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File: 1.04 MB, 640x1136, AnyImmediateArachnid.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10056983 No.10056983 [Reply] [Original]

Does the heterozygote advantage suggest that mixed race people are the healthiest?

>> No.10056993

>Does the heterozygote advantage suggest that mixed race people are the healthiest?
Why would it?

>> No.10057002
File: 117 KB, 471x600, yech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a mule healthier than a horse? Sort of. But it's mostly just a freak, with a large number of disadvantages.

>> No.10057003

No, that's a debunked myth if you ever take a genetics course.

Mixed race =/= Healthier

>> No.10057006

Mules are the offspring of two different species you moron. You far right shills are really spamming refresh here huh

>> No.10057007


you might want to look into inbreeding depression and outbreeding depression.

it's not that straightforward

>> No.10057021
File: 100 KB, 602x194, white yellow black abbo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying modern humans are one species
>on the science board

>> No.10057023

Whites evolved in cold steppe, while niggers evolved in tropical savannas therefore YOU SHOULDNT MIX THEM AT ALL. It would make more sense for a white to fuck an east asian since they evolved in similar latitudes.

>> No.10057031

She looks just ugly, I'd rather have a pure African woman or a pure euro woman, these freaks are ugly af

>> No.10057035

I'm sure the mixed race women of earth are forever grateful for your discretion

>> No.10057065


Well that's what modern day racists are trying to prove in order to scientifically justify segregation.

>> No.10057075
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>science is racist

>> No.10057085


I never implied that.

>> No.10057092 [DELETED] 

What's funny is that you're holding mixed race people to a higher standard by implying that they're supposed to be attractive, since most people who aren't mixed race aren't attractive.

>> No.10057117

Yes, if you knew basic grade school science then you would understand that humans of all races are in the same species (Homo sapiens) just like how all domesticated dog breeds are in the same species (Canis familiaris) yet vary widely in phenotype

>> No.10057169

>I'm basically a dog
Care to go back and change that, evopsych bro?

>> No.10057242

>facts are racist
You poor sheltered thing.

>> No.10057244

There's 0 correlation between race and homo/heterozygote status or advantage.
This is a faulty statement.

>> No.10057263

>Facts I don't like aren't facts
You poor faggoty thing

>> No.10057384

>Human breeds with chimpanzee
>Is the offspring the healthiest?

>> No.10057392
File: 23 KB, 324x333, SAT-by-Income.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its no secret that these ape-men are kind of stupid.

>> No.10057436

what's your implication with this though? should we also exterminate whites in favor of jews and chinks?

>> No.10057570

NO. This vids has more filters than water pits in africa

>> No.10057577


>> No.10057592
File: 24 KB, 580x427, image_5067-MUC7-Ghost-Hominin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

breeding a wolf with a coyote doesnt create a healthier version of either

brreding a south african with a northern european doesnt create a healthier version of either

in both cases you make a hybrid that no longer has the strengths of either

enjoy your fucked up teeth.

>> No.10057593

not necessarily because of epigenetics and whatnot but they should be less susceptible to genetic ailments like allergies etc

>> No.10057609

pretty sure 6th cousin is the sweet spot for human populations and the further away from that you go (either closer or further) is hurting not helping.

>> No.10057610

i already had long and thoughtful reply written but then i realized there is no point in trying to reason with you so instead im just gonna call you fucking retard

>> No.10057616

>i realized i had absolutely no compelling counter arguments so i got angry and started calling you names like a 5 year old would


so brave

>> No.10057629

1. Incest is disgusting. 2. How? A combination of dominant and recessive alleles are ideal for genetic stuff.

>> No.10057636

>1. Incest is disgusting
6th cousin isnt
also you are related to all other humans so according to you everything would be. stop being a brainlet

>> No.10057637


Because who doesn't want their hot cousin? it's just science bro.

>> No.10057640

more incest == more recessive alleles

>> No.10057651

>Incest is disgusting

>inb4 incest over the course of millions of years is the reason for specialization
>inb4 incest is an inevitability as a population grows

>inb4 you yourself are a product of incest

>> No.10057656

speciation, not specialization

>> No.10057666

Once you're at second cousin you're pretty much at defect levels of non related people.

>> No.10057720

Who said anything about extermination. I just want it to be recognized that not everyones equal, and racial differences exist.

>> No.10057723

I probably wasn't the result of incest too be honest

>> No.10057739

>i already had long and thoughtful reply written but then i realized there is no point in trying to reason with you so instead im just gonna call you fucking retard
you're aim isn't to convince him, you're aim is to convince the people that are undecided and lurking the thread.

>> No.10057828

The income gap is larger than the racial gap, i.e. there's more improvement to the mean between the highest and lowest income classes in blacks (183 points) than in whites (152 points). This suggests that there are probably other socio-economic issues that we need to account for to get more accurate results. It doesn't conclude or even imply that the gap is caused by genetics.

>> No.10057834

Not it alone but everything else does, including crime rates, college admission rates, the behavior of other races, and incidents like the liberation of enslaved blacks to Liberia, and the current cultural state of Africa.

everything points to blacks being inferior to every other single race on earth.

>> No.10057863

Crime rates and college admissions are almost exclusively explained by a long term culture of ostracism and oppression from people in power towards blacks. What do you do when you've tried to break out of the stereotypes placed on your people but you live in a society where the racial majority fight against your success at every turn? Oh, we just want them to conform to our cultural standards, if only they'd do that there'd be no problems! But not in our neighborhoods or places of business, and certainly not with our sons and daughters! Separate but equal right guys?

>everything points to blacks being inferior to every other single race on earth.
Everything points towards blacks being treated as inferiors by every other race on earth.

>> No.10057870

“Race” and “species” are literally two words for the same category of things. The human races would easily constitute separate sub-species if not outright different species without (((them))) having complete control of modern science and preventing actual racial studies.

>> No.10057883

>Muh ostracism
That doesnt justify ill behaviour, and they were never barred from participation in society after their liberation. Shortly after they were freed business ownership climbed to something like 38% of their total population. That was during the time of heaviest discrimination. Thats slowly leveled off to nothing. So your argument is invalid, in fucking full, and its even further nullified by watching south east asians ROCKET into developed nation status, despite seeing all the same discrimination they endured.

Its purely genetic.

>> No.10057886

>in b4 you start minging about it not being in an academically released "paper"

Since you're too fucking retarded to draw your own conclusions based on existing evidence. Trust me man, I never used to be racist growing up, nobody in my family is racist, Im not even around blacks that much due to my geographic location. I reached these conclusions as I matured and the evidence became too blatant to ignore.

>> No.10057889


>> No.10057895

Cultures change. EXPLAIN THAT.

Japan used to be a bunch of savages, just look at the Nanking Massacre. Quite a difference now, eh? Africa has had plenty of prosperous and peaceful empires in its history. That's the nature history, things always changing. But you're just too narrow minded to see beyond your backyard and your propaganda websites.

>> No.10057897

Lmao you got owned by >>10057263

>> No.10057900

>Japan used to be a bunch of savages, just look at the Nanking Massacre
This is called war. You kill eachother in war. I know this might seem alien to you but its what happens when nations fight with one another, ok sweetie.

Africa might have some half assed metropolis's but I dont see roving bands of whites or Chinese stomping people out with cinder blocks and then setting fire to their battered bodies because they think theyre witches.

>> No.10057904

>but I dont see roving bands of whites or Chinese stomping people out with cinder blocks and then setting fire to their battered bodies because they think theyre witches.
White people never had witch killings.... I can't believe I'm reading this.....

>> No.10057909

400 years in the past
>I cant even
So you're admitting theyre only at a medieval level of advancement right now?

>> No.10057912

>400 years in the past
What happened in 400 years? Evolution????

>> No.10057919
File: 19 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nooo, they developed WHITE PRIVILEGE, and this is why the WHITEMAN has da money and da education. Its because of the "privilege".

>> No.10057928

btw Im not even white, lmao.

>> No.10057929

>south east asians ROCKET into developed nation status, despite seeing all the same discrimination they endured

North Korea is still being discriminated against, and they're still a primitive backwater shit hole full of sub 80 IQ mud farmers. The Koreas are a prime example of what happens when the people in power support you vs. cut you out of society and ostracize you. They're an example for support for the cultural and socioeconomic differences argument rather than genetic.

>> No.10057937

Yet they still have ICBM's. Say what you will about them, theyre still relatively advanced for a society.

>> No.10057941

Why does /pol/ raid this board every single day with this garbage? Why not actually grow up and actually LEARN genetics rather than cry about your insecurities and political garbage online? You're a bunch of weak-willed, weak-minded garbage and you should stay poor and and dumb and stay on your containment board.

>> No.10057952

North Korea's ICBMs are shit tier and they blew up one of their own testing sites under a mountain recently. They get most of their tech and missiles from Russia, same as several African nations. I'm not sure what your point is.

>> No.10057955


Not him but when you literally have China and Russia in your fucking backyard it's not hard to have ICBMs.

Any advancements they have at this point is mostly handed to them simply because infrastructure wise you can't do much without resources to get in trades. Also it's very much implied through South Korean medical research on all NK deserters that a large portion of the population is suffering from stomach parasites because of inadequate agriculture practices. This includes the NK soldier that abandoned his post for SK.

>> No.10057957

is there a containmaent board for africans ( both jewish and black kind)?

>> No.10057961
File: 34 KB, 480x736, f7c6e4d5bfa518027fbda2b8364492ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why not actually grow up and actually LEARN genetics rather than cry about your insecurities and political garbage online? You're a bunch of weak-willed, weak-minded garbage and you should stay poor and and dumb and stay on your containment board.
>seething rage
>nothing but ad hominom attacks
the main draw to this ideology is the subconscious desire to be equal to even the best, to truly believe that with enough work, and perseverance you can be the next Jeff Bezos. The sad truth is, you cant. They possess something you dont, and it lurks far below the skin. Its in the very substance of their souls.

Only the weak cannot recognize this, because doing so would acknowledges their ultimate inferiority. This is why they respond with rage and name calling when you highlight the discontinuities in their thought. They cant admit to being lesser, theyre too wrapped up in ego.

>> No.10057970

>Im not even around blacks that much due to my geographic location.
What? someone that spends little to no time around a group doesn't like said group?
This has never happened before, they must have the most accurate opinion due to the evidence that has become too blatant for them to ignore.
As we all know, if stats display something about a group of people then there's no reason to delve deeper and find the cause, it's fair easie-I mean accurate to say that it's due to genetics.

>> No.10057973 [DELETED] 

Are you in constant face to face contact with 98% of the information you believe?

>> No.10057976 [DELETED] 

This is weak minded NPC justification. Something said in ad hoc defense, to hold onto their belief structure.

Its easily wiped out, and picked apart.

>> No.10057980
File: 61 KB, 600x643, 1539048574799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you in constant face to face contact with 98% of the information you believe?

This is weak minded NPC justification. Something said in ad hoc defense, to hold onto their belief structure.

Its easily wiped out, and picked apart.

>> No.10057988

>Are you in constant face to face contact with 98% of the information you believe?
As in, face to face contact with people?
Or face to face contact with data?
>This is weak minded NPC justification. Something said in ad hoc defense, to hold onto their belief structure.
The core of my point was, it seems to easy to blame every action on genetics while completely ignoring the effect that the environment, be it societal or otherwise, would have on a group.
For example, the opioid crisis in the US, is that just working class people being trash because their genes are more likely to be the genes of trashy people, or is it due to something else?
>Its easily wiped out, and picked apart.
Ok, why are you wasting server space by replying with that instead of wiping it out and picking it apart?

>> No.10057990
File: 14 KB, 400x299, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't cut yourself on that edge, kid.

>> No.10057997

>while ignoring the effect of environment
The race creates the environment. If you put a black person in a predominantly white society, they'll naturally do better then some sub saharan nigger because theres an effective utilization of resources occurring around them. This doesnt mean its privilege or that blacks can do just as good if there wasnt some MAGICAL oppression mysteriously holding them back from success, for no reason.

>The core of my point was, it seems to easy to blame every action on genetics while completely ignoring the effect that the environment has
Prove cultural environment proceeds genetics.

>> No.10058000

>Ha I called him kid
When you die, you will experience pain beyond what you could ever imagine, and you will beg for mercy but none will come.

>> No.10058003
File: 10 KB, 304x304, jb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Godcuck shitposting about genetic racism on the science board
wew lad

>> No.10058009
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>amazon cuck ignoring genetic realities about intelligence and ability

>> No.10058018
File: 178 KB, 800x1054, 4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amazon cuck
I'm making fun of you for trying to argue that "Jeff Bezos has a superior soul" you autistic faithtard. You don't belong on this board.

>> No.10058024

>The race creates the environment. If you put a black person in a predominantly white society, they'll naturally do better then some sub saharan nigger because theres an effective utilization of resources occurring around them.
Ok, let's say you do this for extended period of time (putting a small amount of black people in a predominantly white society and then sending them back to, as you called it, "some sub saharan nigger") would there be no change to that society after a majority of its population has gone through this?
>Prove cultural environment proceeds genetics.
You already agree that that's the case though, why else would you have written "If you put a black person in a predominantly white society, they'll naturally do better then some sub saharan nigger".
Unless, you think you're wrong?

>> No.10058029
File: 168 KB, 604x340, 1535686329337.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AHAHAHAHAAHA *pulls out Trump card*

Look up the Liberian experiment, you irredeemable retard.

>> No.10058042

so are you going to post a specific article or will you be okay with me choosing any that I come across when I search the "liberian experiment"?

>> No.10058043

>You already agree that that's the case though, why else would you have written "If you put a black person in a predominantly white society, they'll naturally do better then some sub saharan nigger".
>Unless, you think you're wrong?
Because whites produce a free society in which they can readily leech off of and be supported. They dont have t rely on other nigger making computer chips and operating systems, all they have to do is sign up for a job, because theyre niggers. This isnt a difficult concept to comprehend.

>> No.10058045
File: 220 KB, 500x374, 1538897989118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"article" tell me about the general history of liberia. Its a nation comprised of free'd slaves that wanted to go back to Africa, instead of building something better they enslaved the locals and engaged in 200 years of continuous inter tribal warfare.

>> No.10058047

Why do you type like a chick?

>> No.10058048

Thats not black though, right? Consistent success is definitely white, but you cant assign consistent failure to anyone, because "dats wacist"

you fucking child.

>> No.10058052

>"article" tell me about the general history of liberia.
okay, well be specific because referring to the general history of Liberia as something vague like "the Liberian experiment" will bring up a lot of different things in google.
Top three results:

>> No.10058053

I doubt that's how the history actually went down, but you are really saying they're bad for enslaving people?

>> No.10058067

>Whites are bad for enslaving people
>blacks did it because they were taught

Get the fuck off this site, you disgusting wad of shit.

>> No.10058082


>Prove cultural environment proceeds genetics

Not him but nutrition straight up effects genetics. It is impossible to deny that resources such as iodine, iron and Omega Fatty acids aren't affecting cognition let alone other physiology. It's abundance/ geographic location can straight up dictate what a population's future logistics in terms of traits look like. If a culture even starts to dictate how resources like that get utilized you can easily see how genetics can be affected. But that's only if they're lucky enough to be located in spots with such resources available in abundance to incorporate in their diet in the first place.

And not all environments are like that. So how in the world you can literally say statements like "race creates the environment" is nonsensical.

>> No.10058092
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No. Go starve.

>> No.10058102
File: 70 KB, 800x818, nairobi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because whites produce a free society in which they can readily leech off of and be supported. They dont have t rely on other nigger making computer chips and operating systems, all they have to do is sign up for a job, because theyre niggers. This isnt a difficult concept to comprehend.
1. Stop moving the goalposts
2. If they are leeching off of whites, why are they outperfoming them?
3. You don't rely on whites to make computer chips and operating systems, you rely on the chinese and the indians.
Why is it okay for whites to rely on the chinese and indians but it's not okay for blacks?
>pic related is Nairobi, Kenya from 1960s to within this decade. Those africans must have been bringing in a lot of foreigners because, according to you, their nothing but leeches and there's no way they can develop something.

>> No.10058103

I never said either of those things.

>> No.10058106
File: 1.24 MB, 1467x841, bigfoot face woods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hybrids... hmmm

>> No.10058108

Before you say
>lol that meme
What was the fundamental shift here? Was it oppression? No, They just removed the whites.
>What was the result?
>Crop yields experienced a severe slump
How do you reconcile this with the notion of white privilege?
>hint, you cant. You're fucking dumb.

>> No.10058109

a very slight retard look in the face - the eyes area

>> No.10058111 [DELETED] 

I dont see Nigeria dectating geo political plays on the international stage
>theyre winning
You need to bring yourself back to reality sweetie.

>> No.10058114

I dont see Nigeria dictating geo political plays on the international stage
>theyre winning
You need to bring yourself back to reality sweetie.

>> No.10058120

>I dont see Nigeria dectating geo political plays on the international stage
>>theyre winning
>You need to bring yourself back to reality sweetie.
literally being one of the most educated groups of the US isn't winning?
Now you're shifting from individuals to the nigerian governments geo political position, these goalposts just keep on moving.

>> No.10058121

>I dont see Nigeria dictating geo political plays on the international stage
They're about the 30th largest economy in the world....

>> No.10058123

Educated defined by who? I can call the inuits the most monetarily successful group of all time, that doesnt make it true.

do you understand this distinction, nigger.

>> No.10058125
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>> No.10058126

>Educated defined by who? I can call the inuits the most monetarily successful group of all time, that doesnt make it true.
look at the thread

>> No.10058128

if populations A and B have been strongly separated for tens of thousands of years, then "unfamiliar" alleles introduced to crossed offspring may be able to exert deleterious traits that were hitherto well suppressed in the separate populations. the interactions are complex, just like the effects of inbreeding.

>> No.10058133

>They know how to pour concrete into floored structures.

fucking congrats, now answer the question.

>> No.10058134

imagine being such a cunt that you dishonestly exploit the brain drain of a developing country to claim that whitey is a shit and needs to just go away and die

>> No.10058135

>>They know how to pour concrete into floored structures.
>fucking congrats, now answer the question.
did you get distracted by the picture and skip the articles that were posted alongside it?

>> No.10058141

I suppose African-Americans need more iodine and omega-3 in their diet, then. That must be why they're so much trouble.

>> No.10058142

>Niggers buil'dt buldings they fo they equal

Thats your entire line of reasoning.

>> No.10058148


>Posting some chicken scratch imagemacro because you can't properly provide an argument

I thought so, this is why you chucklefucks are a joke. Enjoy your temper tantrum, next time you make retarded statements be sure you have a proper argument to fall back on.


>What was the fundamental shift here?

Lack of readied substitutes to properly support the original infrastructure. Their food infrastructure collapse because they pulled the rug way too soon. Government officials didn't properly plan ahead on how to support their population without said infrastructure. Which could have easily been addressed if they first worked deals with other sustainable African countries like Nigeria for example before taking away land.

The officials were stupid and allowed in-the-moment emotional politics to cloud their judgement.

>> No.10058154

>imagine being such a cunt that you dishonestly exploit the brain drain of a developing country
I don't know any african or caribean born friend or family of mine that is currently living out of africa that isn't using whatever income they can get to improve the lives of family back home.
>to claim that whitey is a shit and needs to just go away and die
where and when did I say "whitey is a shit and needs to just go away and die"?
I'm not like you, I don't care about peoples races.

>> No.10058157
File: 14 KB, 236x202, GH567-TY6770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>properly provide an argument
Do you not see the physical change in their society as they expel whites? Are you honestly going to sit their and deny a fundamental reality because "muh all colors r equal, and dick mutilation is good"

>> No.10058161


The African American diet (let alone American diet) is literally trash compared to every other population such as South African blacks. Since African American Cancer rates are much higher than than them.

And honestly they need to cut down on idione (it's fucking them in the diabetes department) and increase their intake on omega-3 instead of that "soul food" bullshit that's been historically proven to just be animal left overs and low grade vegetables.

>> No.10058164

That was my first post to you.

>I'm not like you, I don't care about peoples races.
You posted a couple of supremacist pieces lauding Nigerians for being oh so superior.

>> No.10058168


Anon do you have poor reading comprehension? I literally provided an explanation to the food crisis situation admitting that they let their emotions get to them.

>> No.10058169

>You posted a couple of supremacist pieces lauding Nigerians for being oh so superior.
No, I wasn't posting supremacist pieces, only things that proved my argument.
If you think that's supremacist then you have lived a life of little true conflict.

>> No.10058170

They aren't stupid and murderous for lack of iodine, iron and omega fatty acids. They are surrounded by those things, as is everyone else in the US. Even junk food, as a general whole, has these added. Even breakfast cereal can fit them in despite being 99.99% sugar.

>> No.10058176

If you're claiming a race is superior academically then you're a supremacist. There is no room for hate in our society.

>> No.10058179

>emotions r not genetically driven

you really are a retard, arent you?

>> No.10058181

>>Niggers buil'dt buldings they fo they equal
>Thats your entire line of reasoning.
Education, defined by anybody that would accept a doctorate gained in an american university.
Or does that not count for some reason?

>> No.10058185 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 650x427, 1536633463435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no room for VATe in our society, our society is a fre society, we believ ein love in our society
>spends 3 trillion on bombing browns
>everything we do is just, we are morally superior to everyone, we are the best
>spends another 3 trilliong bombing brown people
we are the best and there is nobody else like us, because my nation has 9 carriers I am physically better then you are, both athletically and academically.

fucking amerisharts.

>> No.10058186

>If you're claiming a race is superior academically then you're a supremacist. There is no room for hate in our society.
you're fun anon.

>> No.10058187

This. Now can we get back to why niggers are dumb?

>> No.10058191

Species by what definition, you /pol/ retard? Humans of all races can, have, and will interbreed and be able to produce fertile offspring.

>> No.10058193
File: 47 KB, 650x427, 1536633463435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no room for HATE in our society, our society is a free society, we believei n love in our society
>spends 3 trillion on bombing browns
>everything we do is just, we are morally superior to everyone, we are the best
>spends another 3 trillion bombing brown people

we are the best and there is nobody else like us, because my nation has 9 carriers I am physically better then you are, both athletically and academically.

fucking amerisharts.

>> No.10058197

I have never bombed anyone, and I am not American, and you seem to think it's fine to be bigoted and racist to someone on the grounds of them being American. It's not. No platform for hate.

>> No.10058203

>If you're claiming a race is superior academically then you're a supremacist. There is no room for hate in our society.
so we've gone from "niggers are just leeches" to "niggers are supremacist if a certain, specific group of them is outperforming those born in the US"?
yeesh, what can a nigga do to catch a break around here.

>> No.10058204


You should be asking yourself that question. Or do you think people having their ancestral land taken and being economically undermineded for years won't result in highten emotions built up and acting sub-optimally? This shit happens everywhere in history.

>> No.10058209

it's significant that bantus are the only people who haven't really figured out agriculture, though

>> No.10058211

If jews can carry holocaust trauma from their great grandparents, why would it be difficult to assume that black americans aren't carrying trauma from their slave great grandparents?

>> No.10058214


>Even junk food, as a general whole, has these added

Which is why their cancer and diabetes rates are up you idiot. Think about what means it in terms of financial allocation and ability to perform work. That shit can affect them and it's an actual problem (along with other Americans too).

>Even breakfast cereal can fit them in despite being 99.99% sugar.

What breakfast ceral provides proper consumption of Omega Fattty-3? Which is what they need more of right now. Remember I just said they need less Iodine (and sugar too) the diabetes rate is fucking them.

>> No.10058215

>Muh ancesteral ground.


>> No.10058218

>it's significant that bantus are the only people who haven't really figured out agriculture, though

>> No.10058222

sure you are, every american is around 1/64 cherokee, right?

>> No.10058237

>IM NATIVE north american

this gets thrown around a lot when in reality its super rare to be more than like 15%. Early American expansion killed nearly all of the natives and who they didnt kill they fucked and diluted their blood lines and torched their culture. It was probably the last time in history when an entire civilization will ever be completely nuked into the dirt.

>> No.10058240
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Shush you dumb nigger, not everyone's as genetically deficient as you are.

>> No.10058253

>Shush you dumb nigger, not everyone's as genetically deficient as you are.
Is this how people react when their group is on the verge of extinction, glad I won't have that feel in my lifetime.
Sorry Mr Crying Beaver, the "genetically deficient" win this round of who's people will survive till the next century.

>> No.10058258

This is the problem with the left, they think they'll simply kill everyone, unimpeded, who doesn't agree with their batshit insane moral dilemma. Its hilarious, when you get down to it.

>> No.10058259

No different then the nazis killing Jews really, in fact its THE EXACT SAME CULTURAL CONDITIONS. Ya'll just dont see it.

>> No.10058262

X deserves to die because they dont like Y and killing X is better then doing nothing.

This is what drove the Wehrmacht.

>> No.10058263

>This is the problem with the left, they think they'll simply kill everyone, unimpeded, who doesn't agree with their batshit insane moral dilemma. Its hilarious, when you get down to it.
>implying native americans won't drink themselves to death
also, why do you think I'm left wing?
I'm not.

>> No.10058269

<impliying natives wont just drink themselves to death
then it becomes obvious you're just jewish and you want to eliminate anything that doesnt suck newborn foreskin in for breakfast.

Stop being so fucking retarded.

>> No.10058271

Where'd all this talk of nazis come from?
I really don't care about race as much as you anons with high tiers roasts like "lol, niggers".

>> No.10058277

>then it becomes obvious you're just jewish and you want to eliminate anything that doesnt suck newborn foreskin in for breakfast.
Just because I can joke about the tragedy of alcoholism among native americans doesn't mean I'm not saddened by it, any group of humans snuffing themselves out in such an undignified way is terribly depressing to me.
I'm opposed to circumcision.

>> No.10058284

>american blacks are like nazis
>american whites are like jews
>american blacks want to kill all whites

this is why you see those signs at the park that say not to feed the animals.

>> No.10058299

>>american blacks are like, a race that has been kicked in the nuts daily until only half a generation ago
>>american whites are like, the ones that were kicking blacks in the nuts
>>american blacks want to kick whites in the nuts
This is why you were told to treat people as you'd like to be treated.

>> No.10058324

Idk, maybe?
Growing up mono-raced friends were always allergic to stuff but I could eat anything without getting a stomach ache.
Does that count?
t. mixed race

>> No.10058328

There is a finite amount of space on 46 chromosomes. As you only inherent half of each parent’s chromosomes, the amount of individual genetic diversity does not change. This fallacy is also based on the incorrect assumption that race mixing is the same as heterozygosity. Mixed race also does not imply a greater HLA diversity–and therefore a more functional immune system. Admixed individuals can have very limited allotypes while non-admixed individuals can have 18 leukocyte antigen allotypes for 9 loci. Because each human population already has more than 18 HLA variants and because there is a limit of 18 per individual, it is better to pass on those that give resistance to regional pathogens (thus, better to breed with members of the same society). Hybridization can also result in a loss of polymorphisms. If all existing clusters were to hybridize, the end result is a single, uniform cluster across the species. This is definitionally decreasing genetic diversity, and it is a threat to human civilization. A pandemic can sweep through a uniform population, leaving none alive.

>> No.10058332

in south africa they are starving to death now that they did there what you want to do here. Turns out that without the white man to keep the system running it always falls apart. Its a shame too, I really wish there was a single black majority country on earth to point to that wasnt a total joke.
if they played outside, had dogs, cats, ate a varied diet of fruits, vegetables, and legumes, then those kids wouldnt have any allergies. Its a lack of childhood exposure thats responsible for 99% of allergies.

>> No.10058337

>in south africa they are starving to death now that they did there what you want to do here. Turns out that without the white man to keep the system running it always falls apart. Its a shame too, I really wish there was a single black majority country on earth to point to that wasnt a total joke.
whites and blacks can work together, as long as we follow this code.
Treat people as you'd like to be treated.
This applies to both the inside and the outside of the oreo.

>> No.10058344

slavery ended generations before either of us was born
blacks get preferential treatment in college admissions
blacks who can put on professional looking clothes, talk like a regular human being, and show up to work on every day get preferential treatment when it comes to hiring at corporations
blacks get take more welfare money than any other group as a % per person

you want equality there are some areas right there you can work on being equal about. I'm tired of being told i need to feel bad because my great grandpa's grandpa might have owned a slave. its ludicrous to still be playing the identity politics game in 2018 but when your ethnicity cant keep up when the deck is stacked in its favor I guess you have to fall back on blaming the white man for your troubles.

>> No.10058352

You're misunderstanding what I'm saying.
Treat others as you'd like to be treated.

>> No.10058357

>Treat others as you'd like to be treated.
that's cute coming from the guy who two posts ago was calling for killing all whites

>> No.10058361


>I really wish there was a single black majority country on earth to point to that wasnt a total joke

You mean Nigeria?

>> No.10058377

>that's cute coming from the guy who two posts ago was calling for killing all whites
>implying hive mind
I am one who need no pre-reply to get respect on the servers' webpage, no lie.

>> No.10058413

Dude, ever thread you post ultimately gets raped by reality, give into it already, brother.

>> No.10058434

>welsh father
>middle eastern mother
>am mixed
>end up exceedingly more intelligent than both my parents
>taller than both and in better health than they were at my age

pretty anecdotal but whatever. my half sister is mixed too obviously and shes smarter than her father and our mother. i dont know how our dumb fuck parents managed to produce two intelligent children.

>> No.10058435


nice joke, anon.

>> No.10058455


>195 recognized countries in the world
>Nigeria ranks 30th in biggest economy and 23rd in purchasing power

Anon that's nothing to joke about. That's legitimately solid stat rise.

>> No.10058460

Why r u such a nigger.

>> No.10058467

MIXED NIGGER, thats all you have to remember.

>> No.10058468

Giving into a predisposition towards white victory is not a win. You can color everything as you please, that doesnt mean it reflects reality.

>> No.10058469

hmm perhaps there is a Subsaharan African country that isn't shit

>> No.10058473

Middle eastern and welsh are the same race

>> No.10058476

You can give into the victory you know, but still, you remain a nigger.

>> No.10058479

if it will stop all this supremacy xenophobia that babyboomers keep propelling forward then I say its the way to go. really there are much more important things to care about.

>> No.10058542
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I like tall thangs, therfo intelligence.

Shut the fuck up, nigger.

>> No.10058584
File: 456 KB, 640x640, 1535845202183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good GDP, and real increases in culture are never looked down upon.

>> No.10058657

If you must resort to posting ludicrous caricatures, you don't have any argument.

>> No.10058684

Nice straw man you've got there, inbreed.

>> No.10058712
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This board is a fucking circus.

>> No.10058834

Ok, mutt

>> No.10059036

>rap music
>about killing people, being in jail, and treating women like sex objects

was there a point to posting your video of a guy talking while beep boop sounds played in the background?

for reference this is what actual music sounds like:

>> No.10059052
File: 171 KB, 650x360, wakanda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you've accidentally confused the shithole disease ridden impoverished oil nation of Nigeria with the fictional nation of Wakanda.

>> No.10059099

>was there a point to posting your video of a guy talking while beep boop sounds played in the background?
>for reference this is what actual music sounds like:
>stop liking things I don't like
anon, this is real music

>> No.10059103

>boy's highschool choir club is real music

no this is >>10058712

>> No.10059114

per capita is the only relevant metric

>> No.10059115

>Nigeria ranked 152 of 188 countries in Human Development Index

shithole status confirmed

>> No.10059122

"African native" has the most cheerful looking skull.

>> No.10059138

you could end up with a hybrid that has the strengths of both or the strengths of neither, it's really a coin toss, and by coin toss I mean the tossing of many millions of genetic coins. i know a couple who has one child who is a beautiful, genius IQ, athletic, alpha female, and a mentally disabled, caricature of the father. same two people fucked twice and got vastly different results. and the results aren't even limited to just the genes themselves, environmental factors play a huge part. random fluctuations in everything from ambient radiation to temperature to hormone levels and toxins can all affect the way genes are expressed.

>> No.10059142

>implying that anyone is capable of being undecided

you do not "do" anything, nothing is "done", it is only experienced, it just happens.

>> No.10059149

I did all of these things within weeks of being born. I am an retard that works at a brewery. there is no corelations

>> No.10059160

>nonsense question about OP that is obviously bait
>over 100 replies of /pol/ rambling

Not science or math

>> No.10059162

>Not science or math
the thread needs to be purged

>> No.10059174

>per capita is the only relevant metric
in a country with one natural resource that is owned by less than one 100th of one percent of the population how true is your statement?

>> No.10059206

Hybrid vigor does not apple to humans. For one, we are no longer subject the same rules of natural selection as animals. Once we learned to use fire and a spear, we conquered nature. Second, humans are all all too genetically similar. We share about 85% of our genetic variation globally. There is more genetic variation within any subdivided human population than between those populations. We have the lowest amount of genetic diversity than almost all other animals on earth.

>> No.10060240

>buffalo springfield
>wft lol

>> No.10060695

Were did this "outbreeding" is good meme come from? The first is that, no, "Outbreeding depression" is a thing, so outbreeding is not good, at times, it can be just as bad as inbreeding. Keep that in mind. Also keep in mind, that inbreeding isn't THAT bad, if it was, certain human populations and animals wouldn't gladly take up that strategy. I can only imagine the "outbreeding is healthy" meme comes from dogs. But keep in mind, most dog breeds descend from TINY populations. We are talking puppies that came from serious long term inbreeding with deleterious traits. The health benefits dog get from "race mixing" are obvious, the situation is INCOMPARABLE to humans, because there are no human populations that have reach the LEVEL of inbreeding dogs have experienced. Keep in mind, again, that as long as a population has over 500 individuals, you can avoid inbreeding. For that matter OP, do you even understand WHY inbreeding is bad? Why is making a baby with your sister bad, you do understand why thats bad on a genetic level right?

If you do, then how the hell do you come to this conclusion that "the heterozygote advantage suggest that mixed race people are the healthiest?"

First no, because there is no evidence that mixed race people are healthier, provide evidence they are more healthier then the average population. Second of all, do you even understand what "heterozygote advantage" even about? How would that even happen? Do you think your body just automatically knows, "oh, you have genes from 2 races, time to make you healthier automatically!" You do realize that mixing between some Anglo and a Russian could confer traits that lead to "heterozygote advantage" depending on what trait we are talking about and the context of the environment? How do you then make the conclusion that it suggests mixed race people are the healthiest, are you stupid? Do you even know what you are talking about?

>> No.10060726

>Cultures change. EXPLAIN THAT. Japan used to be a bunch of savages, just look at the Nanking Massacre.

Cultures don't fundamentally change, genes do. Japanese culture and behavior hasn't fundamentally changed in the past 100 years, even longer, especially with the way Dutch/Portuguese traders described Japanese behavior 500 years ago, they were never savages, they were never comparable to Africans. Just because you are ignorant of their history, and point to some "massacre" that was caused in the context of a war as evidence of how culture changed is so mind-boggling stupid, especially since its a) Not relevant b) Has nothing to do with intelligence and building a first world nation.

Japan was able to quickly industrialize and was the first non-European power to industrialize, and they did it out of their own accord, cultural practices and behavior that made them willingly to accept western inventions and try to incorporate them into their society. They did it of their own initiative. "Rangaku" is a demonstration of just how important the actual behavioral and personality traits of a people are, in developing a nation. There IS no "rangaku" among Africans, especially not at such a strong enough level that it can influence an entire society. Behavior and intelligence are genetic.

You speak about how black failure is caused by some magical environmental effect, what you fail to understand is that black Americans are exactly the type of blacks you think don't exist. They have reach their environmental potential. Black Americans have the highest IQ, have the highest average incomes of blacks, are the most "civilized" blacks on average compared to the rest of the world, they are better then Africans. That is what living in the richest nation on Earth had done to them. Only problem, there is still a massive gap between them and other races, and it has to do with genetics. Which is why blacks will not change at all in the next 100 years.

>> No.10061757

probably, but the studies so far appear very small and very bias from the outset.

they did find correlations to mixed race success in schools but there are plenty of external factors. It could be that mixed race parents are often more successful or attentive to kid's school performance.

>> No.10061775

Nobody is at their potential in America save for the 1%. Don't give your shithole of violence the status of environmental potential lmao. I had a chance to go there as an exchange student next year but I ditched it in favour of Canada. I won't be going to your shithole.

>> No.10062094

please stay in your current shithole
we are full and you need to fuck off

>> No.10062207

Don't kid yourself. Anyone with an IQ above room temperature can see you'll never have either.

>> No.10062218

>pretty sure
Based on what?

>> No.10062234

>This is called war. You kill eachother in war. I know this might seem alien to you but its what happens when nations fight with one another, ok sweetie.
>Being this fucking stupid.
Open a book and read for once, you stinking mutt.

>> No.10062245

And who defines which specimens belong to which species? Evolution don't care about species.

>> No.10062285

Yeah, he had a dumbass argument. The Japanese were absolutely fucking barbaric in WW2 some of their acts were beyond war, it was some 600 AD shit. Straight up attacking Nanking and then massacring the entire fucking population, bayoneting little children. Germans didn't do that shit. Point being made, look at the Japanese now, absolutely peaceful. I think on a survey that asked young males in countries "would you fight for your country" I think Japan had the lowest yes answers at something like 18%. Japs did a complete and utter 180, it's actually crazy to think about

>> No.10062491
File: 81 KB, 645x729, ⚠️ CRITICAL ERROR ⚠️ INVERSE MASS LIMIT EXCEDED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not post here again.

>> No.10063295
File: 720 KB, 3200x1280, 1539203241308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

humans aren't artificially bred like dogs so hybrid vigor doesn't really apply

>> No.10063628

Circumcision without consent is disgusting.