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File: 34 KB, 493x335, PRinc_photo_of_fetus_at_16_weeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10100142 No.10100142 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, I need your expertise here. What are the odds of a major defect at birth with a 37 yr old woman? I'm 36.

>> No.10100149


At age 20, 1 in 1,441
At age 25, 1 in 1,383
At age 30, 1 in 959
At age 35, 1 in 338
At age 40, 1 in 84
At age 45, 1 in 32
At age 50, 1 in 44

Paternal age has a much less relevant effect than maternal age

>> No.10100162

>At age 50, 1 in 44

>> No.10100168


dunno, probably sampling bias, maybe it gets asymptotically stable

>> No.10100175

Hidden variable in the data due to menopause

>> No.10100192

ty based /sci/entist

>> No.10100339

why is this the case?
what happens to women that they get worse at producing healthy children

>> No.10100356

80% chance of crippling autism.
Your son will probably be a shitposting loser virgin.
Your daughter might be a total bimbo slut who smokes weed with chad.

>> No.10100367

It increases with every minute she doesn't have a bun in the oven.

The body has to create another body inside it. Evidently, that is a really complicated thing that is hard to do, especially when an older body is attempting it.

>> No.10100653

Women produce all of their oocytes during gestation, they age with the woman

>> No.10101463

Just a get a surrogate mother. If the child doesn't look like you or its black or some shit, don't worry about it, you should be proud your a parent now.

>> No.10101488

Holy shit. I knew about the wall but holy shit. I didn't know it was so bad after 40.

>> No.10101494

Don't expose your child to any wireless devices prenatally or otherwise.

It's a bad time to be having children.

>> No.10101510


there's early menopause, that's why numbers drop so much post 40

>> No.10101513

>>>/x/ is that way pseud

>> No.10101522

I think one hypothesis is that all eggs are suspended in meiosis, so the chromosomes are stuck in this state where they're tethered by cytoskeletal elements until sperm hits and they can complete the process. The process starts during the woman's own development in the womb. So for like 40 years you have these tiny cellular skeletal arms just holding on and saying "we just need to hold on a little longer guys" and past a threshold they just snap. Chromosomes can't segregate correctly and you end up with trisomy etc

so like it probably varies but yeah 35-40 seems to be a major threshold and it only gets worse from there

>> No.10101525
File: 625 KB, 2434x1964, Glaser1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the pseud, layman. Don't talk about what you don't know about.

Now quiet yourself. The point is to inform a man about a source of sterility and birth defects in his future child, not give you a platform where you say the thing you think you're supposed to say, then look around to see if you got your social credit.

>> No.10101530

is it defect / no defect or is it a spectrum and the child has bigger chances of being a low iq retard ?

>> No.10101539


complex question.
do you mean reduced mental capacity due to neurological damages induced by advanced maternal age (premature birth, etc)?

>> No.10101575


>> No.10101577

This is what abortion is for.

>> No.10101617


well yes, as older a woman gets the less efficient her body is, this reflects directly into faetus blood supply, immune system, placental development, etc.

>> No.10101619

Citation please.

>> No.10101647


about the trisomy 21 rates or the paternal age effect?

>> No.10103393

These shouldn't scare you, OP. There's screening for risky pregnancies and they can detect when shit goes bad. But at 37 chances are that you'll have a pretty healthy baby.

>> No.10103427

>mother had me at 41
>father was 48
no wonder I was born a brainlet

>> No.10103431

This also is influenced by overall health and nutrition on the mothers side.

>> No.10103447

It skyrockets after 35

>> No.10103455

I also seriously think I have Klinefelter's, even though she had an amniocentesis.

>> No.10103526

Just adopt a cute Russian or Chinese kid

>> No.10103678

>But at 37 chances are that you'll have a pretty healthy baby.
Not nearly as healthy as a couple in their mid 20s though. You're setting your kid up to be inferior even if they don't have major defects.

>> No.10103690

it doubles...
from 1% to 2%

>> No.10103696

Zero chance. We are in 2018, we have good medicine, good tech and good psy