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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10059705 No.10059705 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think of 3Blue1Brown?

>> No.10059723
File: 260 KB, 1280x1792, applbla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's pretty clear that it's one of the highest, if not the highest, production quality of animations on math out there.

If you force me to criticism, I'm personally more interested in higher level math and he also has a fetisch for certain topics, especially let's say 2'nd year analysis and autistic (but more or less pretty) proofs. His topology argument proofs are cool but forcibly finding geometric representations of this and that series and transformation is..forced. But that's complaining on a high level. Also, it's a double edged sword to criticise innovative visualizations, because otherwise nobody would do them.

>> No.10059730

calc 1 student here, I watched his calculus series and it was mediocre.

his vids are pretty neat though, much ado about nothing.

his animations are pretty cool

i feel like i don't take much away from his vids in all honesty

>> No.10059735 [DELETED] 
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Oh, and I forgot to say that I like that he open sourced his python scripting tool, I played around with it at one point 2 years ago. I think now that he actually has staff it's further developed. And yeah, I make math videos myself (cheap ones).

>> No.10060083

as far as math/science youtubers go, i'd say 3b1b is probably one of the highest quality in terms of production value and educational value

>> No.10060088

His Lin Alg series is far superior, but the calc one is great for basics - especially people who haven't studied calculus before.

Anyone else waiting for the follow up on the curl/divergence ep?

I know why his name is 3b1b

>> No.10060100

One of the best, if not the best, mathematics channel on youtube.

>> No.10060102

Why his name be like it is?

>> No.10060110

lin alg was great, it came out parallel to when I was studying it, so I‘m biased.
It was nice to actually see the stuff I was learning how to calculate

>> No.10060117

You dumb monkey, his name be how it do becus it only take 1 brown to into 3 blue. How can you dont see?

>> No.10060128

Worst math youtube channel on the internet. I'm not even being funny. This isn't hyperbole. He's the worst.

Boring as hell. Voice is horrible to listen to. He overcomplicates everything he does. Makes the simplest aspect of something too complex and makes the fun part of math painful.

The only reason he has so many subscribers is because of people who just want to say they subscribe. Look at his full video views... LOW AS FUCK.

>> No.10060140

>What does /sci/ think of 3Blue1Brown?
I enjoy this channel.

>> No.10060151

He is good and bad in the same way as Sal Khan, but with a more professional presentation. I enjoy his emphasis on teaching comprehension and intuition instead of just straight diving into notation and rigour. Good for beginners, painful for people who already have a good idea of the covered topics.

>> No.10060157

Pretty sure he works at Khan Academy now too.
They're OK vids, they seemed dumbed down most of the time. I prefer the opposite, a lecturer who doesn't assume you're stupid, and when they want to convey intuition they use very precise language when doing so instead of deferring to vague metaphors that have been used far too much as to be meaningless.

>> No.10060177

Nice production but bad content.
At least that faggot mathologer tries to explain autistic stuff, 3B1B only does gay stuff for pretentious undergrads.

>> No.10060656

I was struggling in intro to linear algebra simply because of how un intuitive some of the concepts were. His animations make it extremely easy to visualize things.

>> No.10060785

is good

>> No.10060791

Great channel, I enjoy watching his vids

>> No.10060894

He's such a fucking chad, I'm so damn jealous
God damn, just look at that jawline.

>> No.10061280

fourier transform video was great. probably best in the internet.

>> No.10061283

i dont care about math youtube videos and the logo constantly looks like the brown slice isn't a right angle so it triggers me

>> No.10061293

Seriously, I always pictured him as medium-overweight with a shitty beard and balding head.

>> No.10061303

His videos are paced such that I think most people watching them will get distracted trying to make sense of the pretty animations and not really understand anything.

I feel like I understood everything after a video but then on recollection it's generally difficult to recall what his point was. Maybe I'm just dumb but I doubt it's that. His audience clearly includes a lot of niggercattle who are extatic about how smart they feel but given their typing style I doubg they are even capable of grogging the math.

>> No.10061311

Pretty good, especially for youtube content.
Informative for brainlets like myself.

>> No.10061313

Thats "groking" you filthy butthole.

>> No.10061318


As a brainlet I enjoy his videos.

>> No.10062582

I usually give up around halfway through. I should stop watching on 1.5x

>> No.10062592

his voice and oratory skills are a shame, too annoyingly nerdy, but there's some good content in his videos, particularly his Linear Algebra videos

>> No.10062674

The best poppyish math content there is on youtube, maybe by a large margin. Haven't watched much from his LA or Calculus series so I don't have any opinion on that.

>> No.10062678

I figured it was his genotype

>> No.10062730

Idiotic post. Grant's voice is like velvet.

>> No.10063238

I know it sounds harsh Grant, but just as I improved my math intuition with your videos, so too can you improve your oration with some effort.

>> No.10064017

What's wrong with it? I think he has a very easy to listen to voice.

>> No.10065660

I like him, but I'm a complete brainlet so go figure.
>I know why his name is 3b1b
How do you know?
I mean he hasn't hid why exactly, but I want to know how you knew.

>> No.10065669

My class never covered 2-D transformations and our teacher didn't like us relying on determinants, so his videos helped me bridge some gaps.

>> No.10065673

I find him pretty attractive
I had similar expectations
Numberphile ruined my mental image of math youtubers

>> No.10065676

I tried learning from numberphile but definitions are never fucking given. It's like pop-sci but honestly even worse. Sometimes we're shown a half-assed proof in between 5 minutes of bullshit.

>> No.10065744

you may have improved mathematical intuition but that will never fix your mathematically verifiable shit taste