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10092682 No.10092682 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.10092690

Holy shit!!

>> No.10092701

Where do I place my money to profit from this

>> No.10092713
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>> No.10092721

put it in renewables. if global climate catastrophe doesn't tank every market on the planet, broad-scale renewables are going to be one of the most important infrastructure projects we'll perform in the next half century

>> No.10092743

And the feedback loop begins. This will make more permafrost melt, leading to more released methane, leading to even more melted permafrost, etc, etc, etc. Fuck everything, but especially the deniers and oil lobbyists. Hell is literally coming for them.

>> No.10092744

>Hell is literally coming for them.
hell is coming for everyone but them, they have enough money to run air conditioners forever and hire mercenaries to guard their private estates

>> No.10092751
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The end is neigh

>> No.10092799

We are all going to die.

>> No.10092803


>> No.10092805


>> No.10092806

what are the estimates for when this is going to fuck us? Is this a few years-decade or several decades-century kind of deal?
the reason the elite actively do not give a fuck is because they can afford not to. It's not that they don't believe it, it's that even if it's true they have safeguards in place

>> No.10092826

yeah that's why i wrote what i did

>> No.10092839

Methane is relevant on the year-decade scales because it oxidizes to CO2 over time. In the short-term it's a 80-fold stronger GHG than CO2.

>> No.10092870

I wonder how many alien civilizations have wiped themselves out by ruining the habitability of their planet.

>> No.10092888

>what are the estimates for when this is going to fuck us?
all of the predictions on climate change taking centuries are all massive underestimates

probability is that you'll still be alive and well for the collapse of techno-industrial human civilization in the 2030-2050 period

>> No.10092896

checked, and its not going to be that quick anon. We’ll see the beginning of the end at the turn of the century if we all don’t die from genetic diseases, cancer and heart failure from the obesogenic and carciongenic environments we have built for ourselves.

>> No.10092902

climate change isn't the only thing to worry about
it's just a factor in over-consumption of resources and the root problem of too many people. The next decade is going to be noted by a big decrease in QoL in the 'western' world due to said problems

We'll probably go nuclear though sooner rather than later

>> No.10092923

Very few because when threatened with climate change they go full nuclear power. Mankind is just especially retarded.

>> No.10093010


>> No.10093016

No. You are a special kind of stupid. There is no evidence of any alien civilization, likely because they have all wiped themselves out. It's called the Fermi paradox.

>> No.10093090


nice bright spots, good image for an introductory course for seismic attributes interpretation.

nothing strange going on btw.

>> No.10093359
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>still shilling for soi power
>not the two power sources that would actually benefit the world, Nuclear

>> No.10093372

hey wow thats a great idea boy thats fresh. Tell me, where are we gonna get enough uranium to power all of the world?

>> No.10093392

Someone's been drinking the McPhersom kool-aid.

>> No.10093397

>the absolute fuckton of untouched uranium deposits
Uranium generates a lot of electricity per unit mass

>> No.10093415

where are all these uranium deposits then. Uranium is one of the rarest elements.

>> No.10093427

Uranium is about as abundant as lead in the crust

>> No.10093479

Im not trying to diss Nuclear power, just saying that the power method that requires only sunlight has the most potential and it could be the main energy source if we cant get nuclear fuel for the entire world, especially since solar power efficiency has increased

>> No.10093495

the brutal thing is that we could easily generate liquid fuel from agriculture with plenty left over meat/grain production (which would produce no ghg) if our population wasn't 8 fucking billion. no need for nuclear. no need for fossil fuels. humanity fucked up...

>> No.10093508

solar is completely worthless greater than 50% of the time and pollutes the everloving fuck out of everything when manufactured
There's more than enough uranium and thorium fuel to power the world at current usage for tens of thousands of years
Do you not actually know anything about nuclear power? it seems like you don't

>> No.10093519

Concentrated solar will still probably run laps around photovoltaics in terms of efficiency and cost effectiveness
Photovoltaics competes with IC production by affecting the price of silicon as well

>> No.10093522

all the technological advancements you blissfully enjoy are the direct product of that large population
The more people there are, the more intelligent people there are to become specialists
with more specialists comes more researchers and inventors
were we to kill off most of the human population like you want, technological progress would likely stagnate completely
if, of course, society didn't collapse due to a lack of all the people needed to maintain everything

>> No.10093539

>all the technological advancements you blissfully enjoy are the direct product of that large population
most of major technological and scientific advancement happened before wwII, when the population was just a few billion or less than a billion
>were we to kill off most of the human population like you want,
nice nasty little insinuation combined with smug virtue signaling
> technological progress would likely stagnate completely
bullshit. technology is largely stagnating anyway due to physical limits on mechanical efficiency. humanity is never going to colonize the galaxy you fucking moron.

>> No.10093546

well it cant be that worthless, 6 percent of the world used it for energy last year, but it is not that powerful yet. and i dont think the manufacturing process of solar panels caused that huge of an impact on the world as oilfags and coal. I think for now we should use nuclear power until solar technology is much better.

>> No.10093553

ground based solar panels, by their very nature, cannot function at night or when there is cloud cover
the only way solar will ever be truly useful is if they are built in space and power is beamed down

>> No.10093556

>we could easily generate liquid fuel from agriculture with plenty left over meat/grain production (which would produce no ghg) if our population wasn't 8 fucking billion.

Why would there be more agriculture than to feed the population....??? What's stopping us from having more agriculture??

>> No.10093560

you store the energy from them in batterys. elon musk already did it with the Tesla Solar Roof. did you forget batterys existed?

>> No.10093570

more population does not equate to more technology because the higher the population, the more people are forced to compete for resources, devoting more of their time and energy to beating others to survive rather than to inventing new technology.

but you're an economist devotee religious whacko. you actually believe that cutthroat competition and gluttonous consumerism is good for people. you people are literally the toxic cancer that is destroying the planet. fuck you.

>> No.10093572

batteries are not a means of energy generation

>> No.10093575

because all the farm land that could be used to produce ethanol for vehicles is instead being used to produce food for people.

>> No.10093583
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>low population = no competition for resources

>> No.10093592

low population = less competition for resources
high population = more competition for resources

additionally, more population = faster consumption of non-renewable resources

its not complicated, unless of course you're a fucking moron

>> No.10093606

Isn't algae thermal liquefaction more cost effective than grain ethanol for biofuel production? Also could be ocean-based, so as to not interfere with food production, and could use existing refinery infrastructure and car ICEs unlike pure ethanol.

>> No.10093608

its going to be ironic how your fixation with population growth actually causes another dark ages, with stone age level technology and barbarism everywhere. won't that be tragic. humans forget how to make all of their beloved technology due to shear hubris.

>> No.10093621

Methane is responsible for the greatest extinction on Earth and there's large amount of methane trapped in the ice and due to climate change that methane is escaping or will be soon.
Am I understanding the articles correctly?

>> No.10093626

no shit sherlock. its for storing the energy from the panels and putting them into batteries, Since you said that they are only useful with power beamed down in space.we are at the point where you can live in a house that can be powered by only 6 medium sized solar panels, (or the tesla solar panel,but it is not released yet) and the power from the solar panel goes to your electric panel then to your house, but excess energy not being used goes to the battery, and when the lights go out, the extra energy that was put in the battery powers the house until sunrise.

>> No.10093713

Are we out of land??? Lol, dude. If we wanted to farm ethanol, we could. Lots of it. But it's not profitable. If it actually creates clean energy, we should subsidize that cost. I'd move out to the country and farm myself if there was good money to be made.

>> No.10093773

Just use some thorium, it's 4 times as plentiful.

>> No.10094084

Mattresses and refrigerator boxes.

>> No.10094158
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>you'll still be alive and well for the collapse of techno-industrial human civilization in the 2030-2050 period
And the man who would enjoy it most probably won't, ironically enough.

>> No.10094160

Guns, ammo, water, non-perishable sustenance, a LASIK procedure, gym membership, survival training, and hand-to-hand combat training. The profit will be your life.

>> No.10094162

it wouldn't really be a problem with proper fuel recycling/re-use

>> No.10094165

>just saying that the power method that requires only sunlight has the most potential
lol if you believe this

>> No.10094215

Not this shit again




Guy McPherson is a sexual deviant and you probably are too.

>> No.10094221
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>Shakhova et al
>Listening to a Russian
>Listening to a woman

Science has really gone down hill in the last 40-50 years.