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10096979 No.10096979 [Reply] [Original]

Why do female doctors commit suicide so often?

>> No.10096985
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How is medical imaging technologist (radiographer) as a career? I heard they can make some pretty serious money with on-call work, and don't have to clean up human shit like nurses or spend 15 years studying like docs.

>> No.10096989

They don't. The average male suicide rate in the West is 3-4 times greater than that of females. It's theorized that this is primarily because males use more lethal means. Doctors on the other hand are more likely to have the knowledge as means to kill themselves than the average person.

3.5(1.4)/2.3 = 2.3

Male doctors are still 2.3 times more likely to commit suicide than female doctors.

>> No.10097000

Makes sense. IIRC the most common suicide method for women is overdose. A doctor would know how to overdose properly.

>> No.10097028

>as a career
There basically aren't any "careers" in healthcare outside of medicine and nursing (outside of admin). There are jobs with limited to no advancement opportunities. Rad tech is very saturated in many areas and it's hard to find work. The work is fairly menial, and mostly involves starting IVs, transferring and positioning bariatric patients and pressing a button. You do the same 5-6 tasks every day all day. If something goes wrong you call engineering.

If you're interested in a trade learn something you can practice autonomously. If you're interested in healthcare go to nursing school or med school.

>> No.10097033

>impossible high standards
>never find a "suitable" mate
>cannot deal with being a failure in love despite being successful otherwise

>> No.10097036

Woman is not build to have a proper job. They deserves happy lazy home life with a wonderful husband.

>> No.10097062

after years of trying to prove some feminist point the woman just realizes she is miserable as an inferior man and would have rather been a housewife but it's too late now -> kys.

>> No.10097101

Must be a suicide attempt rate not actual suicide rate. Women attempt it for attention all the times.

>> No.10097108

This. Not saying women shouldn't be allowed to do what they want, but building an economy that forces them to work is killing the birthrate and lifestyle of industrialized countries.

>> No.10097122

>There are jobs with limited to no advancement opportunities
Generally true in hospital settings, and if a person isn't willing to move around in that organization and retool skills. People are very specialized in this industry, you just have to progressively generalize. Most people are too lazy to develop.

Rad tech isn't a great option though.

>> No.10097904

>Doctors on the other hand are more likely to have the knowledge as means to kill themselves than the average person.

This pretty much, average people use unreliable methods like overdosing on random pills, drowning themselves or cutting their arm.

>> No.10098236

Women (on average) can't handle the stress and lack the incentive to take it.

>> No.10098628

Anyone married to a doctor here? My girlfriend is finishing up her doctorate in microbiology and is pushing for marriage. What am I in for?
>t. brainlet

>> No.10098692
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Imagine what the rate is with female anesthesists. Pic related.
In my country we have seperate microbiology and microbiology as a specialty in medicine. I believe it's like that in the USA as well. Which one is her's? But generally microbiology is a calm specialty with good pay, no shift work etc. You won't have problems probably.

>> No.10098694

Men commit suicide much more frequently than women, it's like comparing depression between women in STEM and men. An over saturation on one side kills any meaningful conclusion.

>> No.10098728

European, specialty in medicine. She focuses on cancer and antineoplastic drugs

>> No.10098737

Learn to read. The image is contrasting male doctors and female doctor suicide rates, not comparing them.

>> No.10099097

>decide to become a doctor because you want money and attention
>waste 10 years of your life
>realise that you wasted your youth and your friends who got economics degree had lots of fun and enjoyed their time and now are married
this is really depressing

>> No.10099105

Because they are unquestioning of pharmaceutical dogma, and therefore take copious amounts of pills whenever they are stressed. Most of these drugs are linked to higher suicide rates

>> No.10099111

Because it's a high stress high workload career and most women just want to be housewives.

>> No.10099124

>phd in microbiology

>> No.10099174

You are literally getting a doctorate

>> No.10099200

>work is killing the birthrate and lifestyle of industrialized countries.
Good. Too many of us as it is npc-chan

>> No.10099373
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I've known 4 med students that killed themselves shortly after starting their internships. 3 girls and 1 guy, all probably due to stress related issues.

>> No.10099628

we are talking about physicians here, labmonkey

go clean your beakers

>> No.10099656

>I've known 4 med students that killed themselves shortly after starting their internships. 3 girls and 1 guy, all probably due to stress related issues.

they should have just quitted wage cucking.

>> No.10100038

I need help med friends. For about 8 years now I've had this sharp sort of burning pain over the right transverse process of my T2-3. Sometimes it doesn't hurt but it gets really aggravated while doing things like playing guitar.

Now over the past few weeks the skin over the spot has been red and it's about the size of a quarter. It looks dry almost like psoriasis but it's not quite scaly. I also have psoriasis on the back of my neck/scalp I treat with triderma which doesn't seem to help the spot on my back. I'm a 2nd year DO student and feel like I should know what it is but I don't. I don't have any referred pain to any dermatomes or anything, just that burning pain in that spot that gets sharp whenever I move my right arm. It's almost like a tearing sensation

>> No.10100044
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This is a pic

>> No.10100053

Med school is glorified trade school. You do the same repetitive tasks everyday. Literally a mechanic for the human body

>> No.10100104

Except, you know, you have people's lives directly in your hands.

>> No.10100253

Yeah, whenever I go to my GP I feel like I just had a brush with death

>> No.10100385

Why would a med student kill themselves?
It isn't easy to get into medical school.
You're automatically the top 15% of the population when you manage it.
These students don't know that their lives aren't their own to throw away. They owe society for giving them good genes so they got in. And if they're in Europe they owe society for spending money on then for their free education.

>> No.10100845

t. retard

>> No.10100847

See a doctor

>> No.10100880

Or EMS if you have balls the size of coconuts, unlike this guy

>> No.10101010

>Go to work goy so your birthmachine can shit out kids and laze around all day

Unless i am slaughtering weaker men and impregnating their fuckslaves, i have no reason to bust my ass to feed a useless gender. They either work for their bread like everyone else, or die

>> No.10101134

EMS is glorified pre-nursing. It's not a career unless your truck is red and has a hose.

>> No.10101146

This is from 2005

>> No.10101150

extremely powerful digits (likely a message from the Aether), and correct opinion on gender roles. Women in warrior societies worked all day in the fields and the home, they did most of the manual labor.

>> No.10101172

To guys, I need help
I'm dating a girl, but she's a virgin and every time we try it hurts like hell for her
I took a peek while fingering her and there's no hole in her hymen
Like, nowhere to tear through
Wat do?

>> No.10101186

Med students are not exactly stable people in my experience due the ridiculous amount of stress they put on themselves in addition they are probably narcissists which makes a single failure much more damaging to their ego.
The guy I know will go to bed at 3am and then wake up the next day at 6am (to go to work) honestly I think med students are in fact actually idiots with photographic memories.

>> No.10101191


>> No.10101203

Still pretty chill and there's a lot to be discovered in the field.
Don't think we can help here with this info. Can't you get examined by one of your tutors?
How does she menstruate then?

>> No.10101231


You got the Herp, my man. Whomsoever ya did, ya shouldna

>> No.10101233


Those fucking digits m8, exquisite

>> No.10101281

>How does she menstruate then?
I'm asking you

>> No.10101373

Stop trying to defile girls.

>> No.10101409
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How does drug targeting even work? If my grandmother takes gold tablets for her arthritis, how does it "find" its way to the joints/whatever and start working its magic?

t. brainlet who doesn't know shit about medicine

>> No.10101436

Different molecules will accumulate in different parts of the body depending on their solubility in water and fat, affinity for binding to specific proteins and other stuff.

>> No.10101554

But I really want to defile this one

>> No.10101570

Very clever anon! That implies he's a retard!

>> No.10101584

>Except, you know, you have people's lives directly in your hands.
Yeah, because Psychiatrists are saving so many lives

>> No.10101615

knock her out and thrust through it

>> No.10101624

Get her to see a doctor. It will probably have to be surgically removed.


>> No.10101756

>T. Nurse
Isn't there an old person who shit himself that you need to be ignoring?

>> No.10101846

A decade of education and grueling, stressful work hours pretty much destroys their ability to have a normal family life.

They think that they can have it all and achieve status the way a man does, but instead of being "hot awesome TV doctor" they wind up being "old lady who works with dying people all day"

>> No.10101876


holy fucking shit I love you

>> No.10101877

I'll see you on the floor in 5 years buddy.

>> No.10101884

Based and redpilled digits

>> No.10101917

Okay, but backing up the sass. EMS is not a good career choice.
1) Municipal positions are very difficult to come by. Putting your chances into beating everyone in your entire greater metro area on a civil service exam just for an entry level job is not a valid life choice. Sure you can part-time at an FD for some extra cash, but you wouldn't need multiple jobs if you had one that made good money.
2) Private ALS/BLS is NOT a career. No advancement opportunities, poor labor practices, cartel structure etc.
3) Critical care transport is a career sort of. But if you're doing critical care or flight, why not just be a nurse and get paid more for the same job? Nurses can move higher in critical care anyway, to management or NP positions.
4) ER medics are just glorified CNAs who get paid less than RNs.

Feel free to disagree with me.

>> No.10101929

women can't handle anything properly, they're basically grown up kids, so of course they're going to kill themselves over some stress and death
common sense

>> No.10101972

Team send help, so I took my STNA tests, it says I can retake up to 3 times, does this mean that the first test doesn’t count ?

>> No.10101986
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>smart women are better at committing suicide than the average roastie

>> No.10102000

Men in general kill themselves 2x as much as women, it's just that female doctors in particular are elevated compared to that rate

I'm guessing because they're actually smart and cynical, too much for the usual human self preservation system

>> No.10102027


>> No.10102079


Woa I’m shocked - where is this data from?

I just read a study on medscape the other day that shows anesthesia as one of the lowest suicide specialties in the medical career: because of fairly decent work schedules, not following patients, etc.

I’ve always been accustomed to general surgery being number 1, then the primary care field, then OB.

I can say that data on drug rehab programs is highest for anesthesiologists, since access to potent drugs on the daily tempts the depressed and overworked.

>be male anesthesiologist

>> No.10102095

I hope country cooking was nice for you anon. It sounds comfy.

>> No.10102105


medics can be subjected to high stressors, crazy work schedules and be responsable for direct death of patients.

women are much more sensitive to stress and negative emotions, they also have easy access to all kind of drugs, which make suicide painless and since women are less likely to use lethal force to kill themselves, I see no mistery to be solved here.

>> No.10102137

Because many of them eventually find out that their education is not based on science, but rather corporate funded studies that are published for the sake of pharmaceutical profit(see the replication crisis), not consumer well being. They usually find this out after diagnosing and prescribing thousands of patients and drugs. Some of which may have resulted in death.
So after going into a profession because they wanted to help people, and save lives they learn they arent really helping anyone. They are just lining the pockets of big pharma. They cant take the guilt of what they have done and kill themselves, or they try to spread information about this great injustice in our healthcare system and “kill themselves”.


>> No.10102185

Thanks anon. I didn't go. I only eat there for breakfast. If my grandparents love that freaking place for some reason, but there is no meat on the buffet after breakfast.

>> No.10102329
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>> No.10103383

Well her fucking uterus should have been full of blood by now. How old is she? If she isn't old enough to menstruate I advise you not to fuck her anon.
Or they get distributed in the whole body and work where the problem is. (antibiotics) Or inhibit specific enzymes that cause symptoms (COX inhibitors a.k.a. anti-inlammatories)
I snatched it from an anesthesia page I'm following on facebook (the pic). Apparently the graph is from a 2016 AAMC Physician Specialty Data Report. I was surprised as well. I thought EM docs were the worst, desu.

>> No.10103385

cont. Also you can actually see that surgery has the most cases (161) , it's just the precentage of anesthesia is bigger.

>> No.10103413

>not pills
you clearly don't have any clue

>> No.10103425 [DELETED] 
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I rate your post a 10101010/10, and nice binary get.

Western women are comically... To use a 2018 buzzword, comically privileged. They expect a beautiful, successful man to take complete care of them, work, AND do half the house work, and of course satisfy them completely in the bedroom, and be faithful, kind, and look after the children.

Which, I don't blame them for *wanting* that, I'm a straight dude and that sounds pretty amazing. And then, they have the delusion/gall to call themselves oppressed and victimized.

>> No.10103440

>/sci/ doesn't understand how percentages work.
Fuck this board.

>> No.10103442

Dentistbros (or anyone that's had a tooth pulled), is the blood clot you get after a tooth extraction supposed to "come out" eventually or do your gums end up covering it/healing over it?

>> No.10103469

The see the reality of the world. They were not ready.

>> No.10103473

>by the time I finish undergrad and have enough money to start med school I'll be 28
>that is assuming they haven't added so many prerequisites by then that I'll have to do another undergrad
Is it still worth it at this point? My undergrad will get me a reasonably well paying career, but which I'll probably get bored of within 10 years.

>> No.10103492

Are non-rads allowed to read images?

>> No.10103497

How do anesthesiologists get their drugs without being caught anyway?

>> No.10103514

Difference between them and normal women is that doctors know how to kill themselves ya regular thot doesnt

>> No.10103518

>lecturer literally told us which artery most anatomy students go for for the fastest bleed out

>> No.10103520
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>That get

>> No.10103524

imo there are not enough, we need more people, more industrial output, and more cool consumer products for me to buy

>> No.10103553

Is there anywhere I can find interactive axial CT scans of the whole body I can scroll through? Thanks to our boomer lecturer we're somehow meant to learn the enter thorax, abdomen and pelvis from 15 low quality jpegs of axial anatomy they've made in paint.

>> No.10103586

gums get completely covered over it after some time.

just make sure you don't get anything in there or smoke. try to rinse with salt water a few times a day.

t. someone who had a few molars extracted at a very young age due to shitty diet and not taking care of my teeth properly

>> No.10103719

femoral? right there in the triangle?

>> No.10103721

>tfw taking out loans for two years to read a 600 pg book
lmao @ my life. this is the pinnacle of education

>> No.10103724
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>> No.10103730

Old people grow shorter, in part, due to disc compression. What would happen if you gradually shortened someone's bones? Would the flesh shrink around the bone in question or..?

>> No.10103746
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>studying for an IQ style test
pahjeet/chink detected

>> No.10103778

sure it's iq style but as you go sat mcat usmle it requires more memorization to reach the level where it becomes an iq competition

>> No.10104143

>be in car accident like 1-2 years ago
>suddenly out of the blue neck starts hurting again, maybe because it's cold
>medicine is useless to stage or treat it. can't even be imaged on MR apparently>?!?!?>!
simply epic

>> No.10104165

This but unironically, why are there so few redpilled healthcare professionals?

>> No.10104182

Who makes the redpill and what are they giving out for us to push it?

>> No.10104236

subhuman thirdie amerimutts must be put to death

t. your Betters in Europe.

>> No.10104272

Literally, non-figuratively, unironically and unquestionably based

>> No.10104298

>make sure you don't get anything in there
Might be too late for that.

>> No.10104352

Not idiotic so much as obsessive and eccentric. The type of person who ruminates on any perceived imperfection to the point that it kills them.
They're not all smart, but almost all of them are tormented by the very thought of failure.

>> No.10104511


>> No.10104996

is it possible to do MD or DO with a 3.0 GPA and a ton of volunteer and EMS experience or should i just not bother?

>> No.10105065 [DELETED] 

if I'm taking magnesium carbonate antiacid, will that count as magnesium intake in terms of nutrition?? I know tums count as calcium intake

>> No.10105077

if I'm taking magnesium carbonate antiacid, will that count as magnesium intake in terms of nutrition?? I know tums count as calcium intake

>> No.10105131

at least I'm better than you

>> No.10105133
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stop getting bad grades

>> No.10105136 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10105139

>cutting their arm
b-but it worked in Drive (a shit movie by the way)

And it seems they were stuck with an animefag for a friend, probably didn’t help. I’m being sincere to you.

>faint spot
It’s probably just red from you messing with it but obviously you’d have to consult a personal doctor about the problem

High stress coupled with being abused during their residency

Unfortunately it seems neither of those cases will come true for you

*signs off monglonese keto-dieting interblog*

>> No.10105143

Is it possible for bipolar to complete med school successfully and be a competent doctor?

>> No.10105618

When my dad agreed to put me through medical school he remarked "Maybe I should I have my head examined", to which I replied "Well dad, give it 10 years and I'll do it for you".

>> No.10105632

Yes? What, you blindly follow what the radiologist saw? You take into account what he found with the symptoms you found and the lab results. Or you mean an official documented reading?
https://radiopaedia.org/ check here
Haven't you heard that old traumas hurt? I sprained my ankle 4 years ago and it still hurts I can imagine what would be after a serious injury like a car accident.
Why not? I've seen bipolars that haven't had an episode for 10 years.

>> No.10105634

should I become an infectionist?

>Why would a med student kill themselves?
because most med students are rote learning emotional autist that always struggle to compete and forgot to actually be like a kind average guy instead of a judging uppity guy
the guys are either psychopats or dorks taking refugee in big grades, women are always unhappy and don't want to get pregnant

>> No.10105658

In a field where everything determines life and death, pretty sure anyone would be tremendously afraid of failing.

>> No.10105673

Underdose fat fucks. It's a top meme.

>> No.10105876

How do you fuck up drowning yourself?
1) Go to great lake or Ocean
2) Swim out
3) Keep swimming
4) Swim to exhaustion
5) Drown

>> No.10105878

>you wasted your youth
> Earning a medical degree is a waste

>ad lots of fun and enjoyed their time
> The only important thing in life is fun

This is why the west is a decadent cultural disaster.

>> No.10105880

Mechanics have peoples cars directly in their hands. The difference is one of stakes not concept.

>> No.10105884

>These students don't know that their lives aren't their own to throw away. They owe society for giving them good genes so they got in. And if they're in Europe they owe society for spending money on then for their free education.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA jesus christ. You arent simply human capital to be exploited by the state to pay some imaginary debt. Welcome to the first fucking principle of modern liberal democracy. It angers me that you are so uneducated in the information age.

>> No.10105894

>Message of personal agency
This is the word of god.

>> No.10105937
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They drug up, eat too much, and/or kill themselves. Only the psychopaths are immune and able to, "cope."

>> No.10105939

See a chiropractor.

>> No.10105960

i already got my bachelor's. I'm working as a paramedic now and I want to know if there's any way I could have a future as a surgeon.

>> No.10106144

>Hurr Durr all medicine is based on money
>There are no honest medical professions. All doctors including surgeons, radiologists, and pathologists are just glorified pill dispensers
>Implying a majority of people who do pull that shit regularly actually feel guilty about it

Please provide actual evidence next time

>> No.10106681

>psychiatry still has conditions where the first line of treatment is giving people seizures and it works
>treating autoimmune diseases is just shutting down a persons immune system
where were you when you realized we're still basically cavemen

>> No.10106699

to show that men can't save them.

>> No.10106741

eh, it's kind of cool when you think about it.
I was pretty blown away when I found out CPR is basically manual pumping of the heart.

>> No.10106747

yeah okay schlomo, go cry about it with the pharmacy techs

>> No.10106749

blessed and based

>> No.10106750

female medical student here


>> No.10107339

How do I tell if I have a inguinal hernia? I've been coughing a fuckton over the last two weeks and hard and I've started to feel a slight discomfort in my groin area. However I don't think I can notice any lump down there. My job also involves lots of lifting, but I'm pretty sure it's the cough that caused it because I coughed ridiculously hard. Fuck man if I knew coughing caused hernias I would've taken a cough suppressant fuckin hell. Anyway if the discomfort doesn't go away tomorrow or after tomorrow I'll see a doc. Since it's not painful and a lump isn't immediately obvious I'm guessing it's not too serious if it's there at all.

>> No.10107931

This is legit one of the most interesting specialties. But I have a feeling they threat only diarrheas and flu patients. If you live in a country with diverse pathology you'll have some fun. Also severely underpaid in my country.
5) Die a painful, slow and terrifying death by drowning.*
Seriously if I had to do it I'd just hang. Apparently it's the fastest and surest way.
You can have a hernia without having a lump. But you might not have a hernia at all so chill. If it really bothers you see a doc, we can't really do anything here without examining you.

>> No.10107936
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Have you anons heard any news about fluoroquinolones? I had a chat yesterday with my GP and she shared with me that she got a letter describing to cut down on fluoroquinolones, because there has been found a link between intake and connective tissue damage which can lead to tendopathies, joint problems and even aneurysms and dissection of the aorta. I read an article on medscape about it too. Shared in the previous /med/ thread but no one aknowledged it.

>> No.10107944

i took a fluoride quintolone nad my ankle exploded

>> No.10108014

Yeah, I suffered from persistent neuropathies and widespread joint and tendon damage after a course of Cipro for sinusitis.
It wasn't worth it at all.

>> No.10108059

when I did my infectious disease rotations the doctor told that you dont give fluoroquinolones to OLD people because they are at risk for tendopathies

but when I had pneumonia resitant to amoxicilin, azytromicin, 5 days of moxifloxacin cured me from the lung infection and cough so severe it made me vomit

so yea "tendopathies, joint problems and even aneurysms and dissection of the aorta" sound alarming and very severe, but it's worthless it's too general fo a statement that doesn't tell you anything about the populations at risk, I doubt the average joe will get an aorta dissection from 5 pills of an antibiotic.
most of the time read yourself the studies, it;s kinda useless to say that some drugs increase the aorta dissection risk 4 times!! when it's increased from 1/10.000 to 4/10000 or something

>> No.10108088
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Holy fuck checked and based-pilled

>> No.10108160

shiling for my question, just want some closure

>> No.10108257

So the fact that 2 med schools have invited me to an interview suggests that I don't have red flags on my primary app, right?

>> No.10108267

Try applying to osteopathic schools, they typically care less about GPA and more about other experience like your work as a paramedic. You're still going to want to do well on the MCAT to make up for your grades though.

>> No.10108269

If i did a DO, could i still possibly do flight surgery and eventually space medicine if I'm at the top of my class in med school?

My poor GPA in college was majorly to do with laziness and lack of motivation. I will not be unmotivated in med school.

>> No.10108287

Its possible but you would really have to be high up there in your class. I worked with a residency program director who didn't like osteopathic students, but he let some guy rotate with him because he received flawless grades his first two years of medical school. He ended up getting into the program as the first DO. So there's your motivation. You could also apply to lower tier MD schools but stay away from the Caribbean.

>> No.10108426

Do a postbacc and get an ultra high score on your MCAT and you have a shot. If you’re Asian then you have no chance and if you live in California you have no chance.

>> No.10108445

Unless he’s black or gets 520+ on the MCAT there’s no way he’s getting into MD with a 3.0

>> No.10108449



>> No.10108484

men commit suicide at a much higher rate so even female docs commit suicide less often than male docs

leading a productive life can be very stressful. most men work so suicide rates are high. meanwhile women live comparatively very easy and pleasant lives so suicide rates low. when a woman tries to live like a man the suicide rate rises. female docs still have lower suicide rate than male ones because male docs in average have more than twice as many patients over the course of their career than women, male docs still work even harder and for a longer time period

>> No.10108511

Is this guy's name seriously Ben Bravery? More like Ben Pussy

>> No.10108515

I was curious as to why they don't put up more of a fight. If someone blatantly challenged my intellect or expertise like that I'd have some fucking words. The fuck's a puny doctor gonna do? Beat me up and lose his job? Send me home, after which I report him?

>> No.10108535

Men take a lot of their core identity from their agency and ownership of that fact
Men do fucked up things for no reason just because they can and to see they can, it reinforces that part of them

What better way to take control of something intangible that is breaking you, terminal initiative

>> No.10108631

hoah mah gaaawwwwd

>> No.10108696

> neurotic premed

>> No.10108698

>flight surgery and eventually space medicine
imagine being this much of a meme

>> No.10108705

I don't want to shit on your parade, but I was unmotivated in college and managed to get into med school and now I am suffering 500x worse than I was before. I imagined the same thing as you- that as soon as I got in I would start putting for the tremendous effort I had been holding back for the right time. Turns out I was fucking wrong and I'm now on academic probation.

Getting in doesn't magically turn on your powers of motivation, so get ready for the most intense academic struggle of your fucking life.

>> No.10108708

> shit college gpa
The eternal premed. Don't you realize the biggest bottleneck is getting into medical school?

>> No.10108713

just memorize first aid and watch BnB you fucking goon

>> No.10108716

>spending literally all day every day memorizing and reading and memorizing and reading and then watching BnB

You're right, I have become the goon I never wanted to be.

>> No.10108731


>> No.10108954


>> No.10109522

These are problems with the system, not really the job. No nurse is going to RSI someone without daddy holding their hips. Never ever going to see a nurse with a scalpel in someone's cricothyroid. Absolutely never will a nurse administer an opiate without having to jump through someone elses pants to do so.

EMS is just treated like shit because the doctor helper squad has a stranglehold on the bottom half of the health environment.

>> No.10109535
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Anon, I...

>> No.10109838

inb4 pharma is preparing to push a new drug so they're doing this
Well I've been bullied from nurses to professors and it sure didn't feel nice, but deep down I knew I was better than they were saying nad that kept me moving on. I don't encourage such behavior in any way though. And some seniors can't teach for shit. And don't give a shit about it, but they sign up for the job any way. I had to teach myself surgery because of a retard like that.

>> No.10109853

Its most likely attempt at suicide, as most males who attempt to suicide tend to be successful unlike women.

>> No.10110260

It mostly depends on how rich the country you work is and how rich the hospital is.
Your salary can be pretty nice if you find yourself into a fine private surgical team (and dont mind standing all the time in surgeryroom while wearing an antiradiation vest). Or if you work for some high end clinic or hospital where you sit on your ass doing expensive as fuck mri and you get your salary from a % of the total cost of the procedure (which for mri are very high in particular if you have to use some contrast liquid) and not a fixed monthly salary.

T. Italian jobless rad tech

>> No.10110286

But seriously doing ER or nuclear medicine in big hospitals is a fucking pain. One of the comfiest place there is is usually radiotherapy (cause you only do radiotherapy and skip the turnation of ER) if you are not soft hearted cause the air in radiotherapy areas is pretty heavy. Just imagine the gloomy patients and parents faces in the waiting room.

>> No.10110323

From what I have understood the US medical profession is right besides the legal profession. The more in depth you get into medicine. The more people you meet the clearer everything becomes. The US doesn’t treat poisoning’s with substances less than 200 microns. All they get is therapeutics. It becomes a very contrarian career. You can’t help anybody and we’re cursed due to a social dysfunction.

>> No.10110340

The US medical industry is partially shunned because it sponsored transgenics. While others sponsored GMO but not GMO people. So the two sides war on.
It technically sued countries with medical politicians. In many societies doctors were highly esteemed take for instance Palestine. Many of their old politicians were medical doctors. Whom realized the only way to continue their profession fully was by creating a perpetual civil war. No two sides could interfere with medical economy.
Plus many today are in violation of health codes.

>> No.10110370

It all goes tied to the coca plant that’s supposedly an atropine producing plant root and a caffeine producing plant stem. See what it does to heal itself? Produces another alkaloid with the same molecular weight as many medical compounds. Faulty by one atom.
However there was a black lobby suing the US accusing it of massively conducting genetics research on peoples. A person with nappy hair is said to be crossed with sheep genes. Known as visna experiments. No one accepts GMO people but everyone accepts a plant except US lobby (and those whom have allied with it).

>> No.10110392

So the whole layout mechanism is Sapon-in and Flavin-oid. Meaning someone has been doing the old maneuver to add themselves. Similar to grafting, splicing, identifying, quality...to get away with it. However inducing a stress response never seen before.

>> No.10110779
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>> No.10111436

Well, the conversation was about whether or not EMS was a viable career, so compensation, opportunity and fair treatment really do play a huge role. If you're okay being paid and treated like an assistant shift manager at a McDonalds while doing lifesaving work then by all means, do it. It's just maybe not the most responsible or psychologically healthy life choice.

>Nurses can't do airway
Well, they definitely do airway in flight. ACNPs and CRNAs do a lot of airway as well. All the people who work those jobs get paid way more than your salary ceiling, too. I don't really know about crics, I know that ACNPs learn how to do them, probably flight nurses, too. I'm not sure if flight nurses perform them in practice if there's a paramedic on the team, although my understanding is that critical care is pretty egalitarian so who knows.
>Absolutely never will a nurse administer an opiate without having to jump through someone elses pants to do so.
>Except for all the nurse pracitioners and DNPs who have DEA numbers
>Also implying this is a bad thing
>Implying a significant portion of medics actually understand how any of their drugs they give work and can administer them responsibly
Anyway, the thrill of doing all those skills are going to go away and what are you left with? A crappy job that doesn't pay. I get that it's manly and you like that, but it's a pretty bad reason to stay in a profession in crisis.

>> No.10111471

Is it worth getting my masters in nursing or should I stick with bachelor?

>> No.10111472
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Let's talk about psychiatry. Here are some topics I've been thinking about recently:
Psychiatry currently operates under a "scientific" program that creates "explanations" for mental illness vis-a-vis neuroscience. Consider the following:
Is neuroscience capable of explaining mental illness when it doesn't have concepts that correspond to human experience in any meaningful way?
Why should we then assume that meaningful explanations of human behavior will arise from neuroscience when this is not in general true for any two special sciences (i.e., not all concepts in economics reduce to concepts in chemistry, why is it more reasonable that concepts in psychology reduce to concepts in neuroscience)?

In light of my questions about the psychiatric program, why should we trust it when psychiatrists admit that all other models of psychiatry (from madhouses to psychoanalysis to the DSM III) were misguided failures?

If you don't think we have good reason to trust psychiatrists, do you think that mental health care should be de-medicalized and is better left in the hands of people who don't derive authority from the state?
Related question, do you think people would be more likely to seek mental health if they didn't fear that their crimes would be reported, or that they would be involuntarily hospitalized?
If you don't support involuntary hospitalization, what would a non-violent psychiatry resemble? Is a non-violent psychiatry possible?

>> No.10111477
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*mr brightside plays in the background

>> No.10111580

Doctor being a shit job + spending all of their 20s working relentlessly to become a doctor only to realize they didn't actually want to be a doctor and fell for the strong feminist career woman meme (or they just wanted money and prestige) + being hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt + high stress high workload job being 30 + so no chad really wants you anymore and have no time for kids anyway + dealing with sick and dying people constantly = bad combination

Doctor is essentially the ultimate wagecuck job

>> No.10111602

>enjoying your job is for faggots
Specialities that less than .1% of nurses will ascend to are hardly meaningful. Might as well just throw para-physicians into the mix at that point, who crush everything else in terms of skill availability. As for understanding, that's a pretty shallow argument. If you combined the knowledge of every person in a given ER you'd probably only have full clinical relevance of half the medications and procedures they're licensed to administer. My local level 1 has to call in the respiratory department just to drop a fucking ET.

It's attitudes like yours that allow level of care monopolies to keep on strangling innovation. Time and time again US EMS has pushed for higher standards, more training, and better recognition. Instead, nursing unions lobby against changes in protocol in fear of being irrelevant while EMS agencies are too embroiled in juvenile dick measuring contests to come together and stratify this shit properly.

It makes sense to turn prehospital providers into more adept clinicians. It will ease the burden on hospitals and save many, many more lives.

>> No.10111750

First off, you do realize that you're basically agreeing with me, in that EMS has limited opportunities? Demanding a total restructuring of the public health corporation/lobby/licensing complex is fine, but if you remember what the argument is about, it's whether or not EMS is a viable career choice right now. I mean, at that point, instead of writing >>10097028 I could have just said: "fully automated luxury communism is right around the corner, go for rad tech! It won't matter very soon." But that doesn't make any sense.

You said "a nurse will never do blah blah blah" when in reality thousands of nurses are capable of doing all of those things. That is totally meaningful. That's like trying to argue doctors never do neurosurgery since neurosurgeons are less than .1% of doctors.

I don't really disagree with you all that much on the theoretical points - or at least in broad terms, the current trends in healthcare are unsustainable and a lot of changes do need to happen.
>It makes sense to turn prehospital providers into more adept clinicians.
I'm not sure about this, what exactly are you imagining, outside of prescription power? I know stroke units are something that would be good to see in more cities, but I'm not sure what else would be that helpful. If you're talking about a mid-level provider who would basically act like a 19th century doctor taking house calls, I'm not sure that would work in our current medico-legal system since with pretty much every encounter, tests would need to be run that require lab equipment that can't be stored in an ambulance. Though I would support that if fully automated luxury communism is implemented tomorrow and the courts are abolished.

On the other hand I would support more bridge opportunities for medics to get right into mid-level provider roles. There's no reason why a paramedic-PA bridge shouldn't exist, for example. That's the bigger issue with EMS, there's nowhere to go without re-doing a lot of school.

>> No.10112052

Man, imagine being the bitch who let him down
You cheat on a guy, he writes a song about it and it's a hit single for a decade

>> No.10112061

>They drug up, eat too much, and/or kill themselves. Only the psychopaths are immune and able to, "cope."
Yes. Sociopathy in medicine is a real problem that few are willing to discuss

>> No.10112071

These are very dedicated women, whom sacrificed their young age for their careers, ignoring many important things in life.
Being a doctor is a good career. but a hard one you are daily dealing with with peoples suffering, and you are their last hope and the knowledge is limited and resources are limited, and you are just human. It is hard to person suffering coming to you and you cannot do nothing to stop, just reduce the suffer a little.
Many other sides of this equation

>> No.10112089

Alright medfags, I got a serious question for you:
Is it worth it to go for licensure/certification in regards to laboratory assistant, specimen processing, and various other entry-level jobs? Because holy fucking shit the only entry-level laboratory jobs or assistant jobs near where I live require at least one year of experience AND at least one form of certificate or license. It's been like 5 months since I graduated and I still got fucking nothing.

Is it worth it to spend like 3K or more again just to be able to have a chance of getting one fucking job that'll pay at least 16 dollars an hour? Am I fucking retarded?

>> No.10112227

What’s your background? BS biology? If that’s the case it’s fairly difficult to get your foot in the door if you did no research or lab work as an undergrad. There’s no shortage of bio majors who will do shit work for pennies.

>> No.10112254

BS Science, Forensic Science major. No research but a decent (I think) amount of lab work. Too bad that doesn't exactly count for the "experience" they usually want.

>> No.10112263

It sounds like he's talking about clinical labs which require specific certifications to work in in most states. Very different from bio labs.

>Forensic Science
Ouch, you got memed.

Since you already have a BS it might be a better idea to go for the technologist program instead of specimen processing or lab assistant. You'll probably be able to skip most of the first year courses and you'll earn a lot more once you're certified.

>> No.10112275

I think you have to factor in race when talking about stuff like this. I have a good feeling that white men kill themselves much more often than any other demographic

>> No.10112280

if only I lived in the 100 year riech

>> No.10112286

Are people that stupid

>> No.10112300

>Ouch, you got memed.
that bad?
>go for the technologist program
I'll see what I can do. Got any other advice?

>> No.10112386

>that bad?
Sadly yes, there are no jobs in forensic science and the few jobs there are go to medical lab technologists or people with bio/chem degrees, not forensic science meme degrees.

>got any other advice?
Some places may be willing to hire you as a lab assistant while you're working on your technologist certification, this depends on where you live though.

>> No.10112685

>whom sacrificed

>> No.10112716

Im working as a tech right now. Cant say i reccomend it but there amre many avenues of advancment such ans MRI, CT and ultrasound.

>> No.10112750


>> No.10112760


Assblasted pre-med student detected

>> No.10112861
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does anyone know why my tongue is like this/what it is?
i got a bump or something on my tongue and started chewing my tongue where it was kind of like poking a bruise cause it feels good.
then it got worse/larger. then just now I decided to look at it in mirror and saw it was now a big patch of grey on front of tongue

>> No.10112958

rip anon

>> No.10113186

I see, we are disagreeing on what constitutes a viable career. If it pays enough for an average life and isn't absolutely misery, that's viable enough for me. It could and should be better, but that's a different debate.

There's no unity in prehospital protocol. Some regions let their paramedics do pericardiocentesis, fasciotomy, and even chilled lavage for targeted temp. Then there are regions where BLS can't give Oxygen and ALS is a 4-lead someone else has to interpret while the medics get orders for aspirin. Until they're brought up to the same perceived level of RN (or higher in the case of the former examples), the field will stay exactly where it's at. The faint cries for community medicine will be even more of a pipe dream than basic income.

Meanwhile, individual hospital providers will continue to be dominated by the lowest common denominator. D.O.s that have no idea what they're doing giving asinine instructions (25 mics fent for a broken femur!) and nurses that have been taught to follow like good little cooperative sheep will do it. Every year they'll watch the same time out video and congratulate each other on their critical thinking skills while going right back to business as usual.

I'm glad you used the term medico-legal system anon. That's what this horseshit is. You can't even get a good patient history without having to spend 5 times as much of your day filling it out on whatever trash your hospital has decided to install on its 20 year old computer equipment. Want to give medication? How about some fucking zofran!? Have 3 people check it, recheck it, is it still zofran? Check again! Good, now fill out a 2 page form. Then go ahead and check it one more time. Don't forget to look at their EKG. They don't have one yet? That's a 1 page form. Nurses aren't allowed to use a 12-lead you say? Well, get the radiology techs to come down.

>> No.10113197

It looks like a bruise. Stop chewing on it you mong. Rinse with some peroxide or chlorhexidine if you've got an oral solution. Eat salty foods, avoid sugar, drink plenty of water, take some ibuprofen or naproxen. If the discoloration spreads, you lose sensation, or it starts to swell enough to make it difficult to talk or swallow, go to the ER.

>> No.10113211

Lmfao imagine going into anesthesiology just to find out how to kill yourself in a painless way

>> No.10113250

If it makes you feel better, I could have gone into nursing but I'm going into EMS because that's just what I want to do. Aware of the low pay.

>> No.10113359

wtf i hate medicine now?

>> No.10113649

>Cant say i reccomend it
Why not? It does seem like the basic positioning will get monotonous after a while. I was planning to get into CT at the very least, maybe sonography too if the money is good enough.

>> No.10113656

microbiologists aren’t doctors
microbiologists don’t work MD hours because they’re scientists; you mean biomedical research? You work 30-50 hours a week typically, 9-5 or 8-6. Its nothing strenuous, the pay is alright, just a bad job market and often boring labor.

>> No.10113659
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>only a few days until practical and anatomy exams
>reached that zen like state of not giving a shit and having no motivation to study because I'll probably pass
How do I overcome this? I've been going through multiple choice practice questions (with more than once answer per question) for anatomy and I keep getting distracted after each question.

>> No.10113959

Impressive. Very nice.

>> No.10113973

I'm the same state at the moment, but with the difference that I don't know if I'll pass and it's a state examination. fml
I really don't know. All I know is that our microbiology department has microbiology bachelors and masters and MDs. And all of them teach students and do research. It's confusing for me too. The MDs definitely don't work shifts though.

>> No.10114454

I hate endless rote learning so muchm why did I ever pick this shitty soul sucking career

>> No.10114919

Can you please elaborate?

>> No.10114966

I fucking love rote learning, it's just that I need the information to be concrete and well presented which half my teachers can't do. The fuck else are you gonna do? A business degree where you push numbers around all day and are basically a glorified receptionist?

>> No.10114992

nothing is stopping you from thinking and nothing is stopping other shitty majors from rote learning, medicine just has more stuff to know. also those people that get their degrees in three years have a rough life, trust me, especially if they aren't rich in the first place

>> No.10115460

Hey /sci/, sorry for crashing in like this but I don't know of a better place to ask.
Is there a reason for why I feel nauseous whenever I put on this specific hoodie that I have? I wash it regularly and everything, but often when I wear it I have a slight feeling of wanting to puke. Is it just a dumb psychological issue with my brain memeing itself or is there something else going on with me?

>> No.10115472

>not sacrificing your personal life for the sake of others

>> No.10115598

I fucking hated anatomy and had that feeling every time I had to study. If you're like me it'll pass the instant it's over. Even opening your image evoked primal feelings of revulsion within me.

>> No.10115675

I'm curious, what happens to health professionals who don't have recency of practice? Say you're a nurse or tech with a few years of experience who suddenly has to take a few years off due to illness or something. Are you fucked? How can you get a place to hire you if you have no recent experience?

I'm just asking because the thought of being locked into this wagie shit and being unable to take career breaks ever is kind of terrifying.

>> No.10115692

I love how the op image is worded to slant an opinion and omits details like that.

>> No.10115701
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>cutting their arm
Apparently slicing vertically down through someones forearm and severing arteries is unrealistic?

>> No.10115709

Medbros I know this is stupid as shit but I just had to share this realization with someone that would get how it feels
Cyanide poisoning is treated with nitrites because it preferentially binds Fe3+ in complex IV, so inducing methemoglobin formation makes use of that. And similarly, carbon monoxide binds Fe2+ in complex IV preferentially which is why it binds normal hemoglobin.
I just thought it was such an elegant solution that made use of potentially life threatening biochemical properties.
Sorry for wasting your time just wanted to share something I thought was cool as shit

>> No.10115787

And methylene blue, which is used as a Romanowsky stain in an oxidized state, is also used to reduce methemoglobin given medically. Pretty neat.

>> No.10115833

Good grief. Is every 4chan board political trash?

>> No.10116162

>psychological issue
Might be, but it might be that your hoodie is impregnated with some shit that makes you nauseous.
There's plenty of more cool shit, but I always forget it when I need to impress somebody T.T

>> No.10116282
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I'm near the end of my studies and I don't really know what to do after: should I go with an hospital career or maybe avoid all the stress and choose gp?
Both have pros and cons: what would /med/ choose?

>> No.10116520

About halfway through my 32 week lab assistant/phlebotomist program I'm paying 12k for. We've gone through hematology, immunology, urinalysis, and microbio. My extern is 240 hours and I'll be getting my CPT 1 here in CA afterwards. I have no prior experience in med, just retail work, and it seems that's why most schools don't let you pay for just phleb here, but I know my order of draw and other tube shit. Anyone with experience/knowledge know what I'll realistically be in for in the real world. Or about my prospects of going back for a degree later on to become a CLS.

>> No.10116612

because it is the only field were women have access to the drugs to kos, contrary to the failed attempts with women who are not physicians

>> No.10117080

Almost every mutilation SA I've ever seen has been horizontal and inadequate. The people with balls go for big shit like guns and ropes.

>> No.10117091

even GP is pretty stressful. if not:
radio, opth, anasthesia, derm
if not quit the field desu
in the same boat as u breh

>> No.10117253

>Why do female doctors commit suicide so often?
Because most doctors are women involved in the most stressful jobs.

Being a doctor = no social life
No social life for a woman = emotional torture

All doctor easy specializations should be given to women and all the hard ones to men while also increasing the number of men in medschool.
This way, female doctors can have a life, family, children, husband, work and not kill themselves at 39.

>> No.10117455

do any of you nerds know how to perform an euthanasia?

>> No.10117557

americans have it easy with all those guns

>> No.10117564

this but add literally hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt. and women doctors will have a hard time finding even higher status men to marry up towards, as women tend to do in general.

>> No.10117662

>Why do female doctors commit suicide so often?
Seems to me they still commit fewer suicides than male doctors, given that males in society are like 10 times more likely to kill themselves than females. The difference in percentage shown in op's pic isn't nearly enough to bridge this gaping chasm.

Anyway obviously it's because it's a stressful job.

>> No.10117663

1 Cut all taxes for medical professions.
2 Have the state as co-debtor guaranteeing their debt for the next 30 years to increase the nr. of doctors studying.
3 Kick out all the immigrant/foreign thrash in private healthcare.
4 Cancel license of affirmative action doctors, force them to re-take their exams at proper standards. Same for nurses and other staff working in state and private healthcare.

>> No.10117702

no, shrink the number of seats in medschools
very yes
also very yes

>> No.10117716

There's a massive physician shortage.

>> No.10117779

then maybe they should stop killing themselves

>> No.10118064
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Anybody here regret med school? Why or why not? Contemplating about going down this path and I want to hear about your experiences

>> No.10118417

medfags, I've been constipated for four days, anyone know how I can induce defecation using only household items?

I tried squirting hand soap up my butt to lubricate my rectum but I didn't see any results.

>> No.10118897

Unironically do an ass-to-grass deep squat. If you cant do that indoor (balancing on the toilet can be very dangeroud), do it outside

>> No.10118936

Blackest coffee you got and mushrooms
That's not too long

>> No.10118962

What are the most intellectual fields of medicine?

>> No.10118981

But I gotta make sure I do it right

>> No.10118984

I'm exhausted all the time. I just want to be able to stop thinking for once.

>> No.10119094

Well. I don't regret med school. You have to study very long hours, deal with stuff most people don't even dream about and not everything is interesting and fun. There is boredom and very unpleasant stuff. That said, you get to do stuff that is impossible otherwise. I do some computer programming as a hobby, but a CS major doesn't have the chance to be in the OR and see a human body on the inside, or perform a neurological examination in a person with some disorder. You have contact with dozens of people everyday, who come with the most varied problems, from 1 day old babies that will hopefully live in the 22th Century to terminal cancer patients who will die that same night, which gives you a unique perspective on human nature. I personally think its an absolute honor to do this and I am very grateful for being able to study medicine. If you are considering med, just make sure you are also ready to study a lot of boring stuff (anatomy I am talking about you) and are ready to deal with hard stuff, weather it is patients, peers or members of staff. You also need to like people and have a lot of empathy with their problems and be able to put yourself in other peoples shoes

>> No.10119109

Not being able to help relatives. Dumping time and money into schools and working in crappy underfunded government hospitals. The higher numbers of female nurses and physicians.

>> No.10119117

>) and are ready to deal with hard stuff, weather it is patients, peers or members of staff.
It's worth noting that just about every job has you deaIing with shitty cIients and shitty workmates in stressfuI environments with bad hours sometimes, not aII of them pay as weII or come with the IeveI of respect that being a doctor has

>> No.10119133

That is true. I just wanted to say that while it is true that doctors in general are respected, that doesn't mean we don't deal with menial things. We have to do a lot of bureaucracy, like arranging peoples transport, deal with countless forms for every single thing, etc. It is just that if you only come to med because of money or respect, you will get bored easily. Talking about pay, I get around 1900€ a month, I am not poor, but I could make much more doing other stuff.

>> No.10119261

>shrink the number of seats in medschools
We already don’t have enough doctors. Why the fuck would you want there to be even less? As if medical school admissions needs to be made even more contrived. Compare admissions now versus 20 years ago when you could get in without taking any prerequisites or extracurriculars, just a good MCAT score. Ridiculous.

>> No.10119290

What are some of the most interesting branches of medicine?

I was considering neurology but then I realised it's all about looking after stroke patients and there's very little room for any academic research on the secrets of brain.

>> No.10119328


>> No.10120004

t. salty premed getting dabbed on by admissions committees

>> No.10120009

I got accepted into for one of the best medical schools in my country (Australia) but the only issue is that my undergrad is in mathematics/statistics. My knowledge of bio/chem is basically half of first year at uni, how screwed/disadvantaged am I compared to people who did "pre-med" or other biology focused degrees in their undergrad?

>> No.10120018

>Has a bachelor degree already
>Asks if he's at a disadvantage compared to other biology degree holders
Medicine aimed at students right out of highschool. Premeds, biology majors and people like you are the extra fags who want to study forever.

>> No.10120033
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Old school friend of my dads had a daughter who became a doctor and killed herself in her late 20's. The guys wife then killed herself a few weeks after the daughter did. Tragic part about it was there was no dark family secret or anything sinister about it, she killed herself due to the stress of the job or whatever reason and her mother killed herself because of a broken heart, leaving a father and young son/brother behind.

>> No.10120670

Medfags, should I either go to dental school or medical school?

>> No.10120948

that rate is still lower for women than men, so nothing of value on that infographic.

>> No.10120979

this is why I think dropping out of medschool was the greatest decision I ever made. I already had depression and social anxiety before starting medschool and it became worse a few months in. I dropped out after my second semester. I would probably went insane and killed a few people if I didn't dropped out.

>> No.10121248

Depends where you live.

Aussie med school is school leaver and graduate entry as well, right? If an 18-year-old can do it, you can. They'll teach you what you need to know. I know gradmeds in the UK who have previous degress in shit like philosophy who still manage to pick everything up.

>> No.10121421

I live in Houston

>> No.10122816
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I don't really regret it but if I had the opportunity to go back I would probably do something else: subject is good and I'm happy studying it will hallow e to do good in the world but most med students and their ego, the stress, the money spent to study...really not worth it.
I'd probably go with paleonthology or maybe trying to open a vineyard (italy-bro here)

>> No.10122884

Because medfags have tge most noble jobs with the shittiest conditions

>> No.10123226

How long does it take for someone to start showing acid/base imbalances when they hyperventilate/hypoventilate?
I've seen some places have a patient hyperventilate for as little as 60 seconds to as long as 5 minutes to see these changes.
These are for seizure induction in EEG studies.

>> No.10123318

Does anyone else love medical school compared to undergrad? I'm only two tests into my first year but I love it compared to dealing with loads of bullshit in undergrad. I don't mind studying all day because it's actually interesting, and I'm not forced to stress over term papers and other pointless tasks.

>> No.10123326

>this thread
Holy shit are all medfags such brainlets?

>> No.10123376

literally the third post brainlet

>> No.10123384

I wish I had the balls to drop out of bitch mode pharmacy school.
Biggest regret of my life, probably gonna go back to get a BS in something I actually like after I get my license in a couple of weeks.

>> No.10123389

houston has some of the cheapest dental schools in the nation don't they?
Go with what interests you but know that dentists have a MUCH better work life balance and that if people look down on you for being a dentist they aren't worth being around.

>> No.10123490

Forensic science openings only happen when one retires or dies. Not to mention there are plenty of forensic scientists who did a straight bio or chem degree and got the job purely because a lot of forensic science programs don't cover them in depth enough to specialise.

>> No.10123520

I got into a graduate program so its 4 years, there are also school-leaver ones but I did not do that.
I'm just wondering because learning anatomy and everything will be a new experience especially because I haven't done any hardcore memorising since high school, and so I wonder if I should do a bit of study in the summer prior to starting so I don't feel out of my depth.

>> No.10123522

anatomy is easy
you bring the text book with you to every test.

>> No.10123524

ok that's good to hear

>> No.10123550

>Hey let's talk about male-female suicide rates
>No, actually, I think it's important to interject the topic of race on the basis of my vague intuition that white people kill themselves more.

>> No.10123633

If you want to do that kind of stuff there really is no reason to not get your EMS -> Nursing -> ER -> Flight Nursing.

Flight nurses literally have the same responsibilities as any EMS and get paid more. This is anecdotal but I've had EMS's tell me while they enjoy the work they do, they might as well have just became nurses.

>> No.10123662

Not sure what hospitals your at but typically standing orders handle anything I need in the ER and if not there is always a doc outside the door/a phone call away. Outside of blood I don't need more than myself for a medication check. I can start a 12 lead just fine without somebody holding my hand. You are exaggerating and have been this whole time.

>> No.10123670

>You also need to like people and have a lot of empathy

This, I feel like the majority of MD's or health professionals who grow disillusioned with their career don't get the satisfaction from caring for other humans emotionally. Either that or get too emotionally invested. You really have to be able to strike a healthy balance to get the most out of these professions

>> No.10123761

Nani the fuck?

>> No.10124027

any good recommendations for practicing medical terminology? I'd kind of like something that would just throw random words/terms/whatever at me, but I'm open to anything.

>> No.10124029

I can't give a rebuttal to those digits.

>> No.10124066

Blessed binary digits

>> No.10124232

I mean your body.
You are studying human anatomy.
Shit is easy with the exception of Neuro

>> No.10124270

Outpatient work is very boring for me, that's why I'm going into hospital care, but that's only me. Choose the thing that you won't mind working for the rest of your career.
Plums. There are studies where they actually work better than suplements.
Pediatrics for me. These guys know fucking everything.
Oncology if we're talking about research. EM, intensive care, toxicology and anesthesia if we're talking clinical cases. Forensic medicine was also very interesting to me.

>> No.10125145
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Could eating a very large amount of beef cause greasy, very dark stool? I'm not sure if it was black or not as it appeared very dark in the bowl but was a dark brown when wiping

>> No.10125281

What are the main stereotypes among doctors? Like surgeons are arrogant and have a god complex, etc...

>> No.10125298

>tfw didn't have to pay a penny to go to med school
>tfw could start uni at 17
>tfw could do an extra year to get another neuroscience bachelors on top of my med degree
>tfw will walk into any job I want aged 23
American medfags get rekt

>> No.10125318

Coughing 24/7 for three months and I get incredibly breathless, wake up in the morning and my throat is burning.

You ever heard of this shit? Doctor said it's asthma despite no wheezing, told him I didn't think so but he said it definitely is, had my asthma test today and test said I didn't, asthma Nurse looked at test and records and said I've never had asthma. Really hate my GP (UK here).

>> No.10125996

Lads, how do I cure a sore throat quickly? I can hardly speak but I'm gonna have to host an event and there's no way I can talk to people for an entire evening like this.

>> No.10126010

Women are hard-wired to pop out babies. Medical careers are too demanding and cause depression later in life

>> No.10126480

Yes. Actually happened to me. I got really worried and even posted on /med/ about it. You should be fine in 2-3 days. If not, you know what to do.
Could be a list of things chronic bronchitis, lymph nodes pressing on your bronchi and causing irritation and coughing, TB, even microtromboembolism can be a cause of that. More reasons: chronic laryngitis, whooping cough (adults can get it too) and even cancer. A lot of stuff really. Just don't leave him alone sitting on his ass, don't self diagnose, but be persistent. He'll either do a more thorough examination or refer you eventually.
You can't do shit. You can get an anesthetic spray so you can stand the pain during the event. Oral antiseptics like chlorhexidine, benzalkonium chloride etc.

>> No.10126535

Guys I have a hard grain sized lump in my groin area. Its been there for like a year or so. Its like stuck to one of the veins that come out of the groin, behind where the testicles hang. It gives me discomfort every now and then. Sometimes it hurts and sometimes it lays dormant. Its been the same size and hardness since it suddenly appeared one day. It hurts when I squeeze it so theres that. Been putting it off coz I am not comfortable showing my peepee to the doc. Any ideas ?

>> No.10126791

Thanks for taking the time to help me out anon, you're a good guy, I'll try and get another appointment woth the GP.

>> No.10126820

>Been putting it off coz I am not comfortable showing my peepee to the doc. Any ideas ?

They see shit like this on the daily anon, seeing your penis is not going to bother them in the slightest and it shouldn't bother you, you'll have you pants down for half a minute, go in there and get it looked at.

>> No.10126828

They ingress to bag a husbando ,fail and then the biological clock has counted down. Bad end fast completion.