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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10049733 No.10049733 [Reply] [Original]

Dear Chemists of /sci/:

How do I make adderall? Please help; the chemical really helps me. Need to learn how to make it.

Pic related if you think about it

>> No.10049867

Don't take adderol, why would you put shit in your body, you will lose the ability to function without it eventually. As well as that, if you're constantly studying on adderol, then you will need it for tests or interviews. Otherwise you will be thinking in a way that is no longer familiar to you and you will do badly. That's way too much of a dependancy, learn to function without it.

>> No.10049880

Too late. Also, why the tryhard conservative stance on chemical usage? Backward peasant, learn how to spell adderall.

>> No.10049882
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chemically it acts on the brain in a way that's hard to distinguish from crystal methamphetamine. I have no idea how to make it beyond that people somehow acquire huge quantities of certain over the counter medications then refine them to extract and purify the active ingredient. Obviously highly illegal and dangerous and i do not recommend it.

>> No.10049908

No, I am not talking about meth. Please do not steer my thread im that direction. Obviously, I am not talking about a hillbilly way of making meth. I mean, how do I chemically make it, supposing I already have the composite chemicals on hand.

>> No.10049914

>how do I chemically make it, supposing I already have the composite chemicals on hand

i have no idea but it is 2018 and the answer for all questions is a simple google search away. Probably make sure you take precautions so your nefarious inquiries arent picked up by the federal automated internet sweeper nets.

>> No.10049927

You're the backwards peasant, I don't have a conservative stance on chemical usage, I specifically told you my reasons for telling you not to use Adderall. I use recreational drugs myself, but I only use them on holidays, I don't even drink coffee if I'm studying for a test/interview or learning new things. The less external noise and stimuli the better.

>> No.10049947

look at the molecule
google retrosynthesis ej corey

>> No.10050681


If you're asking this question, don't even bother.

Adderall is chemically similar to Meth and as such the precursors will be just as hard to come by without the feds getting on your ass.

You'd inevitably spend a lot of money on chemicals and equipment. Without a background in Organic Chemistry your experiment might not work at all or you might have some unhealthy impurities in your end product, especially if you have no analytical equipment to monitor your reactions.

Bottom line it would be much easier to buy the stuff from someone with a script or on the deepweb

Or tell your doctor you have adhd

>> No.10050751

>No, I am not talking about meth.
You kind of are.

>> No.10051008

>paying big pharma a dime when there's hundreds of research chemicals that do basically the same thing and you can buy them online

Get you some racetams or adrafinil, faggot.

>> No.10051092

Meth and Adderall are basically indistinguishable when taken orally. The people making crystal meth are doing chemical synthesis too. In any case, since you're asking on 4chan, do not under any circumstances attempt amphetamine synthesis. You WILL fail and almost certainly harm (or kill) yourself and/or others. Also it's illegal, etc. Like others said, just buy the pharmaceutical from someone

>> No.10052013

Please learn what the fuck you're talking about before posting stupid shit

>> No.10052058

Adderall doesn't "help" you. It's a stimulant that increases cognitive capacity and you enjoy getting high from it. Does cocaine "help" a coke-addict. Stop pretending your addiction is akin to taking fish oil.

>> No.10052115

More pseudo intellectual garbage, should I credit /pol/ or /x/ for this one?

>> No.10052148

Please make a valid argument rather than violently lashing out in defense of your unhealthy habits.

>> No.10052156

Oh you must be a psychiatrist or a chemical/biomedical engineer. Please enlighten us on the statistical positive long term health effects of Adderall usage on a consistent basis. I'd love to have a look at your real scientific research debunking all these alien-sight-having /x/ hill billies.

>> No.10052364

this process produces "pervitin" 50/50 meth/decongestant. was used in nazi germany to stay alert on long missions. the mixture cannot be purified but should pretty much do what you want it to do. the ingredients i believe are commercially available. be safe, and good luck

>> No.10052909

This will help you https://books.google.com.br/books?id=A8oHBgAAQBAJ&pg=PA147&lpg=PA147&dq=adderall+syntesis&source=bl&ots=MIqiOOZlxL&sig=pHtjp69quf3ACMfG1nisGxRkl-w&hl=pt-BR&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiSo8nM8PLdAhWEHpAKHQvRAbgQ6AEwG3oECAQQAQ#v=onepage&q=adderall%20syntesis&f=false

I am very confident that if you look in the vespiary or in the hive you will find some other way but i have to tell you. It is not worth the job. belive me I HAVE TRIED.

>> No.10052916

By the way. Is there any way to get thorium out of tungsten electrodes

>> No.10052969

Take a look at this too. You will need to read a lot about the subject to get the thing done (it is an ritalin synthesis please consider making it. I belive it is as good as adderall and it helps me a lot)

>> No.10052982


>> No.10053031

>Don't take adderol
But Adderall is indispensable if you're in med school

>> No.10053036


fuck off with this retarded idea, you will kill yourself from thorium salt poisoning.
And yes I'm the anon from the other thread.

>> No.10053045

>everyone and their mother take stimulants in med school
>forced to take that shit if you don't want to look like a brainlet retard in front of others

>> No.10053127

I'm doing a double degree in engineering and science and I don't take Adderall.

>> No.10053137

Holy shit its the fbi he found me. Im gonna start using tor to post these shit

>> No.10053141

Happy people care if i die at least

>> No.10053150

You don't have to memorize shit in engineering, you just keep practicing your maths until you get enough speed at solving problems to approve your exams

>> No.10053154
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>> No.10053155
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my parents had me on that shit at the age of fucking 6, fuck the god damn quack doctors and pshychiatrists and teachers
fuck this stupid systemw here we give these no brain monkey niggers old cunts and retarded jew fucks the right to put children on hard drugs, I told my parents I wouldn't take that shit one more day by the age of 7 when I realized how it fucked with me, being 19 now and looking at how I got put on this shit makes me fucking infuriated that this shit is legal.

>> No.10053160
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>> No.10053562

Well, I mean, you're wrong.. engineering is a very broad field of study.

>> No.10053563

That's pretty disgusting and irrisponsible behaviour by the parents

>> No.10053781

funny, I can't get a hold of it no matter how hard I try, it really bums me out

>> No.10054347
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and I fucking tell you fuckers, the only fucking thing it takes for them to put you on this shit is if you act out in class one fucking time and the teacher will call the parents and tell them to look into a phsychiatrist or some shit and ofcoarse a fucking 5 year old isn't going to fucking know what to do at a phsychiatrist, that fucking jew-motherfucker will put you on enough pills to get an elephant high, I hope if any of you fuckers ever have kids and this shit ass teacher says 'You're son/daughter may need phsyciatric help' you fucking punch them in the godamn throat.

>> No.10054354

Why is nu-/sci/ so anti-drugs?
I blame moralfag redditors.

>> No.10054367 [DELETED] 

Gee guys I just started taking classes for an associate's in quantum biomechatronics aren't I so fucked lol??? How fucked am I??? :^)))

>> No.10054426
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Ezpz, recipe fits on a post-it

>> No.10054431

Also, you can replace NH3 with NH2CH3 if you want to make meth.

>> No.10054692

1. arbitrary starting point, you're acting like phenylacetone is easy to get
2. being able to write out a possible synthetic route on a piece of paper =/= being able to actually perform the synthesis
3. phenylacetone and sodium cyanoborohydride aren't that easy to get
4. you've not even contemplated the problem of stereoselectivity

>> No.10056015


This but Adderall is a mix of enantiomers so I don't think 4 is a problem,

>> No.10056058

lol yeah let me just go to the chemistry store and get p-2-p

>> No.10056149

It's easy enough to make.

>> No.10056216

I was on it from the time I was 6, too. But when I said I didn't want to take that shit I was held to the floor and my mother literally stuffed it down my throat.

>> No.10058202

I hate to be the guy that blames /pol/ for everything but it seems like it's gotten worse since the 2016 election. That's true of all of 4chan though, really

>> No.10058338

Also reductive animations with ammonia are pretty shitty