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10069827 No.10069827 [Reply] [Original]

how close are we from attaining something like this?

>> No.10069831

Not very

>> No.10069833

meth is pretty close

>> No.10069836


>> No.10069839

Limitless potential comes from within. Just eat a relatively healthy diet and tap into that fucking shit /b/ro

>> No.10069848
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Seizure is the closest thing to accessing 100% of your brain at the same time.

To be limitless you need to learn to SHUT parts of your brain that are not helpful to what you want to focus on. You don't need the bike-riding part of your brain while you're learning calculus.

>> No.10069849

Very far. Right now, either you have it or you don't. I had something that resembled Alice in Wonderland Syndrome or temporal lobe seizures as a child, and still do occasionally to this day. I also have visual snow, which suggests a common underlying basis.

Anyway, certain drugs will trigger an effect like this. Weed is one of them, and the strongest. Chronic sleep deprivation, increased thyroid hormone, kava, and acetylcholinesterase inhibitors seem to trigger mild versions. Cacao brings its own kind of version, that's hard to describe. It can either be great or very unpleasant, and frequently a smooth mix of the two.

>> No.10069883
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>the strongest

Sure when I smoke dank I can perform better at fps games because I can remain calm and steady to aim and think outside of the box for tactics so my moves aren't predictable. LSD (or stronger analogues of it) is THE best skill and cognitive enhancement but you have to learn how to control yourself the more you take. You feel accelerated, your body purrs like a car engine, you have 100% control over your muscles (something that your body doesn't normally allow as you could have bone damage otherwise) and you can process information at light speed. Look at your brain activity on LSD and see what I am talking about. People in Silicon Valley microdose LSD to enhance their cognitive skills, be more productive, look at problems they couldn't solve before from new perspectives, and keep focused in boring scenarios. However microdosing isn't as good as a hit for effects. In order to create something like a limitless pill. it would be something as strong as LSD or greater with another drug that counters the confusion, visual distortions, and psychotic behavior in high doses. How the body would handle this could end badly, and shorten your life span considerably.

>> No.10069896

I think we're talking about two different things.

My father however described a cocktail of drugs he ran across in the 70's which produced a limitless like effect. He said he didn't know what it was, but he was told it was PCP. It lasted for ~2 days. He had superhuman strength, no need for sleep, rapid learning, near complete recall of everything experienced. You could pick up an instrument and immediately know how to play it well, any task you'd seen performed in the past could be quickly replicated at a decent skill level. Any skill could be quickly figured out. He said that he had always felt like there was a constant force that suppresses the mind at key points, and this removed these limiters.

Afterwards he felt braindead for a few weeks. Didn't say if he returned to baseline. He suspected it wasn't just PCP.

>> No.10070251

>tfw have anxiety disorder
>can't take LSD or else bad trip will break me
>can't take adderall or else have panic attack

assuming this isn't larp if he was on pcp it's very likely he had a very broken recollection of what actually happened.

>> No.10070253

I doubt it, and I doubt it would be distorted in that way.

>> No.10070264

Not possible
>you have 100% control over your muscles (something that your body doesn't normally allow as you could have bone damage otherwise) and you can process information at light speed
lol no
>i doubt muh daddy was lyin' about this totally impossible and retarded story about the mystery cocktail from decades ago
yes and i doubt that my friends were lying about all those women out of their league that they fucked in hs first night they met them, shit was cash

>> No.10070278

In addition to a pre-existing disposition, you're reading a story recounted by some stranger on the internet about someone you've never met (but probably fill a default idea of a general dad). There are several degrees of separation for you, but I actually knew him.

That's the beginning and the end. I told the story because it was pertinent and I thought people might be interested, not to convince you. Though dialog about what these drugs may have been is welcome. "It didn't happen" is a dead end.

>> No.10070389

I'm trying adderall for the first time next week
Actually I've never done any kind of drug before
What's in for me

>> No.10070408

aderall gives that effect (if you have some form of add or adhd or inability to focus really)

>> No.10070410

>To be limitless you need to learn to SHUT parts of your brain

that's called autism by the way

>> No.10070413

if you are actually diagnosed with adhd, or generally have attention span of a bacteria, then it will seriously uplift your life. otherwise it won't do jack shit

>> No.10071332

i was focused on shit that i cared about, which turned out to conflict with what my assignments were.

>> No.10071893

Probably a long while away. Until we understand the brain better, and find a drug that does it well. The closest you can get nowadays is low dose stimulants, for the best enhancement, and smallest side effects. I consider stimulants nootropics, but any other nootropic usually aren't all that great and in my experience, just scams.

>> No.10071902

That's not true at all. It improves your focus and motivation, for anyone who takes it.

>> No.10071912
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I don't know what to say anon, gf says it helps, but she tends to get a headache after using it. For me, it basically gives me the tools to exert self-control over my impulses and stay focused on what makes me productive. No comedowns, except for feeling tired hours after using it.

>> No.10071946

It's literally an analogy for methamphetamine.

>> No.10071962

you have to understand how brain works specifically memory, its a mechanism consisting of many different parts of brain working together
limitless pill is almost impossible at least not before we get computer chips in our brains or have intelligence boosting dna clipped in our dna

>> No.10072245

Nowhere near. "Brain Hacking" is a meme that is just going to give you an amphetamine addiciton

>> No.10072251

but anon we have already the limitless pill, is called WEED. Most stupid fucks do stupid shit while high and never unlock weed true powers.

>> No.10072267


Elaborate instead

>> No.10072306

weed doesnt have true powers, it makes your ego dance around in your head and thats it.

>> No.10072356


>> No.10072384

>otherwise it won't do jack shit
this guy doesn't want you as competition anon fyi amphetamines are learning on easy mode

>> No.10072406
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Cybernetics is the only way.

Just think about what a smartphone can do for you now. Now put that in your head. You'll be able to translate any language without learning it. The ai in your brain will do it for you. Access any information available. Augmented reality overlaid onto your vision.

>> No.10072418


Thoughts on Neuralink?

>> No.10072453


>> No.10072464
File: 473 KB, 853x480, VTS_04_008.VOB_snapshot_06.20_[2013.11.16_12.09.26]_AR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just think about what a smartphone can do for you now.
Cause brain damage, sterility, and apathetic stupidity. Look at the average momo that's adapted to carrying their brains in their pocket as it stands. They aren't using it as an extension, they're using it as a replacement. They're mindless and miserable.

Though I agree with the rest. Certain operations will be extremely fast. Though we should beware what goes along with externalizing memory and opening one's mind up to that kind of I/O.

>Access any information available.
This already happens constantly. I believe one's "I" is actually managed by a greater superstructure which controls accessibility of memory and behavioral biases. It has a fine grained model of brain's global state, and it's the basis of alter systems. You can tap into this and put yourself down on that deconstructed level.

>Augmented reality overlaid onto your vision.
This is already possible, you just have to train yourself to do it and develop the necessary systems. The difficulty is not incurring conscious overhead and being able to quickly change states. Pretty much works similar to the tetris effect.

I did this, but did it wrong. Anything you make your brain do long enough, with a few exceptions, will eventually become automatic and subconscious.

>> No.10072696

I'd give it about two years.

>> No.10072942

Yes, it's called amphetamines.

>> No.10072944

take the /meth/pill, it can only make your life better

>> No.10072985

this is so stupid.
>What a smart phone can do for you
bring up information that I still have to take in and understand at my own rate
>but it's in your head
Okay.. now i save a little bit of time on typing. That's fucking it