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10087898 No.10087898 [Reply] [Original]

Does your university use smell tests?

>> No.10087902


>> No.10087906

wowwww awesome. for real i wish i could say that to this one annoying bitch in my office

>> No.10087909

that's a leaf school actually, I was in this guy's calculus class before

>> No.10087913

I bet they're all CS majors

>> No.10087999

>but my pheromones

>> No.10088322
File: 42 KB, 437x501, 1537813258930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is real

>> No.10088328

Just don't go to class that day

>> No.10088336

you a stinky boy

>> No.10088344

How the hell am I suppose to weed out the competition?

>> No.10088351

This is why STEM is a joke. Pajeet poostreet and ching chong don't Fucking bathe and IT ISNT A FUCKING MEME

>> No.10088355

holy shit, how bad do you have to stank to get that sent to you? Fuckin hell.

>> No.10088368 [DELETED] 

>Use deodorant
>Put aluminum nanoparticles on highly absorbent areas of your body for maximally efficient transdermal delivery
>Mask your natural pheromones to prevent natural attraction between genetically compatible people
>Literally steal from yourself the ability to attract the interest of women with your PHEROMONES and SUPERIOR DIET
By golly, sure thing! I'll get right on that.


>> No.10088374

>When you don't want to interact with the Indians in your school but you don't want to look racist
Impressive, he should teach law instead of math

>> No.10088405

They all should

>> No.10088536

VIRGIN at top left

>> No.10088538

Spotted that and legit looked to see if anyone else saw it hahahahhaa

>> No.10088539

it's a cell phone carrier in the US you autists

>> No.10088541

Plot twist: Only you received this email.

>> No.10088545


>> No.10088549

Based professor

You’ll never be close enough to a girl for pheromones to even matter.

>> No.10088565

how many female students are going to accuse that professor of harassment

>> No.10088570 [DELETED] 

>You’ll never be close enough to a girl for pheromones to even matter.
Oh yeah? Well I go grocery shopping every week or so, and the cashiers are usually WOMEN. What do you have to say about THAT, wise guy?

>> No.10088577

>>Put aluminum nanoparticles on highly absorbent areas of your body for maximally efficient transdermal delivery
So what's the skinny on that? As Far As We Know(TM), the substance in question is safe to be exposed to, right? Right?

>> No.10088581

do you also piss on corners in your neighborhood to mark your territory?

>> No.10088591 [DELETED] 

Hah, yeah....

I live in a rural area, so I piss wherever I feel like. I could walk out in the road and piss there too, with low odds of anyone coming through. I don't have anything about urine anyway.

>> No.10088659

He sent this to the whole class

>> No.10089157

>He doesn't ask his professor if he can use the office shower before getting help

>> No.10089164

The legality of a smell test seems dubious at best in a quasi-government institution.

>> No.10089170

>literally, LITERALLY penis inspections in colleges now
wew fucking lad

>> No.10089182

beeeeeeeerrrrrrap......here you go teach.

>> No.10089574

Do some indian students really take shit in the street?

>> No.10089584

imagine if it's a girl haha

>> No.10089608

deodorant is fake/a meme but so is pheremones

>> No.10089618

Deodorant doesn't contain aluminum nanoparticles, that's antiperspirant. All deodersnt is is another form of smelly stuff.

>> No.10090080

The same shit happened to a concurent Engineering School, close to mine. Apparently students weren't showering and a email was sent telling them to bathe once in a while.
Still makes me laugh lmao

>> No.10090082

Small world, I'm taking MAT135 at the same college. I do put on deodorant... usually.

>> No.10091203

No, but they should institute them for the CS students.

>> No.10091234

imagine not completing calculus in High School

>> No.10091374

>His University lets him skip calculus
lmao what clown school do you go to?

>> No.10091381

Real universities don't teach calculus at all, because that's part of the stuff you are supposed to know before you get accepted in the first place.

>> No.10091405
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>> No.10091704

and how!

>> No.10091722

In my first year of college we had "Discrete Math" right after a "Discrete Math (CS)" in the same classroom and the smell of sweat was so bad that my professor actually filed a formal complaint with administration and they moved the CS class to another building (apparently, they couldn't get them to shower).

>> No.10093188

Hehehehe hahahha ohohohoh oh my

>> No.10093258

Plot twist: he only sent it to you

>> No.10093309

this guy cant make smell test on me.

>> No.10093337

Nanoparticles haven't gotten enough research yet. There's tentative evidence that titanium dioxide nanoparticles accumulate in and damage pancreatic cells thus increasing diabetes risk.

>> No.10093683

Nope, but I've got some turbovirgin running around in the same clothes 24/7 in my semester. He wears gloves at 20 degrees outdoor temperature and then reveals his uncut, long nails. He then proceeds to watch some chinks playing lol on Twitch while trying to get into shit.

>> No.10093783


>> No.10093789

Nigger either something is a transdermal chemical or it isn't. There aren't that many. Nicotine and testosterone are some of the few.