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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10068614 No.10068614 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10068646

It's a meme because we want to do it for bad reasons (money and glory on twitter).

>> No.10068647

There's literally no reason to do it. We might aswell colonize deep sea trenches and Antarctica besause at least you could potentially return a profit.

>> No.10068696

The station is mostly Russian made anyway.

>> No.10068816


>> No.10068846

Failing American Space Shuttle - something goes wrong, everybody dies.
Superior Russian Basedus - something goes wrong, spacecraft returns safely, nobody is hurt.

>> No.10068852

"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money."
--Samuel Johnson

This likely holds true for other fields of human endeavor.

>> No.10068853

Based and redpilled Russian kosmonauts.

Cringe and bluepilled NASA astrofags

>> No.10068855

There is literally no reason to put some eggs in a different basket, if we keep them all in one basket we can carry them around easier.

>> No.10068861

Cute, but it is probably fair to point out that the Russians have lost two spacecraft and crews, as have the US. Also worth pointing out that Apollo 13 got home against some pretty long odds, as did the crew of Gemini 8.

>> No.10068918

The reason the space shuttle had catastrophic issues is because the orbiter was strapped to the side of the fuel tank. If Russia had the same design, the cosmo/astronauts would be dead.

Also, I don't think this will set the RSA back at all. Fuck, they killed literally dozens of people in a horrific launch accident, 3 months later they were back to doing launches.


Spacex also had non-fatal launch catastrophes, but they resumed launches shortly after

Fuck, the space shuttle itself had critical launch issues that were completely ignored because the orbiter wasn't destroyed and no one was killed. The only reason there were long breaks after challenger and columbia were because 7 people died in each situation.

No one died. No one even got hurt. There will be another launch to the ISS within the next 6 months. I can almost guarantee it.

>> No.10068944

>first few attempts at fire-making burn cavemans hand
>"even more proof that fire-making is a fucking meme"

>> No.10068967

Progress demands blood anon. This will be a minor setback in the grand picture. If it makes money, do it. Were running out of resources anyway and their is a local group of asteroids rich with materials not that far away.

>> No.10069300 [DELETED] 

how fucking retarded do you have to be to care about "space"
get rid of the kikes that are sucking this planet dry and we'll never need to leave

>> No.10069321

>multiple extinction events over millions of years of earths existence
>guaranteed to be inhabitable in 1 billion years
>dude we never have to leave lmao

>> No.10069332

To be fair, the billion years thing is unlikely to be a concern. Species don't last that long.

>> No.10069343
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>> No.10069350

I literally don't give a shit living after 30 is like being dead anyway.

>> No.10069357

based and redpilled
Life after 35 is fucking misery, just an endless cycle of wagecucking and depression.
The best part? time goes feels like it's going by quicker as you age

>> No.10069361

The oldest nautiloid fossils are about 450 million years old. They are not the same species as the modern Nautilus pompilius, though, which is much younger than that, where the oldest fossils are around 2.5 million years old.

>> No.10069529

What is up with all these never ever cunts recently? Trolls? Oldspace shills? Or just morons?

>> No.10069662

Better colonise deserts instead of planets

>> No.10069683

if you're really lucky you might live to see public air travel become a meme. "civilization" is over the hill.

>> No.10069716

Profit oriented minds are short thinking

>> No.10069718

You're doing it wrong.

>> No.10069720
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That's what we said!

>> No.10069721

>set space flight back decades
in popular perception, aka meaningless while private endeavors are actively sending satellites up into orbit to fund their projects

>> No.10069732

>Soviet Union is still btfoing the US in space almost 30 years after dissolving
Based and truly redpilled

>> No.10070154

I actually think It would be harder for the basedus with such small size and weight limits to have a emergency system, when in the shuttle some sort of ejection seats had been applied

>> No.10070157


>> No.10070169
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>The last crew on the ISS is forced to return on the escape vehicle
>Musk sends up a crew and claims it on salvage rights

>> No.10070176

>a fucking meme
Lrn2meme fgt pls

>> No.10070192

the ISS is coming up to its sell by date and there is no replacement coming. And with the liberals screeching for gibs to be giving to blacks and browns and women. Im pretty sure people will say we need to cut the space program cuz well too many white people are in aerospace.

I highly doubt we are going to the moon or mars anymore. Time is running out and we simply arent building out the necessary space infrastructure.

>> No.10070201

as opposed to non profit oriented minds? those are short existing

>> No.10070212

Its more to do with the people on the ISS needing to leave and no one replacing them. The ISS has tremendous onboard upkeep and such neglect could spell the end of it; ergo, setting space endeavors back decades aka pre-ISS.

>> No.10070233

dont you think its odd we havent even tried to expand the space station to size which could probably take 50 to 100 people. So if 2 or 3 leaves its no biggy. Again isnt the ISS nearing its decomish date and we have no replacement yet.

>> No.10070235

profit based minds are short term thinking
not non profit based minds are wasteful of spending.
whats needed is a competition using government funds

>> No.10070255

I'd be ok with this if Musk stays incontrol of his company and stops the kikes from trying to oust him.

>> No.10070256

Don't forget Apollo 1.
Even ignoring that, as cute as it is to say its 2v2, its 4 people in 1967 and 1971, 1 of those people being on the first manned test flight of a brand new system vs 14 in 1986 and 2003 all on an apparently mature system. Space Shuttle was a mess, man.

>> No.10070272

the fact nasa has NO launch vehicles is a colossal embarrassment. also boeing should be banned from existence just like government contracts

>> No.10070295

there is also no escape vehicle on ISS, seriously whose idea was that. In the event of a sudden emergency there is literally no way for the astronaughts to return home

>> No.10070301

That's like someone back in the 1700s saying colonizing north america is a meme

>> No.10070348

>loss of the ISS will magically doom spaceflight
>nations wouldn't just build a brand new one with modern hardware
Losing the ISS is honestly the best thing that could happen, since that rust bucket has long since been rendered obsolete

>> No.10070372

sailing a boat for a month is a lot cheaper than sending shit to space

>> No.10070518

Bigass colony boats, both building and running them was also a tremendous expenditure in terms of the olden day economies and yet it still happened.

>> No.10070524

there are always enough vehicles docked to return the entire crew

>> No.10070525

They have a Soyuz stationed up there. (Unfortunately it's the one with the mysterious hole drilled in it.)

>> No.10070527
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>Unfortunately it's the one with the mysterious hole drilled in it

KEK totally forgot about that.

>Astronauts step into Soyuz capsule

>> No.10070529

>There's literally no reason to do it.

Space is the surest way to avoid a dysgenic degeneration of humanity. Average IQ of a space colonist will be 130+, and with no threat of r-selected low intelligence populations ever getting there.

>> No.10070535
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>set spaceflight back decades

ISS is already obsolete so not much of value will be lost. The sooner a commercial station will replace it, the better.

>> No.10070539

Just like the usa

>> No.10070572

It will be like USA on steroids, making most developed countries back on Earth look like ghettos full of niggers.

>> No.10070578

>BFR test launch is success
>Leave BFS in orbit
>There is your new space station lel now we will charge you shekels for it's use

>> No.10070583

No it isn't and you are a retard for making such retarded generalization based on a quote of somebody who had problems with money.

>> No.10070605
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>> No.10070606

>and with no threat of r-selected low intelligence populations ever getting there.
janitors and mechanics thats where the genetic crowbar for low iq will come from.

>> No.10070711
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>> No.10070717

The hole is in the orbit module though, it's still fully functional as a return vehicle.

>> No.10070723

>no worry comrade random drill hole implies not about quality manufacture is 100% safe no returns give convertible currency please

>> No.10070728

Sabotage dude

>> No.10070760

>Is good module she fly anytime plenty good how much you like

>> No.10070762 [DELETED] 

If you go to space you get away from globalists and niggers.

>> No.10070767

Musk owns SpaceX outright. It's a private company so no one can oust him.

>> No.10070814

Get a hobby and enjoy your life? What the fuck is wrong with you depressed babies, I am having the most fun in my life.

>> No.10071114

>Musk is now free to call whoever he wants a pedo on twitter with impunity
Could be a whole new age of muskposting.

>> No.10071405

Ships are reusable. Imagine the journey to the new world required the ships to self destruct on the way there and only 2 people could go at a time with less than 1000 lbs of supplies.

That’s space travel in its current state. The two aren’t even comparable.

>> No.10071450

>Imagine the journey to the new world required the ships to self destruct on the way there
What happened to the Mayflower after the pilgrims landed?

>> No.10071452
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>pointedly ignores the fact that we have reusable rockets now
>ignores the fact that a fully reusable giganigga rocket is being built as we speak
are you being retarded on purpose?

>> No.10071490

We have reusable first stages. We still lose millions of dollars for every rocket sent up. Even small satellites are so expensive just because parts of the rocket are irretrievably lost. You’re making a false comparison.

The mayflower carried 65 people to the new world, and was never used for the journey back because people could live and thrive in the new world, but it was designed to be able to bring people back if need be. Also the mayflower was simply one of the first ships. A few years later ships were taking people back and forth in multiple voyages

>> No.10071514

How much were you paid to write that?

>> No.10071517

Did they ever decide if it was sabotage, definitely? If so, I'd go over the return module with a fucking fine tooth comb before putting my ass in it to come home. Somebody who can drill one hole can drill another...

>> No.10071526

Space shuttle was indeed a dangerous vehicle -- that said, it carried more people then any other system, so one lost shuttle takes out more people than losing one Soyuz, Carrying more people is not really a safety flaw.

I left out Apollo 1 because it was not a loss in flight, which was what I think we were talking about. Losses on the ground, is you want to count them, would mean we'd have to fold in things like the Nedelin disaster.

>> No.10071531

Fair enough -- what does NASA have to do with A Soyuz launch failure?

>> No.10071534

>Ships are reusable.

Leading with your chin, friend, on a board full of Muskovites.

>> No.10071707

>one lost shuttle
A-anon I...

>> No.10071874

> what does NASA have to do with A Soyuz launch failure?

Gee how about we start with the fact that they don't even have their own launcher and crew capsule and have to fucking outsource it?

>> No.10071898


Basically, the ugly more belligerent cousin of, "what if?"

>> No.10071900

>mysterious hole

That's just their version of Ransomware. NASA just wrote it off instead of paying the bitcoins.

>> No.10071907

If you knew the effort that goes into maintaining a big wooden ship in fucking saltwater, you would find they require weeks and weeks out of the water being cleaned, refurbished, etc... on an extremely regular basis, just like reusable rockets will need. This isn't a difficult comparison.

>> No.10071928

Maintenance and repairs is different from losing entire sections of the rocket. Spacex only recovers the first stage because that’s all that can be recovered. The equivalency would be the ship sinking a few miles out but only the rowboat makes it to the Americas. But the ship recovered somehow and repaired.

>> No.10071969

You don't seem to realize how inhospitable other planets are compared to earth. In your terms: if somebody stepped in our basket, trampling all the eggs, it would still be an infinitely better basket for our eggs compared to all other available baskets.

>> No.10072025

a good thing then that spacex does not plan to go long term with falcon 9 or heavy, and is instead building the fully reusable BFR

>> No.10072049

Slavs are really good with rockets for some odd reason

>> No.10072052

We'll see how successfully they are. The space shuttle program was supposed to be mostly reusable and make the cost of launches $8,000 per pound. In reality it ended up being $60,000 per pound.

Not saying they won't be successful, but let's wait to pat them on the back until they show it works.

>> No.10072054

Sorry, it was supposed to be $635 per pound, but ended up being $27,000 per pound. Had bad numbers.

>> No.10072062

>mostly reusable
>big fuck off booster tanks on the side
also, space shuttle was a shit because of bureaucratic fuck fuck games forcing it to move away from it's original incarnation
shuttle could have been absolutely fantastic if they stayed on point and told those corrupt embezzling congressmen to fuck off

>> No.10072074 [DELETED] 
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>how fucking retarded do you have to be to care about "space"
>get rid of the kikes that are sucking this planet dry and we'll never need to leave
>I'd be ok with this if Musk stays incontrol of his company and stops the kikes from trying to oust him.

>> No.10072079

No, the space shuttle was shit because everyone underestimated the wear and tear it would be on the space shuttle. They basically had to rebuild it between every launch because parts got damaged in re-entry.

The big orange tank and solid boosters were relatively cheap.

>> No.10072127

go back

>> No.10072287

OK, that's a fair cop.

But let's also be fair and note that our glorious new privatized space companies don't have one flying either.

We're in a pretty awkward moment, transitioning from government-funded and led exploration into corporate exploitation of space. Some growing pains are inevitable -- but I suspect we're doing it badly, transitioning things that are not ready to be transitioned, making things worse.

>> No.10072299

Sorry if I was either unclear, or your readign comprehension is bad, or both.

We lost two shuttles, of course.

I was pointing out that losing one shuttle is going to see more crew losses than the loss of a spacecraft in any other manned vehicle that has been flown. The anon I was responding to was trying to surreptitiously say the shuttle was more dangerous because a given launch carried more people than a given launch for anything else.

I would not consider that a valid point.

The shuttle was a more dangerous vehicle because it was Proxmired all to Hell and back, designed by the compromise and cut method, and that. It is my opinion that it was an unacceptably dangerous vehicle, and they are extraordinarily lucky that more of their poor design choices (forced on them by Proxmired budgets) did not bite them in the ass.

In the end, they decided to fly a risky ship rather than refuse to do so. I guess I can understand that, though knowing that was what you were doing, things like "Teachers in Space" and such bullshit were inexcusable.

But, losing two vehicles is not worse than losing two vehicles just because one has a larger crew complement.

>> No.10072303

Roscosmos will not survive this debacle.

>> No.10072307

Your statement does not make any sense -- is all our eggs are trampled, it doesn't matter what shape the basket is in afterwards.

We have a potentially very brief window of opportunity here to figure out how to safely have a few eggs in what are now some fairly unsuitable baskets. Just saying "fuck it" and accepting extinction, if that dinosaur killer gets us, or somebody pushed the big red button, etc. is certainly an option. It's just not the one I'd prefer.