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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10094232 No.10094232 [Reply] [Original]

When will people accept the fact that the natural human body is pathetic and useless? It greatly limits the capabilities of the brilliant human mind. It causes us to feel pain and despair. When it dies, we will die with it.

Humans are a species defined by intelligence and innovation. We don't deserve to be trapped inside our fleshy prison cells. We need to break free and become gods

>> No.10094271

The human mind is part of the body and the greatest limiter. You cannot conceive beyond your primitive senses, that's the biggest limit.

>> No.10094398

how can you say the human mind is limited by the body when you havent put forth a purpose for the mind to begin with? why do humans need more cognitive function? it sounds like you got a problem with god and need to talk to him.

>> No.10094410

>the brilliant human mind
oh you starry-eyed idealist

>> No.10094416

it's ok, we will merge with our technology in the next 100 years.

>> No.10094419

>he is not already a mind in a computer

>> No.10094451

>virgin simulated brain
>need city sized computer to run you
>immobile and defenseless
>just want to be left alone in your tiny virtual world

>chad transhuman cyborg
>peak efficiency of both machine and man
>nothing on this planet posses threat to you
>adventure all over the milky way sharing cool stories with your alien cyborg bros

>> No.10094468
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>> No.10094487

What are your intents? Why the fuck you need to touch everything and leave your fingerprints everywhere?

You can just chill and die like everybody else, in fact if you want something else you're psychopath.

The beauty of modern technology isn't that we have higher peaks, but that we don't have to peak to sustain sustainable life and developement, no need to rush unmature ideas into oblivion, just because we can, we have plenty of time and if you need to see something done before you die, you're just experiencing fear, that's all.

>> No.10094540

>mind-body dualism
That's a 'yikes' from me I'm afraid

>> No.10094741


it's actually transhumanism

>> No.10094754


It's the next step in human evolution. First we were primitive monkeys. Then we became intelligent beings who are capable of engineering, science, and mathematics. The next logical step is for us to use our knowledge to transform into immortal and powerful gods.

>> No.10094767

I'm sick and tired of virgins posting transhumanist shit.
That's literally what this whole thing is - virgins mad that they can't get laid and masturbating to a fantasy of being immortal beings in a virtual world where they can get laid whenever they want.
It's pathetic.

>> No.10094959

That's cool I guess, now how are you going to do it? Could you answer the following questions?
What are you trying to do? Articulate your objectives using absolutely no jargon.
How is it done today, and what are the limits of current practice?
What is new in your approach and why do you think it will be successful?
Who cares? If you are successful, what difference will it make?
What are the risks?
How much will it cost?
How long will it take?
What are the mid-term and final “exams” to check for success?

>> No.10095026

Not OP but what does sex have to do with it?

>> No.10095089

>just lay down and die, it's the natural way of things
>how dare you reach for greater things, psychopath?
>why won't you just exist like the rest of us?
Stay in your bucket, crab.

>> No.10095091

>implying libido isn't the first thing I'd get rid of
I can only imagine how productive I could be if my dumb fuck ape brain wasn't constantly wanting sex.

>> No.10095301

Name a more brilliant mind I dare you.

>> No.10095364

Posting about transhumanism on 4chan is the most effective way of achieving it, judging by those advocate it.

>> No.10096633
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Agreed and we in a good way to achieve this: nature.com/articles/d41586- 018-06847-7

>> No.10096656

Wouldn't we get ther faster by starting slower? Like tricking out the bodies we have. Maybe start with exhaust pipes in our lungs so we can constantly inhale while running up 100 flights of stairs. We can keep going from there. Extra joints and longer levers in the legs. Eventually: transhuman. Look at aircraft now compared to the first. Can't put the cart before the horse. We need a little island somewhere where mad science can be conducted without ethical obstacles... I take it that it's ok to be fantastical here since the OP is inviting it. It hurts when you call me a brainlet.

>> No.10096662
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However we can turn those forces beyond our perception perceivable through technology. Not bad for a bunch of fleshy organs. Pretty good actually.


>> No.10097159

Our hands, upright posture, and big boy brains beat out every other possible feature an animal could have.

>tfw can think anything
>tfw can make anything
>tfw can go anywhere
>tfw efficient.

>> No.10097733

You have not answered any of my questions. Please try again.

>> No.10098606

Wrong. The brain's health and functionality is dependent on the whole body. We are one system and even small things beyond our nervous system affect it greatly.

Further, technology cannot change our brain's fundamental abilities. Yes we can appropriate the sensory feelings we are capable of, towards other inputs, but this does not add new senses, only new inputs and permutations. Our mind having form makes it strictly limited. Even other animals have broader and deeper senses, though dull in abstract intelligence. As I said, you cannot conceive beyond your primitive senses, that's the biggest limit.

>> No.10098779

>When will people accept the fact that the natural human body is pathetic and useless

Maybe yours is. Mine is strong and useful. I also love it and would not wish to continue without it. My body has been there for me and gotten me through so much, in this world, without it i am nothing. Together we live and together we die.