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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10091893 No.10091893 [Reply] [Original]

>Paper cites other studies
>All sources all locked behind paywalls

America was the worse thing to happen to science

>> No.10091896

>not using scihub

>> No.10091899


Russia was the best thing to happen to science

>> No.10091902

Wow Russia rocks

>> No.10091905

How come Russia always looked out for the little guy? They give us free books from libgen too.

>> No.10092106
File: 61 KB, 1024x574, A2BDB73B-3BD1-4F4C-86F1-5491413F0A66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You have to go back to /pol/

>> No.10092115

Russians never let go of communism

>> No.10092116

Your University should have access desu

>> No.10092117

America was the worse thing to happen to the world.

>> No.10092147

American here. Can confirm. America is severely overpowered, most of the populace is beat down, distracted, and selectively braindead, and we're quite simply hijacked. After many years of this, and dealing with what now passes for human beings, it's hard not to become despondent. People are trained and dutifully act against their own interest, and your interest in the process, to serve the machine. Sometimes rewarded with trinkets and toys, sometimes not.

Right now the US resembles other empires during their late-stage collapse. I used to think about leaving, but these days I think everything and everywhere is its own kind of shithole and there really isn't any hope for improvement. And although my phallus remains uncut I didn't manage to exist in this place unscathed. A certain subset of broken maladapted things are written into a corner and therefore ugly. Ugly things should be destroyed.

>> No.10092159


Oh, if only we were all so privileged, fucking student.

>> No.10092171

>thinking you can analyse the cited papers better than the researchers from the citing paper
Just trust them. You don't need to read the source.

>> No.10092175
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>> No.10092178

Gonna have to run the experiments yourself them, chump

>> No.10092179


Gonna need those papers to understand what experiments to run, senpai.

That's how peer-review works.

>> No.10092180

Yes, I understand that, so if you get your way, I hope you're going to be running all the experiments yourself - nullis in verba

>> No.10092182


But of course - nullis in verba

>> No.10092185

You're both fucking larpers
>Carthago delenda est

>> No.10092187

I'm calling him a faggot, faggot

>> No.10092315
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>> No.10092360
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Then join us. We will usurp the powers that be and become powerful enough to independecise ourselves from the masses. When the time of need comes, we shall hold all the cards and give justly unto those deserving.

>> No.10093121


>> No.10093711


>> No.10094299

I'm curious about these science journals. Do they at least fund research or are they just a leech on the science comunity? Why did it even become necessary to publish in them?

>> No.10094334

>being such a retarded liberal that you think the Russia doesn't have tons of brilliant scientists.
Isn't it past your bed time?

>> No.10094490

Thank you based anon.

tor/proxy solves your problem to get there.

>> No.10094609


It's not "necessary", but publishing in journals almost certainly grants you more readership than you would have had otherwise.

>> No.10094833
File: 48 KB, 400x462, disdain for plebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck I'm reading? Apparently Anglos unironically misquote the phrase like this. Do Anglos not know about gerundivum + esse in AcI?

>> No.10094845

the creator is not russian though. she was studying in kazakhstan when she made that website.

>> No.10094876

>In 2015, academic publisher (((Elsevier))) filed a legal complaint in (((New York City))) against the site, successfully alleging copyright infringement. The judgment led to the loss of the original sci-hub.org domain, and a subsequent judgment in favor of the (((American))) Chemical Society resulted in loss of further domains and termination of its CloudFlare account, as well as an injunction against links to the site. Sci-Hub has cycled through domains since, some of which have been blocked by national governments.

>> No.10094912

>whaaaaaa everybody I don't like is /pol/

>> No.10094945


Christ, this is embarrassing

>> No.10095067

>this research looks -
>American Friends of Tel Aviv
>University of Tel-Aviv
>University of Israel
I think we know who the real problem is

>> No.10095300

Yeah but what can we say. Americans and Jews are against free science. They keep us down so we don't catch up

>> No.10095326

Retarded neets on /sci/ will have adapted their minds to completely lack ego and super ego, freeing up free real estate for neuroplasticity to occur over just a few more decades. We are evolving see >epigenetics
We will literally have become the dominant lifeforms on Earth because our ability to evaluate information using Aristotle's logic will be less impeded by vestigial neurochemical traffic. Aspergers is advantageous in that respect as proof of concept and the phenomenon is thought to have emerged quite recently. Being socially retarded makes you a better scientist haven't you ever wondered why?

>> No.10095611
File: 62 KB, 785x442, oof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10096230


No, they're for profit institutions that lobby and sue to ensure that they keep all academic work within their vaults; this keeps they rich, so they can lobby and sue creating a vicious cycle.

>> No.10096981


>> No.10096988

Yeah, she's pro-Putin, communist, feminist and also believes in astrology.

>> No.10096993


Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

yeah, but the sentence "carthago delenda est" has entered the common language, even if it's an apocrpyha and probably and oral translation