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1006608 No.1006608 [Reply] [Original]

>>Carl Sagan and Iosif Shklovsky[72] argued for serious consideration of "paleocontact" with extraterrestrials in the early historical era, and for examination of myths and religious lore for evidence of such contact. Many religions, of course, cite "deities" from the heavens with great powers unknown to man. Old Testament stories of Gabriel's trumpet, and the giving of laws to Moses, might theoretically reflect alien efforts to guide or assist primitive man. In this view, there is in fact ample evidence of alien visitation. It is simply ignored out of habit, or because of the sacred religious traditions that have grown around those incidents.

>> No.1006614

So when we die we go to alien heaven. Awesome

>> No.1006612

Carl Sagan was only cool when he wasn't being absolutely insane.

>> No.1006620

So where the fuck did they go, then?

>there is in fact ample evidence of alien visitation

[citation needed]

>> No.1006621

How the fuck is this being crazy?

>> No.1006623


>Carl Sagan is only cool as long as I'm able to keep up with his genius

Go watch Contact until you repent you piece of shit.

>> No.1006628


Nothing wrong with absolute and raw speculation. Letting the mind wander has accomplished many good (and bad) things for humanity. We're dreamers

>> No.1006629

See "The Demon Haunted World" where Carl argues against aliens visiting the planet.

>> No.1006632

Ancient Alien thread lets go!

Chariots of the gods
Nazca lines
Baghdad Battery
Crystal skulls

>> No.1006640

>Go watch Contact until you repent you piece of shit.
>Go watch Contact
>implying Contact had any correlation to Sagan's book apart from title

>> No.1006645 [DELETED] 


just to clarify that statement, speculation, but withholding belief until someone is empirically proven is the staple idea.

>> No.1006649

>intergalactic travel
>only technology they bother to share is a mediocre battery

Either it's bullshit or those aliens were huge assholes

>> No.1006656

He did smoke some dank, you know.

>> No.1006658

That or the aliens somehow hopped from planet to planet with nothing but electricity and ceramics

>> No.1006662


Why in the first place would a species who almost certainly underwent a period in it's intellectual developement of mysticism and worship of the gods, to go to a foriegn planet and sprinkle technology on a largely technologically retarded species. You're asking to just fuck up their progress by not allowing them to undergo all of the processes and experiences of advancing themselves as a species.

>> No.1006664

/x/ board thataway -->

>> No.1006673

Carl Sagan is a scientist, brah

>> No.1006680
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>Implying the message is in the least bit different
>Implying the differences are that vast in the first place
>Implying Sagan didn't approve of and help out with the movie
>Being a hipster.

>> No.1006684

>implying sagan wasn't dead before the movie was made
>implying you've read Contact

>> No.1006691


>> No.1006693

>implying this isn't just a thinly veiled greentext thread

>> No.1006697

>implying it isn't

>> No.1006733

It "isn't isn't" a greentext thread?

>> No.1006770
