indians to bring in more blacks and Hispanics

>> No.10105976

Where is your source to back up this claim?
Whenever I see "pictures" it's all white women and one token black.

>> No.10105983

Exactly. They keep out the Asians and Indians and bring in one unqualified black.

>> No.10106065

So you see a picture of a lab group and just based on someone's skin color, you automatically label someone as unqualified?
Fuck outta here /pol/tard.

Strawman? lmao fuck outta here kid. Talk to Department Heads at R1 Institutions. I'm pretty sure they'll tell you they have a hard time retaining talent because of the racist shit their professors experience outside of the lab and within the university.

>> No.10106075

>So you see a picture of a lab group and just based on someone's skin color, you automatically label someone as unqualified?

Not unreasonable if the institution has affirmative action.

>> No.10106104

And if they don't?

>> No.10106107

Americans are lying about getting to the moon.

>> No.10106108 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10106118

Then they lose their funding and get shut down.

>> No.10106120

Science has no room for capitalism.
That's why we need diversity

>> No.10106121

Based communism

>> No.10106123

Because blacks and Hispanics require far lower scores to gain entry into universities while the opposite is true for Asians.

>> No.10106139

2 whites and 3 Asians to promote cultural similarity and ease of communication.
If I were an Asian in an Asian country, it take all 5 Asians.
Since I'm white and in a white country, I'll take as many whites as I can.

If the others are sufficiently western in mannerisms, it's just a toss up, but theen the only difference is skin color and diversity doesn't bring any benefits anyways.

>> No.10106151

>wrote arithmetic
>did math
Choose one

>> No.10106161

With a sufficiently large selection pool, it doesn't matter.

If I need 10 hires, and there are 15 whites and 85 non-whites, all roughly equivalent that meet my requirements, there is absolutely no downside to hiring only whites.

>> No.10106355

Too bad that large selection pool doesn't exist in STEM. And sure if you're looking to run a company do what you want and be average. To make groundbreaking discoveries in science you don't want to be average.

Again, we are talking about science, not your typical job. Innovative research requires more than just "ease of communication"

Typical, just be honest that you can't stand seeing a person of color in a better position than you, even if they are qualified.

OP is talking about science, not university admission.

>> No.10106365
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>> No.10106389

No, (((diversity))) is nothing more than an attack on White people. The less White people have influence, involvement, or control of something, the more “diverse” they say it is.

>> No.10106396

>implying niggers and spics discover groundbreaking things at even 1% the rate of whitey

You have to go back

>> No.10106591
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> psychological science
Psycology is not a real science mate.

>> No.10106673

Not neccecary, but beneficial. Right now it seems like lots of talent gets lost because of external factors.
There may be differences between groups, but the differences between individuals are much greater, so i don't understand why everyone gets so hung up on that.

>> No.10107939
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