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10076578 No.10076578 [Reply] [Original]

I just graduated and I want to continue my studies. However I don't want to be studying for a masters degree that will not increase my chance of employment if I choose not to pursue a PhD in the future. I also want to avoid any masters programme that has other serious inconveniences. So:

1) Post masters degree that are memes
2) Why they are memes

Thank you for reading my post senpais

>> No.10076584

Forgot to mention that I want to know about meme masters degrees from any of the STEM degrees in engineering, physics, math, etc

>> No.10076592

Anything that doesn't contain the word engineering in it. Will make you starve to death for sure.

>> No.10076599

Anything that contains the word engineering in it. Will make you too lonely to have anything to spend money on or a reason to live.

>> No.10076602
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>> No.10076605
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The trick is to do something that will be so fulfilling that you won't care if you have to kill yourself after you graduate!

>> No.10076608

It's all a waste of time, academia is full of niggers and they're all awful people. You're better off buying a bunch of land and living off the grid, that way these alphabet agencies can't rape your information and fuck you over like the niggers they are. Seriously, if you think that academia is okay you honestly 100% should hang yourself and probably shoot the place up while you're at it. Society at its core is fucked and if you think things are getting better they're not, these internet connected devices literally exist to track and sell your personal information to billion dollar companies. And don't even get me started on the ''''''''people'''''''' who suck the shitstained cock of corporations.

>> No.10076613

if you mean a research masters it's just going to be master of philosophy no matter what topic. The ones with names are coursework shit

>> No.10076615

sorry or m Sc - i dunno now that i think about it maybe it's different in USA, someone else better say- what's a research masters called in usa

>> No.10076617

>The ones with names are coursework shit
Why do you think coursework masters are shit? I thought coursework masters programme are terminal masters for people that want to work in the industry. One coursework masters that come into mind is a Masters in Statistics.

>> No.10076621

>do something that will be so fulfilling
For me something that is fulfilling is a masters that can lead me to good employment and related to engineering, physics or math.

>> No.10076638

well in my experience coursework masters in Engineering are for people whose undergraduate degree either wasn't engineering or is from the third world and doesn't count - it's the same courses undergraduates do. Everyone in the university sector in my country knows these are a racket. I dunno about overseas.

something like master in Statistics - I dunno. It seems a bit much to do a whole masters in something that specific when you don't even know where you're going to end up. You'd probably find most people doing that already had a job and this was part of their further ed., maybe even paid for by the employer.

I don't know if it's going to make you as much more employable as is worth the time doing it. Courses are just courses and after a certain point you're loitering in school. Try to get a job now

>> No.10076643

Do a meme degree in data science?

>> No.10076651

>Everyone in the university sector in my country knows these are a racket. I dunno about overseas
I'm not gonna do coursework masters but I'm just curious why coursework engineering masters are considered a racket in your country. Also where do you live?

>> No.10076655
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>typed masters in data science
>first result: "4 Reasons Not To Get That Masters In Data Science - Forbes"

>> No.10076724

sounds like someone didn't graduate high school.

>> No.10076732
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>> No.10076739
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>was literally just considering going back for a data science masters today

>> No.10076745

Hi Ted

>> No.10076751

in Australia. There's just a lot of dropout pajeets that are willing to pay 80k to get a 1 year degree that means a lot back home because it's western even though it wouldn't do shit for you in this country. These cunts can't even understand the assignment questions but the unis are really reluctant not to pass them because they're in and out, full fee paying - it makes them so much money. so they just give them the degrees. These are unis that are otherwise excellent world leading research /teaching unis. There must be some loophole that allows them to pull this off

>> No.10076776

It seems like a Master's degree is the way to go with physics
>not qualified enough for any relevant position
>few positions, practically no one wants to pay your salary
>qualified enough for a significant amount of positions, comfy salary, not so high no one will bother with you

>> No.10076976

>sent from my iphone

>> No.10076980

Stay away from Mechanical Engineering if you're doing it for the money. There's not that much money in a career doing this shit. If you put the same amount of effort into anything else you'd get similar ROIs. Seriously, engineering requires you to know a bit of fucking everything ever, and it's just not worth the effort.

>> No.10076992

I did a Bachelors in Mech Eng at a pretty bad uni and got a 1st class honours so I decided to move onto a masters at a pretty good uni to improve my chances of getting a better job. I don't regret doing it but the masters itself has been useless and i've not learnt anthing or been challenged, if anything its made me wonder how I didn't get into that uni after seeing the type of people it produced.
I'd say moving into a PhD after your bachelors is the way to go if you're still intrested in staying in education

>> No.10076998


>> No.10077061

a shit this be me. I have a BSc in Physics but I don't know what masters programme I wanna take after graduating. There are these coursework masters in other unis. I actually found out about them on this board lel. I want to do research masters but I dont think I will get any practical skills with it other than research.

>> No.10077069

>a lot of dropout pajeets that are willing to pay 80k to get a 1 year degree
So the problem you have with those coursework masters is the saturation of unqualified graduates? Or are those programmes in Australia inherently shit?

>Master's degree is the way to go with physics
What are good physics masters? I keep seeing people shilling condensed matter physics on this board.

>> No.10077086

>There's not that much money in a career doing this shit.
Why do you think this is the case?

>i've not learnt anything or been challenged
What kind of work/research did you do for your masters?

>> No.10077108

nobody cares about you you sniveling rat

>> No.10077120

>So the problem you have with those coursework masters is the saturation of unqualified graduates? Or are those programmes in Australia inherently shit?
In Australia it's just a year's worth of the same courses undergrads do (you will be sitting in lectures with them) but you get marked separately which should mean harder but i think because these are cash for degree it means easier. Hence it being poorly regarded

This is my not that well informed opinion based on overhearing break-room from like two engineering companies and some grad student offices: if you were looking at someone's CV and they had done undergraduate then a coursework masters, depending what it was it could look worse or a bit better than doing undergraduate. If it was close to the undergraduate that just wouldn't make any sense unless they really fucked up their undergrad. There are no local (not international) students doing that. If its a specialisation like statistics, it's not so bad but it could still look bad because like what's up with all the knowledge nigga can you fucking DO anything? - i mean: If you've done a BEng you'll know there's all this stuff that isn't in a science degree - managing people and time and resources in complicated projects - designing things. Etc. You know, SKILLS. Once you've done an undergraduate degree you (should) already have the "learning to learn" skills. If you think you need all this extra knowledge and aren't gaining skills it sort of suggests you don't 'get' industry or the world of work.. to some extent.

>> No.10077124

It was a taught post grad that was split 70 taught - 30 research.I already know I’m going to get >doing taught but I’d met research masters and they just dicked around and complained for 6 months before doing anything worthwhile in the last 3 months and this course has the dissertation during the summer.
Anyway the course was split up into 3 business and 3 engineering. The 3 business where a joke and didn’t go anywhere and basically relayed the same message. The 3 engineering were decent, even if they did overlap with some undergrad shit I did, but only 1 revolved around learning a program and it was messy. At the end of the taught I had a 70% avg and I at max spent 2 days on any given coursework. The dissertation was literally just set groundwork for a research proposal and was pretty basic, the biggest factor was losing motivation since it wasn’t going anywhere. Honestly I don’t know what more there was to get out of the course except maybe your mentor suggesting you for a PhD

>> No.10077139
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sad but true. I like those dubs btw.

>> No.10077155

Now why in the name of fuck did you feel the itch to put a question mark in there?

>> No.10077164
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To indicate doubt?

>> No.10077410

Masters are good if you want to change your career path like a Masters in IT or CS or Finance.

But avoid Masters in Data Analytics. Treat them like MBAs unless they're from top schools (Harvard, MIT, Chicago) they're a waste of money.

Also a Masters of CS is a waste of time for most CS students unless you're going into academia.

>> No.10078570

>Masters are good if you want to change your career path like a Masters in IT or CS or Finance.
Can I get a Masters in IT if I have a BSc in Physics? I already know a lot of programming. I did simulation programming during my internship. I just wanna get the degree so it will look good on my resume.

>> No.10078616

>interaction engineer
engineering is officially a meme. Why the fuck do these onions-infused NPCs have to put "engineer" behind every job title.

>> No.10079175

If I have a Bachelor's degree in EE, what's a good masters degree to be able to get to a manager's position later on in my career?

>> No.10079202

bait to obvious, try again or go to /pol/ theyll probably take you seriously

>> No.10079221

I just finished my bs in math and have no idea what to get a masters in

i want to do math but financial engineering looks more profitable

>> No.10079228

Absolutely. Most Masters of ITs are mostly done by coursework and are piss easy.

Tbh I would go for a MSc in CS if I were you if you want to work as a dev. But before you commit ~$40-80k and 2 years of your life create a portfolio of programming projects (doesn't have to be massive just google some ideas) and apply for jobs. If that fails then you might want to go ahead.

Theoretically all you really need is to just study a book on Data Structures and Algorithms. There is a book by that name. Discrete math is also good to know but you probably have that covered.

>> No.10079233

I'm getting a MSc in Math but I fear I might not get into a Ph.d program. What would I have to do next?

>> No.10079237

what's the answer?

>> No.10079296

Europoor here. Did a BSc in CS at local shit tier Institute of Technology but graduated top of class and got a scholarship for a research MSc at the not so shit tier local University.

If you're on a research scholarship (which you usually are for a pure research MSc or PhD), then it's pretty comfy. No costs and you get paid slightly more than an equivalent minimum wage job (and pay zero income tax). You don't work 9 to 5, you only have to be there for meetings and reviews, I wrote most of my thesis at home during weekdays. If you do a PhD you have to do some teaching and modules though.

It took me a year and a few months to finish. Walked into a research role at one of the big datacenter companies the week after I submitted for silly money. Though my intention is to move into manergieral type roles as lacking a PhD may become restrictive, even in industry.

All in all it was a pretty comfy experience, easiest job I ever had by far. Even have a published paper as an accomplishment.

On the flipside my good friend from my BSc got a job immediatley after finishing, tried to do a taught MSc part time while working and flunked it because trying to do both is usually a bad idea.

I would say it's worth doing if you get a scholarship, but otherwise even if you paid for a taught one when you finish you'll probably end up in an industry graduate program slumming it with the BSc's anyway. Thouh it might make you more likely for promotion, maybe.

>> No.10079313

>In Australia it's just a year's worth of the same courses undergrads do
Fuck off dickhead, what shithole uni are you going to? Mine isn’t like that.

>> No.10079324

what course are you doing? it's like that at two group of 8 unis i went to

>> No.10079504
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This ones quite easy actually, answer is E.

Now this one is hard

>> No.10080054

Grad school isn't possible with a 2.5 undergrad gpa is it