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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10051382 No.10051382 [Reply] [Original]

There's a thread on /pol/ right now with almost 100 replies of everyone arguing about this image

Can sci solve this?

>> No.10051386


>> No.10051392

Can someone answer an actual /sci/ question and tell me what part of human thought process makes these so popular?

I mean get that people like to "see how smart I am, I got it right" but most of us have grown up a world where we see actual hard maths problems, and posting one on Facebook would get absolutely no interest.

>> No.10051407

It's 25 though?

>> No.10051411

It's a troll because you're supposed to realise the two pack of chips comes with a 15% volume discount

>> No.10051414

It's 15.



>> No.10051446

What notation is that?

>> No.10051453

This. /pol/ is retarded. Don't even try to ask them about this

>> No.10051473


Soda is 10
Burger is 5
Chips is 1

>> No.10051474


>> No.10051485

drinks sizes are different
less fries in bottom row.
either 6 variables in 4 equations
appeal to common sense:
(percentage difference in sizes of drinks)*x + 2y=20
y +2z=9
y+ z/(number of fries in containers in second row)*(number of fries in containers in third row)*x=w

4 variables 4 equations in the second case

>> No.10051507

u win

>> No.10051535

Pol are retarded

>> No.10051548
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>> No.10051586

the most cringe are those where a math expression without parentheses is shown, e.g.
and most people will answer 1 because that's what you'd get if you ignore priorities of x and : over + and -, a few people will be called dumbasses for asnwering some silly fraction like 31/5, and finally my phys teacher will answer 1.429829E45 getting no lulz whatsoever

>> No.10051593


Drink = 10
Burger = 5
Fries = 2

thus, the equation is:


solving for x gives

x = 25

also, /pol/ is utterly retarded.

>> No.10051642
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>disguising simple linear systems as funny brain training challenge

>> No.10051713

>call other people retarded
>dont notice there are 4 fries in third row

>> No.10051794

Exactly, /sci/ is fucking retarded, too many 90 IQ jews
exibit A and B >>10051386
t. /pol/

>> No.10051814


>> No.10051862

Fucking britcucks off my board reee

>> No.10051979

In the 5+x=9 row there are 28 fries (7 per container) while the bottom layer only has 6 in the container. Therefore the bottom is in fact 5+(6/7)*10

>> No.10051980

>bottom layer
I meant row

>> No.10051985


>> No.10052020

Go ahead and stay there

>> No.10052035


>> No.10052046

1 set of fries is clearly the square root of 2. If you saw B + FF + FF = 9 you wouldn't assume that FF meant F + F.

>> No.10052077 [DELETED] 

3 & 0 & 0 & | & 30 \\
1 & 2 & 0 & | & 20 \\
0 & 1 & 4 & | & 9
1 & 0 & 0 & | & 10 \\
0 & 2 & 0 & | & 10 \\
0 & 0 & 4 & | & 4
1 & 0 & 0 & | & 10 \\
0 & 1 & 0 & | & 5 \\
0 & 0 & 1 & | & 1

>> No.10052084

3 & 0 & 0 & | & 30 \\
1 & 2 & 0 & | & 20 \\
0 & 1 & 4 & | & 9
1 & 0 & 0 & | & 10 \\
0 & 2 & 0 & | & 10 \\
0 & 0 & 4 & | & 4
1 & 0 & 0 & | & 10 \\
0 & 1 & 0 & | & 5 \\
0 & 0 & 1 & | & 1

>> No.10052092

The answer is 15.



>> No.10052216 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10052305

Because the average person wouldn't even know where to begin to try and solve such a problem. You see problems like these pop up from time to time, where the initial part is easy but the last part, involving multiplication, yields a variety of different answers based upon which order you apply the operators in.

>soda x3 = 30, soda = 10
>soda x1 + burger x2 = 20, burger = 5
>burger x1 + fries x4 = 9, fries = 1
>burger + fries x soda = ?
>5 + 1 x 10 = ?
>5 + (1 x 10) = 15

I guess people like these sort of questions because they're relatively easy and the amount of people that get it wrong gives them a sense of superiority over their fellow man.

>> No.10052566


>> No.10052571

Oh, I didn't see that the fries were doubled. It's 60, not 70.

>> No.10052579

And I forgot to do order of operations so it's not 60, it's 15.

>> No.10053077

stop spamming this thread
or at least post the /sci/ version

>> No.10053101

if the sum of three drinks equals 30, then one drink has to equal 10.

Since 20-10=10, then two burgers equals 10 meaning that one burger equals 5.

Since 9-5=4, then two fries plus two fries equals 4.

In the third image, however, since there is only one fry we can conclude that it is only one. Therefore, the last expression reads:

>5 + 1 * 10=

If we use PEMDAS, we find that the answer is 15.

>> No.10053119

it's 15, unless you're so irreparably autistic that you try and vouch for the argument that the two fries and 1 set of fries are completely different variables with no relation to each other

IQ of 98, by the way.

>> No.10053226

Drink = 10
burger = 5
5 + (fries)^2 + (fries)^2 = 9 (they're next to each other so they're clearly being multiplied)
2(fries)^2 = 4
(fries)^2 = 2
so fries = ±√2

the final expression then equals 5±10√2

>> No.10053250

Count the fries.

>> No.10054955

You know,isn't really difficult. What tricked /pol/ is the 3rd row that had 4 fries(not fucking chips). they assumed that the fries in the third row were equivalent to the ones in the fourth

>> No.10055566
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>Burger is 5
>Chips is 1
>5 + 1 + 1 = 9

>> No.10055576

Its unsolvable because you cant prove that the 1 set of fries symbol is half of the 2 sets of fries symbol.

>> No.10055609
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And they say math doesn't need philosophy. Look at this thread. Its amazing anything gets done

>> No.10055625

Kek /pol/btfo once again.
science > racism

>> No.10055765

you realize there are 4 packages fries there right?


1 fry pack = 1

>> No.10055775

Wait, if soda, burger and fries are x, y, z, then we could say that

3x = 30

Using a kramer matrix I get the results

x(soda)= 10

So one burger, one fries, and one soda equals 17

>> No.10055780

i agree with this post

>> No.10055810
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Dumb mathkeks


>> No.10055819

There are 4 fries in the 3rd equation and the one to solve has a multiplication sign and I didn't note it.

I'm a brainlet :(

>> No.10055828
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>> No.10055970
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You're right... my bad

>> No.10056185

I like Phil but how does philosophy or it's absense get you to a different answer than 15?

>> No.10056191

Soda is 10 each
Burgers are 5
Fries are 1
Burger + Fries * Soda =?
Notice the fries from the line above and the line in the unsolved equation are different and the unsolved equation fries are missing one.

Thsoe fries are worth 6/7
So 5 + (6/7) * 10 is 13.57 following PEMDAS/BEDMAS

>> No.10056237

This, fries are 1/7 each

>> No.10056333
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I can't, but Mathematica can. Answer is 20.

>> No.10056338


>> No.10056368

adult onset type 2 diabeetus

>> No.10056374

The guy who replied 16 obviously knew the answer already and said 16 as a joke or it isn’t really possible to arrove at that number. Out of the two of you, you’re the dumber

>> No.10056395

it's b+4c=9, you absolute retard

>> No.10056408

if fries are 1 each then

5 + 1 + 1 = 9

7 = 9

>> No.10056428

cup = 10

burger = 5

fries = 1

Some people peobably miss there's only 1 fries in the last equation as opposed to 4 in the equation before.

I'm /pol/ regular and I make it


>> No.10056429

oh! I missed the multiplication symbol

5 + 1 x 10 = 60

>> No.10056476


>> No.10056479

Oh fuck 70

>> No.10056511

Actually the last equation has 6 fries as opposed to 28 in the equation before that

>> No.10056526

5+1*10 is 15 how i remember

>> No.10056536

10 + 10 + 10 = 30

10 + 5 + 5 = 20

5 + (1+1) + (1+1) = 9

5 + 1 x 10 = 60

If it isn't can someone pls spoonfeed me the answer, because it's either witchcraft or a method of mathmatical process that goes against common sense.

>no I don't have to do the multiplication first
you don't make the rules

>> No.10056727

Its 60
Cup is 10
Burgers are 5
Fries are 1
Burger plus fry times cup

>> No.10056741

Multiply first
5 + 1 x 10 = 5 x 10 = 50

>> No.10056780
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