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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 59 KB, 460x345, old western store shack ad pic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10057004 No.10057004 [Reply] [Original]

I home school my two children. The oldest is ten and is very bright. I teach the typical stuff, currently doing area, perimeter and volume of shapes (As well as French, English and working on various projects).
However I feel my lessons could be a bit more interesting. What would you guys suggest is good learning for ten year olds? Maths and science wasn't my forte growing up but I they love it.
Bonus question: If you guys were to be home schooled what would you have liked to have learnt and how.

Pic unrelated

>> No.10057042

Don't underestimate your childrens' ability to learn, strive to instill independent thinking and reasoning above all else, don't forget philosophy and the humanities, encourage any social activity for your children to get into, and put actual research into how you need to educate your children so that they have the most opportunities when they have to go back into academia (college) or join society in the workforce

>> No.10057045
File: 548 KB, 700x4180, 1st algebra anecdote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image

>> No.10057147

Free download, courtesy of the American Kitefliers Association.


>> No.10057151
File: 129 KB, 1440x810, 1419163354119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun with your kids with social anxiety

>> No.10057197

Dumbass. You can't shelter them forever.

>> No.10057308
File: 119 KB, 1216x970, Proper math education.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What would you guys suggest is good learning for ten year olds?
pic related

>> No.10057363

>homeschooling = locking them in a cage with no human contact

>> No.10057368
File: 86 KB, 636x1000, cd1551da09af1e5b79d6f74cca23c046--holy-bible-king-james-bible-king-james-version.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10057395
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Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.10057420
File: 132 KB, 1904x600, Tables.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last summer it took me one afternoon to teach my 5 year-old cousin the concept of multiplications, as well as the 0, 1, 2, 10 and 20 time tables. We even had time to learn about the continents and he still remembers it to this day.
Meanwhile it took more than a month of tutoring for my 18 year-old student to understand/remember that 0/1=0, 1/1=1, x/x=1...
Young kids can learn super fast when they're interested

>> No.10057465
File: 477 KB, 1600x900, t8phmnnfvquwqexapiak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both wrong

>> No.10057484

If you fags still had your orthodoxical cult threads and trips on /his/ would you fuck off and stay there? Honest question.

>> No.10057545

>Survival skills
I knew there were some autism to be spotted

>> No.10057576

The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.10057622

Do you tutor fucking retards?

>> No.10057777

Hey thanks, man. I really appreciate it. I saved that pic and will 100% apply what I have been missing so far.


they do gymnastics, brownies, and spend their free time in forests and on farms interacting with adults and other children. I'd rather have them miss their brainwashing shit than them miss out on all the opportunities that are on offer while all the other kids are getting brainwashed.

thanks, dude that seems very comprehensive.

>> No.10057892

I was homeschooled OP, but via trained tutors whilst travelling. A couple of points:
-External contact is key, both my parents are profs, and by the time I was 12 I was sick of learning from them, I was very grateful to have about 20 hours of contact time per week with professional tutors, usually retired profs with unique insight. The diveraity of ideas and teaching method is the point here.

-Travel is also important, homeschooling results in undrexposure to social situations, the deep end aspect of travelling made up for that, and provided me with great confidence.

-But, also make sure your k8ds have a regular social circle. I spent about 2 years living in hotel suites, and it's rough to have to make and lose friends constantly.

-Lastly, plan their integration into education. I went from this life to uni when I was 15, and that was very abrupt. There are different stresses to formal education, and they're a bit of a shock.

-Of course, also make sure they're used to exams, explaining their reasoning, justifying their arguments, and debate (and rhetoric), all of which aide success.

>> No.10057906

I'm a private tutor, so kids who come to me are (usually) not the most brilliant ones in the first place. But this one told me several times he was just "smart but lazy" and wanted to get into CS, so I thought I could easily spike his interest.
Now I feel like I ripped his parents off because he didn't pass and probably got kicked out of his elite private school

>> No.10057921

good job anons

>> No.10058094
File: 24 KB, 200x234, 20140207-183446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>without the Apocrypha

The Judeo-"""Christian""" strikes again.

>> No.10058741

that picture is reasonable since that thing is nonfunctional out of the box

>> No.10059074

Teach them complex analysis before the age of 14

>> No.10059123

That whole thing about putting the Catholic priests and the Catholic church between you and God is not in the Bible, and the Protestantism that I have become acquainted with, though the members are by and large as hypocritical as any Catholic, seems to conform more strictly to what it says in the Bible without adding a bunch of extra garbage to make Satan happy. What is the interest of the Catholic church in doing the work of Satan? This one eludes me.

>> No.10059127

Take celibacy for example. Are they trying to breed faggots or what? Because the Catholics are breeding a lot of faggots, no doubt about it, and using the Bible to feed those faggots children for homosexual child abuse.

>> No.10059276

>self control is so satanic
>like who could do that?

>> No.10059303

I will homeschool my children when I have them in the next decade. I remember being so frustrated reviewing the same material every year because more than half the class was completely retarded, and the propaganda is something I want to keep them from. Do you have any tips? Anything you wish you had known before you started?

>> No.10059587

homeschooling children oh boy, your kids will be just as retarded as you are OP

>> No.10059663

put your kids in front of expii.com which is self learning math created by the guy who coaches the US olympiad.

then get an English literature tutor so they can actually read. Now put them in a real school

>> No.10059692

Real schools cost money
The public ones aren't proper schools

>> No.10059919

Wait until the shit hits the fan.

>> No.10059927

>and wanted to get into CS,

Every single time.

>> No.10059941

>I'd rather have them miss their brainwashing shit
>and the propaganda is something I want to keep them from

Aren't you overreacting to a handful of crazy SJWs teachers spread around the world?

>> No.10059971

I'm in a highly ranked PhD program at a private uni in the US. It's the first private school I've attended.

In short OP is a fag, and a literal conspiracy theorist inflicting his own mental damage on his children. Or more likely LARPing

>> No.10060576

No. I live in Seattle. You really wouldn't believe how bad it is out here. My 8th grade science class was mostly my bulldyke teacher explaining to us what pussy tasted like (no joke) and bragging about fucking chicks. I think we played with circuits once.

>> No.10060589

>I live in Seattle


>> No.10060622

Working on it. I don't want to drive a box truck for the rest of my life and I didn't have enough money to go to university straight out of high school.

>> No.10060809

ooh say, can you see

>> No.10061085

Calc on manifolds

>> No.10061238

I don't believe you for a second. If anyone had spoken up that teacher would be fired, regardless of how liberal the place is. I'm from Boston.

>> No.10061345

OP here, having a theme or central topic is great.
I like sailing, we all do, so getting the charts out and doing speed, distance time, sail areas, reading stories about and writing about adventures.
It's really easy to get distracted by phones or door bells BUT the wife is the worst, she's not disciplined at all. dealing with her fucking my shit up is the hardest part,

>> No.10061379

Let me just tell everyone, It's not a meme, guys.
Their school on more than one occasion has hung out the rainbow bunting and they send home booklets about understanding religions, always Judaism and Islam.
The head teacher is an overt lefty as well as having an unofficial diversity officer.
Having your kids ask you why people are always so horrible to gays and minorities, when frankly they aren't, but that's what your kids now think thanks to government education. So i just said fuck it. It's my job as a parent to make sure they're looked after in more ways than feeding them.

I don't mind talking to people about the home shool thing but it gets really tiresome when people brand you as a theorist when they either don't know or don't care to listen to actual experiences.

>> No.10061380

>I'm from Boston

The west coast has gone crazy.

t. east coast centrist/lib

>> No.10061883
File: 693 KB, 1836x1902, beta dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you ruined your childrens future because you didn't want them to think minorities were discriminated against?

>> No.10061900

If he feels joyful about learning let him do his own research too considering it's not too hard or bad for him.

>> No.10062523 [DELETED] 

>there's a white penis Illuminati conspiracy framing every black crime stat

>> No.10062544

>blaming something that happened 150+ years ago

>> No.10062550
File: 266 KB, 918x951, beta dad3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beta dad v2
If you don't agree you can just tell the truth to your kids after school rather than locking them away from the outside world
Wtf is the mom doing? How does she let you get away with it?

>> No.10063052

>homeschooling means locking them in a prison
This is a new level of indoctrination

>> No.10064234

>oh no of course I'm not locking them in a prison haha
>I'm just taking them away from people and institutions whose opinions don't match mine i.e the whole society
>don't worry tho they still get to bake brownies and enjoy learning about survival skills in the the forest like any other kid
Imagine when they'll first meet humans who don't frequent 4chan and get confronted with their views

>> No.10064286

Go gung-ho into math, teach them trig and calculus.

>> No.10064370

>3rd grade
>proof of irrationality of √2
>matrix operations two years apart from matrix algebra
>Science is an afterthought and no physics until 11th grade
Don't do this OP

>> No.10064394

>>Science is an afterthought and no physics until 11th grade

Physics 1 is in 8th grade and continues from there every year.

>>matrix operations two years apart from matrix algebra

Just like real life :^)

Also, it naturally segues in from systems of linear equation.

>> No.10066177


Still better than them being taught that they should cut of their penises and that they're monsters for being born white and nothing they can do can change that.

>> No.10066184

What if your kids go out and act racist because you told them to?
I guess that might happen anyway since you seem like a redneck who came to live in a city.

>> No.10066199

>since you seem like a redneck who came to live in a city

>> No.10066203

Why didn't you just enroll your kids into a school in Alabama or something?
They wouldn't be indoctrinated since everyone there is racist right?

>> No.10066205

I'd rather have my son become a tranny desu. Would be cool.

>> No.10066230

>still better than them being taught that they should cut of their penises
It's still going to happen, the only difference is you're postponing it for when they start uni.
Also nah, I'd rather be taught that than some curriculum literally built by /autism/ like >>10057308

>> No.10066242

Did that 18 yr old happen to be a nigger?

>> No.10066249

low effort b8

>> No.10066280

>only niggers are stupid
He was white, maybe Jewish.
Ethnicity don't indicate much where I live, I'm black and so is my cousin.
But my point was that kids learn much faster than adults, so the efforts on your children's education should be concentrated in early infancy to make them as academically independent as possible

>> No.10066377

>What would you guys suggest is good learning for ten year olds?
The school of hard knocks. Teach your twerp to not be a typical homeschooled ass autistic faggot.
> le french
useless language. teach mandarin, nipponese, or New American (Spanish)
> geometry age 10
unironically you should be going way faster and have them ready for college by age 16

>> No.10068470

Or age 14

>> No.10068512


Very nice russian (english translated) popular mathematics book


Lots of nice programming based puzzle games

The way things work now by david maccaulay is a very nice book on the working of everyday object

Also check those youtube channel:
think twice
PBS infinite
Welch Labs

>> No.10068522

>so the efforts on your children's education should be concentrated in early infancy

You're right, the focus should be put into infancy, if they don't go on autorun after 10y you failed.

>> No.10068729

im assuming you let your children use the internet, make sure you instill in them while they are still young just how fucked this world actually is. I couldnt imagine raising a child in a world where Donald fucking Trump reigns supreme and literal nazis are invading college campuses without telling them how wrong and backwards this actually is, If they grow up thinking any of this is normal when the eventual backlash comes sensible people like me will have to "take care of them"

TLDR make sure your kids realise that the world as it is now isnt normal or right, and that sensible people will soon be back in power

>> No.10068732

"on this rock I will build my church"


>> No.10068741

>implying mexicans speak spanish

I speak kings spanish to translator level and struggle to understand mexicans, its like comparing English to those black twitter joke images

>> No.10069231

Don't listen to the liberal onionsboys in this thread, OP, you're doing good for your children by hömeschuling (German for homeschooling) them. However, it looks like the curriculum in >>10057308 is sorely lacking in a solid grounding in arts education. Let me suggest the following:

>Year 9:
-Western History, Philosophy, and the Fall of Rome
Course description: Greek Iliad, Plato and Aristotle, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Julius Ebola
Learning outcomes: By the end of the course, the students will use their aggregate knowledge to conclude that degeneracy and unchecked feminism leads to the decline of civilizations.

>Year 10:
-American Revolution
Course description: Students will understand that American independence was prompted by a desire of the colonists to break free from Rothschild-owned central banks.

-American Civil War
Course description: Students will understand that the civil war was about states' rights and not about slavery, and that Ashkenazi Jews were the main contributors to the Atlantic slave trade in the first place.

>Year 11:
-20th Century History and WWII
Required reading: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The International Jew by Henry Ford, Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler, Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Course description: Students will learn how Jewish Bolsheviks caused the Russian revolution and the Red Terror that lead to the death of the Romanovs and the mass murder of over 50 million people in the territory of the former USSR. Students will apply critical thinking in analyzing the holocaust and question how hundreds of thousands of courses could be burned daily, one by one, in a few small scale ovens. They will learn about life in the concentration camps, including activities for the inmates such as movie theatres, brothels, and sports teams. Students will conclude that there must be a good reason why Jews have been persecuted in every nation they entered.

pt. 1/2

>> No.10069236 [DELETED] 

>>10057004 (OP)

>Year 12 (Pick one course only from Category 1 and 2 each):
-Redpill Theory, Game, and Pickup
Required Reading: The Myth of Male Power by Warren Farrell, The War Against Boys by Christina Hoff Sommers, Rules of the Game, The Rational Male, Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe
Course description: By the conclusion of the course, students will take the pussy off the pedestal and easily pass shit tests. They should be able to confidently cold approach women in public and spin several plates at a time. The course includes a half-semester coop on cold approaches at the local mall or church.

-Looks Theory and Blackpill
Learning outcomes: Students will recognize that looks, money, and status affect every aspect of their lives.

-21st Century Philosophy: Transhumanism, Men's Rights, and the Alt-Right (Independent Study Unit)
Course description: Students will learn to recognize disinfo and propaganda in the media with the aid of Yuri Bezmenov's lecture. Students will use internet sources to investigate one of three streams of modern philosophy that they are most interested in.

-Environmental Science
Course description: Students will apply critical thinking to conclude that climate change is not anthropogenic and that the Earth's climate has experienced shifts for many centuries prior to the emergence of humans. Students will learn about the effects of [S]öy on the male anatony, and Birth Control hormones polluting our water supply.

pt. 2/2

>> No.10069237

>>Year 9:
>-Western History, Philosophy, and the Fall of Rome

how to raise a white nationalist 101

>> No.10069242

>>10057004 (OP) (OP)

>Year 12 (Pick one course only from Category 1 and 2 each):
Category 1:

-Redpill Theory, Game, and Pickup
Required Reading: The Myth of Male Power by Warren Farrell, The War Against Boys by Christina Hoff Sommers, Rules of the Game, The Rational Male, Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe
Course description: By the conclusion of the course, students will take the pussy off the pedestal and easily pass shit tests. They should be able to confidently cold approach women in public and spin several plates at a time. The course includes a half-semester coop on cold approaches at the local mall or church.

-Looks Theory and Blackpill
Learning outcomes: Students will recognize that looks, money, and status affect every aspect of their lives.

Category 2:

-21st Century Philosophy: Transhumanism, Men's Rights, and the Alt-Right (Independent Study Unit)
Course description: Students will learn to recognize disinfo and propaganda in the media with the aid of Yuri Bezmenov's lecture. Students will use internet sources to investigate one of three streams of modern philosophy that they are most interested in.

-Environmental Science
Course description: Students will apply critical thinking to conclude that climate change is not anthropogenic and that the Earth's climate has experienced shifts for many centuries prior to the emergence of humans. Students will learn about the effects of [S]öy on the male anatony, and Birth Control hormones polluting our water supply.

pt. 2/2

>> No.10069302
File: 329 KB, 735x1000, 1539260678265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> go to public school for high school
> teachers plucked right out of college
> mostly "friendly" teachers who would rather talk about random shit than teach lectures
> zero kids paying attention
> any performance above average is considered genius-tier
> had one teacher refer to greek letter psi as "trident"
> go to private magnet school
> literally enlightened
> whole life changes, suddenly want to learn, particularly enjoy math
> learn to self-learn and study on my own
> fuck girl in bathroom
> get caught
> kicked out
> get full boat to state uni
> join fraternity
> still love and study math
> have 4.0, do research both with professors and individually, love learning
> meet bro in frat
> "hey anon, what you majoring in?"
> "public education with a focus on history!"
> idea.jpg
> "hey anon, just curious, what year did WWII start?"
> "1938?... i-is that it?"

Don't fall for the public school meme. The idea of this turd teaching my children one day is unsettling. Public education (in the US) seeks to fill a vacuum while private schooling lights the fire. Completely life changing

>> No.10069336

> t. public school teacher