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10069889 No.10069889 [Reply] [Original]

Sup fags, I'm forcing myself through med school and every other asshat here is on adderall, which is why they're all yesmen boot-licking faggots and the faculty here take advantage of us to the absolute max because of that.
I personally take 200mg of caffiene as a loading dose and then 100mg every few hours as needed. Is there a better way to memorize shit that I have no interest in?
no dropping out is not an option when you're 300k in debt

>> No.10069891
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>300k in debt

>> No.10069899
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yep. Do you think I'm any proud of it? At fucking best I'm going to be a good goy making millions by ripping patients off for Dr.Schlomo the hospital director.
Here's the kicker, by the time I'm actually licensed I will have spend every single year of my 20's and some of my 30's in school. I'm also KHV

>> No.10069902

The stethoscope is more than a uniform, it's a slave collar. Every profession must have one. If not a tie, then a stethoscope.

>> No.10069908

making millions for*
I'll be making at best 150k as an internist, with 500-600k in loans to pay of

>> No.10069919

modafinil is slightly better caffeine
ritalin is like adderal but with less euphoria and not as addictive
honestly just use adderal like everyone else

>> No.10069922

too addictive. I like winding down on breaks and not leaving bed for like 2-3 days straight, wont happen when I'm on that shit
And I'm not using amphetamines or amphetiamine-likes because I like my liver too much. The kikes already too my life, they can't have my health too

>> No.10069935


>> No.10070065


But really, strength of will. Amphetamines lead to burn out, figure out how to keep going, don't take too much of anything, vary your stimulants. Getting over the struggle yourself is serious character building.

>> No.10070070

use L-theanine with caffiene, start off with 100mg of each then increase. Read up on choline and acetylcholinesterase inhibitors: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S094471130700030X

>> No.10071301

I got through it only on coffee what is with american students and fucking amphetamines. We have a foreign american student and she also takes these and is not doing better than the rest.

>> No.10071371

try ephedrine

>> No.10071387

>person whose job will be prescribing medicine doesn't know what to prescribe himself

>> No.10071424

hahaha holy shit

>> No.10071457

key word will be

>> No.10071619
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>Modafinil ..too adictive

Modafinil is not addictive, look it up. Can't even get high on it. I used it to boost my grades and stop falling asleep during lectures. This is one of the best options if you want to avoid becoming a meth head.

>> No.10071627

>the kikes
>dr schlomo
lol most hospitals aren’t run by Jews you stupid fucking medfag and how did the Jews take your life? You’re at uni doing something you chose to do.

>> No.10072749

bruh wtf you can make a lot more than 150k as an internist, just go to the midwest/south