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10100167 No.10100167 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Computer Scientists/IT professionals call themselves Engineers?

They are not Engineers...

>> No.10100177

Dumb engineer, you're no better than those code monkeys

>> No.10100223

google, amazon, etc. calls them general software engineer (SWE) but they specialize in site reliability engineer, data engineer, research engineer, ML engineer, SDIT engineer, etc.

>> No.10100227

because you don't understand what the word engineer means

>> No.10100228

Also engineer is not a protected term in USA. What would you call them instead? Engineer is just a generic catch all term for technical positions like analyst.

>> No.10100278

stop using the word engineer to give clout to your data entry or code monkey menial bullshit

>Engineer is just a generic catch all term for technical positions like analyst.
>Engineer is just a generic catch all term


>> No.10100300

I'm not for calling random software developers engineers, but also this is pretty funny. That being said, I've seen CS PhD's (theoretical mostly, but some systems people too) on my team who are insanely smart and solve a lot of interesting, hard problems that your average engineer could only dream of doing. A lot of these guys already pick up the skills to do further engineering research if they so please.

>implying that engineering that isn't in R&D amounts to anything more than code/CADmonkey, MATLAB equation checking, cadence monkeying, or maybe an old fortran loop if you're in aerospace

MSE research is pretty legit though.

t. EE R&D

>> No.10100306

Also, CS and IT are two different fields. One has a research presence and exists beyond any industrial demand or physical computer, and the other is IT

>> No.10100321
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Much like Law and Medicine Engineering is legally defined and rigorously regulated, PE's carry the sanction of the state. CS monkeys are plebs who think themselves apart of the white collar aristocracy.

>> No.10100327

funny how software "engineers" are paid 2-5x more than proper "engineers", isn't it? Go look at the salaries on Blind if you want to feel worthless

>> No.10100330
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>> No.10100336

mhmm. they sleep in their lambo's because an apartment in silicon valley or seattle is $4k a month.

>> No.10100342

yeah its because its inflated by basedcuckbois in San Frangaycisco, drinking lattes, while making a couple for and while loops, then getting funding for 10 billion dollars for their great new "idea"

anyone in IT in San Frangaycisco is not an engineer

>> No.10100343

The tech elites control the world. The tech billionaires and their companies have redefined the term "engineering" to mean whatever they want. AI is already automating paralegals and radiologists out of jobs

>> No.10100347

only graduates of ABET accredited engineering programs can call themselves engineers

>> No.10100352

AI cannot assume liability, which is one of the reasons why engineering is legally defined. As long as someone is to be held accountable for a design, engineering will always be engineering.

>> No.10100353

you can always work remote and big tech companies have offices all over the country and the world. Amazon's HQ2 is supposed to be in the DC metro area. I know some senior engineers making 500k base working for financial companies in the midwest.

>> No.10100358

most decent CS programs are ABET accredited

>> No.10100360

most of the CS guys i know who work remote live in thailand

>> No.10100373

that's cause most CS weebs are sissy neet fagots who are into ladyboys

>> No.10100378

Finance fags get the rope just like software "engineers"

Finance is nothing more than automated code trying to execute trades faster than the other guy. Possibly the most mundane career field there is, but hey, at least you make tons of money!!!!

another really vital and important part of the economy!!!

>> No.10100379

Civil engineering and some mechanical engineering projects are protected by law and name since they're part of public safety. I've seen very few, if any, EE, Aerospace, and MSE conracts that require a PE. The FE and PE exams aren't too bad, and they're mostly there as a basic milestone/pay raise.

Regardless, CS and code monkeying are two different things. I'm telling you from industry experience that CS PhD researchers in R&D are the future of engineering and industrial mathematical research.

>> No.10100381

Corporation are living entities; they assume liability for their products.

>> No.10100387

>I've seen very few, if any, EE

wut? Electrical PE's are more prevalent than mechanical or civils due to how hot work is regulated.

>> No.10100389

thats not how designer of record works. AI can't be called to testify in court or justify its due diligence.

>> No.10100390

>Computer Scientists/IT professionals

These are two completely different things

>> No.10100392

CS PhD researchers are, at their core, mathematicians who can code

>> No.10100393

So you wouldn't want to be a sellout like James Simons then? Some people want to make a ton of money to be able to donate, its called effective altruism

>> No.10100405

It depends on your sector and the area of your research. I see a lot of people in power who needed a PE, but I generally keep myself away from power and closer to control theory and CPU design.

A PhD is CS has nothing to do with code in the traditional sense, because at this point everybody can code (maybe if they were doing compiler work and algebra, sure, CS PhD's can 'construct code'). Theoretical CS is mostly just mathematics of all kinds and flavors. Systems CS is a halfway point between engineering and theoretical CS. You have the theoretical underpinnings and some pretty pure topics, but then you bring it back to complex systems that have to scale. One very smart systems CS guy works on my team, and he helps a lot with everything from symbolic debugging to the heat equations.

tl; dr the CS PhD's biggest skill isn't code. It was never code. It's that a CS PhD launches you into some of the most interesting work out there. It's inherited a lot of the problems that came before it

>> No.10100438

right, because donating 10 million dollars a year while your net worth is in the billions is altruism

>> No.10100446
File: 289 KB, 907x915, waste of 5 years.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i weren't an engineer.

>> No.10100452

Lmao, no you need a PE license

>> No.10100454

Isnt CS stem? If not what is it?

>> No.10100457

To annoy you

>> No.10100458

God, I wish that were me

>> No.10100464

way to study yourself out of a job i guess.

>> No.10100473

how are you not a highly specialized engineer doing consulting work and making $150 an hour minimum?

>> No.10100480

no, you don't, and i'd strongly suggest that you don't even consider it.

all i wanted to do upon finishing was get away from academia and instead i ended up in a non-profit which is even worse than academia. no one in the industry wants to hire me.

>> No.10100488

because that requires 10+ years of relevant, industry experience and desirable skills and not being a broke dick that pissed away 5 years of his 20s slaving away for some cunt doing shit absolutely no one cares about outside of those in white collar welfare (government funded research).

>> No.10100494

I guess the law has to be rewritten then :^)

>> No.10100505

When I was job searching I kept scrolling past Sales engineers and when I clicked it turned out that's what those dumb fuckers call the people that stand around in a store waiting to bother you.

>> No.10100516

what research were you doing?

try defense contracting

>> No.10100521

liquid fuel combustion experiments, and i tried. defense contractors, outside of government positions, are the only places where i can't even score a phone interview.

>> No.10100545

I get paid more so who cares lmao

>> No.10100566

CS is the T in STEM

>> No.10100581

To legitimize their complete mess of a field.

It's actually very irresponsible because the term "engineer" means that standards and accountability are applied to the industry. Often quality assurance isn't very high in tech industries. They just want it to work and there's no respect for "clean code" or releasing a responsibly made product.

This is because there are few, if any, regulations on computer related infrastructure. So you're right "engineer" is often wrong or misused. That's why programs have glitches, or crash, or need to be updated constantly. They almost never work properly or completely without error. If a bridge was released for use and needed updates shortly after launch the builders would be crucified. But since CS/IT is so abstract and the processes invisible to the normal user, they don't have the wherewithal to pressure them for accountability.

That said quality assurance in the CS/IT field is a growing industry and there are a small number of people in this industry who perhaps might have earned the title, but most who use it are charlatans.


>> No.10101648

you're no scientist, buddy

>> No.10101663

That's false. Engineer is a protected title with many facets that come with it. The (unlicensed) software/IT Engineers in the U.S. have that title due to "industrial exemption" are legally unable to represent themselves as being able to do engineering work for anything other than the firm that hired them unless an actual engineer baby sits them.

>> No.10101676

You should get your PE and open your own consulting firm.

>> No.10101681


>> No.10101712

yeah, i've been debating doing that but i still need to tough out 4 years at work and i really do hate my current job.

>> No.10101716

They are similar.
1. Both tend to be lolbertarian nutjobs.
2. Both think they are doing the "important" work.
3. Both think their Calc1-3 classes give them all the necessary skills to read and misinterpret scientific publications when the science findings goes against their lolbertarian ideology.
The only difference is that CS are openly gay and Engineer are closeted.

>> No.10101719

Or maybe you could work at your uni under a PE for research.

>> No.10101732

there is only one department that hires engineers at my university and they never responded when i applied. my adviser even called to put in a good word for me. in fact, i haven't received a single response to the 4 positions i applied for at my university (none were tenure track/teaching).

>> No.10101744

>because that requires 10+ years of relevant, industry experience and desirable skills
Acquiring a doctorate in engineering should´ve granted you all the skills and experience needed for any and all industry projects.
>and not being a broke dick that pissed away 5 years of his 20s slaving away for some cunt doing shit absolutely no one cares about outside of those in white collar welfare (government funded research).
The knowledge required to conduct government funded research is exactly what well-paid engineering positions require, since such research makes use of the same mathematical foundations as any and all problem-solving tasks in industry.

>> No.10101749

Are you a pajeet/chink, or a citizen? If you belong to the former group, you can kiss defense contractor positions goodbye for good.

>> No.10101754

>uses the term lolbertarian twice
Are you, by any chance, a euroshit seething with jealousy over the superior, freedom-embracing American way of life?

PS. I´m not American, but I find foreigners (i.e. non-Americans) bitching about American politics to be very humorous - you never learn from your failed totalitarian ways, do you?

>> No.10101766

Those are technicians, engineers don't know how hold a wrench lol

>> No.10101782

that's only true if you do computational work where you were writing your own code/programs. experimental work (what i did) plus simulations with available (niche) software (also what i did) are not very desirable. i only wrote some minor scipts for processing/formating/parsing data. now, i'm doing exactly what i did in grad school plus cfd simulations with commercial software, which is about the only useful skill i've acquired at the new job. my best hope is to try to leverage the cfd work, or be stuck in lab positions for the rest of my "engineering" career.

i'm a citizen, which means that it was an even bigger mistake going for the phd.

>> No.10101909
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because computer scientists do a lot of engineering work

>> No.10101984
File: 38 KB, 687x389, How to get women into engineering, make engineer meaningless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10101989

>t's actually very irresponsible because the term "engineer" means that standards and accountability are applied to the industry.
Engineer means related to engines... That means material science, fluid dynamics, and/or energy analysis. The only true engineers are mechanical, aero, chemical, and (arguably) hardware and nuclur. All other engineers are based on the tangentially associated properties of the true engineers and engineering. (or an attempt to imply those properties)

>> No.10103244

I'm with you on this one. I prefer "software developer" or "programmer" over "software engineer". It's just... nasty.

>> No.10103288

>If a bridge was released for use and needed updates shortly after launch the builders would be crucified.
You sound like someone who has never worked with bridges before. Emergency fixes happen all the fucking time. Recently near where I live, they had completed a new bridge over a reasonably important waterway, and then found out that they made it some 5cm too low to fit the tallest ships that use this waterway. They had to then raise the entire construction, at tremendous costs. And that is by no means an isolated incident.

>> No.10103372

Explain to me again how a software engineer in computer vision isn't an engineer. They even use calculus/physics in their day to day profession.

>> No.10103660

>4 years
with a PhD it should be 2 years max. you should be able to go take the FE/PE right now.

>> No.10103671

Computer Scientist can be an engineer similarly to how an atheist can be vegan, a woman can be green-eyed and a Frenchman can be diabetic. Being something does not mean you couldn't be something else at the same time.

>> No.10104004

Of course, but generally the CS/IT workers are only engineers in job title rather than actual professionals. It isn't always the case though.

I think of it like those people who are a 'sales engineer', it's a fancy title to raise your market value but it's legally worthless unless there is an actual professional engineer to check your work (In U.S.)

>> No.10104040

>Confusing computer science with "information technology"/"software engineering"

I'm not even a CompSci fag, but studying CompSci (and working in it, at least at higher levels) entails a lot more than mindless coding. In fact other than math itself, CS (not physics) is the discipline closest to pure math.