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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10056167 No.10056167 [Reply] [Original]

Should i bother with STEM if i don't have a super high iq?

>> No.10056239

Ofc just look at this board, its full of brainlets who think they are some hot shit just because they are freshmen math students

>> No.10056261
File: 18 KB, 400x248, BuX-dy5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look fuckface, can you prove the intermediate value theorem with an epsilon delta argumetn? No? Fuck off back to your containment board (reddit) then

>> No.10056266

Nothing you do in this life will be of any consequence in the broader sense, so if you enjoy STEM, then by all means major in it, get your degree, have a mediocre homely-but-not-revolting family and go about your days trying to enjoy yourself and not measuring your life by outside standards.

It doesn't really matter what you get your degree in anyway, life will take weird turns and you won't end up where you always dreamed, but you'll get by, even if you end up doing shitty web design (or whatever the equivalent mindless work will be in the future), working for a bunch of foreigners your company thought they were outsourcing their work to and was too late to realize suddenly the tail was wagging the dog and they've just made all their jobs irrelevant.

In the meantime, travel when you can, go to the park when you can't, do what males you happy in your spare time, maintain ties with your good friends and family, minimize the impact of the negative drama-seeking life-suckers, until one day you are on your deathbed and think, "Eh, that wasn't so bad."

tl;dr Sure.

>> No.10056271


>> No.10056317
File: 71 KB, 1046x696, Elorg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon musk will deliver us from low IQ with neuralink, r-right?

>> No.10056320


>> No.10056430

A normal life is boring

>> No.10056498


Doing science for the prizes is dumb as fuck

>> No.10056617

If he's shitting on math freshmen, do you think that a math freshman question is a good choice to ask him?

>> No.10056620

What if I just want money and stem is just exactly as enjoyable as all other effort?

>> No.10056627

There's always CS

>> No.10056630

But superstardom's close to post mortem

>> No.10056632

Being this retarded

>> No.10056636

Would rather an hero than live such a "life".

>> No.10056639

it only grows hotter, only grows harder, these hoes are all on him,
coast-to-coast shows he's known as the globe trotter
>don't even get me started

>> No.10056683

the vast majority of society contemplates suicide on a daily basis, you aren't special.

>> No.10056690

>b urself
the rope is calling

>> No.10056835

Because he has low IQ? Now this is ideology.

>> No.10057183

>Because he has low IQ? Now this is ideology.
Not because he has a low IQ. All of that applies to everyone here. None of us are special or consequential or interesting to the world at large. The world will never know your name.

The longer it takes you to learn the above, the more pointlessly unpleasant your life will be.

Relax, life can be nice. There's no correct path, and even if there were, no one gives a shit. No one's keeping score.

>> No.10057257


>> No.10057331

>No one's keeping score.
That's where you're wrong, kiddo. Anything that involves some sort of resume and application.

.... fuck grades

>> No.10057338

why would you want to become a big deal?

>> No.10057341

Better question, in what case is it better having an engineering/science degree than a cs degree?

>> No.10057817


>> No.10058582


Your life has the meaning you give it, but no one outside your circle of contacts will ever care about you. You'll be another car in front me blocking the intersection or some dude at the market who curiously buys the same obscure brand as I do, but I will never think about you and neither will a percentage of humanity so close to zero that it might as well be no one.

And that's fine. Have fun!

Choose your friends well.

> Anything that involves some sort of resume and application.

Examine the difference to your life between getting the highest score you can reasonably expect to get vs. whatever you can get without knocking yourself out.

It's really not a big deal. Once you have a family (or decide that you don't want one), unless you are curing cancer, which you will not, your career is irrelevant, and that's good.

You are not a slave to your employer. Don't identify yourself by your occupation. Don't rank yourself among others by meaningless measures of perceived value.

This is not a "follow you passion" pep talk, by the way, this is a "do what you enjoy" reality check. You can smash your head against the wall and get furious when your incompetent brown-nosing peer gets promoted and you don't or the morons in charge don't fund your brilliant research or everyone in class next to is an idiot and a shitty lab partner.

Who fucking cares? You know what bad choices are. Avoid those. Beyond that, everything just above meth addict and just below CEO of Google is pretty much the same, and how much you enjoy it is based more on your own perceptions and desires than anyone looking outside in.

No one cares, and that is freedom.

>> No.10060226

Kill yourself NPC

>> No.10060229

It's your duty to try

>> No.10060230

>im useless so everyone must be useless too

>> No.10060322

>do what you enjoy
>It's your duty to try

Yep, these are basically what I live by.

>> No.10060957

I think if you really want to do the STEM thing, you can. Just don't give up on things. Take calc 4 times and do Khan academy if you have to.

The one thing I would suggest is to admit that you might not be the smartest. Embrace this and give your self enough supplementary material to get through it.

>> No.10061023

You should consider reading "A Mind For Numbers" by Barbra Oakley. It might help you clear up any misconceptions about learning that are undermining your confidence to succeed.

Most STEMlords are not geniuses. If you find STEM interesting and aren't in it just for the money I'm certain you can succeed.

>> No.10061192

>not aiming to become omniptotent being with an appearance of a cute little girl swallowing whole galaxies energy to dominate the whole mutliverse
Boring low achieving KEK

>> No.10061194

I'm ambitious and willing to put in the work but i don't want to if im more useful in the creative field. I love innovation and creative problem solving but suck at details and am not sure if working with others is my thing

>> No.10061562

>I'm ambitious and willing to put in the work but i don't want to if im more useful in the creative field.

What's your goal? To create a life you enjoy living or to maximize your usefulness to the world at large?

>> No.10061601

Miss me with that existential crisis shit

>> No.10061615


It's not a crisis. That's the point.

>> No.10062362

Both desu

>> No.10062488

cus fuck being average

>> No.10063115

>cus fuck being average
If you're here, you aren't using your spare time in a manner consistent with being a big deal. So once you realize that, what's the plan? Go out in a drug-fueled blaze of glory, or give everyone else in your life a break while figuring out how to be happy for yourself?