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10086282 No.10086282[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>asian students are cooking in the library again
This is supposed to be an academic institution goddamn it

>> No.10086291

kek I can relate

>> No.10086294
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>it's a horde of pajeets talking on their cellphones episode

>> No.10086306


>> No.10086311

>not studying on a full stomach
not going to make it

>> No.10086584

Like microwaving vending machine burritos or pulling out the plate cooker for a hot pot ?

>> No.10086597

>almost trip on a girl doing yoga
what the fuck?

>> No.10086599
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>library has a no singles policy

>> No.10086600

>Hot Asians who can't speak English are smoking in the library again

>> No.10086608

>model tier 6'2 asian goddess with nice clothes bumps into you blushes and apologizes multiple times

>> No.10086611

Lost hard

>> No.10086629
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>11 dimensions? what do you need 10 dimensions for goy? there are only 9 dimensions! oy veyyy muh plank constants!

what did he mean by this /sci/?

>> No.10086730

What the hell.

>> No.10086773

>square headed chinese porkers with kim-jong-un buzzcuts blowing their cigarette smoke towards you as they stand their in their purple pants and red puffy gorTeX vests

>> No.10086790

Fucking asian students man, why do they have always have to make such a shitshow of their lunch? Then they sit opposite you chewing with their mouths open and spitting out bones and stuff.

>> No.10086794

>old asian shopkeeper pinches your bottom and slips her qr code into your back pocket.

>> No.10086845

let them eat in peace and mind your own fucking business you brainlet

>> No.10086850

>he can’t function without food

>> No.10086910

>Library locks all the bathrooms at a certain hour because they don't want people using the glory holes

>> No.10087043

My uni literally had asians living in classrooms. They had blankets and everything despite their colony only being a 5 minute walk from the uni.

>> No.10087047

Why do they always yell? Why do they always do it on public transport and in libraries?

>> No.10087420

Where the fuck do you study?!

>> No.10087426

>that old Chinese guy who sells wok noodles in the library between 19th Century Fiction and Architecture shelves.
The worst is when he's playing mahjong with his friends and they all smoke like chimneys. I don't understand how is this allowed.

>> No.10087428

Are you people serious or is this a meme?
Can't tell with burger universities that aren't allowed to offend asian cooks

>> No.10087434

The staff tells him to leave almost every day but I think he only speaks Cantonese

>> No.10087438

>muslim students threaten everyone else

>> No.10087443

>cooking in the library
WHAT? HOW? What kind of cooking are they doing?

>> No.10087455

It's a meme. Otherwise there would be video evidence on Reddit and WorldStar for sure.

>> No.10087462

>chad from pi kappa alpha yells into his phone in the library

>> No.10087466


>> No.10087467 [DELETED] 
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>Couples oriented library
>no gf
>mfw some korean kid stole the only available single's booth in the library to play league

>> No.10087468

>biology students dissecting frogs in the library and taking books from the shelves at random to hide the remains between the pages
it's just incredibly rude

>> No.10087473

Not op but I've seen this before. They use a hot plate.

>> No.10087478

Have you really never seen them using those portable electric stoves? Just the other day I saw a group making fucking beef bulgogi, they offered me some and it was god-tier

>> No.10087497


Apply yourself.

>> No.10087510

I just wish they didn't use open flames in my library. I'm also pretty sure it's against the fire code.

>> No.10087513

>Tfw we have a Kitchen in Our Library
Get on Our Level pleb

>> No.10087515
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>library ran out of good seats
>have to sit near the library wok stand
The worst part is that I'm allergic to sesame seed oil

>> No.10087540

I don't believe you, guys. Nice meme, but I'm 100% sure they would get kicked out of the library forever if they did that.

>> No.10087558

Australia, any major city.

>> No.10087568

Universities refuse to discipline Chinese international students because they pay 10x as much tuition as normal students. They talk and play phone games during lecture, openly cheat on tests, cook in the library, and nothing happens.

>> No.10087576

They used to piss me off a bit, but then you realize how weak and stupid they are. Any anon here over about 5'7" could beat like 30 rich chinese kids in a fight. Plus they're don't know how to do any hard work, so once their parents die or graduate them into an actual high paying position the whole country will collapse due to sheer arrogance and incompetence.

>> No.10087584

Careful now, you don't know which ones know kung fu

>> No.10087611

Martial arts take effort, skill and leg muscle anon. Then again the soibois shuffling around the unis are probably all black belts because they cheated on all the tests.

>> No.10087620

>that middle aged, presumably homeless man who has been coming to the library every day for years to loudly play PC games and eat cheetos and smell really bad

>> No.10087623
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>Finally find a quiet place to do work
>Someone else comes in and starts playing loud trap music and watching youtube videos with no headphones

>> No.10087632 [DELETED] 

>Have SIBO or whatever
>Stomach is flat
>Abdomen inflates to several times its size
>Can barely sit down
>Happens even with food theoretically non-fermentable
>Blood stream gets pumped full of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide etc
>Woops, had to eat.
>Blew it again!
I'll pass. 'Bout enough to pass on living.

>> No.10087638

>local Muay Thai instructor comes regularly to advertise his classes
>smashes a bookshelf with his shin every time

>> No.10087642

> It's a group assignment with a chinese guy who wears $5000 dollar designer clothes and who obviously just bought his way into uni because he's a fucking retard

>> No.10087645
File: 22 KB, 240x240, 65698043-0E2B-40F1-ADDD-DE2B84A6A4B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>track team doing hurles over tables again
I mean come on now

>> No.10087653

What? Most libraries I know have a no couples policy. No sex is allowed in the library. People get expelled for that.
If you're on a non-smoking campus where funding is contingent on people not smoking on campus, look into your Uni's enforcer program. Most give you a water gun, but some make you get your own.

>> No.10087656

I once had a group workshop assessment I didn't give a shit about and we'd been rotating who does the actual writing (handwriting) every week. Finally it came to the chink guy and his little girlfriend (he was the rich one because he was fuck ugly), and I'll never forget the look of horror on his face that he not only had to use English, but that he had to handwrite at a university level when he obviously cheated on the English test. We didn't do well.

>> No.10087666

>croquet team play a series of games on the library tables while drinking a whole pint after every shot
God I hate the UK

>> No.10089239


>> No.10089252

t. high schooler

>> No.10089288

>Spending any time at all in the library in the year 2018 with internet access
You are creating your own problem.

>> No.10089291

Asians in the cafeteria always find it necessary to stuff their mouth 100% with food, to the point where they can't even chew it anymore. Why?

>> No.10089293

Fuck off racists.


>> No.10089313

>they're don't know how to do any hard work, so once their parents die or graduate them into an actual high paying position the whole country will collapse due to sheer arrogance and incompetence.
so like America now?

>> No.10089322

tfw u emerge from the library after an epic adderall field study binge and the quad is bumping with loud rap music for the club recruitment event

(Also adderall is bad just so u know)

>> No.10089372 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10089382 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10089410 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10089435

optimize your posts by deleting them please

>> No.10089467

just report it

>> No.10089490

>take adderall
>take vyvanse
up for 3 days

>> No.10089542

Same here dude.
>need to eat this one yoghurt religious to not get constipated for days
>still have gas problems
>sometimes I just let it pass discreetly since it's practically pure hydrogen/methane and doesn't smell
>sometimes it's so bad I have to go home where I fart uncontrollably
for fuck's sake man

>> No.10089545


>> No.10089547

Have you tried changing your diet? I very very rarely fart, and I eat like a pig.

>> No.10089564

Of course lol. Otherwise I wouldn't have found the miracle yoghurt. Used to get very constipated and shits would be very hard and dry/greasy and wiping would take forever. Now I can at least shit 2 times a day like I used to before this started a couple years ago.

>> No.10089671

They need to stop distracting people who are trying to use the library for its intended purpose ad let him study.
I know they all live in the library because they can't afford housing, but they should have to go somewhere else to eat.

>> No.10089781


>your best friend is vaping in the library again

>> No.10089793


>singles policy

funny when i googled it (i live in moderately normal slav country so idk the therm)
only 4chan threads popped out

>> No.10089817


why don't you just hit good old amph

>> No.10089890

>doesn't know the relationship between gut flora and human cognition


>> No.10089921

It's common in the US and Canada but schools usually don't call it a "no singles policy" - they use euphemisms like "anti harassment policy".

My school used to allow single men in the library and cafeteria but they implemented these retarded policies after the MeToo shit blew up. I have to eat my lunch in the bathroom now.

>> No.10089939
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>Real Analysis lectures have a no singles policy

>> No.10090048
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>no singles policy
First I laughed, then I stopped thinking for a few seconds, then I cried, then I wished I could stop thinking, then I wished my wish back.
tl;dr: What the fucking hell?

>> No.10090053

It's a reference to a /tv/ meme about movie theaters.

>> No.10090071

>took away cigarette butt trash cans so people don't smoke there anymore
>now the chinese just throw them on the ground

>> No.10090560
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>in algebraic number theory lecture
>only 1 girl in class of 20
>9/10 ginger
>no beta orbiters, or anyone giving her extra attention

>> No.10090605

talk to her you fucking faggot

>> No.10091602


i knew this ho

anyone that went to ucla will understand what she was saying

fuck g00ks that sit around powell and pass cheat cheats while chainsmoking cigs in groups

>> No.10091610

that smell....

>> No.10091614

Was she expelled?

>> No.10091637
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Baysed and roastiepilled

>> No.10091646
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>it's a "every Kuwaiti and Qatari student brought a cheatsheet of the answers on the midterm from last semester" episode

>> No.10091659

In my engineering thermo class, we were allowed our phones and laptops during tests and every fucking sandmonkey was texting eachother and sharing answers during the final.

I'm sure this sounds like an epic maymay but it isn't. This was at UC Davis btw.

>> No.10091725
File: 21 KB, 322x322, D64F1719-CBA4-44E7-AF23-7AD84CE260E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgot to bring chow for my library falcon again

>> No.10091757

these are just NPC's in general

>> No.10091769


>> No.10091780

>chinks in the comments sperging out in broken English

>> No.10091812

My friend who does Aerospace Engineering says it's the exact same here (SDSU). One of them actually lodged a formal complaint when a lazy professor actually bothered to change the test from last year, because it made their 4-font cheatsheets worthless (or rather, it meant they couldn't just copy the answer) and they had done no studying. They were assured by other Kuwaitis that the tests never changed.

>> No.10091834

This happened in a differential equations class at my CSU except it was Saudis and they were using smart watches to calculate stuff and look up the answers

>> No.10091980

>tfw this Asian grad student epsilon'd my delta in the back row of the class in my real analysis class

>> No.10091987
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>> No.10092086

Philosophy/literature double major reporting in. You're all repugnant bigots, wake up Australia.

>> No.10092234
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>9/10 redhead
you have a sacred duty, my son
you know what you must do

>> No.10092240

>tfw library sounds like this 24/7


>> No.10092253

Nah, white NPCs aren't nearly as obnoxious as brown ones. It's like Pajeets feel like they have to overcompensate for being Pajeet by acting like an over the top frat bro stereotype.

>> No.10092259


>> No.10092267

>it starts pecking on the corner vietnamese in a hunger strike

>> No.10092271

They haven't offered you food so you don't like it?

>> No.10092350
File: 40 KB, 500x404, 423714s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asian students won't hold the door
>even when the door is about to close they'd rather dash to slip through the crack than hold it for me
>even when both my hands are occupied

>> No.10092376

considering others is a human trait, they don't comprehend it

>> No.10092383

every fucking time

>> No.10092393

Holding the door for others is the cuck thing to do.

>> No.10092397
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You're kidding right? That's everyone now, gramps.

>> No.10092399

It is a /tv/ meme that started after the theater shooting.

>> No.10092403

Except even a tiny Asian blackbelt can't do shit to people 3 weight classes from theirs outside of a Hollywood film.

>> No.10092426

Obnoxiously talking on their phone and just being on their phone isn't the same, it might not be good but at least they wouldn't bother anyone.

>> No.10092460

Fitting dubs

>> No.10092536
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>mfw designated library shooter is late

>> No.10092537
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>when you are STEM but regularly in the Archeology lib to study grils

>> No.10092553

>glory holes
wait what?
is that a thing in real life?

>> No.10092554
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>Arabs students blatantly cheating
>Prof does NOTHING

>> No.10092602
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>just want to get labwork done and head home
>chink postdoc persistently trying to kill himself and give every single one of us cancer
why do they have to come to western universities? Why can't they go into a faculty where they can't get their hands on shit like HMPT? I'm either going to get cancer or killed by fume hood shrapnel at this rate

>> No.10092613
File: 1.43 MB, 200x200, 1534216547908.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>floor 2 is designated group study floor
>floor 3 is designated quiet study floor
>four chads walk onto the second floor, push a bunch of tables together and start shooting the shit at full volume

>> No.10092657

>miracle yoghurt

Bf's jizz does not count lol, jk which brand name you using to stay regular anon?

>> No.10092659

>shooting the shit together at a library

>> No.10092667
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Do you guys think someone would mind if I brought one of these to a library?

>> No.10092864

>he doesn't bring his dutch oven to the library

>> No.10093136

>These groups of 4-5 chinese students that come here to study even though they neither speak nor understand the language

I'll never understand their reason for coming here.

>> No.10093249

Amelican deglee vely plestigious.