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10075179 No.10075179 [Reply] [Original]

>Suddenly realize how the problem could be solved several hours after the test

>> No.10075206
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>huh? oh yeah, that part was easy anon

>> No.10075416
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>mfw telling this to everyone even though i had no idea how to solve the problem

>> No.10075418

>solved several hours after the test
It's worse when you realize it AFTER giving the test to your professor and leaving the class.

>> No.10075426
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>walking out of test
>"what did you get on this question"
>everyone got a different answer than you

>> No.10075429
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>I'll get back to this later
>never get back to it

>> No.10075439

>yours was actually correct

>> No.10075448

>smugposting in real life
you're the same fucker who studies for 20 hours then said you just listened to the lectures to figure it out, aren't you.

>> No.10075452

everyone I asked this on a physics final all had completely different assumptions/methods. Two people just told me they didn't even get that far (?). Why do we even pretend we're learning anything?

>> No.10075457

i'm the guy who barely studied and/or listened and got by with a mediocre score baby

>> No.10075567

>he doesn’t study massive amounts to get good grades

Why make fun of people who care?

>> No.10075580

Literally the only way to be successful is to study a lot. Only losers think it's bad to dedicate lots of hours for studying

>> No.10075593

>but muh can’t study too much since I need to believe I’m a genius who can solve everything

I hate this meme of “I can derive everything on the test without preparation.”

>> No.10075607

>get an 89 on an exam
>get a chip on my shoulder, i really knew the material and i wanted an A. i didnt want an A+, i just wanted the A this time.
>study really hard for the rest of the year, the next midterm is like a 98% and the final was like a 95%
>go back to that first exam to look over my stupid mistakes again
>it was an 89/92

>> No.10075629

so, what were your 3 stupid mistakes nigga?

>> No.10075639

This happened to me, except it was an 86/90 the first time around

>> No.10075642

ok i misremembered, it was 89/96, but that's still an A


i missed the very first question (6) points, and lost one point later on (1) while getting all of the other (difficult at that time, to me) ones correct

this was like a year ago on the first midterm of ochem so i dont remember the exact question, but i remember that it was the VERY FIRST QUESTION on the VERY FIRST PAGE and it was INCREDIBLY EASY but it was a multiple choice between four pictured skeletal structures. Methyl R-CH3, Methanol? R-CH2OH, Methyl Ether R-O-CH3, and a ketone or aldehyde or something and i visually scanned it, intended to choose the methyl ether, and chose methanol

>> No.10075644

Brainlets, 'studying' is a crutch for the dim-witted

>> No.10075646

just in case my uni sounds like brainlet central (which i have no way of disputing even if i don't believe it to be true) that was meant to be the "gimme" question for all the retards who complained that ochem was hard; the later questions were all multistep synthesis, optimize the reaction, etc.

>> No.10076819

or 5 min

>> No.10076918
File: 49 KB, 680x379, 8314B866-CE03-45A9-A8C4-A98FA7B72348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don’t study all year for a stats class cause “stats is easy”
>Supposed to graduate this quarter
>need an 82 on the final to pass
>Cram the night before
>People audibly moaning in the back of the room as the tests are handed out
>See asian kid sitting next to me flipping through all the problems shaking his head.
>Get most of the way through the test wasn’t as bad as I thought, but it definitely required you to improvise
>Don’t recognize a term in the last 3 questions (1/3 of the test)
>Start panicking
>Last question clarifies the term on the other questions
>Results come in average was a 52 but I got an 84
Never been so happy to get a C in my life. The professor kind of fucked with us too because the practice final was much easier.

>> No.10076929

This. I assimilate information by eating pages from my text book

>> No.10077010

When you realize school is to perform at life, not at test, it actually filled purpose.

>> No.10077058

I fucking swear, last semester i fucked up the first question on almost every test.
This semester i will not to do the first question first, even though they’re the easiest

>> No.10077070

how tf is an 84 a C

>> No.10077249

>multiple choices

fuck yooooooooooou. - T engeneer that actually does society's heavy lifting for you brainlets

>> No.10077261
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>tfw two exams today
>not studied nearly enough because on full burn out mode right now

Fuck, how do you all overcome this

>> No.10077262

pretty sure he means his average, total grade for the course is a C, not for the final. Notice how he said "need an 82 on the final to pass"

>> No.10077984

>Knowing exactly how to solve every problem but need to piss really fucking bad
get on my level

>> No.10078007

Studying doesn't lead to anything good in life unless you're a retarded sheep that wants a career though.

>> No.10078035

you don't
you just eat dirtand cram anyway
once the exams are done you can unwind real good