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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10050946 No.10050946 [Reply] [Original]

>calc test on limits and differentiation monday
>only have tomorrow, sunday, and a few hours the day of to study
How fucked am I lads? Is it possible to learn in that time frame with only a bare-bones knowledge?

>> No.10050951

shit is easy, you haven't learned it by now?

>> No.10050961

>needing to study

>> No.10050963

Is it too late to learn it?

>> No.10050966

well you definitely need to learn it sooner or later

>> No.10050974

Then are roughly three days enough to do it?

>> No.10050977

why don't you start now and find out on Monday?

>> No.10050981

yes, a smart student would be studying right now and making up for lost time, you'll be lucky if you get a C

>> No.10050985

this is /sci/ version of
>300 word essay due next week
>haven't even started
>how fucked am I

>> No.10050993

really, I learned all this in high school

>> No.10051007

>busting my ass for a C
kek, fuck that. I'm playing vidya all weekend and withdrawing next week.

>> No.10051011


How difficult is it to write a 300-word essay? That's less than a page

>> No.10051069

are you serious?

>> No.10051078

Lol I'm at the same uni as you. This shit is easy senpai you just didn't pay attention. I won't get 100% but I'll get a decent grade just from showing up to class and doing the drills assigned. Sometimes basic logistics is all you need. Learn from this.

>> No.10051095

pop quiz
what is the derivative of
x e^x

>> No.10051098

This is high school level shit. What garbage uni do you go to

>> No.10051104

What state, anon?

>> No.10051156

>300 words
>one week

God engis are retarded.

>> No.10051167

e^(x^(2)) = y

ln (y) = ln e^(x^(2))

ln (y) = x^(2) * ln e

ln (y) = x^(2)

1/y * dy/dx = 2x

dy/dx = y(2x)

•Final answer:

e^(x^(2)) * (2x)

Not op but havent done derivatives in a while, forgot how fun they are.

>> No.10051208

You’re mom

>> No.10051843

>what is the chain rule

>> No.10051845

>Is it possible to learn in that time frame with only a bare-bones knowledge?
Why don't you try it and find out?

>> No.10051892

i have to admit, if you forgot the chain rule, that is a cool and clever way of doing the derivative

>> No.10052368
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Practising old exams is the only thing you can do on such a short notice.

>> No.10053706


>> No.10054093

Are you retarded? Thats exactly what he means

>> No.10054153

Pop quiz
What's the derivative of 1/2*pi*sec(pi*x)*tan(pi*x)?

>> No.10054155


>> No.10054191

you shouldn't be worrying about this, at your level calculus is plug and chug. only worry if you have to memorise the trig formulae or something.

>> No.10054686

the fact that you actually wrote out ln(e^(x^2)) = x^2 * ln(e) = x^2 instead of just going straight to x^2 pisses me off more than it should

>> No.10055467
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to distinguish from ln(e) = 2*pi*i
(pic related, it's me)

>> No.10056704

God you're dense

>> No.10056725

t. CS

>> No.10057222

Had to take 2.5 years of calc :(
HS Calc+ Calc 1/2 + Multivar 1/2.