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10099194 No.10099194 [Reply] [Original]

Should physicists be forced to take philosophy and epistemology courses before they can go into science?

>> No.10099198

No, but philosophers should take some physics courses before they start talking bullshit

>> No.10099199

I believe so. They should perhaps be the same subject.

>> No.10099203

No, they simply should refrain from spreading bullshit about philosophy and other topics they know nothing about.


>> No.10099207

>the idea of what you feel and see isn't real is something I am very skeptical of
He should take some DMT and come back and see if he can still say the same

>> No.10099209

Physicists should be beaten at a random time every year, with the severity of the beating determined by the number of dumb philosophical opinions they've espoused averaged over a 4 week period. There is a bonus added for glibness. Some scores may pass the threshold into maiming and permanent damage.

A score of ~0 gets them poked and roughly assaulted with the eraser side of a pencil. There is no lack of beating or negative scores.

>> No.10099213

Seething. Did you get called a pseudoscience loving brainlet again?

>> No.10099226

What's there to love in realscience if it says that 95% of the universe if made of undetectable energy and matter [invented out of thin air to satisfy equations] and that the universe shouldn't exist [because there shouldn't have been an imbalance of matter and anti-matter at the beginning]? Physics are dead.

>> No.10099230

And afterwards the physicist gets to beat physicist defenders. If they refuse, they are beaten again.

>> No.10099232

Yeah physics is fucked. What would we do without your random mental diarrhea?

>he's still going
Calm down brainlet, you'll get an aneurysm

>> No.10099238

We wouldn't be even there without people who sacrifice children to Satan.

>> No.10099243

The important questions in physics were already resolved many many decades ago. All that's left is cosmological trash that nobody cares about, and that physicists can't even begin to get right. Physics is seeding a massive decline in funding in the past decade.

>> No.10099245


>> No.10099246

>Physics is seeding a massive decline in funding in the past decade.

Is this why they hate philosophy?

>> No.10099250

Dunno, how much money do you get at MC Donalds?

>> No.10099251

mcdonalds workers are based

>> No.10099252

I am not a philosopher, I am an electrical engineer. Nothing discovered in physics in the past 40 years (you discovered nothing in the past 40 years) is relevant to us.

>> No.10099257

>Nothing discovered in physics in the past 40 years is relevant to us.
Remember when people said that about electrodynamics? Electromagnetic waves? Who the fuck needs that bullshit, amirite? That shit ain't relevant to me

>> No.10099262

It's not that you discovered stuff that isn't relevant yet, it's that you haven't discovered *anything* at all, and all your models are a complete failure at predicting anything, so bad that they say the universe shouldn't even have existed due to anti-matter

>> No.10099271


>> No.10099272

>it's that you haven't discovered *anything* at all
[citation needed]

>> No.10099288
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>The important questions in physics were already resolved many many decades ago.

>> No.10099291

>[citation needed]

Not him, but literally the same could be said about any of the garbage you retards spout about philosophy on this board.

>> No.10099297


>> No.10100642


>> No.10100646

important = applications in real life

cosmology has no uses

even space exploration doesn't depend on cosmologists, it uses Newton equations

>> No.10100654

>Atheist materialists
String theory

>> No.10100715

Spoken like a true NIM rod

>> No.10100930
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t. Physishit who doesn’t understand his own method
Inb4 muh big claims need le big evidence!

>> No.10100931

t. Never had to adjust shit to keep a satellite in orbit

>> No.10100965

I have a philosophy nigger in my algorithms class and he's the most autistic and annoying piece of shit there.
The fucker always tries to argue semantics when it has no bearing on the proof. God, just shut the fuck up you little shit

>> No.10100967

...with cosmology?

>> No.10100981


I'm a philosofag, but I can feel how cringy the faggot you speak of is. Truth be told, philosophy itself is pretty fucking cringe and completely self indulgent. But I've been waiting for a long time for cosmology/physics to deliver some mind-bending shit for a long time. All you faggots have to offer is "well, it's mathematically possible." Your shit is boring and just doesn't fucking delivar. At least philosophy has SOME potential to be interesting, if it can somehow get away from the self indulgence

>> No.10100987
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How is Heisenberg foundational with Einstein being only relevant when Einstein pretty much invented quantum mechanics with his description of the photoelectric effect?

>> No.10101001
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>> No.10101003

i'm taking an upper div philosophy of science class as an elective right now and it's full of the biggest brainlets i've ever seen. one guy mentions at every opportunity how he is personally "a physicalist who believes everything that exists is either atoms or the laws of physics." a roastie namedrops plato/sophocles/burke and just about every other philosopher she learned about in her history of philosophy class even though literally none of them are relevant. the vast majority of times retard students speak up, they ask smarmy nonphilosophical questions, eg. "haha why do people actually believe in astrology" as if shitting on dumb people will make them look better in comparison. just last week i heard someone say earnestly that f=ma means "if you increase the mass, the speed increases." are these philosophy friends aware that they have not done a single hard thing in their entire lives ?

>> No.10101005

The physicist is beaten until he affirms his loyalty to Saturn. He proves it by killing an infant child and consuming its adrenochrome.

>> No.10101019


> are these philosophy friends aware that they have not done a single hard thing in their entire lives ?

I think you pin pointed the problem right there. College is a daycare center for pathetic self indulgent inexperienced whiny adult children. The potential for stimulating conversation is fucking impossible when the participants have avoided hardship their entire miserable lives.

>> No.10101031

can't get new members to your masturbation club, so use force as a last resort

>> No.10101032

Antisemitic much? What causes you to jump to "Jew" when someone mentions child sacrifice?

>> No.10101045

Trauma programming needs to be eradicated, and Jews traditionally practiced child sacrifice along with their neighbors across the river Jordan. If their cross generation trauma programming actually yielded positive results for the world, maybe its cost for the individual could be argued for, but it doesn't. Jews are slaves that work enslave and ruin anything they get their dirty hands on. In fact, the mark of the flesh likely evolved from their traditional sacrifices which historical revisionism now diverts strictly to the polytheists.

Abram should've turned right around and gone the other way, because ol' El Shaddai near as I can see never did him a damn bit of good. It was downhill from there and it's unfortunate the Romans and Spanish failed to get rid of the Jews because their attempts were the few employed with reasonable success, that didn't involve simply exterminating them.

Also, I have distant Jewish heritage a few generations back, so the weight of any assertion of antisemitism is greatly reduced. :^)

>> No.10101114

You said space exploration uses Newton’s equations. Even fucking gps satellites relativistically correct their clocks.

>> No.10101117

The Jewish religion is, in essential part, about rejecting child sacrifice. See, e.g., the binding of Isaac, etc.

>> No.10101133


>> No.10101192

Yes but very carefully. Philosophy is essentially a religion, it's very easy to stagnate science by putting too much weight in philosophical doctrine. As you see through science's history, mechanism, positivism, old vestiges of religious beliefs, and so on. Ultimately science is by necessity messy and varied, the only real test should be whether or not something actually works in practice and is generally useful in producing descriptive models. It's very easy to fall into complete nonsense without something to keep it in check.

>> No.10101346

Philosophy is mostly vapid handwaving

>> No.10101349
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Yes, it'll filter out all the retards.

>> No.10101366

Good plan. The retards will go to philosophy and only true scientists remain

>> No.10101553

I wonder where i heard that before.
"At the end of the 19th century, physics had evolved to the point at which classical mechanicscould cope with highly complex problems involving macroscopic situations; thermodynamics and kinetic theory were well established; geometrical and physical optics could be understood in terms of electromagnetic waves; and the conservation laws for energy and momentum (and mass) were widely accepted. So profound were these and other developments that it was generally accepted that all the important laws of physics had been discovered and that, henceforth, research would be concerned with clearing up minor problems and particularly with improvements of method and measurement"

>> No.10101555


only if every single liberal art program has mandatory Analysis up to vector calculus and proper Linear algebra exam.