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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.02 MB, 1176x1178, morsk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10078711 No.10078711 [Reply] [Original]


What the fuck is going to happen tomorrow? Place your bets I suppose.
BFR update? Neuralink? Boring Company? Bombing SEC offices from orbit? Catgirls?

>> No.10078713
File: 687 KB, 2048x2048, DpwXGK3U8AAT0BP.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He also 'liked' this image today on twitter.

>> No.10078714

>not /sci/ reeeeeee
There is a high likelihood that the announcement(?) tomorrow is sci-related, so chill.

>> No.10078719

Probs nothing. Jist heavily medicated on alcohol or ambien.

>> No.10078721

>easy on the sips, Musk

>> No.10079351

Elon should make cat girls real. There are two key components for making catgirls the tail and the ears. So if we could develop technology to grow ears and tails in vats, surgery could enable people to become cat girls. Why should we do this? Tissue culture is not that advanced and we are severely limited by our inability to grow tissue with vasculature(diffusion limited). However, tissue culture with vasculature is necessary to make both the ears and tails. Growing skin and other basic tissues is still not something we are capable of and advancements there could pay for further development of cat girls.

Honestly, I don't give much of a damn about catgirls, but I want to meme replacement organs into existence.

>> No.10079371

my bet is that Lemur is the codename for BFR's grasshopper.

>> No.10079373
File: 1.84 MB, 2069x1478, mouse lemur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if he's actually getting lemurs? So mouse lemurs, the smallest primates, have been suggested for use as animal models:
They grow fast like mice, but still have many of the features of primates. Meaning that scientific studies could be conducted faster.
>>yfw Elon ends up "sacrificing" hundreds of lemurs a day to test neural interfaces for neuralink

>> No.10079401

Im okay with this

>> No.10079405

He's going to announce that he is taking Tesla private and that the funding is secured.

>> No.10079409

Didn't he allude to supposedly big news about neuralink during the Joe Rogan interview a few weeks ago? It's about time

>> No.10079414

he did.

>> No.10079418

>There is a high likelihood that the announcement(?) tomorrow is sci-related, so chill.
Then post that tomorrow.

>> No.10079423

But grasshopper is already a name you idiot.

>> No.10079425

I saw the thread shortly after the post.

>> No.10079432

grasshopper was the name for the initial F9 hop test articles. Then they moved onto F9R.

BFR is a big boy, and lemurs are bigger than grasshoppers - & they both jump.

>> No.10079438

This is the most retarded thing I have ever read.

Also, SpaceX said they are hoping it will happen second half of 2019 you dipshit.

>> No.10079460

how is it retarded? When has SpaceX said that they're carrying over the grasshopper name for BFR?

>> No.10079466

What part of "they are hoping it will happen second half of 2019" didnt you understand?

>> No.10079711

nah, gotta make people aware that the announcement exists

>> No.10079726
File: 108 KB, 810x794, kDPebIj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Elon Musk the dumbest billionaire who ever lived or are they all this retarded and he just talks more than most?

>> No.10079733

I think he just doesn't give a fuck and gets a kick out of all the triggered redditor responses

>> No.10079740
File: 447 KB, 629x490, dghj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I think he just doesn't give a fuck"

You're not wrong. He really doesn't give a fuck about people.

>> No.10079761
File: 270 KB, 500x481, zh4bpaf8mgsz[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying reddit commies are people

>> No.10079764
File: 63 KB, 638x558, 1533604616464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unions are good

>> No.10079768

Considering the incoherent ramblings that are Marx writings, I am not sure "misunderstanding" them even reflects badly on his intelligence.

>> No.10079770

Did Elon Musk truly say Misato is the best girl?

>> No.10079777

>billionaires and corporations have tricked convenient idiots into thinking any form of collective bargaining is evil by using the magic word "communism"
It's actually kind of hilarious how willingly people will give themselves bad deals in a financial contract if somebody can associate getting a good deal with somebody they have other, unrelated political differences with.

>> No.10079778

Wait are you saying only reddit communists work for Elon Musk?

>> No.10079780

that's an example of him being good though.

>> No.10079784

Well yeah I mean corporations already have all the bargaining power in the labor process, unions somewhat even that out making it harder for people like Elon Musk to take advantage of his workers.

>> No.10079790

I literally didn't know /sci/ was anti union. I guess I shouldn't be surprised because you guys do pride yourselves on being the dumbest place to talk about math, but I thought that was kind of just memeing. I didn't know it was literally true.

>> No.10079791

probably wageslaves

>> No.10079798

No, you must suck Master Musks cock and gladly accept a handful of pennies for a days work! Otherwise /pol/ will get mad at you

>> No.10079809

I am not anti-union but we should not treat unions as an inherently good thing, there are good and bad unions, so just because Musk is anti-union (is he even? not sure I believe some socialist rag) does not mean he is not right

>> No.10079816

Sure unions can be corrupt, no one here said otherwise so I'm not sure why you're pointing that out. But yeah, Elon Musk is widely known to be anti-union. The guardian isn't a socialist organization, pretty damn capitalist in fact, but even Musk himself has tweeted some pretty anti-union stuff.

>> No.10079819

>even Musk himself has tweeted some pretty anti-union stuff.
such as?

>> No.10079824
File: 29 KB, 473x357, fdjgjs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he implying he'll take away stock options from union organizers? Maybe... he later said he isn't, but either way it shouldn't be hard to picture someone who says this as being anti union.

And I mean it makes sense. He's a billionaire. He makes inconcievable amounts of money from the labor of other people. A union would make it so that he can't make as much, why wouldn't he (from a selfish perspective) be against them?

>> No.10079845


>> No.10079847

>yes goy, pay your union dues so I can set regulations and wages that ultimately make you not worth the cost of keeping

>> No.10079851

>I'm jealous of Musk and I can't help but be really obvious about it

>> No.10080036

>Everyone who disagrees with me is stupid

Intelligent people would like to get on with their work, not listen to some bloated beauracrat beg for handouts while demanding regulations that slow business.

>> No.10080059

>Bombing sec offices from orbit

>> No.10080066



>> No.10080069

>Workers unionizing at a startup
That's real quick way to get your company shut down.

>> No.10080194

turns out it's not /sci/ related. oh well.
You get a lemur photo on the order confirmed screen for the model 3. They have a new mid-range model out

>> No.10080257

Wait is he trolling the SEC by doing this?

>> No.10080261


Le Mur

'the mR'
medium range

>> No.10080317

He's going to send a retarded useless submarine to a cave in Madagascar and accuse a random dude of being a pedophile

>> No.10080644

>Post lemur
>Tesla stock price falls 17%


>> No.10080865

Shillboys speculating it was the BFR grasshopper because Lemurs also jump was hilarious though.

>> No.10081964

Why do you like this redditor so much?

>> No.10083002
File: 295 KB, 627x623, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a real tweet

>> No.10083007

based and redpilled

>> No.10083008


>> No.10083009

>anyone who isn't daddy trump is a redditor
oh kay

>> No.10083216

What can I win?

>> No.10083222

a lemur dumbass

>> No.10083224

Shit taste in primates

>> No.10083233

What work?
There's no jobs in science

>> No.10083234


>> No.10083338

The Chadest

>> No.10083427

Antvenom is the best Minecraft youtuber

>> No.10085084

yeah this guy cant do shit, dont suck his cock that much

>> No.10085504

>watching someone playing minecraft
>probably playing also minecraft
kill yourself

>> No.10085507

why are here so many autistic elonfags