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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10050261 No.10050261 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10050262

You're mom.

>> No.10050263


>> No.10050270


>> No.10050276

Mathematics is the only field where they actively scoff at their work having practical application

>> No.10050345

i hate math

>> No.10050350

Probably a masters' in film studies. No funding, no industry jobs. Yet specialized enough that you'd be deemed "overqualified" for most entry-level desk work.

There's all that grant funding though.

>> No.10050364

Result of "When will I ever use this?"

>> No.10050370

>film studies
What's that even for? Being a movie critic?

>> No.10050380

At least it's not Animation. Ridiculous amounts of effort to get to the degree of skill where you'd start getting considered hireable with an extremely oversaturated market and unstable working positions. That's just a death sentence.

>> No.10050397

It's pretty much just academic literary criticism but for films. There are a few extra complexities given that you have to take cinematography into account but 90% of the degree is just reading literary criticism anyway. I think most people seek PhD's and ultimately academic (or fast food) jobs afterward. Most film critics don't have film studies degrees, and it doesn't help you become a filmmaker at all.

There is a job market for animation, at least. There's actually a really good job market if you're looking to do work in scientific, medical or technical animation and you have a degree in it. You're also about 500% more likely to get a job in animation if the term "rooster teeth" doesn't mean anything to you.

>> No.10050429

CS, followed by grievance studies.

>> No.10050472


>> No.10050479

"Game design"

why the fuck do universities offer this degree

>> No.10051174

and that concludes the lecture

>> No.10051185

arent they just there to clean up the engineer's equations?

>> No.10051197

I was going to say this kek

>> No.10051198

x studies for all x

>> No.10051203

physics at least with a math degree you can be an actuary

>> No.10051582

Why is overqualification a thing?

>> No.10051598


>> No.10051607

Women's Studies

>> No.10051610

They (rightfully) assume you won't be satisfied with your job. Either you'll be lazy because you're not getting paid what you think you're worth, or you'll get bored because you aren't sufficiently intellectually stimulated by your work.

>> No.10051631

The nth

>> No.10051682

They need money to improve labs

>> No.10053105


>> No.10053107

no lmao

>> No.10053113

PhDs in psychology can teach/do research in neuroscience as long as they took the scientific route instead of the “how does that make you feel” route.

>> No.10053114

Everything outside of

Maths, Physics/Engineering, Medicine, Life Science, Chemistry, Comp Sci, Classics, Theology, History, Politics.

Pure biology is shit obviously but the field has many important things which are necessary

>> No.10053117

men's studies

>> No.10053120

Math is for normie plebs.

>> No.10053135

law 100% hands down

>> No.10053159

I'd say about 50. Anything you wear is either too cold or too hot.

>> No.10053175


>> No.10053193

>Life Science
>Comp Sci


>> No.10053195

>Classics, Theology, History
what can you do with these degrees?

>> No.10053198

Be knowledgeable

>> No.10053318

What normal people think education means:
>The facilitated acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits
What nigger Burgtards think education means:

>> No.10053362


>> No.10053798
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>> No.10053871

wtf are you talking about 50 is fucking north africa tier

>> No.10053918
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The modern university is run as a for-profit business and responds to market incentives.

>> No.10053997

Maybe if you aren't living in LA.
Game industry is larger than movie industry.
Not if you do microbiology.

>> No.10053998

Nope. 6 figure income in HR.

>> No.10054056

Anyone you don't enjoy

if you like women's studies or like Chemistry go for it.

>> No.10054102

What's to keep someone from understating their qualifications?

>> No.10054110

I heard that some liberal arts colleges are offering degrees in Harry Potter studies now.

>> No.10054112

you can pretty much go into any field if you do physics though. Loads of graduates end up doing something in finance or business consultancy. And economics is pretty easy to pick up after physics

>> No.10054113

only good answer to be honest

>> No.10055039

what about biotech

>> No.10055067


so what does this knowledge enable you to do?

>> No.10055309

Uhh based

>> No.10055316

Biotech’s are just engineers but with a better job market and pay

>> No.10056860

become woke

>> No.10056865

Canadian education is really something, I'm glad we haven't attracted the same criticism as the US.

>> No.10056878


>> No.10056893

>Be biochem fag
>Math fags laugh at me and say biology isn't a hard science
>Proceed to spend the rest of their time jerking off other mathfags for how smart they are

I hate math majors so goddamn much.

>> No.10056898


Stupidest: Yours
Best: Mine

>> No.10056900

Is it the same with a math degree?

>> No.10057093

Stop fucking dolphins with test tubes faggot, i have lemmas to develop.

>> No.10057097

What does your post do for me? Why should I read it?

>> No.10057110

>A mathematician
>Understanding engineering math

They're still at the point where they think finding closed form solutions to coupled linear PDEs is "difficult" and "useful".

Computer scientists are more useful to engineers, but engineering researchers end up learning the numerical sciences to the same level.

>> No.10057111


>> No.10057137
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All of them. Degrees are useless. Prove me wrong.

>> No.10057758

>anime pic
opinion instantly void

>> No.10057807

If it does nothing for you, then there is no reason you should read it, let alone respond.

>> No.10057918

CS. It still amazes me people waste 4 years in a degree you can literally learn for free.

>> No.10057923


>> No.10057942

gender studies

>> No.10057969

>A degree you can learn for free
So every degree?

>> No.10057996


umm ok, this is epic.

>> No.10058056

No. A lot of undergrad physics is very handwavy. You don't get the proper mathematics unless you do physics research with a math professor or a theorist

t. 4th year math and physics double major

>> No.10058426

>anime pic
opinion instantly based

>> No.10058447

You're that butthurt autist who kept spamming the site about how degrees suck because he was too dumb to get one, aren't you?
>anime avatar
checks out

>> No.10058456

I meant the fact that you can get into most fields with a math degree just like you can apparently do it with a physics degree.

>> No.10058480

>“how does that make you feel”
If you went for clinical psychology you are hireable, tho

>Game industry is larger than movie industry.
a game design degree gets you nowhere in that industry, most game designers, even today, start as either programmers and/or artists and through networking they might shape their career into a game designer's

nothing, but if you get caught before getting hired you will not land the job

perhaps that's a bit soon, but I have read academic works on the works of HP Lovecraft (out of a general interest for it), so maybe in 50 years there will a SMALL niche for people who study JK Rowling and her work

not him, but law is currently quite saturated, nepotism is worse than in most other career paths and a lot of entry-level positions are trivial to automate with AI that is, at most, 5 years from becoming good enough for the job

>> No.10058493

>The facilitated acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits
Are you implying you get any of that from modern lib art colleges? Because then you are deeply mistaken.

>> No.10058500

His posts give you life direction which you obviously fucking need boy.

>> No.10058504

Maybe if you happen to have 100 mil worth of lab equipment stashed in your 5 cubic km basement.

>> No.10058525

You can't "get into most fields" with either degree.

Yes you can study it yourself and pick it up quickly. This is true for anyone doing any difficult undergrad. But employers won't actually take you seriously without a formal qualification in the field.

In many cases a lot of the fields that people here and even professors claim you can enter are not even legal without and accreditted degree (engineering, anything involving environmental science or requiring some kind consumer protection).

When you look at those claims more closely it's often people getting clerk type jobs that you could've gotten with literally any bachelors degree, but because it's in a certain economic sector they will claim they have "transitioned" to that field. But they earn shit money and aren't really doing anything important for the company.

If you go physics or math you need to aim for PhD (1 in 2 grads get acceptence) going for academia (you have a 1 in 10 shot at succeeding) or research labs (3 out of 10).

If you think those odds aren't too bad you haven't realized yet that you'll be competing against students who are mostly smarter and better prepared than you. Engineering is even worse in regards to your odds at finding good employment, especially after you fail to find work in your field (3/10 grads) otherwise you're stuck doing clerk work for shit money again.

The solution? Just pick your fucking undergrad right from the start. Econ for econ. Business for management. Eviron for environ scientists. Biotech for biotech, financial math for quant/investment banker etc. And then be the fucking best at it and you'll make it. This is not the point in your life where you should be studying fundamental fields "because it keeps your doors open"; it fucking doesn't, it closes every door except that 1/10 shot you get at academia. Anyone telling you otherwise is either a naive idiot or a lying elitist fuckwad who doesn't understand how little he's worth.

t. Learned the hard way

>> No.10058543


>> No.10058546

Most underrated degree:


>> No.10058621

oof that's depressing

>> No.10058651

Social. Full of retarded girls obsessed by social interactions, claiming to know a bunch of stuff on different groups but never bothered to talk with them.

>> No.10058656

Mechanical Engineering

>> No.10058660

Social what? Sciences? Work?

>> No.10058725

bachelors of business, all of the non-stats parts are intuitive, i found all of content completely obvious. Not to mention ur degree means nothing when all stacy has to do is look half decent to get hired as a pleb controller.

>> No.10058827

Shape and direct culture. Don't be such a pleb, anon.

>> No.10058873

I just googled this out of curiosity and apparently 38% of Physics degrees go into engineering. What are you talking about mate?

>> No.10058875

I've always been told that getting a degree in business is 100% about making connections and networking while in college and 0% about the knowledge.

>> No.10058888

political science

>> No.10059164

>political science
but it's a science

>> No.10059215

economics is easy to pick up period, retard

>> No.10059224


>> No.10059328

This is either the best or the worst.

>> No.10059344
File: 23 KB, 437x625, fa1d071d0874ad9d45a5a42bf1a82c2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just talking about this with 2 actual philosophers... one who is kind of well known. My point is that there is nothing professional philosophers do that good scientists don't do better.

I mean... women's studies and pan-african WEWUZKANGZ studies are both probably worse... but out of the normal majors... philosophy is a fucking joke.

>> No.10059367

Only if you use metric degrees like a muslimopean. Real humans with AMERICAHEIT degrees.

>> No.10059373

Holy shit, shut up you fucking retards. Degrees are market signals... they're not about learning... literally everyone knows this. The internet allows anyone to learn ANYTHING for free in half the time. Universities are for MARKET SIGNALLING. So if you like womens studies or whatever... its fine to learn about it... but its RETARDED to waste half a million dollars getting a USELESS degree in it.

>> No.10059379

MITOpenCourseWare, HarvardX, Stanford Courses, etcetc... you can get literally ALL of the info that students at those universities get, including videos of the actual classes... FOR FREE, AT HOME.

The fact that university degrees are "signaling" is not even controversial. Therefore the only degrees that are worth anything are the degrees that help you in getting a job. Period.

>> No.10059390

where'd everybody go?

>> No.10059418

You don't need any lab equipment to learn physics.

>> No.10059425

>go into engineering.
And what does that mean, exactly? You can't work as an engineer without an engineer's qualification you dumbfuck.

>> No.10059772

>Gets BTFO
>Starts name calling him

truly a /sci/ poster

>> No.10059784


>> No.10060168

Women's studies is more of a science than political "science".

>> No.10060429

Electrical engineering

>> No.10060771

Did you read what I wrote?

Engineering is actually the perfect example. Go on to the AIP website and you'll see there is a chunk that "transitions" to the "engineering sector", but the job titles range everything from technician to technologists or a nondescript job title which screams "general STEM grad factotum". There's never a professional engineer and this is corroborated quite often on physicsforums and other sites.

It is the same in all those sectors that the AIP claim. It causes a vicious cycle:
>Physics graduates are employed as clerks or factotums in some sector
>Physics Professors smile jewfully thinking their bachelors degree is worth more than it really is
>They tell freshman they can get into these sectors and brag about the versatility of the degree; not knowing that every degree has the same "versatility" of low level general graduate employment (even liberal arts majors can get all those jobs)
>The students, being oblivious to the professional job market do not question the vastly senior academics
>More and more freshman students who do not have a shot at academia get sucked into physics
>They graduate without prospects and are forced into low paying jobs in other sectors
>Higher statistics of Physics graduates in random sectors

Cycle repeats. Someone please make a cleaned up copy pasta out of this and for pure math I'm getting tired of explaining this, but incoming freshman need to know. Unless you're gunning for that 1/10 or 3/10 academic/national lab job then a physics degree is an extremely bad decision that will ruin your life. If you eant to eventually work in biotech/engineering/financial sector you should study those fields in undergrad. There is no "transitioning" into them from physics.

>> No.10060773

Read the post chain you collosally autistic loser dweeb.

>> No.10060800

As a physics phd student here there is actually a program that transitions you into a career in data science in 6 months with 90k average starting. That said I don't expect it to be anything like the opportunities you typically get.

>> No.10060983

Maybe in burgerland, if you get good grades jobs are guaranteed(clerk at ting services) in Sweden atleast. And with that experience the doors open even more. ezpz

>> No.10061097

Wait, is animation really that bad? I guess there is lots of demand for it considering how much video content is created nowadays.

>> No.10061101

Philsophy does that too. If a philsopher, that isn't a "philsopher of" claims their work has practical signifigance, they are most likely a hack.

>> No.10061108

You certainly can. It all depends on how much you try. You get out what you put in, if you expect the college to spoon-feed you everything, as most do, you wont get much out of it. If you take agency over your own education and work towards geniune erudition college can be a big help.

>> No.10061113

I philsophy programs are a bit of a joke. Until you get to Phds at least. You can and should master philsophy on your own. The only difference between a good scientist and a good philsopher is a matter of occupation imo. Both fields are vital to each others existence, and distinctly important in their own right.

>> No.10061130


>> No.10061355

there are 2 semester coursework masters for physics students that is designed for preparation into industry. what country do you live in where the only option is to pursue a PhD?

>> No.10061361

The skills you learn when attaining those degrees can help you form coherent arguments and know how to tackle problems in shit like business and law.

>> No.10061372


>> No.10061416

who the fuck is making 6 figures in hr

>> No.10061444

Lesbian Dance Theory

>> No.10061836

>Universities are for MARKET SIGNALLING
they are mostly used for market signalling, yes, but if you are genuinely interested in what you want to study then universities are a better choice than sitting at home and studying graduate mathematics because there are a lot of very smart people in good universities doing actual work.

>> No.10061846

fukken based

>> No.10061886

>Unless you're gunning for that 1/10 or 3/10 academic/national lab job then a physics degree is an extremely bad decision that will ruin your life. If you eant to eventually work in biotech/engineering/financial sector you should study those fields in undergrad. There is no "transitioning" into them from physics.
Couldn't you still get a master's in a functional field with a bachelor's in physics? It shouldn't be as competitive as a phd program and still gives you some job opportunities

>> No.10062317

yeah you could. that guy's an idiot. probably a bitter PhD graduate that didn't get a postdoc. even in my shithole country there are coursework masters in my uni's physics department that is designed for students that want to work in industry. You could even join a masters in research or coursework in engineering. Jesus fucking Christ this board is filled with morons. Take career advice you read here with a huge grain of salt.

>> No.10062376

depending on where you live 'engineer' is just a job title
>b-but you can only be engineer if you habe engineering degree
maybe for some engineering jobs but not all. sure maybe for some engineering jobs. I personally know 2 seniors that are working as 'engineers' for some local company with a BSc in Physics. As far as I know their pay is the same for most entry level engineering jobs.

>> No.10062392

ooops double sentence there.

>> No.10062441
File: 9 KB, 225x225, trap_tsuruko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me 2 years ago
>BSc Physics student
>some faggot on /sci/ told me my degree is a meme
>FUCK IT!! I'm gonna study hard anyways
>get 3.95/4.00 GPA
>got interview from semiconductor company
>food and transport to go to interview is paid for
>got job as a management trainee
>management trainee? nani kore?
>18 month training in germany and other countries on many of the company departments with good starting pay and guaranteed promotion after training
>sign me the fuck up nigger
>mfw the other interviewees with engineering degrees didn't get the job
this is why you should study hard, learn other skills and practise on your social skills during undergrad. Now I can laugh at every bitter postdoc, phd graduate or phd students that are telling the younglings that their path is the only path.

>> No.10062452

Do you bang your head against walls for giggles?

>> No.10062454

All of them are dumb, you're never going to get universal approval for your work.

>> No.10062455

>some faggot on /sci/ told me my degree is a meme
Why the homophobia?

>> No.10062457

>And economics is pretty easy to pick up after physics
>And economics is pretty easy to pick up after physics
Being able to draft an IS-LM doesn't make you an economist.

>> No.10062593
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sowwy onichan~~

>> No.10062606

Are we being raided?

>> No.10062609

Those students get what they deserve for not thinking about their prospects after attaining such a degree. I mean, 30 minutes of googling will give you a good idea of degrees to get if you just care about making it in the private sector.

>> No.10062622
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Depends on what is taught, and to who.

>> No.10062625

astrology or homeopathy or something like that

>> No.10062667

lul. that guy has no idea what he's talking about. look at the other posters replying to him.

>> No.10062698

I'm pretty open minded about modern art but that stuff from Slade is just pitiful. Is there any point at all in going to college if you actually want to be a good illustrator?

>> No.10062717

a decade of shittery hasn't altered my views on chinese cartoons

>> No.10063185

Gender Studies

>> No.10063257

tfw work in animation

>> No.10063296

>Is there any point at all in going to college if you actually want to be a good illustrator?

Not really. YouTube tutorials, learning by viewing and learning by doing + some lecture can teach you all. My frens recommended me to study music theory since I'm into FL and think that doing music is a fung thing to do. I didn't go to art school and study etech now since you can't feed yourself or a family of four with only fun. Of course a guy with a music phd has better knowledge of what he's doing but you can't learn talent, originality and creativity. Most people who get big in the art bussiness started from a very young age and got a mentor later on. Avicii for example got discovered by a famous, professional producer and got trained by him to make his sound more clear and better. Martin Garrix also started very young and Skrillex used to be into music when he was still a little kid. Mozart played the keys when he was younger than 10.
I used to be good at drawing when I was 10 years old (good for my age) but dropped it because I rather played nintendo. I still can draw some decent shit today and have a good taste for aesthetics and shit, but my 15 years old sis didn't drop it and draws mangas, comics and tailors her own clothes.


>> No.10063320

Bachelor in physics?
Isn't that unemployment?

>> No.10063357

>data science
Name a single STEM degree that [math]can't[/math] transition to it? These days even finance graduates are supposedly becoming data scientists. I personally know a guy who graduated in finance from a crappy state school that found a 6 figure starting at a bank doing a graduate training programme where they are teaching them basic coding and libraries and calling it data science.

>90k average starting
This is the fundamental misunderstanding you have of my posts. I never said you don't have good prospects with a Physics degree. I said you can't transition to other transition to other fields as many departments claim you can. Any degree at all gives you a certain amount of prospects that you would not have without it.

However, what you're missing is that the guys who got lucking in academia are earning double that. No national lab scientist doing condensed matter work has a paycheck below 6 figures. And they're doing far more satisfying, interesting and relevant work. In the same vein people who are doing the work they studied for get the most interesting and powerful positions in industry. Not just in researcher, but there's a lot of interesting geological, engineering and life science positions.

Industry but for doing what? General factotum tech work? A lot of people find employment like that, it is not all relevant to what I'm talking about.

You can get an applied science (not accredited engineering) degree from both a physics and an engineering department. What you don't understand is that you can't get an engineering job with these degrees, you'll get "a job in the engineering sector" which is to say jobs that any diploma holding technologists could do.

I've seen many graduates from these pathways and they end up doing quality control or "labwork" that involved testing really basic properties etc. alternatively they do things like installing or selling equipment while never doing novel design work.

>> No.10063366

Aren't physicists just incredibly pretentious engineers?

>> No.10063374

Lesbian dance theory

>> No.10063381
File: 11 KB, 250x201, pepo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unless you're gunning for that 1/10 or 3/10 academic/national lab job then a physics degree is an extremely bad decision that will ruin your life.
This is what all these guys are replying to you about. But when you realised that someone with a physics degree has many more options that you were too stupid/lazy to research about, then you backtracked and said
>I never said you don't have good prospects with a Physics degree.
Honestly what are your academic qualifications and work experience? I want to understand where your points are coming from.

>> No.10063395

for a moment I thought you fell for the meta-bait, then I remembered this is a shitpost on a high iq thread and is therefore likely to attract the most intelligent shitposters on 4chan.

>> No.10063397

>Being impressed that a company pays for your interview like they're supposed to
What? I don't even...

In any case there are countless graduate training programmes for management positions like that, as you've said yourself they are open to many STEM degree holders. It is not necessarily a prestigious nor financially rewarding programme (I wouldn't know). There are many companies that barely understand the different STEM professions. If you had said "I got an engineering management job at Exxon Mobil with only a BSc" I would've been extremely impressed.

Not that this is what I was even arguing about. I'm saying that learning another field and working in another sector does not mean you've transitioned to it.

Let me again give you another example. Suppose you wanted to work as a forest scientist, but you are not sure yet, you might also want to be an engineer. Now some jackass on the internet will tell you, "yes of course, you can easily transition to it from physics by quickly reading a few textbooks!". Some other witling will boast to you how he's working for some paper mill company and leave out that he's employed as a lab tech and not a real forest scientist. They will recommend to you to do physics to "keep your doors open", but it's all bullshit.

Yes, you are right, however, you will also find a lot of physics and math grads on the internet claiming they transitioned to this and that while the reality of their employment conditions are hidden. They will leave out the details what kind of work they could've gotten if they entered academia or research. They also leave out they aren't the most interesting work in the field like they could've had they specialized early. It is natural for these people to defend their choices, especially when they've somewhat childishly attached their self worth and hopes on a piece of paper like >>10062317 >>10062667.

The internet is to blame. There is no reliable information anywhere.

>> No.10063406

then why isn't philosophy, literature, or asian studies on your list?

>> No.10063410

>This is what all these guys are replying to you about.
No they are not. They are not attacking this statistic because they know I pulled it straight from the AIP and it's true.

> But when you realised that someone with a physics degree has many more options that you were too stupid/lazy to research about, then you backtracked and said
Except I did, as summarized in this entire post >>10060771. Again you are free to look up the AIP statistics yourself if you don't believe it. But I'm not just talking about physics. I'm also talking about math and chemistry.

The kind of jobs that people are replying to me that they got is exactly the kind of jobs I said they would get if they only had pure BSc.

I know we started talking about money because that's all people here seem to care about, but if you would find the patience to read my posts carefully you'll see I was originally talking about "transitioning to other fields" >>10058525. Not a mention of job quality or remuneration.

Also how the fuck does
>As a physics phd student here there is actually a program that transitions you into a career in data science in 6 months with 90k average starting. That said I don't expect it to be anything like the opportunities you typically get.

Equate to them replying aobut
>Unless you're gunning for that 1/10 or 3/10 academic/national lab job then a physics degree is an extremely bad decision that will ruin your life.

I don't even understand your posts or why you are insulting me. If you want to be argumentative at least tell me what exactly you want to argue about.

>> No.10063414

>If you went for clinical psychology you are hireable, tho
I think you mean psychiatry; clinical psychology will just get you a shitty therapist job which sucks when there are cool fields like organizational psychology

>> No.10063432

Energy systems. it's been 2 months and I'm still looking for a job. Master generalist is just a MEME. I regret not going to cs fml

>> No.10063434

do you ever regret not developing your talent?

>> No.10063438

what would you recommend as an undergrad major to someone who wants to work in bioinformatics/genetics? Statistics BS with graduate in genetics or biology BS with statistics MS?

>> No.10063446

Look dude we all know you are a physics graduate student that is trying to convince the undergrads here that the only path they can take is the academic route. I tell you right now that a lot of those undergrads probably are gonna be burnt out in their final years and don't wanna do any research. So they are probably happy with having some shit job as a lab technician or whatever. But as the other comments pointed out they are other greater prospects like data science or some non thesis masters that will provide greater chance in industry with better pay.

>> No.10063461
File: 16 KB, 236x236, 1466253247641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking for job
>search for my degree
>chemical engineering: 1293 results
>search for CS
>computer science:4392 results

>> No.10063484

There are BSc bioinfo (or computational biochem) and genetics programmes at many university, you might want to look for a more appropriate institution. Especially ones with reputable researchers in the area. In any case your postgrad should definitely be in the field you want to do research in and more ideally at an appropriately reputable institution.

If you have no choice about your undergrad institution try to double major in biology/biochemistry with math/CS.

>Look dude we all know you are a physics graduate student
I'm actually not, none of my degrees are in Physics and I never said they were, you all assumed that of your own volition and never looked back from your assumptions. I'm in math and not employed full time in academia.

>...the only path they can take is the academic route.
That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying don't take an undergrad that meant for pure disciplinary study to begin with unless you actually want to work in academia. University is not like picking your high-school subjects. More importantly if you were intent on working as a professional in another field to begin with you should not be wasting your time and money on an only marginally related degree. Especially not just because you think it's "smart and prestigious".

> But as the...chance in industry with better pay.
I have never said there wasn't. Why are you still on about pay? I'm saying those students who burned out can't suddenly become professional engineers, which is something they were promised by their faculty. Yes, they can find work in "the engineering sector", but that is not the same thing.

And again this will "ruin your life" because if you had your heart set on something, and your hard work did not pay off then it is no consolation prize is going to fix the fact that you could've had something more fulfilling to you (especially when the appropriate degree would likely have easier due to falling within your interests).

>> No.10063523
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LOL you basically admit defeat
>I'm in math and not employed full time in academia.
no wonder you have such a hate for physics degrees lmao. Your TA "salary" giving you stress? I know that feel bro
>That's not what I'm saying at all.
it seems that way from all the stats you pull out
>if you were intent on working as a professional in another field to begin with you should not be wasting your time and money on an only marginally related degree.
people and circumstances change. they might want to pursue academia at first but change their minds later or they might want to work first before continuing their studies
>Yes, they can find work in "the engineering sector", but that is not the same thing.
for all the undergrads that want to get a job they don't even give a fuck about this
>And again this will "ruin your life" because if you had your heart set on something, and your hard work did not pay off then it is no consolation prize is going to fix the fact that you could've had something more fulfilling to you (especially when the appropriate degree would likely have easier due to falling within your interests).
this is some faggot ass response. Now you have to explain your own meaning of the phrase "ruin your life". LMAO. With so much other prospects I doubt the undergrad physics majors don't even think they ruined their lives. Go vent your frustrations on getting a math degree in the CS hate threads you faggot. See ya.

t. physics PhD student looking out for the young ones

>> No.10063540

>>10060800 here, too lazy to respond in full but it does seem like your argument backpedaled a lot from your initial stance of how shit a physics degree is so I'm not sure I care to even respond

>> No.10063590


>> No.10063612
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Even in my shitty university (National University of Malaysia) they have other options for physics students that don't want to do a lot of research work. Most of my peers that take this option go for the Masters in Radiation and Nuclear Safety because we heard the pay for NDT officers are very high. But I'm not too sure tho lmao.

>> No.10063855

Not really. I draw from time to time, but I'm more interested in music so it was an easy choice, but I regret not getting piano lessons as a kid. I wished for a bass guitar but my parents were faggots.

>> No.10064152

>You can get an applied science (not accredited engineering) degree from both a physics and an engineering department. What you don't understand is that you can't get an engineering job with these degrees, you'll get "a job in the engineering sector" which is to say jobs that any diploma holding technologists could do.
You're telling me there's no chance of getting into an accredited master's enigineering program with a BS in physics? I find that doubtful.

>> No.10064159

>accredited master's enigineering program
There's no such thing, not even for B engineering holders.

Only bachelors degrees are accredited for licensure purposes. When you do a Masters they are only empowered to give you an applied science degree. Your Masters will even have the word engineering on it, but when you try to register with the professional engineering institutes they tell your degree is not accredited.

Engineering professors will hide this fact from you and use you as cheap lab monkey labour.

>> No.10064182

Maths is just an esotheric field like Philosophy or Art but that turned out to be useful for real world applications. Some of it at least.

>> No.10064187

>LOL you basically admit defeat
Lol epic XD

>. Your TA "salary"
I work in a consulting firm and earn more money in a month than your father earned his entire life. My part time connections to academia is because I'm drawing a double salary and keeping my contacts open for when a faculty position opens. I did a postdoc at first, but found this allowed me to get funding easier.

>it seems that way from all the stats you pull out
Nigger I literally said their getting employed more often in none academic/research paths. Did you get dropped on your head the day your grade school teacher discussed fraction arithmetic?

>people and circumstances change.
Yes, we call them unmotivated weaklings. The NPCs of STEM.

>for all the undergrads that want to get a job they don't even give a fuck about this
If they're that desperate to "just get a job" they should've just studied medicine or accounting.

>With so much other prospects I doubt the undergrad physics majors don't even think they ruined their lives.
What prospects? Working as a lab tech is a dead end job that can be replaced by drone if you weren't a cheaper cog. You can't even raise a family on it.

>t. physics PhD student looking out for the young ones
No, you're just helping to perpetuate a stupid myth for your own egos sake. But you will see once you graduate with mediocre papers that you have no exciting prospects at all while people who studied more specialized fields are treated with respect and have a bright future doing what they love for more money than you can dream of.

>> No.10064195

Just do a double major in bio and cs. I'm doing it and it's great

>> No.10064202

What kind of CS stuff do they teach you with bio as second focus? Curious.

>> No.10064243

Doctor of Divinity

>> No.10064253
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I'm pretty much just taking all normally required cs courses that compsci majors usually take, minus a few higher level electives which are replaced by a personal research project.

>> No.10064261

Yes, I can imagine that. I am genuinely curious what you guys do. I am not from America. I want to know what you guys do?!

>> No.10064363

>suddenly becoming defensive and started insulting people
Just quit it dude. So fucking pathetic.
>I work in a consulting firm and earn more money in a month than your father earned his entire life.
lol me too XD

t. Math PhD 300k starting

>> No.10064500

What are some good (as in pay + quality of work) fields in geology in your opinion and which bsc + msc should one get in order to end up there with a high chance? Furthermore I looked into what a geology bachelor is doing in my country and it looks like it's just relatively basic math/physics/chemistry + general earth science shit which seems to be pretty straight forward.

>> No.10064551
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Dunno. I'm pretty happy with my English bachelor so far (not native). Picked up Spanish as well and was introduced to linguistics, which is pretty interesting. Shit's comfy.
Like many anons I started learning Japanese but it's really side stuff that I'm not really committed to, though I'm making slow headway.

>> No.10064653

another butthurt math fag kek. show me where the physicists touch you anon.
>I work in a consulting firm and earn more money in a month than your father earned his entire life.
the memes write themselves. I'm also a PhD math graduate making $300k, any job I want.

>> No.10064657

Why the homophobia?

>> No.10065063


That's useful since its for people who want to be catholic priests. You don't just sign up and become a priest, they make you work for it.

>> No.10065076

Why the Islamophobia?

>> No.10065078
File: 10 KB, 250x389, Your prize from the ffrf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me on the statue where Dawkins touched you

>> No.10065094

Mechanical Engineering and Gender Studies

>> No.10065097

Just animate nursery rhymes on youtube, you'll make millions

>> No.10065108

I just searched on the ABET website and there's a fair number of colleges that have accredited graduate programs

>> No.10065121

Why the homophobiaphobia?

>> No.10065179

what can you do with wisdom?

>> No.10065192


>> No.10065207

Celsius, miss me with that global warming shit, yo

>> No.10065210

Don't do math, do meth

>> No.10065259

Any degree that isn't engineering, a hard science, or math is pretty stupid and should be defunded.

>> No.10065589

Accredited engineering schools follow one of two models:
>3 year bachelors + 2 year masters joint programme (common in Europe)
>4 year bachelors (common in USA, Asia and commonwealth)

They both involve roughly the same amount of coursework, you will not for example see an accredited 3 year bachelor degree at a university with joint programme, you have to finish the master. However, you can't transition into the second part of a joint program without starting at the bachelors (at least this is what the departments I've talked to have told me).

You will notice for example that there is no accredited PhD programme.

>> No.10066591

Why the antisemitism?

>> No.10067182

Some shit in humanities like gender studies or african studies followed by computer "science", politics...

>> No.10068160

>the stupidest degree

>> No.10068257

Based AND redpilled

>> No.10068297

Why the racism?

>> No.10068386

Can I get an opinion on going into the medicine field, my brother told me he wants to become a doctor but I've heard it's shit.