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10087304 No.10087304 [Reply] [Original]

how do we stop the antivax menace?

>> No.10087305

if vaccines work wont non vaccinated people just die, solving the problem?

>> No.10087339

Only some of them would die. Some would survive and besides that if you don't separate them the ideology still spreads.

>> No.10087342

Most survive due to herd immunity

>> No.10087347

before they die they would spread it and by harboring ithe virus they allow it to mutated into a new strain we don't have a vaccine for yet, anti-vaxxers could literally start a pandemic and end the world

>> No.10087375

Self solving problem

>> No.10087378

It wouldn't surprise me if that's fake news.

>> No.10087408

Even with a vaccine, if you get enough of a pathogen load it will overwhelm your immune system and make you sick.

>> No.10087411

Mandatory shots and laws that charge parents with child abuse for not getting them without a medical reason.

>> No.10087414

Make it illegal for them to make use of public services unless they’re vaccinated. This is not unreasonable, because they’re endangering public health.

For example, unvaccinated kids should not be allowed to go to public school. I think they actually implemented this in Australia or something.

>> No.10087418

it's sadly not as simple as that.

>> No.10087419

Let the lineages of antivaxxers die out

>> No.10087423

The problem is then taking everyone else down with them

>> No.10087437

I say let evolution take its course, stop trying to micromanage everything OP

>> No.10087485

Antivaxxers are a tiny, irrelevant minority. These outbreaks are caused by mass immigration of unvaccinated people from third world countries, not by a couple of suburban moms who post dumb shit on Facebook.

>> No.10087498
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By adressing that some vaccines have had adverse effects and reassuring the population that the common vaccinations are safe. Assuming that all vaccines will be perfect is absurd and it should be adressed as such when a vaccine is correlated with less than ideal results. You know, so that we can develop better ones.

>> No.10087501

exactly what i'm thinking. mandatory shots will be too controversial among the public

>> No.10087542


>> No.10087701

You are vaxed, so nothing can happen to you, why do you care?

>> No.10087846

Some kids legitimately can't get vaxxed due to health issues, but they probably still won't get most viruses because if everybody else is vaxed then the pathogens just kind of die and are very rare

So anti-vaxxers are endangering legit non-vaxxed kids in a way

>> No.10087964

But then you want the system to foot the bill for your diseased children
I think if your kid gets sick because you refused to vaccinate you should have one of two options. Either you pay for all treatment (and insurance won't cover it since they told you they were paying for the vaccine and you refused it) or you go to jail for child abuse and endangerment

>> No.10088006

You should still live a reasonably clean life trying not to come in contact with highly dangerous pathogens, vaccinated or not.
Typhus' back on the menu in the US because of that

>> No.10088011

washing hands saves lives
the vaccine thig is kinda moot if you're just clean and don't spread disease in the first place, but there are airborne diseases

>> No.10088031 [DELETED] 

By indicating that vaccines are safe and effective despite their lack of having ever been tested for mutagenic potential, carcinogenic potential, autoimmunity, neurological toxicity, or impairment of fertility.

Huh. No wonder people don't trust the machine injecting random things into them and their children. Like that tetanus shot they used to sterilize girls in Kenya... and how some states now require a tetanus shot prior to entering 7th grade. Hm. I'm sure it's just an unsettling coincidence. We're safe and being taken care of with the highest quality of medical care ever seen by the human race, which is why we're the healthiest the human race has ever been.... right?

>> No.10088234


>> No.10088245 [DELETED] 

>Get vaccine
>Not actually fully protected against the disease
>Reliant on Th2 immunity
>Wears off after ~5-10 years
>Women cannot pass it on to their children
>I got vaccinated to be protected but they're not vaccinated so I'm not protected
>Muh herd immunity, I herd about that one time!

>> No.10089231

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.10089233 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10089234
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>Vaccines don't cause autism
>look into thimerosal in the mmr
>call it a day
>the science is settled.

>> No.10089254 [DELETED] 
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I'm not seeing a response.

>> No.10089255

It's not even in modern day vaccines retard

>> No.10089256

Why argue with the mentally handicapped? They wouldn't understand it anyway.

>> No.10089258

It's still in flu shot, and the point isn't that thimerosal is studied, it's that ONLY thimerosal has ever been studied, find me a single study done that looks at vaccines having caused autism that isn't Thimerosal in the MMR.

>> No.10089268 [DELETED] 
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I don't think you can respond.

>> No.10089271

shut down the internet

>> No.10089274

>find me a single study done that looks at vaccines having caused autism
Find me a mechanism by which any ingredient in vaccines could cause autism.

>> No.10089276

Unironically get women back in the kitchen.

>> No.10089361

>Hurr why aren't any of the childless 15-25 y/o virgin redditors talking about vaccine safety that goes into babies?

>> No.10089377

>demanding that doctors test each and every vaccine independently to ensure it doesn't cause autism
nice attempt at shifting the burden of proof.
how come doctors haven't tested whether or not green jelly beans cause acne, huh? what are they afraid of?

>> No.10089399

Yeah. One vaccine was safe, therefore they all are safe.

>> No.10089434

Because we don't mandate all children get green jelly beans, unlike some areas, I have the right to not give them to my kid, and on the chance that I DO decide to give them to my kid, I have the right to sue.

>> No.10089444

Also, I forgot to add, it's the burden of proof if they are going to claim vaccines are unrelated to autism, it's a bogus lie, it is a "hypothesis" at best, but nothing more if they haven't fucking studied it.

>> No.10089452

This is all because of the Internet. It's amazing that the most open platform on Earth, one that was supposed to bring free information to all, was supposed to enlighten people has become a series of echo chambers and bubbles in which people only hear what they want to hear and see what they want to see that re-enforces their beliefs.

Take Youtube for example. The amount of videos on pseudoscientific topics like anti-vaxx, anti-GMO, evolution, flat Earth, climate change, etc. is astounding. Hell, sometimes on my sidebar in Youtube pseudoscience videos just pop up out of no where, and I don't watch anything related to them yet them somehow get into me feed. The same thing happens to users on Facebook.

We created this incredibly open platform where everyone can speak, and as a consequence some of the dumbest people alive have been given this megaphone to spout whatever nonsense they like, and they have somehow found an audience with the most ignorant of people, and they're growing every single day with more converts to their pseudo-scientific belief system, and once inside the system it's self-re-enforcing with the echo chamber, for example you view one video on Youtube about flat earth and suddenly you're recommended hundreds of similar videos that re-enforce the pseudoscience.

It's just amazing to me that we are literally going backwards from enlightenment back to widespread belief in pseudoscientific concepts that are becoming widely accepted by a large portion of the population. You see it with things like the new age supplement / health fad movements too, and other associated snake oil. Facebook literally turned my mom into one of these people that believes everything "natural" is good, GMOs are bad, """essential""" oils can cure diseases, and various supplements can as well despite the fact that there's no evidence to support it.
Goddamnit it just hurts how fucking dumb our society is becoming. It was supposed to be a golden age of information.

>> No.10089473

Who the heck are these people who are dying from fucking measles? Are they the same people who are allergic to everything due to generations of inbreeding?

>> No.10089492
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>> No.10089496 [DELETED] 

Vaccines suppress the immune system for a decent period after receiving them, and they tend to leave a permanent bias towards Th2 mediated immunity. Back in the day the child would have just gotten the immunity from the mother's breast milk.

I don't know as much as I'd like about specific vaccines and the related immunology, but I'm beginning to suspect they were a strong causative factor in a lot of my problems. Visual snow and gut problems in particular. I'm literally sitting here with a resting heart rate of 135bpm because I ate some rice mixed with a small bit of sunflower oil and 3 eggs. All organic, eggs from free wandering chickens eating organic feed at a local farm. Most food does this. Oils that shouldn't be fermentable somehow manage to cause massive bloating and an inflation of my abdomen. Probiotics don't work, long term use of broad spectrum antibiotic herbs including oregano oil, peppermint oil, sweet orange, etc. This doesn't put a dent in it. Haven't tried eg rifaximin. Topical anaesthetics like kava do something, but not distinctly. Other digestive herbs are hit or miss, eg fennel, yellow dock, senna, gotu kola, lavendar, peppermint, hemidesmus indicus, etc. Phenibut doesn't seem to do much. There is a strong psychological component and it resembles IBS-C.

I seem to be quite simply broken. The visual snow as well. I let them put a flu shot in me once, don't know if it correlated with its development. My grandmother developed it in her 80's, so it's clearly not reliant on a certain developmental window, prenatal brain damage, etc. Maybe one goof is all it takes, and I goofed. Another shared environmental factor, like digital over the air television, served as a trigger.

Vaccines and immunology have always felt hazy and "messy" to me, so I've avoided it. I'm getting over it and doing what I should have long ago. We have all these vaccines and medical "care", yet we're sicker and more fucked up than ever before.

>> No.10089548

Essential oils can do a lot of stuff. A really big lot.

>> No.10089562

Dairy/wheat can be issues for vaccine damaged people, most autistic kids cant handle it, so that should tell you something. Eating healthy is basically the most important thing to do, I don't mean "I only eat mcdonalds sometimes" I mean, "I never eat mcdonalds" because your body actually cannot handle it.

It's like saying "I only sometimes smoke cigarettes and do cocaine, it's not like I do it everyday", but your body is still going to be heavily damaged. We live in a world where only sometimes over indulging on junk food is considered extremely healthy. Now look at the health of the people, chronic illness, immunological issues, cancer, autism, sids, all through the fucking roof and you have the option to lower ALL of that significantly but you chose to have a big mac "only on occasion" instead?

I stopped eating candy, fast food, everything that wasn't healthy fruits, vegetables, meats with low amounts of whole wheat/goatmilk/raw milk. My whole life improved, acne, energy, headaches gone, discipline, more mentally focused with school. Every single bite you eat, every single thing you eat matters, it is fueling your body, do you sometimes put water into your car instead of gasoline? Do you sometimes wash your hair with bleach?

>> No.10089579

>I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for advances in medicine that allowed my subhuman parents to produce me but i'm gonna blame it on medicine for not making me a chad

>> No.10089609


>> No.10089627

Yep, looks like your vaccine is shit if you still get the measles.

>> No.10089655

>he trusts all the big companies to genetically engineer all his food without even having to put the genetical (((modifications))) on the food label

>> No.10089662

People are healthier than ever before tho

>> No.10089796

If you're going to make the claim that the other ingredients might also cause autism, or that other vaccines cause it, the burden of proof is on you.

>> No.10089826

>Vaccines supress the immune system
Near the bottom:
>Vaccines do not overwhelm the immune system. Although the infant immune system is relatively naive, it is immediately capable of generating a vast array of protective responses; even conservative estimates predict the capacity to respond to thousands of vaccines simultaneously [30]. Consistent with this theoretical exercise, combinations of vaccines induce immune responses comparable to those given individually [31]. Also, although the number of recommended childhood vaccines has increased during the past 30 years, with advances in protein chemistry and recombinant DNA technology, the immunologic load has actually decreased. The 14 vaccines given today contain <200 bacterial and viral proteins or polysaccharides, compared with >3000 of these immunological components in the 7 vaccines administered in 1980 [30]. Further, vaccines represent a minute fraction of what a child’s immune system routinely navigates; the average child is infected with 4–6 viruses per year [32]. The immune response elicited from the vast antigen exposure of unattenuated viral replication supersedes that of even multiple, simultaneous vaccines.

>Multiple vaccinations do not weaken the immune system. Vaccinated and unvaccinated children do not differ in their susceptibility to infections not prevented by vaccines [33–35]. In other words, vaccination does not suppress the immune system in a clinically relevant manner. However, infections with some vaccine-preventable diseases predispose children to severe, invasive infections with other pathogens [36, 37]. Therefore, the available data suggest that vaccines do not weaken the immune system.

>> No.10089883

why not just kill them?

>> No.10090050

What was the problem with anti-vaxxers again? If they don't vaccinate, both them and their children will die. It's effectively a population control for morons, same thing goes for abortion.

>> No.10090102

You can't. Forced vaccinations are tyranny, and will never be implemented in the united states. Personal belief exemptions are too great in number.

You can only win by EDUCATION. Educate the retards why its good to vaccinate. Trying to strongman the problem opens a can of worms

>> No.10090109

Dumb ass. It endangers kids and elderly people who have weak immune systems

>> No.10090112

literally no substance to any of your rant

>> No.10090149

Actually, the burden of proof is on you if you're going to make the claim vaccine and autism is unrelated. This is a fucking medical product forced on children, you can't claim it doesn't cause it without even looking at it, thats blind medicine and a lie.


Now show me a single study showing aluminum is not related to autism.

>> No.10090289


>> No.10090381

>Nothing about aluminum mentioned
>only thimerosal in mmr
>theoretical exercise
This is proven science?

>> No.10090389

the burden of proof is on anyone making a claim regardless of what the claim is. anti-vaxxers saying there's a link need to prove their claim. pro-vaxxers saying there isn't a link need to prove their claim. however, asking someone else to prove their claim is not in itself making a claim.

>> No.10090446

>In Denmark, researchers examined >1200 children with autism that was identified during 1990–1996, which comprised ~3 million person-years. They found that the risk of autism did not differ between children vaccinated with thimerosal-containing vaccines and those vaccinated with thimerosal-free vaccines or between children who received greater or lower quantities of thimerosal [24]. They also found that the rates of autism increased after the removal of thimerosal from all vaccines.

>> No.10090449

More proven than your random scribd page with a "study" that links to the website "Mercury-free"

>> No.10090503

You kill Facebook and just call anti-vaccine people goddamn fucking retards to their face. Don’t even entertain them for a second. Most of them are actually crazy/schizophrenic.

>> No.10090506

>Actually, the burden of proof is on you if you're going to make the claim vaccine and autism is unrelated.
Peanut butter causes autism. Now the burden is on you. After you spend millions proving it's safe, I will question your methods anyway and say what I really meant is strawberry jam causes autism.

>> No.10090514
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Again, only thimerosal looked at, it's never aluminum, fetal tissue, formaldehyde or anything else.

The fucking study sources

When pic related is involved.

Peanut butter is not a medical product. Millions of people can sue peanut butter industries if they feel it's causing injuries.

>vaccine injury cases are filed under seal
A product so safe it needs a secret court where everyone is put on a gag order and the media is not allowed in.
>they fight against HHS not the industry
You're suing your own government, no the manufacturer.
>you fight against the deparment of justice
You mean the governmental body that was created to protect the people?
>fight without any discovery as of right.
You're not allowed to see anything that happened in making of this product like other industries have to abide by to prove innocence.
>You have to prove causation
You have to fucking do your own science, not them, they don't have to prove their product DOESN'T cause injury, you have to conduct the study to find it, which is backwards when you look at every other pharma product when they have to prove no causation.

>> No.10091417

You brainless retard. Read op again

>> No.10093019

>I stopped eating candy, fast food, everything that wasn't healthy fruits, vegetables, meats with low amounts of whole wheat/goatmilk/raw milk. My whole life improved, acne, energy, headaches gone, discipline, more mentally focused
Just done the same. Wish I'd done it years ago. Gone a bit further tho', no wheat or milk/cheese. wheat made me tired in the afternoon if I had it at lunch. Read neurologist David Permutter's Grain Brain.

>> No.10093986

Good on you. Wheat used to be better but they changed how it's processed which took any nutrients it had out. I use raw milk/goat milk for cooking, hate that they try to make raw milk illegal because the industries want to send out puss contaminated milk because they refuse to take care of their animals.

>no substance
Just like the mcdonalds you eat every day, I'm sure your body totally enjoys getting those "nutrients", it's fucking basic biology, you don't fill your car with diesel fuel, so why do you not give you body the proper fuel?

>> No.10094475

Can someone ban this faggot? He invades every single vaccine thread with his bulshittery.

>> No.10094480

>i dont like these facts used against me, ban them!

>> No.10094502

There are some people who genuinely cannot get vaccinated for some reason or another, for no fault of their own
This is what herd immunity was for

>> No.10094507

they don't need to test them all, just more than just the 1 single vaccine that isn't even given in the first year

>> No.10094509

he's still here because you don't report him
only you can stop the /x/tard menace

>> No.10094517

Too bad faggot, nobody is going nowhere because I've presented scientific facts and studies that prove the dangers of vaccines.
And just like that I've done more science than every vaccine safety science has.

>> No.10094538

Why contain it?

>> No.10094562

Red pill: Anti vaxers are actually a tiny tiny population. The reason why you are seeing the numbers rise (in Europe, mind you) is because migrant populations just don't trust vaccines as they have no such kind of infrastructure in their shithole countries. Some of them probably don't even know that vaccines are a thing.

So in the end, Europe is literally going to get killed for accepting migrants without a vetting process. Well played.

>> No.10094588

This seems like the kind of explanation anti-vaxxers would use. In case you didn't know, measles outbreaks are not only in Europe but in NA as well.

Measles is extremely contagious and has very high infectivity for the unvaccinated. If you have antibodies you will generally not develop symptoms.

>> No.10094589

Propaganda is essential. Genocide doesn't work. People become outraged.

>> No.10094590

NPC, please update your NPCOs with the following reference:
>Young children of immigrants may be behind on vaccines

If you look for more sources you can find even more extreme findings. I just took the first off google. This is also not restricted to Europe. Migrants, in general, don't vaccinate their kids. But Europe is the one currently on alert and we know exactly why they are the first to be in that situation (though US may soon follow unless Trump starts deporting faster).

>> No.10094604

Some people physically can't have vaccines due to allergic reactions and other shit if we lose heard immunity they could die aswell

>> No.10094695

One solution is to innovate the actual syringe and needle.

Create a "painless" vaccine.

If everybody could receive vaccines with zero pain, there would be less crying and everybody is happy.

You know how mosquitoes and other pests/parasites bite people?

Yeah, we need to invent a syringe and needle that copies those blood sucking mechanism except instead of taking away blood, we use the mechanism to inject vaccines.

>> No.10094724

I almost died from an allergic reaction to the whooping cough vaccine when I was a kid, so I'm still unvaccinated for it even though they've updated the vaccine now. Sorry everybody

>> No.10094744

I'm tempted to agree with this, but it's a little too authoritarian for my taste. I do think having an opt-out system with difficult requirements to attain waivers might make sense.

>> No.10094746

That seems fair. Already my college required me to get a meningitis shot before attending. I live in Texas.

>> No.10094753

I completely agree. It's sad and I feel like things like Trump winning high office are another symptom of it. It is scary how "facts" aren't as trusted as I thought they were before the internet.

I don't know if people are more visible in their stupid ideas because of mass media or if they've always been around, but I thought the internet would create a more informed society too. It seems to be becoming less informed.

>> No.10094757

>due to generations of inbreeding
This type of talking is part of the problem. You are completely incorrect, look up hygiene hypothesis for starters.

>> No.10094769

The problem is we have a lot of health problems now that didn't seem to exist in the past. This has caused people (regular people, not experts) to think they have figured out the exact cause. Of course these people are wrong by and large, but as a free society they can spread their false ideas with no impunity, compounding the problem.

The heart of the issue is "new diseases". Things like obesity, heart disease, autism, celiac disease, allergies, etc. Mostly immune related diseases not tied to a specific pathogen. They are hard to understand and seem systemic in our society, so clearly there must be a "culprit".

An interesting fact is that these diseases, called NCDs (non-communicable diseases) are occurring most often in western, industrialized nations. They are far less common in developing nations. To some, the obvious culprit is vaccines. They started being introduced when these diseases started cropping up, so obviously they're the enemy. This is wrong, and correlation does not prove causation.

A lot of other modern lifestyle changes occurred around the same time (time period being the early-mid 1900s). Things associated with modern medicine, but also abundant use of household cleaning chemicals, preservatives in food, in general heavy use of chemicals pervasive in society that still exists today. My personal opinion is that it is not vaccines, but a failure of training our natural immune systems from a young age. Also, a complete lack of understanding of a healthy microbiome or diet. We still don't know how the immune systems properly work, but regular people are trying to pin a cause on these diseases, in one unfortunate case, this villain for autism has been painted as vaccines. It all stems from a lack of understanding.

>> No.10095236

I'd agree that there is some merit in that, if you can talk about some of the adverse effects you are thinking about.

>> No.10095245
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Reminder not to get your kids vaccinated if you want to MAGA.

>> No.10095258

IT's OK bro, you are precisely why everybody that CAN be vaccinated, should be. You, and the small proportion of people for whom the vaccine is not effective.

The few of you are not a problem, as long as you are few -- making it hard for the disease infecting one host to encounter another host who is susceptible.

>> No.10095266

>"""essential""" oils

I think half the problem here is that the word "essential" there does not mean what the retards think it means.

>> No.10095271

I got no problem with labeling what's been modified, if it applies to all the different ways food has been modified over the millennia. Singling out the only one where you can actually control what you are doing and stigmatizing it as bad while the other random, completely untested modifications are somehow OK is not really helpful.

>> No.10095336

>We looked at 1 ingredient in 1 vaccine that used studies from a now wanted criminal and another done by the cdc had a whistle blower speak against it and is waiting for amnesty, we totally debunked it.

>> No.10095339

>now wanted criminal
You mean like how countless (Galileo et. al.) revolutionary scientists were branded as criminals the moment they published their newfound facts about the world?

>> No.10095355

Why should these people be allowed to exist and reproduce?

>> No.10095465


Ya dumbo! Ey make needle-angel hangry, them He shat plague upon all nostre sore arses.

Pitchforks and torches, eradicate miscreants. Yo !

>> No.10096081

Uh no, he stole millions of dollars from funds from the government and spent it on personal things. He laundered money. His studies were to show vaccines do not cause autism, they still use his studies today even though he is a wanted criminal for stealing money from the funds for those studies. His results have NEVER been verified, Poul Thornsen is a criminal and you are trusting your child's safety with him.
See for pic related.
He is a criminal for stealing money, nothing to do with his studies results.

>> No.10096450
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>I've presented scientific facts and studies that prove the dangers of vaccines
point to one (1) in this thread.
all you've done is toss innuendo around and bitch and moan and bellyache that such-and-such ingredient in such-and-such vaccine hasn't been specifically tested for safety in a way that satisfies your goalpost-moving.

the very fact that you're claiming vaccines are dangerous because of FORMALDEHYDE >>10090514 shows you're not actually serious about science. the human body naturally produces more formaldehyde in ONE HOUR of metabolism than is found in a vaccination, but you're claiming it's the cause of autism? commit kakuro, my guy.

>> No.10096452
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>> No.10096544

Ah yes, because it's totally not on the industry for the burden of proof that the vaccine is unrelated to a health issue.

>No cumulative studies of vaccines
>700% increase in heart disease risk
>still approved
>good job everyone involved

I'm asking for BASIC safety studies to be done on vaccines, yet none have been done.
>no placebo
>no cumulative
>no long-term
>no vaccinated vs unvaccinated.
And before you say "HURRR UNETHICAL BECAUSE VACCINES IMPORTANT" the VSD is sitting on millions of peoples data and the IOM has commented saying it would be completely possible to compare vaccinated vs unvaccinated using this data, yet the CDC has not done so because...?

>No studies have compared the differences in health outcomes that some stakeholders questioned between entirely unimmunized populations of children and fully immunized children.
>It is possible to make this comparison through analyses of patient information contained in large databases such as VSD

>> No.10096581

Shitty research from 16 years ago is not facts.

>> No.10096593

Next level of retardation right here folks
This study should be excluded from proving vaccines and autism are unrelated because one of the main authors was charged with stealing millions from funding for that study, who knows if he fudged numbers.

You do realize you are speaking AGAINST vaccines by saying this, right?

>> No.10096597

>This is wrong, and correlation does not prove causation.
You never say why it's wrong.

There are hard mechanistic links, and on the macro scale kids clearly being altered after being vaccinated.

I agree with the rest of what you're saying. Exposure to myriad toxins in everyday life, a diet that can barely be called food, chronic stress and sleep /melatonin deprivation, oversterilization / hygiene, poisoned water, wireless devices (not mentioned by you, but the greatest threat of our time and one with a profound effect on the microbiome in the digestive tract and elsewhere (L-forms especially)), etc. But you flippantly disregard the idea that vaccines are a part of the problem, despite a large body of literature indicating something quite apart.

The "changing lifestyle" hypothesis is nonsense. A lot of our problems started with electrification, and we can separate this by looking at areas which did not abandon traditional diet and lifestyles for quite some time. Disease incidence increased comparably, and there are hard mechanistic explanations for this.

>> No.10096600

use crispr to modify mosquitos to vaccinate people

>> No.10096608

But anon.... they're already doing that.

>> No.10096612

Daily reminder that no vaccine has been tested for mutagenic potential, carcinogenic potential, bodily damage, deleterious functional change, or impairment of fertility.

Daily reminder that vaccine makers are completely shielded from liability.

Daily reminder our system is so completely broken that one of these days your flu shot could have been made in China, and they'd never tell you.

>> No.10096670
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I notice you failed to point to even a single study in this thread. dodging the question much?

>youtube video with no sources listed
into the trash it goes

>no placebo
we don't do placebo studies on life-saving medicine, you twit. standard practice.
>No studies have compared the differences in health outcomes that some stakeholders questioned between entirely unimmunized populations of children and fully immunized children.
and for very good reason. it's absolutely stupid to expose whole populations to preventable diseases just to investigate the safety of vaccines when there is no evidence that the vaccines are at all dangerous.

>the CDC has not done so because...?
because for the millions of dollars, they could fund research that actually saves a few lives instead of indulging the pet conspiracy theories of delusional retards like you.

>There are hard mechanistic links, and on the macro scale kids clearly being altered after being vaccinated.
[citation fucking needed]
you keep saying there's evidence of vaccines being dangerous, but you can't seem to provide ANY of it.

>> No.10096696

I don't keep saying anything, I'm not the other anons.

Maybe later I'll get you some data the components of vaccines, their individual action, and their synergistic activity. Just for right now though, mercury gets a lot of attention but injecting aluminum nanoparticles into the bloodstream along with glutamate, formaldehyde, or whatever else is probably a bad idea. I mean you can tell from the outset these things bypassing first pass processing = bad. Bad idea. The action of the agent meant to have antibodies generated against it is a whole 'nother matter, along with overexpression / reliance on Th2 immunity, etc.

It's all a stupid idea. And no amount of religion surrounding it will chance the hard truth, that as vaccines presently exist, it simply does not work with our biology.

>> No.10096810

>And no amount of religion surrounding it will chance the hard truth, that as vaccines presently exist, it simply does not work with our biology.
Vaccine safety is one thing, but are you really just going to assert there's no evidence for vaccine efficacy and expect us to believe you?

>> No.10096815

Oh no, they work for the most part. Temporarily. 5 - 10 years.

>> No.10096867
File: 586 KB, 1378x1911, Vaccinated vs unvaccinated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no sources
>they mention of a flare up of heart issues
from the cardiologist who abstained himself you fucking retard

>All subjects were monitored for 4 days post-administration.
lel, this is your science, you watched them for 4 days and nothing happened, bravo.

>Between 3 and 5 months of age, children who received DTP and OPV early had 5-fold higher mortality than still unvaccinated children.
>pic related
>flu shot group had 4.4x higher rate of non-influenza infection

>We don't need to compare vaccinated to unvaccinated
You're actually retarded if you believe this, theres even an "ethical" option available where nobody has to get hurt because they didn't get the magic medicine that doesn't work if a single person in the world isn't using it.

>When asked about vaccinating a future child, a sig- nificant proportion of respondents would deviate from CDC guidelines, specialists more than general pediatricians (21% vs 9%).
>6% of medical practitioners including general pediatrician and pediatric specialists opted out of vaccines entirely
Even doctors are aware that vaccines are trash.

>> No.10096871

did vaccines cause my regressive autism? (autism where first 1-2 years are normal development but then the child regresses/becomes autistic).

>> No.10096873

What a bunch of obvious BS. Get your kids injected with our cocktails or else theyre TEN TIMES AS LIKELY TO HAVE ATTENTION DISORDERS!!!!!! WHICH WE INVENT!!!1#1!!1!!1!111

>> No.10096884
File: 3.27 MB, 1080x4152, page4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think about what you said. "regressive autism"
A child is hitting every mile stone and then "suddenly" regresses into autism shortly after vaccination. Seems a bit coincidental no?

Then you look at the amish or low vaccination rate countries and find they have lower rates of autism.
inb4 muh correlation =/= causation

Friendly reminder HHS hasn't been doing vaccine safety studies for 30 years (or ever) as they were required to do so in order for immunity to be granted from the 1986 VICA. 30 years of no studies from a bill that LITERALLY saved the industry, but I'm totally sure they're here for you and doing those studies anon.

>> No.10096886

Wow same here and I'm the guy you replied too

>> No.10096887

People have already (repeatedly!) pointed out to you that study was so badly discredited it's been retracted twice. The fact you're still posting it pretty solid evidence you don't give a shit about what's really true, so long as it appears to support the conclusion you want.

>> No.10096900
File: 305 KB, 1124x688, Picture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your one study had controversy! hah gottem
So wheres your studies comparing vaccinated vs unvaccinated or just using VSD to compare that show vaccines being good, because I can't seem to find one.
I wonder why they don't wanna use a placebo.

>> No.10096910


i really hate that we need vaccines to protect us against a lot of deadly diseases but im also upset i turned out autistic (at least high functioning) but it can be shitty being so poor at dealing with people and plus i had loads of sensory problems, especially as a child. im still bit of a mess sometimes but i've come a long way.

>> No.10096911

A major contributor to manifesting attention disorders is dirty electricity and the RF emissions from fluorescent lights. Fluorescent lights also happen to cause neurodegeneration in mice and rats, and probably also humans. Same with LEDs, though via the blue light and not so much their transformer field, of course minus the RF. The character of the response in children is also different.

And we force them into buildings where they spend the bulk of their life under these things. Gosh, depression through the roof. Suicide rates high. Headaches, migraine, all these other problems.

I spent a lot of my life focused on the poison that we call a food supply, but there's so much more.

>> No.10096916
File: 132 KB, 600x776, 1983 vs 2016 vaccine schedule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vaccines wouldn't nearly be as bad if people weren't given so much shit just for spacing them out. Immunity was given to the industry from all liability so they just pumped out every vaccine they could because who cares if everyone starts developing health issues, it's not like they're touchable anymore.

Also measles aren't deadly, literally nobody died from measles in the years before the vaccine came out, it was already 99% irrelevant before the vaccine.


>> No.10096921


Yeah the measles vaccine is useless. Not as bad as the flu vaccine though. They've essentially admitted already the Flu vaccine does absolutely nothing meaningful.

>> No.10096924

>Your one study had controversy! hah gottem
If have no interest in arguing with someone who is unwilling to accept when something they've posted is shown to be wrong. What's the point when you'll just make another thread and repeat the same claims again?

Fuck off.

>> No.10096930
File: 129 KB, 960x741, Pharma 3rd leading cause of death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignoring both other studies
>ignoring that the very basic highschool level study of group A gets product and group B does not has never been done with vaccines.
>Every single vaccinated vs unvaccinated study that has been done shows vaccines as being extremely dangerous
>They had "issues"/"correlation =/= causation"

>> No.10096934

Make vaccine...pills?

>> No.10096937

>ignoring both other studies
You've made it perfectly clear that you don't care whether the links you're posting are true or not. There's not point in me trying to refute them

>They had "issues"/"correlation =/= causation"
It got retracted twice, both times from garbage-tier journals allow nearly anything in. If you believe that paper you'll believe anything.

>> No.10097237

Let natural selection do the work

>> No.10097727

I say let the antivaxers do their thing. Herd immunity is keeping them alive. The less people vaccinated, the more likely the antivaxers get wiped out. If they die it's their fault for not getting vaccinated. Maybe we should spread measles around like agent orange. It'll make this whole process faster

>> No.10097761
File: 256 KB, 750x750, 1538228610551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10098354

>If I wasn't vaccinated I would literally die
>People somehow existed up until the creation of vaccines, often with terrible sanitation in densely populated areas
>Unvaccinated people in modern times would just plain literally die if no one else was vaccinated
Brainwashing and religion at work. This is some real braindead fear porn right here.

>> No.10098358
File: 171 B, 113x124, 77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10098463

Cool graph showing two unrelated trends.

>> No.10098528
File: 95 B, 113x124, 1540607635840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10098545

I will never have weird unknown shit injected into me. I will not accept weird shit delivered unto me transdermally.

My fellow man has been weaponized. Hopefully the weaponized idiot can be dissuaded before it's too late.

>> No.10098567

>I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids!

>> No.10098575 [DELETED] 

Ok a lot of you are saying "you're vaccinated/protected so why do you care". The thing is that

1) vaccines are highly effective, but not 100% (http://www.who.int/vaccine_safety/initiative/detection/immunization_misconceptions/en/index2.html).). The fewer vaccinated people there are, the more vaccinated people get exposed and risk contracting the disease

2) Not everyone can get vaccines, like people with aids or people allergic to the vaccine culture. We need herd immunity (a term that anti vaxxers abuse way too much) to protect the people who can't get vaccinated

3) Yes beliefs are often hereditary but it's not like everyone who doesn't get vaccinated will just automatically die. They'll live on and spread their bullshit to more people. Not to mention that most anti-vaxx parents are vaccinated themselves.

The only way to solve this is to first completely cut off social services for people who voluntarily don't vaccinate and to improve education in both health and in digital literacy, and possibly make make it criminal negligence for parents to not vaccinate their kids. There's simply no evidence against vaccination except a bunch of retarded conspiracy theories first brought up by a (now discredited) "scientist" who was shown to have fabricated data. If you seriously believe any of that anti-vaxx bullshit you're a fucking idiot who shouldn't have kids.

>> No.10098587

>above 50% chronic illness and developmental disability
Motherfucker at that point the people who don't have it are the abnormal ones.

>> No.10098615

>implying unvaccinated people would have the same chance of survival as vaccinated people
Polio's gonna hit them like a truck

>> No.10098621

>Be unvaccinated
>Step outside my house
Bam. Polio, just like that. Should've listened. Even worse, I compromised our herd immunity. so little Jimmy down the street, who was fully vaccinated, happened to catch my polio in a fluke accident. Then little Sarah at school caught polio too. They were both in the iron lung by the end of the week. It's all my fault.

>> No.10098631

Necessary sacrifices for the greater good

>> No.10098636

But think of little Jimmy and Sarah. Surely if they had just forced me to be vaccinated, they could have been spared the iron lung and a lifetime of disability. We need to think of the children and take steps to protect the next generation.

>> No.10098716

Lmfao based vaxxer xD

>> No.10098729
File: 642 KB, 680x700, doubtfire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe later I'll get you some data
read as:
>I don't have any evidence but I wanna pretend like I do

>glutamate, formaldehyde, or whatever else
glutamate is an ubiquitous amino acid in eukaryotes, you retard. your body contains about a pound of it in your proteins. claiming that a gram or two of glutamate from a vaccine could ever plausibly cause health problems shows how thoroughly ignorant you are.
and like I said in >>10096450 your body naturally makes more formaldehyde in an hour than you'd get from a vaccine.

aluminum adjuvants are at least a plausible issue, but they've been extensively studied, and it turns out they're pretty damn safe.

>> No.10098772
File: 41 KB, 493x320, horrible posts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turns out that when anti-vaxxer parents think doctors are evil, they don't take their kids in for checkups, so their kids are never diagnosed with whatever conditions they may have. doesn't make them healthier.
also, the lead author is a Wakefield apologist and the study was directly funded by anti-vax organizations. not exactly unbiased, hmm?

>muh video
the video does not list any sources, your bitching notwithstanding.

>you watched them for 4 days and nothing happened, bravo.
they were watching for acute immune reactions, dumbass. that's what there's actually evidence to suggest can happen as a result of vaccination. yeah sure, let's keep these kids under observation for the next five years just in case they come down with a side effect that has no evidence to support it existing. dumbass.

>children who received DTP and OPV early had 5-fold higher mortality than still unvaccinated children
the total sample size was 1057, which is absolutely tiny if you're looking at mortality rates, and the researchers made no attempt to classify deaths by cause nor to find any actual causal link.

>4.4x higher rate of non-influenza infection
read the actual authors' conclusions, dimwit.
>Alternatively, our results could be explained by temporary nonspecific immunity after influenza virus infection, through the cell-mediated response or, more likely, the innate immune response to infection. Participants who received TIV would have been protected against influenza in February 2009 but then would not have had heightened nonspecific immunity in the following weeks. They would then face a higher risk of certain other virus infections in March 2009, compared with placebo recipients.
lower nonspecific immunity isn't caused by the vaccine; it's caused by not getting the flu, retard.

>> No.10098781
File: 1.15 MB, 1008x966, smug zoologist face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're actually retarded if you believe this
Not An Argument (TM)

hey, I think antibiotics might cause heart attacks in tuberculosis patients. the ONLY WAY to be ABSOLUTELY SURE they're safe is to randomly give a bunch of them placebos instead of antibiotics, and not tell them which they have!

>Even doctors are aware that vaccines are trash.
~15% of doctors also smoke cigarettes. does that mean tobacco is safe?
(oh wait, you probably think it is because you're a delusional retard. crank attraction and all that.)

>> No.10098796
File: 305 KB, 1500x1100, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then you look at the amish or low vaccination rate countries and find they have lower rates of autism.
this is the most brainlet-tier correlation in existence.

when you don't take your kids to the doctor (whether because your country doesn't have a good health care system or because of your Good Christian Traditions), two things happen:
- they don't get vaccinated
- conditions they have don't get diagnosed
babby's first measurement bias.

nice fake graph. maybe if the chronic illness curve wasn't A FUCKING STRAIGHT LINE it wouldn't look quite so obviously fabricated.
I took the liberty of checking the listed sources, and not only do neither of them contain the data for that curve, but the second one directly contradicts it.
why do anti-vaxxers always feel the need to tell such blitheringly stupid lies?

>> No.10098799

>People somehow existed up until the creation of vaccines, often with terrible sanitation in densely populated areas
yeah and millions and millions of them died horribly of preventable diseases, you moron.
by your """"""""""logic"""""""""" literally all medicine is worthless because humans didn't die out entirely before it was invented.

this is some powerful dumbfuckery at work

>> No.10098840
File: 617 KB, 1742x1106, G11.2-UK-Deaths-1838-1978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horrible, horrible measles.
Just look at it, those kids are crying because they know their days are numbered.

also, the lead author is a Wakefield apologist and the study was directly funded by anti-vax organizations. not exactly unbiased, hmm?

By that logic every vaccine should be abolished considering the CDC and fda board panelists that approve the vaccine all have financial ties to vaccines.



>> No.10098849
File: 147 KB, 865x1024, Vaccine schedule over time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every vaccine is perfect and there can never be an issue with them
Handley fucking ripping those faggots apart and one of them ends up crying because he got the facts laid down on him.
Even the former NIH director admits that there is missing science on vaccines-autism.

You fuckers want vaccine safety?
Watch this and try to even fucking argue.
Alternatively, you can just download the .ppt

>> No.10098871
File: 740 KB, 770x616, Gardacide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

through unbiased inquiry, obviously

>> No.10098876
File: 32 KB, 408x408, vacc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an informed person, I agree with this sentiment; and likewise. No one else should be footing the bill for the government run medical mafia's crime.

>> No.10098879

>glutamate is an ubiquitous amino acid in eukaryotes
So is calcium, yet it and glutamate are the main causative agents of eg most of the brain damage after traumatic brain injuries and strokes. It's called excitotoxicity, and administering calcium channel blockers attenuates such damage accordingly.

It's important to consider that something existing in high quantities in the body doesn't mean you can arbitrarily introduce it to a given system without pathological effect. The body has a number of mechanisms of buffering, processing in stages, and encapsulating / trafficking most things. Agents must be introduced in accordance with these regulatory systems. Go get out some of the ol' glutamate and sprinkle in some Ca2+, then shoot up dude, if you think I'm wrong.

As for monosodium glutamate, intramuscular and intravenous administration has been shown to cause brain damage and permanent functional changes in rats, Finding these studies is trivial and is left to the reader.

Just something amusing. Do inserts that include something like this inspire confidence, especially knowing vaccine manufacturers are exempt from liability?
>HEPLISAV-B has not been evaluated for carcinogenicity, mutagenic potential or male infertility in animals.
So can this cause side effects? Dunno lol, never checked. haha XDDDDD. So far down the line how could you even know in human populations haha lol. :^) If someone does some mechanistic / population study using an animal model, who knows if it applies to humans anyway? lol oh well. Now let's see what arm to use, kiddo. Time's money.

>your body naturally makes more formaldehyde
Your body also makes a bunch of radicals, but it's not a problem because they're radical pairs that rapidly recombine. Your body makes a shitload of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, but it's not a problem because the liver removes almost all of it during first pass processing, it never enters broader circulation. Similar with formaldehyde.

>> No.10098887
File: 185 KB, 1305x763, vaccine_truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would they need tests for that? Any moron could figure out by simply reading the ingredients that all of the above symptoms are more than likely with a cocktail of toxi- uh, I mean adjuvants are going directly into the bloodstream.

>> No.10098897

It's produced as part of a processing pathway and handled in subsequent steps. A sudden extra load from multiple vaccines at once, in an infant, is not trivial. And it most certainly will manage to cause damage before it's taken care of. That's just common sense. Just because you have a neat ant colony in your house doesn't mean you can just dump out carpenter ants everywhere.

>aluminum adjuvants are at least a plausible issue,
Aluminum nanoparticles are more than plausible, they're a well established neurotoxin and they're a bitch for the body to remove. In fact, it generally can't. The only method I know of is intake of high levels of silica.

>read as:
>>I don't have any evidence but I wanna pretend like I do
I don't intend to really engage much. I used to feel this pressure, and this need. I had to give them the means to know. I had to lead. It made me feel like I had some place, and like a man. It mattered that I did what I could and the only source of power was feeling like I was fixing the world's ills. Because I see myself as God. If something is wrong it's my fault, because I haven't changed it.

The pressure is gone. There is no obligation. And it's now the way it should be. Really, for one look at yourself.
>glutamate is an ubiquitous amino acid in eukaryotes, you retard.
"Ignorance through arrogance." You really assumed "they don't agree with me so they're so inept that they don't even know glutamate is naturally occurring." Wow, what does that say?

>> No.10098909
File: 223 KB, 900x675, CANCER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh measles
your own chart shows that thousands of Britons died to smallpox every year...and then suddenly they didn't after mandatory vaccination was enforced.
but sure, clearly vaccines are worthless because other advances in medicine reduced the mortality of the diseases they prevent.

>the CDC and fda board panelists that approve the vaccine all have financial ties to vaccines
okay fuckwit, lemme spell this out for you real simple like:
the CDC owns patents on vaccine components to stop for-profit companies from owning those patents and exploiting them. it's about ensuring that a vaccine can't be monopolized by a single company.

>> No.10098912
File: 96 KB, 912x1024, laughs hanniballistically.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 youtube videos
>0 links to any actual studies
>plus an anti-vax propaganda site
wow great argument fagtron you sure convinced me with those hot opinions

>> No.10098916
File: 25 KB, 96x96, troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>monopolized by a single company
like the united states corporation?

>> No.10098922
File: 196 KB, 500x281, irredeemable.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So is calcium, yet it and glutamate are the main causative agents of eg most of the brain damage after traumatic brain injuries and strokes.
good thing vaccines aren't injected into the CNS then, fucko.
>It's important to consider that something existing in high quantities in the body doesn't mean you can arbitrarily introduce it to a given system without pathological effect. The body has a number of mechanisms of buffering, processing in stages, and encapsulating / trafficking most things. Agents must be introduced in accordance with these regulatory systems.
aaand both glutamate and calcium circulate in the bloodstream and in interstitial spaces within the muscles. vaccines don't put glutamate anywhere it isn't already at comparable levels.

>As for monosodium glutamate, intramuscular and intravenous administration has been shown to cause brain damage and permanent functional changes in rats
literally a lie. prove me wrong, fag.
the only MSG studies that have found any actual toxicity have used doses thousands of times higher than is received from a vaccine.

>So can this cause side effects? Dunno lol, never checked. haha XDDDDD.
and amazingly enough, nobody's ever run a study to see if acetominophen causes cervical cancer in women. OMG THROW AWAY YOUR TYLENOL, LADIES
we don't have infinite funding and resources. long-term studies of the type you're demanding need to be based on some kind of evidence, not the whims of a delusional cretin.

>it never enters broader circulation. Similar with formaldehyde.
wrong again, fag.
you literally get more formaldehyde in your bloodstream from painting your nails than from being vaccinated.

this kind of shit shows the pathetic mindset of the anti-vaxxer.
they're SO DAMN SURE that vaccines are evil that they'll grasp at the most ludicrous of straws to try and justify their collective delusion.

>> No.10098929
File: 53 KB, 741x468, 1523180421425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seemed to ignore the FDA panelists who have ties to their own companies manufacturering the product for tens of millions of dollars, the product they just voted was safe. Nope, no conflict of interest there.

Also way to ignore the beginning of the chart where it shows smallpox was on a MASSIVE decline even before the vaccine.
>3 interviews
>1 has an alternative that provides sources and other information that includes a SIGNED DOCUMENT stating HHS has not performed any safety studies as required in the last 30 years.

>> No.10098934
File: 26 KB, 600x375, come on now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A sudden extra load from multiple vaccines at once, in an infant, is not trivial.
wrong again. see the link >>10098922

>Aluminum nanoparticles are more than plausible, they're a well established neurotoxin
good thing adjuvants aren't aluminum nanoparticles then. they're aluminum salts, (hydroxides, sulfates, phosphates). completely different chemical properties, dumbass.

>I don't intend to really engage much.
said the guy who's been obsessively backpedaling in this thread for how long now?

>You really assumed "they don't agree with me so they're so inept that they don't even know glutamate is naturally occurring." Wow, what does that say?
it says I was giving you the benefit of the doubt.
it's one thing not to know that glutamate is found everywhere in animal tissue. it's another thing to know that but to still think that injecting one or two mg of it will cause autism.

>> No.10098941

>FDA panelists who have ties to their own companies
oh no, how dare the FDA bring in experts who have experience in vaccine development?
show me one (1) case of a vaccine being wrongly approved because of pressure by a panelist with a financial stake in it. if it's so pervasive a problem, you should have no trouble finding an example.

>smallpox was on a MASSIVE decline even before the vaccine.
no retard, smallpox DEATH was declining.
just because modern-ish medical techniques reduced the mortality rates doesn't mean that it wasn't still infecting loads of people and fucking them up.

>3 interviews
literally An Opinion
which is of course not science
>provides sources
none whatsoever listed.
>a SIGNED DOCUMENT stating HHS has not performed any safety studies as required in the last 30 years.
not actually true. the law is about reports, not studies, and it was being complied with. sigh.

>> No.10098952

>good thing vaccines aren't injected into the CNS then, fucko.
Good thing all of the CNS is behind the BBB.... wait. And surely the glia is smart and capable enough of handling a sudden spike in glutamate...

Well, I'm sure the hypothalamus will be fine. Not too important anyway.

>aaand both glutamate and calcium circulate
Most calcium in the body is bound up on membrane glycoproteins, buffered intracellularly on the endoplasmic reticulum, or tightly controlled by calcitonin and other means. Ca2+ is not allowed to wander around wherever it wants, and you don't have high amplitude tidal patterns of calcium concentration most of the time without another site to accommodate it. eg there are calcium domains in the extracellular space around calcium channels, and when it's pumped out it tends to drift back there quite quickly. That "respiration" is controlled by ryanodine receptor interactions, calmodulin, and the activity of a cell's neighbors.

Some studies show ~16x increase in blood glutamate concentration after intravenous administration of MSG. This does cause brain damage.

>and amazingly enough, nobody's ever run a study to see if acetominophen causes cervical cancer in women.
The problems with this reasoning are too numerous and bizarre to address. You know better. And besides, at least acetominophen is amrketed as a drug and has been tested for mutagenic, carcinogenic, and teratogenic potential along with its specific toxicology. Vaccines on the other hand.

>need to be based on some kind of evidence
This is pretty asinine, so I'm going to assume it's subconsciously apparent why you're saying that.

>prove me wrong, fag.
Nah. Left to the reader. ;^)

>you literally get more formaldehyde in your bloodstream from painting your nails than from being vaccinated.
Maybe we should feed kids lead too. Just 'cause.
You didn't respond to what I said either.

>this kind of shit shows the pathetic mindset of the anti-vaxxer.

>> No.10098986

>good thing adjuvants aren't aluminum nanoparticles then. they're aluminum salts
Metastability varies but generally there's a dissociation from their original complex and subsequent speciation elsewhere, or simple degradation to Al3+. Many of these forms are readily taken up by cells which can transport them elsewhere, including the brain. Micro->nano, the bulk of an adjuvant is not excreted whole or in its original form.

>said the guy who's been obsessively backpedaling in this thread for how long now?
You're confusing me for someone else again.

>it's another thing to know that but to still think that injecting one or two mg of it will cause autism.
There you go again, taking your assumptions as fact. I never mentioned autism, directly or otherwise.

What does that tell you? When a person isn't separating their fantasies from reality. No regard for the facts.

>> No.10099043

Nope, see
>by harbouring the virus they allow it to mutate into a new strain we don't have a vaccine for yet

>> No.10099048

Why should any human?
Why should those people be denied life and not criminals, the poor, the rich, the stupid, the intelligentsia, the diseased, the blacks, the whites, etc.

>> No.10099118

Hhs was not sending the reports to Congress. That was the requirement, even if the studies were done, they were under lock and keep. Its the same as them saying "we totally pinky promise we did them"

If you fucking read the signed document it states it, nothing sent, ever. Its supposed to be for unbiased 3rd party view of the overview of vaccines, yet its not been done.

>> No.10099333

>show me one (1) case of a vaccine being wrongly approved
>Members of the CDC's advisory Committee often fill out incomplete financial disclosure statements, and are not required to provide the missing information by CDC ethics officials.
>3 out of 5 FDA advisory committee members who voted to approve the rotavirus vaccine in December 1997 had financial ties to pharmaceutical companies that were developing different versions of the vaccine.
>In many cases, significant conflicts of interest are not deemed to be conflicts at all.

>Dr. Caroline Hall: At the time of the VRBPAC meeting for approval of Rotashield, Dr. Hall's employer, the University of Rochester, had a $9,586,000 contract with the NIAID for a rotavirus vaccine.
>Dr. Hall was allowed to fully participate in the meeting.
>$9,586,000 contract
>definitely unbiased on her vote

>Dr. Patricia Ferrieri, Chair: She directed the discussion on the Rotashield vaccine. At the time of the proceedings, Dr. Ferrieri owned at about $20,000 of stock in Merck, an affected company and manufacturer of an upcoming rotavirus vaccine.
>Dr. Ferrieri received a $135,000 NIAID grant for unspecified research
>Dr. Ferrieri received a full participation waiver.

>Dr. Mary Estes: At the time of the Rotashield approval meeting, Dr. Estes' employer, Baylor College of Medicine, was receiving a large amount of funds for the development of rotavirus vaccines,
>Dr. Estes was also listed as the principal investigator for a grant from Merck for the development of a rotavirus vaccine.
>This conflict was also waived and Dr. Estes was given a full participation waiver for the meeting.

>Perhaps one of the major problems contributing to the overall influence of the pharmaceutical industry over the vaccine approval and recommendation process may be the loose standards that are used by the agency in determining whether a conflict actually exists.

Now fuck off you retard

>> No.10099346

>During the clinical trials, five children out of a total of 10,054 subjects suffered intussusception.[xxvii] If confirmed, the rate of intussusception would be 1 in 2010 children. According to the manufacturers package insert, the adverse event was considered statistically insignificant at 0.05%. Intussusception had not previously been associated with natural rotavirus infection.
>over 10,000 injuries in the trials.
>rate of 1 in 2010 of being injured.

>The CDC routinely grants waivers from conflict of interest rules to every member of its advisory committee.
>The Chairman of the CDC's advisory committee until very recently owned 600 shares of stock in Merck, a pharmaceutical company with an active vaccine division.
>Four out of eight CDC advisory committee members who voted to approve guidelines for the rotavirus vaccine in June 1998 had financial ties to pharmaceutical companies that were developing different versions of the vaccine.
>A case study was conducted that estimated that the risk of intussusception was increased by sixty percent among children who received the Rotashield.

>It is alarming that it was known during clinical trials and the licensing process that there were increased incidences of intussusception in vaccinated infants.
>The topic was raised at a VRBPAC meeting and a reference to intussusception is listed in the ACIP recommendation
> however, the committee apparently determined that the reported rate of 1 in 2010 was not to be statistically significant
>1 in 2010 insignificant
Whats that? Adverse reactions are a rare 1 in a million? Then why are they saying 1 in 2010 here. Imagine 1 million people getting that vaccine, you're telling me 500 people are going to have an adverse reaction for every 1 million? Thats 500x higher than you're letting on.

This is blind medicine you're believing in. You think that 30 something people dying of measles is an outrage? What about these people dying of the vaccine and their adverse reactions?

>> No.10099349

> A sudden extra load from multiple vaccines at once, in an infant, is not trivial.
Uhhh, a newborn baby is exposed to hundreds to thousands of novel antigens the very first day they're born and they survive that immune response

>> No.10100068
File: 1.25 MB, 1920x1920, Aluminum brain content autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aluminum adjuvants
>extensively studied
>people complaining it is related to neurological issues
>nobody looks at the brain
Gee I wonder where all that aluminum went.
This fellow organized it all nice and neat for you to read, though I doubt you will because it goes against your vaccine religion and your blind faith in it.

>> No.10100164

This is why humans couldn't change the climate with CO2 emissions. There's already so much being emitted naturally and everything was fine, so adding more is always okay.

>> No.10100201

oh no, how dare the FDA bring in experts who profit from vaccine development?

>> No.10100216

You're right, conflict of interest is dumb, we should abolish all of those pesky laws. People should be allowed to profit off of whatever they want.

>> No.10100272
File: 175 KB, 597x585, born to shitpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>surely the glia is smart and capable enough of handling a sudden spike in glutamate
nice attempt at damage control.
the amount of glutamate from a vaccine is small even compared to natural fluctuations in free glutamate concentration. you can keep backpedaling, but you can't escape this fairly basic fact.

>Most calcium in the body is bound up on membrane glycoproteins, buffered intracellularly on the endoplasmic reticulum, or tightly controlled by calcitonin and other means. Ca2+ is not allowed to wander around wherever it wants
wrong again, fag. serum calcium is a thing.

>Some studies show ~16x increase in blood glutamate concentration after intravenous administration of MSG.
you keep claiming "some studies" but you can never actually cite any...really makes you think.

>The problems with this reasoning are too numerous and bizarre to address.
that's a funny way of saying "I don't have a counterargument"
>at least acetominophen is amrketed as a drug and has been tested for mutagenic, carcinogenic, and teratogenic potential
just making shit up again, are we?
I did a search and it turns out nobody's ever tested whether or not acetominophen is teratogenic. everyone just proceeded under the assumption that it's not. why? because there is literally zero evidence suggesting that it is. that's how shit works in pharmacology; you follow the evidence.

>Left to the reader
the burden of proof is on the person making the claim. again, I did a search and found exactly ZERO studies concluding that.

>Maybe we should feed kids lead too.
that's a hilarious non sequitur.
again, the traces (and it is TRACES at most) of formaldehyde from vaccination are minuscule compared to both naturally produced formaldehyde and everyday exposure. you have no answer to this other than to just go NUH UH over and over again

>> No.10100310

>Metastability varies but generally there's a dissociation from their original complex and subsequent speciation elsewhere, or simple degradation to Al3+. Many of these forms are readily taken up by cells which can transport them elsewhere, including the brain.
again, you're lying. aluminum compounds are extremely low-solubility and biouptake is quite slow.
and of course, there's the simple fact that the amount of aluminum as an adjuvant in a vaccine is dwarfed by the intake from a few days' meals.

>When a person isn't separating their fantasies from reality. No regard for the facts.
neat projection from the guy who insists that free glutamate and calcium aren't found in serum.

>> No.10100334
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so let's review the evidence:
Dr. Hall's employer, a nonprofit research university, had a government contract to produce a rotavirus vaccine
Dr. Ferrieri owned stock in Merck
Dr. Estes's employer, another nonprofit research university, had a government contract to produce a rotavirus vaccine, and she'd also gotten a grant from Merck for similar work.

now that WOULD be damning if Rotashield had been developed by Merck. however, it was developed instead by Wyeth, a rival company; the doctors discussed above had a financial incentive NOT to approve Rotashield (to them, a competitor's product). in fact, it was Merck that got a fat contract to produce rotavirus vaccines AFTER Rotashield was pulled!

you might as well accuse engineers of wrongly greenlighting a Toyota model because some of them had ties to Ford.

imagine being this retarded...

>> No.10100354
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actually look at his raw results, you moron.


when you run THREE REPLICATES of the same tissue sample and report back Al concentrations of 0.01, 0.64, and 18.57 ppm, that's overwhelming evidence that your results aren't reliable. the same test shouldn't return results spanning THREE ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE.

not to mention, there were no controls. Mold and Exley didn't bother to sample brains from non-autistic people and instead compared their results to published values...which is a big problem given that their test was unreliable.

what is it with pseudoscientists and proof-by-shitty-instrumentation, anyway? this is the equivalent of the flat-earthers who use camera bloom as """""evidence""""" that the sun is small and local.

>> No.10100398

People don't seem to realize there have been autists who died, and crib deaths. So we've had occasion to just take these people apart. There is no a priori position that's relevant here, we have the data. We know what happens to the brain.

>the amount of glutamate from a vaccine
Some vaccines contain MSG, some contain glutamate.

>wrong again, fag. serum calcium is a thing.
You don't seem to understand, of course there's serum calcium, but presence in blood != homogeneous distribution. You're looking for spikes in relative concentration, the absolute and relative effects of that concentration, and how it's handled subsequently.

>you keep claiming "some studies" but you can never actually cite any...really makes you think.
I'm not debating or arguing with you. The exercise is trivial and is left to the truth desiring reader.

>that's a funny way of saying "I don't have a counterargument"
I don't believe you're that stupid. You're just in "pro debater" mode. Come back after the room is empty and look around.

>I did a search and it turns out nobody's ever tested whether or not acetominophen is teratogenic

I'm not sure how you searched or what sort of study you're looking for, but it's certainly been looked at. Just not by the right people or at the right time, nor has this growing evidence been broadly integrated into mainstream practice. Showing again why you do the work from the get-go, do it honestly, and do it right. Question.

The FDA of course looked at it.
but we know how they are. Political, not scientific. Industry front.

>> No.10100404

> I did a search and found exactly ZERO studies concluding that.
I will not give the man a fish, nor will I teach him to fish.

>that's a hilarious non sequitur.
Look out, the pro-debater is coming through!

Seriously, you need to understand route of administration and local concentration.

>> No.10100408

>It turns out the biological experiments using mice to gauge the impact of injected aluminum adjuvant were equally accurate when extrapolated to humans
>Our measurements of Al in human tissue are the most respected anywhere and the reasons for this are our attention to all details and specifically extraneous contamination as suggested by this person. Please see the Metallomics paper cited in our paper to provide a specifc response to this.Our quantitative analyses on the brains of 5 individuals represent the ONLY donors available at the autism brain bank in the UK. We discussed control tissues but the only available were not age-matched and nor were they true controls as the donors were individuals in their 40s and 50s who died of a certain disease or condition. No age-matched healthy donor brain tissues were available. However, we have more data on the Al content of human brain tissue than anyone else and so we are in a position to compare our autism data with other data relating to almost 100 human brains. This is how we can come to our judgement that the values measured were some of the highest values ever measured in any individuals. No one questioned similar data published this time last year for familial AD.”

And now he's being denied brains to use for aluminum testing, hes been trying to do that control study, yet now he's not being allowed to.

>> No.10100414

Remember that time pro vaxx doctors were told they would face "consequences" if they talked with a vaccine skeptic? I wonder why that is, it's almost like the higher ups are scared of doctors realizing they have 0 talking points and cannot argue for shit with someone who has actually done research.

All cancelled within 1-2 weeks of the event starting when it had been planned for well over a year.
Dr. Mosley, PhD -- CANCELLED
Dr. Stringer, Jr., MD -- CANCELLED
Dr. Kinch, PhD -- CANCELLED
Dr. Hawkes, PhD -- CANCELLED
Quick, censor the doctors from talking! If we pretend they don't exist, they'll go away!
Gotta give em credit, they aren't stupid enough to walk into a slaughterhouse.

>> No.10100423

>again, you're lying. aluminum compounds are extremely low-solubility and biouptake is quite slow.

>and of course, there's the simple fact that the amount of aluminum as an adjuvant in a vaccine is dwarfed by the intake from a few days' meals.
That's why I shoot up on caffeine when I need a good boost. The dose is dwarfed by my total absorption over a few days of drinking caffeinated stuff. shouldn't matter that I bypassed the liver and digestive tract, simply introducing it all at once in a high concentration.

It's almost like dose might matter with respect to route of administration and temporal factors governing distribution, not just absolute dose.

>neat projection from the guy who insists that free glutamate and calcium aren't found in serum.
Well, I hope you're having fun anon, with you self made "stupidity porn". That's one way to get by you know, just choose to make the world what you want it to be, and experience it that way. Even if it's not quite accurate.

>> No.10100425
File: 38 KB, 720x720, fdbsf34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'mma leave this here for you to help.

>> No.10100429

I didn't have any vaccines until 7, still ended up autistic

>> No.10100437

>a lit of stuff
Like chemical burns and placebo

>> No.10100441

>implying all autism is caused by vaccines
>implying only vaccines given early can have a neurological effect
>implying your parents getting vaccines, specifically the mother while pregnant has no effect.

Vaccines are not the sole cause, but a major one.

>> No.10100444

>not to mention, there were no controls.
Show me 1 vaccine study that uses a control with a true placebo faggot.

>> No.10100445

Refer to the third post.

>> No.10100451

Google carvacrol, thymol, lupeol, eugenol, cinnamaldehyde, linalool[...]

This isn't a matter of opinion. Subsequent posts will be ignored.

>> No.10100453
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>Some vaccines contain MSG, some contain glutamate.
>I don't understand genchem: the post

>You don't seem to understand, of course there's serum calcium, but presence in blood != homogeneous distribution.
shifting the goalposts, I see. your original claim was that calcium doesn't just "wander around", and that is definitively false.

>The exercise is trivial
your inability to give ANY kind of rebuttal is telling.

>acetaminophen has been tested for teratogenicity
>posts studies examining whether it's linked to ADHD
...do you know what a teratogen is?

>The FDA of course looked at it.
read the damn link you posted, you illiterate
it mentions right there in the first section that it was only evaluated for an ADHD link, not teratogenicity.

>> No.10100487
File: 260 KB, 350x467, bother.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well if Exley himself says his results are good and reliable, who am I to say otherwise?

>hes been trying to do that control study
>control study
>I don't understand experimental design: the post

>aluminum compounds are extremely low-solubility and biouptake is quite slow.
you can ignore the evidence all you want, but I won't.
>The normal brain uptake of Al3+ is estimated from data on intestinal uptake of Al3+ and brain uptake of radionuclides of similar ions administered intravenously. The uptake is very slow, 1 mg in 36 years
note that that is true both for intestinal AND intravenous administration. you were saying?

>It's almost like dose might matter with respect to route of administration and temporal factors governing distribution, not just absolute dose.
when uptake is as slow as it is, the same dose over an hour and over a week have the same effect. if you're going to appeal to temporal effects and pharmacokinetics, you need to know what you're talking about.

>le unsourced meme graphic
cool story bro

>> No.10100492

>implying I wasn't diagnosed earlier
I'll have to ask my mom if/what she got

>> No.10100504

>your original claim was that calcium doesn't just "wander around", and that is definitively false.
It is definitely not. Calcium doesn't wander around anymore than iron does. To give you an idea, eg

For calcium you have a number of regulatory factors.
-It's intestinal absorption is tightly controlled
-The behavior of osteoblasts and clasts are controlled and coordinated
-Net cellular storage and uptake is fairly constant.
You have
family of proteins.
Etc. The body is primarily electrical, and calcium may move around, but it certainly does not wander freely or randomly. There's an underlying logic governing its concentration gradients and motion at any given instant.

>your inability to give ANY kind of rebuttal is telling.
Left to the reader.

>...do you know what a teratogen is?
Do you? If you're imagining strictly dioxin babies, you may need to broaden the scope.

>> No.10100512

>you can ignore the evidence all you want, but I won't.
I'm sure you wouldn't, anon.

>when uptake is as slow as it is, the same dose over an hour and over a week have the same effect
Uptake is not slow, and many factors can influence its transit around the body and across the BBB.

Again, post-mortem empirical studies supersede a priori positions.

>> No.10100517

>>le unsourced meme graphic

>> No.10100636
File: 174 KB, 540x383, yeehaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calcium doesn't wander around anymore than iron does.
the claim I originally made, which you responded to, is that calcium is omnipresent in blood plasma and interstitial fluids. the fact that there are proteins that carry it in various fluids and tissues doesn't change that.

>Left to the reader.
if you can't defend your claim, that's cool too.

>If you're imagining strictly dioxin babies, you may need to broaden the scope.
ADHD lies outside the scope of teratology

>Uptake is not slow
so you're gonna just ignore the study showing it actually is, huh?

>post-mortem empirical studies supersede a priori positions

you really need to read these things before you link them in support of an unsourced figure.
>Following i.v. injection, ~ 0.001 to 0.01% of the aluminium dose enters each gram of brain and ~ 100-fold more each gram of bone. Brain aluminium uptake across the blood-brain barrier (BBB) may be mediated by Tf-receptor mediated endocytosis (TfR-ME) and a Tf-independent mechanism that may transport aluminium citrate. There appears to be a transporter that effluxes aluminium from the brain into blood. Aluminium distributes into the placenta, foetus, milk, hair, and can be quantified in all tissues and fluids. Greater than 95% of aluminium is eliminated by the kidney, probably by glomerular filtration. Less than 2% appears in bile.
what's that? 95% of IV-administered aluminum is rapidly excreted through the kidneys? that's funny, the figure you posted said that 100% is absorbed...

>> No.10100659

>the claim I originally made, which you responded to, is that calcium is omnipresent in blood plasma and interstitial fluids.
Well alright, we can agree on that. We just have to acknowledge that its concentration and flux follows a systematic logic.

>if you can't defend your claim, that's cool too.
Reading is left to the reader.

>so you're gonna just ignore the study showing it actually is, huh?
The study shows no such thing.

>that's funny, the figure you posted said that 100% is absorbed...
You consume something, a small fraction is absorbed and its rate of deposition vs excretion depends partly on that rate of absorption. It's quite correct to say you absorb 100% of what's injected into you. Absorption and excretion are separate.

>what's that? 95% of IV-administered aluminum is rapidly excreted through the kidneys?
95% in an ideal case.

Otherwise, that 5% matters. Children are not small adults.
Also excretion via bile unfortunately allows it to be reabsorbed to a degree if the compound can't be endogenously transformed to another form.

>> No.10100813
File: 3.87 MB, 350x350, birb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We just have to acknowledge that its concentration and flux follows a systematic logic.
I guess that's your way of saying "any unexpected influx, no matter how brief and small, causes immediate and irreversible systemic effects". Because you're literally claiming that a couple mg of Ca2+ (aq), injected intravenously, causes nerve damage.

>Reading is left to the reader.
the reader will note that nowhere anywhere in this thread does anyone cite a study showing a 16-fold increase in blood glutamate levels from IV administration of MSG, causing brain damage.
I even did some of your homework for you and looked for such a paper, and I can only conclude that you imagined it or something.

>It's quite correct to say you absorb 100% of what's injected into you.

>95% in an ideal case.
no, 95% in actual empirical trials.

>Otherwise, that 5% matters.
I again quote the paper you cited:
>However, it should be noted that only at excessive concentrations of aluminium are toxic manifestations seen and, hence aluminium is considered to possess a “low” potential for producing adverse effects.
your own preferred sources confirm that traces of aluminum from vaccines aren't a health hazard.

ah well, you won't be convinced. people who unironically believe that formaldehyde in vaccines causes nerve damage are too wedded to their delusional opinions to ever let facts get in the way...

>> No.10100949
File: 67 KB, 960x306, vaccine_rabbit_hole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too wedded to their delusional opinions to ever let facts get in the way
Nice attempt at reverse logic, classic shill technique

>> No.10100969

Natural selection if they die is not our problem, all we have to care about is to contain the misinformation

>> No.10100984

>Because you're literally claiming that a couple mg of Ca2+ (aq), injected intravenously, causes nerve damage.
We need to keep in mind scale, state, and locality. Ca2+ can be incredibly toxic or almost inert depending on the conditions and processes in the area where its concentration is suddenly increased. Calcium signaling is also relevant for immune system function and receptor expression / conformation, which can relate to subsequent autoimmunity.

I don't want to mix a number of things together but regulatory systems concerning Ca2+ trafficking and flux can be very compromised in modern environments. Overall I'm not too concerned about calcium, but that brief change in concentration gradient could be quite relevant for how the system develops subsequent.

>Glutamate & MSG
There's a lot to be said about alteration of astroglial function "priming", and several other pathways other than the direct route of brain damage as described by Olney in his classic papers.

Don't feel like dealing with it right now. I guess that means you win or whatever.

I'm tired of everything being false, and evil at its core.
Everything is wrong, nothing is right.

>> No.10101672

Just remember, the pro-choice movement for informed vaccine consent is growing.

Every doctor and school is reporting increased rates of vaccine refusal or alterations from the schedule. You won't win this fight, we are winning.

The evidence is the fact that the higher ups are censoring pro vaxx doctors from talking with these people, including the educated ones like skeptical doctors. They dont want them finding out the truth that the general, non medical trained citizen knows more about vaccines than the doctors who are the "experts" when they are unable to retort to well known issues with vaccines like VAERS or placebo or the vsd or 1986 act or conflict of interest laws being non existent

>> No.10101685
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>> No.10102190

don't be a fucking dumbass. immune responses don't build up over time in a sink/source relationship like GHG emissions do

>> No.10102977

Aren't you the same retard the believes flu shots spread flu because you think the wild flu strain is the exact same strain as the one in the flu shot?

>> No.10103255

Dunno, I don't really care that much about the flu shot because most people, doctors included know the flu shot is worthless. It had an estimate of 10% effectiveness or something last year anyways, what a joke.

>> No.10103323

>Mild illnesses like polio, diphtheria and tetanus
Also I think that most people crying for more vaccine comparison trials need to realise how hard it would be to set up. You would need to control for a lot of things, like diet, excercise and other stimuli during brain development that may also lead to higher risk of developmental issues. Controlling for confounding is the hardest part of conducting clinical trials. Additionally, how long would you make the follow up? 10 years? 20? In such a timespan, the diagnostic criteria of autism or other mental disorders will have been changed. Regarding the study where higher aluminium levels were found, again you don't know that much else about these subjects, only that there was more Al in the brain. I agree that it seems strange that there are no really big RCT setups for vaccine safety and efficacy, but still you need to realize how impossible it is to set one up. Database research also won't cut it at this point, as you will find it hard to find a comparable enough control group with the same characteristics at baseline. Not even accounting for ethics here

>> No.10103460

>realise how hard it would be to set up
So, every drug should not have to do placebo RCT because it's really hard to set up, we don't want to over work them, right?
>Database research also won't cut it at this point
You do know they have tens of millions of people in their database and the IOM believes it is completely possible, yes?
They've been sitting on that data for years, when do we actually use it?

>> No.10103468

I forgot to add, if a fucking drug for giving grandpa a boner can do a double-blind, long-term placebo RCT then why the fuck can our government not manage to do one for something we force on EVERY child!

>> No.10103619
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They might get the wrong results. Researchers studying vaccines have had their lives and their childrens' lives live threatened to make sure they come to the correct conclusion.

>> No.10103623

because gov does not act in interest of citizens?

>> No.10103664

I'm convinced the autism citation porridge is a red herring meant to distract people from germ theory criticism.

>> No.10103670

Because it's unethical to not give children in the control group vaccines when we already know they work and are relatively harmless. It's not unethical to not give grandpa boner pills.

>> No.10103689

> Ninth death
At least nine people on this planet died in the time it took you to read this thread. A death toll of 9 is nothing.

Post when the death toll reaches into the millions.

>> No.10103693

They are only known to work under controlled conditions like everything else. Special pleading is faggotry. Besides, if vaccines work your autistic ass wouldn't have to worry about measles because you were vaccinated.

>> No.10103700

Please elaborate

>> No.10103849

Because they're designed to give guaranteed profits to the pharmaceutical companies, with no liability and plausible deniability. They're also designed to lower the intelligence of the population, just like early clamping of the umbilical cord, flu shots during pregnancy (raising risk for schizophrenia in adulthood), garbage food, circumcision, etc. It's all social control, and it's all designed to damage the intellectual capabilities of children before they even leave the hospital.

Something as simple and age old as birth, and they've trained us that our bodies are stupid, flimsy, and that we need them. We go to a dedicated location for them to do birth for us, then fuck the kid up assemblyline style. Soon we'll be grown in artificial wombs with every step of our development meticulously controlled, and only when you have a purpose in society. The elite will get to have (more) complete minds.

>> No.10103910

No they are known to work epedimiologically.

>HURR vaccines have to provide 100% to work

Gee I wonder why no one takes anti-vaxxers seriously when they constantly lie and make fallacious arguments.

>> No.10103912

Vaccination needs to stop.

>> No.10103913

Great argument. Your mentally ill paranoia needs to stop.

>> No.10103914

>Besides, if vaccines work your autistic ass wouldn't have to worry about measles because you were vaccinated.
that's not even how regular immunity works, let alone vaccination

>> No.10103917

You're just scared because you got vaccinated. Don't worry anon, they shot me up with who knows what too, and who knows entirely to what end. But I'm working to figure it out.

>> No.10103920

Unfortunately for you they didn't have a vaccine for mental illness.

>> No.10103922

Don't worry, I'm working to figure it all out.

>> No.10103927

No one cares, go back to >>>/x/

>> No.10103930

>No one
You're just one guy, guy.

>> No.10103937

Very simple
Step 1) Offer FREE smallpox inoculations to literally everyone on the planet. Completely free.
Step 2) Dust the whole planet with the smallpox virus
Problem solved.

>> No.10103947

That's a good idea. Might explain why I'm becoming so sick, and although no one else looks like they're doing that well, physically they're comparatively better. The amplitude of my illness is far lower, but it's chronic and low level.

They could be inoculating the trusting cattle with some rudimentary defense against something deployed in the air and water. Raising the death rate and lowering the functionality of people who can question the narrative.

>> No.10103997
File: 40 KB, 600x532, laughing virgin and chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know your ideas are a real winner when your best support for them is a retracted paper that used hilariously bad methodology and duplicated figures from other research.

>> No.10104038

>tfw thought religion needed to get no special treatment, then find out its the only thing that actually gets past this

>> No.10104042

It also kills children too young to receive the vaccine.

>> No.10104046

Man I wonder how anyone survived childhood back in the day. So glad we have modern technology to save us from nature's failings which don't make sense when I think about it but oh well.

>> No.10104048

>posts on an haitian pottery image exchange group
>thinks he gets a say in any matter of human reproduction

>> No.10104053

I hereby upboat dis poast

>> No.10104082

>Man I wonder how anyone survived childhood back in the day.
most didn't. In fact, on a world-wide scale, most still don't.

>> No.10104088

I like this, everyone can say "this is about the other guy".

>> No.10104097

Lol. People used to wander around in cramped literal shitholes with horse offal in the gutter and bedpans going out the window. Shitting in the streets. The worst thing that happened was hookworm.

Look guy, we're the generation of the transitionary period that still has memories of the old world. Soon they'll be phasing out and quietly destroying the books so the kids are born into and raised with a revisionist history. You need to get your shit together, it's getting pretty bad.

>> No.10104100

Yep. I can't count the number of times I've been set up for the run-around. It's very effective, especially if the loop is quite large.

>> No.10104249
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Meanwhile, the sons and daughters of vaxxers remain autistic and can't even spell.

>> No.10104257

You're going off a biased sample. If they're on 4chan, they're autistic by default.

>> No.10104264
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>> No.10104268
File: 808 KB, 788x542, asking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is kek, we don't need controlled samples and, conversely, biased samples are sufficient in supporting a shit post or proving efficacy of medical treatments.

>> No.10104284
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>> No.10104354

Let it ride.

the problem will fix itself

>> No.10104588

based optimizedposter

>> No.10104614 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10104640


>> No.10105010
File: 239 KB, 960x785, z16224923V[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The worst thing that happened was hookworm.
take your (You) and get out of here. 2/10, too obvious.

>> No.10105966

Ok look how about this now listen listen,

How about we put the virus in the vaccine and inject it into ourselves, we shall be the host for the virus and the people who don't get vaccinated will now lack the virus inside of them and then we can like uh sneeze on them!

Then they will get sick and die!

>> No.10105967

We've tried everything, half assed and as liars. And that's how we got everything.

>> No.10106801
File: 19 KB, 885x588, download.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, without vaccines everyone dies.

>> No.10106901

>black plague never happened
>spanish flu never happened

>> No.10106907

Isolated incidents. It happens.

And by the way, those were both due to poor sanitation. Bubonic plague from mice and fleas, spanish flu from iirc contaminated water and food.

>> No.10106947

>make stupid comment
>get btfo
>b-b-but isolated incidents!


Whatever, all you're going to do is backpedal, move goalposts, and finally resort to full on shitposting anyway like every other disingenuous anti-science cunt on this board lately. Carry on faggot.

>> No.10106959
File: 937 KB, 500x357, 1451608321723.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice in your link the locations, timing, and spacing of disease outbreaks. Also note the disappearance of outbreaks of diseases vaccines don't exist for in developed countries. But yeah, I'm sure sanitation, food quality, proper waste disposal, nutrition, etc is completely irrelevant for disease transmission and susceptibility. Yep, there was some disease increase with the advent of the urban sprawl and denser population centers. No, we didn't need vaccines to sort it out. No, the body is flimsy and needy if it's taken care of in the most rudimentary sense.

>mfw listening to a talking brick wall and awaiting its next message.
Dude where am I.

I mean come on anon, this can't really be entirely lost on you.

>> No.10107077

Russel Blaylock, MD.

Refute him, and his papers.

>> No.10107343
File: 318 KB, 540x370, doubtstar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Worldwide pandemic killing 5% of total population worldwide, even with fairly advanced medicine in much of the West
>Isolated incidents.

man, you'd think anti-vaxxers would be less worried about autism and more worried about retardation.

>Refute him
he unironically believes in chemtrails
>and his papers
let's see...
>Immunoexcitotoxicity as a central mechanism in chronic traumatic encephalopathy—a unifying hypothesis
published in Surgical Neurology International, a journal known for pushing literal right-wing conspiracy theories ever since its editorial board was taken over. as in, the this """"neurology journal"""" published papers on why gun control is evil.
>Fluoride interactions: from molecules to disease
riddled with basic factual errors. example:
>The highly electronegative fluoride ion
>A possible central mechanism in autism spectrum disorders, part 2: immunoexcitotoxicity
>A possible central mechanism in autism spectrum disorders, part 3: the role of excitotoxin food additives and the synergistic effects of other environmental toxins.
published in Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine, an alternative """"medicine"""" journal. (remember, if it's got evidence to back it up, it's just "medicine".)
>The Danger of Excessive Vaccination During Brain Development The Case for a Link to Autism Spectrum Disorders
published in Medical Veritas, a literal anti-vaxxer predatory """"journal""""
>Neurodegeneration and aging of the central nervous system: Prevention and treatment by phytochemicals and metabolic nutrients
another alternative """"medicine"""" journal, J Integrative Medicine

Basically, he can't get published in a real journal because his research is shit, so he crates his papers off to conspiracy theory journals with no real peer-review process.

>> No.10107791

Ignore that faggot, hes retarded.
This is the real person representing vaccine safety.
I'd prefer you actually try to refute his shit.

>> No.10107795

I don't see any refutation.

>> No.10107800

Or her, you want highly qualified medical practitioners speaking out against vaccines?
She quit a 300k/year job to fight vaccines, she gave up a life of luxury to do this, so she is not just in it to "sell" her book. She could of just worked and ignored everything,