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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10069080 No.10069080[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>John Von Neumann died a Christian

Why are all the retards here atheshits?

>> No.10069091

Von Neumann is wildly overrated here.

>> No.10069093
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How is he overrated? Have you read any of his works?

>> No.10069106

>Why are all the retards here atheshits

Wtf are you talking about? This is a christian board. >>>/reddit/ is that way

>> No.10069107

typical christcuck

>> No.10069110

Friendly reminder he literally believed that consciousness causes the wavefunction to collapse.

>> No.10069115
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Haha... What a retard!

>> No.10069170

>invented game theory
>about to die
>no downside from converting
>upside that heaven is actually real
yeah I wonder why

>> No.10069183 [DELETED] 

Agnostic and atheist are not the same thing. There is a higher power, but Islam has a Warlord for a prophet, Christianity has a mass murderer for a messiah, and jews are memes and are wanted across the globe (not to mention their fucking heads).

>> No.10069186
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Agnostic and atheist are not the same thing. There is a higher power, but Islam has a Warlord for a prophet, Christianity has a mass murderer for a messiah, and jews are memes and are wanted across the globe (not to mention their fucking haircuts holy shit)

>> No.10069192

>Christianity has a mass murderer for a messiah
We literally don't, what the heck are you talking about?

>> No.10069194

It’s not as cultural as you seem to think. It’s just God revealing himself to different cultures trying to help you understand he exists

>> No.10069200


>> No.10069901
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Covering his bases

>> No.10069907
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Indelible in the hypo campus is the belief

>> No.10069910

If he was so smart, then why is he dead? Checkmate christians.

>> No.10069916
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>> No.10070152

Pascal's wager and all of that.
Kek, what a Chad.

>> No.10070174

being "saved" also gave him little comfort in his final days, as he expressed

He was convinced by the logic of Pascal's wager, if you are told from all sides that Christianity is the one true religion, it makes sense. He was a sensible man. I found some of his papers on quantum mechanics to be very insightful for their relatively rigorous treatment.

>> No.10070195
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>Von Neumann reportedly said, "So long as there is the possibility of eternal damnation for nonbelievers it is more logical to be a believer at the end", essentially saying that Pascal had a point, referring to Pascal's Wager.
He literally only “believed” in your imaginary sky god as a costless wager right before he died. Now can you pathetic christfags please, for the love of god, stay on /his/. You’re so much more annoying than any /pol/ posting.

>> No.10070219

I only lurk here occasionally but you are a cool cat.

>> No.10070231

When you get older, you tend to get scared of dying, and this puts "the fear of god" in you. But really it's just cause you're unsure of what will happen after you die: i.e. you're a chickenshit. Dying is nothing to be scared of. All you'll experience is the same thing you experienced before you were born.

>> No.10070232

boy maybe you should step out of the box you surely live in

>> No.10070265

>Now can you pathetic christfags please, for the love of god, stay on /his/. You’re so much more annoying than any /pol/ posting
Please dont say that. I hate them, but I will take christfaggotry ANY day over /pol/shit

>> No.10070276


>> No.10070286

lol you weren't here during that christian Amen thread

>> No.10070290

>supersmart guy
>falls for the Pascal bullshit

that will be the yikes from me

>> No.10070305

At least with the /pol/ posting it’s ironic/facetious a portion of the time

>> No.10070312

Fucking retard

>> No.10070384

Degenerate heathen here, i frequently LARP as a christfrotter to be ironic/facetious, your argument BTFO

>> No.10070480

That’s pretty annoying bro. Can’t you just bait compsci’s like the rest of us

>> No.10070490

But Von Neumann is an npc. People think it has something to do with IQ, but it doesn't. He was a turbo autist who could communicate better with toddlers than adults.

>> No.10070509
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>> No.10070564

They say, burger protties believe that they win salvation like some sort of a prize by doing nothing, not even lifting their lazy fat ass. How retarded is that?

>> No.10070648

Your mum's pussy is overrated.

>> No.10071620

>atleast 1 dead scientist was christian
woah dude i never thought of it that way...

>> No.10071967

The fact that you display belief in something doesn't mean you believe it anon.

>> No.10072029


Newton died believing in Alchemy. Being a genius doesn't make you right about everything.

>> No.10072041

Newton was actually a turbo-autist, much more than the word is thrown around here for everything. Before his physics interest, he spent most of his time pouring over the bible looking for symbolic numbers that would predict something.

>> No.10072348

>Newton was actually a turbo-autist
Newton was the turbo-autist.