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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 74 KB, 1280x1024, osiris_color_2009-11-12T12h28UTC_rot_north_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10048001 No.10048001 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say by some miracle you manage to send off a bunch of people to Mars. The current poster child of space colonization. Then what?

Mars has no gravity to sustain a proper atmosphere (would also likely cause growth deformities in humans, animals, plants)
Temperatures range wildly, and every night they drop to around minus 100 celsius
There is no oxygen
There is no surface water
There is no food
There is no ozone layer to protect people from developing cancer
It's literally impossible to terraform, even if we had the technology for it

So what this means, is that people would live in dark, heated, concrete bunkers, under artificial lighting, eating food and drinking water they needed to transport from Earth, slowly but surely developing serious nutritional deficiencies.
All the while waiting for something to go fucking wrong with their hundreds of intricate systems, life support or hydroponics, all designed to keep people alive, but which they have no means to repair. Always tethered to Earth, even on another planet.
Colonizing Antarctica or the depths of Earth's oceans hold more plausibility than space colonization.

Let's be honest here for a moment. Colonizing space is not a dream. It's an insidious lie meant to deceive people into believing that it's okay to let corrupt politicians and greedy corporations to befoul and ruin the only known planet capable of supporting life in the universe, because "they can always just make a new one".

>> No.10048017
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Read this, and never post here again until you've at the very minimum read a Wikia article about the topic:
In short, it is possible with current technology, but it is incredibly expensive and most people are still happy to live on Earth, so there isn't enough capital in it.

>> No.10048020

>Colonizing Antarctica or the depths of Earth's oceans hold more plausibility than space colonization.
You don't even understand the very real need for space colonization. Which is what?
An existential insurance policy. Don't keep all of your eggs in one basket.

>> No.10048044

And you go ahead and post a meme. What a fucking genius.

>> No.10048046

Read the fucking articles you disingenuous little prick. Until you've clearly done that ,we have nothing to talk about.
The point being, it needs to be done if we're definitely going to have a future. Because, whether we like it or not, at some point we'll have to leave this planet, or get BTFO by something like a surprise asteroid we can't stop.
This is one and only chance, don't squander it.

>> No.10048047

It should be illegal to waste resources on things like this. We have issues to solve on this planet and irresponsible behavior cannot be tolerated.

>> No.10048050

>"Save" planet.
>100 years later, get BTFO by a massive asteroid.
>Wow, that was totally worth not going to space.

>> No.10048062

Old europe also had many problems before they colonised america. As it turns out, 8 billion people can direct their attention to more than one thing at a time.

>> No.10048083

Thats a good question. But the answer is quite simple.

Don't go walking naked on the surface of the mars. You dig a tunnel for safety, temperature, pressure, artificial layer, protection from radiation, to create a closed city, etc.

>> No.10048090

It is about humanity's expansion to every planet and solar system. It is about making humanity independent from Earth.

>> No.10048098

>Don't go walking naked on the surface of the mars. You dig a tunnel for safety, temperature, pressure, artificial layer, protection from radiation, to create a closed city, etc.
The trouble is, OP seems more want to live in luxury rather than insuring the survival of our species, and allowing species.
Even though, after enough time had passed, we would probably end up having a measure of luxury anyway.
After all, Rome wasn't built in a day.

>> No.10048100

>Colonizing space is not a dream. It's an insidious lie meant to deceive people into believing that it's okay to let corrupt politicians and greedy corporations to befoul and ruin the only known planet capable of supporting life in the universe, because "they can always just make a new one".
based and greenpilled

>> No.10048112

>>10048100 see >>10048062.
It is possible to do more than one thing at once.

>> No.10048114
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>he considers posting two Wikipedia articles and a sci-fi image an argument

>his answer to ensure the survival of our species is turning us into troglodytes and morlocks
Enjoy your rickets and taking Vitamin D pills for the rest of your life.

>It is about making humanity independent from Earth.
Like how you can make a fish independent from water?

>> No.10048122

Irresponsibility is tolerated every second fuckhead.

>> No.10048139

except these "greedy jews who are ruining the planet" are against space exploration and exploitation and want to implement Agenda 21 to kill 90% of Earth's population. The very people who are ruining the planet, want to save the planet thorugh massive depopulation.

>> No.10048144

>Like how you can make a fish independent from water?
We make the fish independent from the ocean/lake by building an aquarium. Aquaculture is extremely productive and has massive yields of fish meat in very small artificial ponds.

>> No.10048145

good goy, we will reserve a seat for you in our spaceship for when we are finished burning earth to the ground, promise

>> No.10048149

>he considers posting two Wikipedia articles and a sci-fi image an argument
Just blew your only chance to be taken seriously. Good job, idiot.
>Enjoy your rickets and taking Vitamin D pills for the rest of your life.
You mean just like those inuits have to? Oh no, wait, they get it from dietary supplements, or you could use UV lamps. Gosh, you really are stupid.
>Like how you can make a fish independent from water?
You mean like:
Because that is what Earth is in space, and we can replicate the conditions required for it. Just like we can for fish, although considerably more complicated.
Anyway, you might want to go here:
Because I just demolished your only "argument", and two of these weren't even directed at me.

>> No.10048151

>Like how you can make a fish independent from water?

More like "How you can get fish into more than one pond." Because sometimes ponds dry up.

>> No.10048152

Off-topic and /pol/, fuck off back to /r/The_Orange.

>> No.10048153
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>Agenda 21

>> No.10048157
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ebin bait you epic troll

>> No.10048160

>everything I don't like is /pol/
you should fuck off back to r/communism instead

that shitboot is an /x/tard, we tell their retarded asses to fuck off too

>> No.10048177

>Not /pol/
Fuck newfag, /x/ is almost entirely creepy pasta bullshit.

>> No.10048180
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what the fuck? I'm the second (you) and I despise /pol/ degenerates, they are the exact types of complicit brainlets who fall for this shit

>> No.10048187

>Muh Earth
>Muh magic rock
No, the biodiversity is what matters.

>> No.10048204

>Correct me if i'm wrong
>something to go fucking wrong

>> No.10048206

To clarify what I meant about native Arctic peoples:

>> No.10048224
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>>Muh Earth
>>Muh magic rock
wtf kind of straw-man are you even trying to make I never said anything like that
>No, the biodiversity is what matters.
no shit? which is what is being destroyed at an insane rate right now, the holocene extinction event is currently ongoing and people don't know or care

>> No.10048229

Oh, I just testing as to whether you more upset about the loss of dirt, or the loss of irreplaceable species.
Fair enough, you're genuine.

>> No.10048335

I think a famous astrophisicist talked about the kardashev scale, michio kaku here foud it:

Why is it important to go to Mars?
Simple. do u wanna stay as a 0,7 planetary civ? Personally I would like for our species to be space faring.


>> No.10048366

>Simple. do u wanna stay as a 0,7 planetary civ?
I wish you fucking autists would just stick to your video games

>> No.10048401
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The correct answer is that we wait another few decades (a century on the outside) until the nature of humanity is itself changed with a shift to virtual human intelligence, and dependence on an ecosystem is unnecessary. Asteroids, moons and planets can then be more straightforwardly converted to a universal computer substrate for our heirs to "colonize".

The notion tends to send Penrose-faggots (and the more clueless religious types who don't understand that in Judeo-Christian terminology, soul = information construct, not a fucking invisible ghost) into an autistic rage, but it's the inevitable and ultimate outcome of our civilizations technological vector...biological humans are already eschewing the real world for the virtual in gaming, for instance.

We'll keep the Earth around for the sake of nostalgia, of course.

>> No.10048415

>Why is it important to go to Mars?
>Simple. do u wanna stay as a 0,7 planetary civ? Personally I would like for our species to be space faring.

Since there is no alien life in the known universe, let alone space faring ones, this whole let's group civilizations into classes thing is nothing more than bad fantasy, comparable in usefulness to debating the power levels of Dragon Ball characters.

>> No.10048419


Finally a poster who sees sense. The idea of sending fleshy weaklings to other planets is silly when we can develop truly powerful life instead.

>> No.10048422

>a shift to virtual human intelligence
Lol, genetic engineering is a far more likely route for early transhumanism.

>> No.10048443
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The two technologies complement each other.

The more we learn about genetics, the better our understanding of how intelligence arises from a lump of grey pulp. This can direct the development of increasingly sophisticated neural networks in computing.

>> No.10048448

I prefer being a biological being. I think things like taste, and the pleasure of sex are something that most non-incels would miss.
Although, I'm all for exoskeletons and SENS.

>> No.10048475

jesus fucking christ what a vision for the future, no real humans or life left, only a giant datacenter covering the surface of a cold dark rock remains. 10 billion npcs trapped in an infinite gradient descent loop, a symbiosis, reflections of what once was, pretending to have souls until the end of time

>> No.10048481
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>> No.10048483

>pretending to have souls until the end of time
You mean like we do already?

>> No.10048523

no, but perhaps you are? I don't understand how any real person with a consciousness can believe your trans-humanism bullshit. You could perhaps create a chat bot that uses some intricate statistical algorithm("ML") and tons of data to generate responses that make it appear human, if you improve the software and hardware over time, eventually it might be able to fool everyone into believing it really is a human, that doesn't mean it magically spawned a consciousness at some point along the way. If you have a consciousness you will know that what I'm saying is the obvious truth.

>> No.10048525

I'm not the computer loser, I'm the biotranshumanist. I like having a penis, and a tongue.

>> No.10048527

>things like taste, and the pleasure of sex

Will be simulated to match human expectations.

>only a giant datacenter covering the surface of a cold dark rock remains

You're not seeing the biosphere for what it is at the moment: a relatively thin layer of biological soup limited to a single world in an estimated hundred quintillion. Your body is just an ambulatory tube designed to eat in one end and shit out the other while trying to procreate with other ambulatory tubes, with an intellect attached to it by a freakishly rare evolutionary development.

When we're re-shaping entire galaxies into colossal Matrioshka Brain arrays, we'll consider this level of our development "quaint".

>10 billion npcs

I can't believe that moronic misinterpretation of a pop sci article actually exists on this board.

>> No.10048529

>Will be simulated to match human expectations.
Not the same thing, bro. Get some pussy, some steak. You can't simulate that.

>> No.10048535

>Colonizing Antarctica or the depths of Earth's oceans hold more plausibility than space colonization.

lmao are you the anon in that spacex thread screeching about how space colonization is stupid?

>> No.10048539


>> No.10048545
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If you think we could be exploring other planets with our current technology you're delusional.
Friendly reminder that the last time people visited a celestial body was literally 50 years ago, and it wasn't even actually a planet, it was our own fucking moon.

Even more proof that space colonization is a terrible meme for brainlets

>> No.10048550


>> No.10048555

Why waste this money when they could be spent on astrophysics ?

>> No.10048556

>Facts detected: 0
Fun fact, we have technology, just not the funding.

>> No.10048560

Probably because sensible investors realize what you morons can't, namely that the funding such an endeavor would be like flushing money down the shitter as there is nothing out there but dead, worthless rocks.

>> No.10048564

No, it's because not enough people want to leave Earth yet. Idiot. Therefore, there isn't a large enough market.
You're the fucking moron. Maybe sick to... well... not knowing shit.

>> No.10048565

Also, worthless rocks?
Enough resources to literally fuck up our economy.
Also, you clearly didn't read those articles as this is mentioned in them.
So, you're still an idiot, OP?

>> No.10048571

Stop feeding the troll you stupid cunts

>> No.10048573

What else is there to do? /sci/... in fact, 4chan... is nothing but shitposts nowadays!

>> No.10048583

>Let's say by some miracle you manage to send off a bunch of people to Mars.

I think you made a very effective case against humans going to Mars, however, the colonization may be carried out more comfortably by AI and robotics, until the chemical and biological transformation of the surface to make Human existence there tolerable.

>> No.10048607

Yes! Yes! And then eventually our virtual heirs convert themselves into pure energy and bounce around off mirrors and bathe inside the nuclear fires of stars and share kinky tips on which black hole is best for quantum foam sex!

>> No.10048610

What is wrong with you weirdos?

>> No.10048624


It is reasonable. Merely reduce the human population to a fraction of what it is today and keep it there, ( 10 to 50%, the natural resource economists can figure out that out ). Once we have depopulated the planet to sustainable levels ALL the problems go away.

Some problems might take than a decade, in particular the environmental degradation, but eventually ALL the problems are gone, with no new problems arising.

It could be done without any violence, without wars, without mass starvation or epidemics. People would just have to settle for far fewer children.

One trouble though with this plan. People would have to settle for far fewer children.

>> No.10048626


Whats wrong with having highly energized quantum, foam super sex inside a black hole?

>> No.10048629
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>> No.10048631

Oh, and the fact that you don't have an insurance policy against extinction level events. Good job, idiot. Maybe watch less Wayward Pines.

>> No.10048656
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>You can't simulate that.

Of course it can. Your brain is trapped inside a calcium sphere, being fed incomplete neural inputs of a version of the world from the usual sensory functions. It's surprisingly easy to fool, as a number of optical or aural illusions demonstrate (remember "laurel and yanny"?), or when you stop to consider that, the last time you spoke at length with someone on the phone, you never actually spoke to them at all...you were actually talking to a piece of plastic, silicon and glass.

Same as you're not directly communicating with me, you're probably just pressing buttons in front of another piece of plastic. Or the way we say we "saw a movie", when in fact, we filed into a large room with a number of strangers and sat there experiencing a pattern of light and sound.

>> No.10048661

Listen, kid. I understand the theory behind it. But I'm telling you.
Until you've just casually picked up a girl, dug her out. Then eaten something truly delicious, like a char kway teow.
You simply wont understand. I'd miss that.

>> No.10048664


...and since people will not willingly settle for less children, and because the world economy would stall without population growth, it simply will not happen voluntarily.

So it will be forced upon us. Probably violently, probably catastrophically.

It will most probably happen before any of this space colonization meme has the remotest chance of happening.

So then mankind, if not rendered then extinct, will have to endure yet another dark age.

In the best case scenario this new dark age might only last several hundred years, providing the planet has not suffered immense change ( such as the Huronian glaciation, 2400 to 2100 Mya ) and that some surviving humans are able to sustain or quickly resurrect technologically advanced societies.

Then we might see the emergence of a battered but presumably much wiser humanity, who then might have a decent shot at colonizing the stars sometime in the distant future.

Otherwise, in the worse case, pretty much all of humanity and perhaps upwards of 95% of all life species on this planet will face a mass extinction event. You know, like the ones that have happened before during Earth's long history.

Then, not that humans will no longer be around to care, it is possible a completely new species with human-like capacity for intelligence will arise after an interminably slow process of evolution. Perhaps they will colonize the stars. Providing they have time to create the necessary technology ( or methods ) before the sun burns out.

>> No.10048670

I was mostly with you until that last line. I've never heard anyone use "we can just make a new earth" as a reason to let corporations destroy the environment. That's fucking retarded.

>> No.10048677

>Oh, and the fact that you don't have an insurance policy against extinction level events. Good job, idiot. Maybe watch less Wayward Pines.

Are we not talking about man made problems?

Well sure, nothing we do as a species will protect us against a natural extinction event , like a huge asteroid hitting and blowing the earth to bits.

But any logical person will accept that is a given.

No, my dear Sir, it is clear that actually you are the idiot. Now go and clean my toilet.

>> No.10048678

>>Well sure, nothing we do as a species will protect us against a natural extinction event , like a huge asteroid hitting and blowing the earth to bits.
Having a space colony would, you idiot.

>> No.10048680

>>No, my dear Sir, it is clear that actually you are the idiot. Now go and clean my toilet.
Lmao, shut up you armchair fascist. Try coming into my house and taking my kids, see how far you get? You wouldn't get past the fucking door, you pussy. I'd butcher your corpse, so that your parents couldn't have an open casket.

>> No.10048681


The go and build one, you immense fucktard.

Oh, it not happening?

I wonder why.

>> No.10048683

Because funding, dumb dumb. Because life is still too good on Earth. Humans don't really see the shit they're in until its more than obvious.

>> No.10048687


But I wont have to, dick for brains, no one will have to, because you bacteria will keep on swarming and multiplying and eventually, soon actually, natural events will take their course and wipe you, and unfortunately the sensible people as well, out.

>> No.10048691

>because you bacteria
>When you act like you aren't human.
You misanthropes really are delusional. Long before which people will start to want to leave the planet, creating a market, that there are companies already ready to step into the fray. Like the asteroid mining companies, there are dozens of them.

>> No.10048693


Explain how that is fundamentally different from what I first said, Mothhead

>> No.10048698


Enjoy your zero gee paradise fantasy, it wont happen.

>> No.10048700

Because you seriously underestimate how much everyone, but you, enjoys living.

>> No.10048704

Gosh, you are really awfully dumb for someone so arrogant. I would seriously love to snuff out your ego with a sharp piece of metal. Just watching that struggle for live in your eyes, it would truly be a glorious slaughter.

>> No.10048707

And a more complete article, if you're too dishonest to read more than just the excerpt:

>> No.10048718


You have no concept of future have you? You cant for the life of you imagine change measured over generations. Its obvious you lack the education and cognitive ability to engage in debate over issues of a global scale and spans of longer than a human life time.

Just understand that you are vermin and you will know your true place in life.

>> No.10048724

Spoken like a true subhuman! I expected nothing less from you as it is readily apparent you have the rationality of insect.

>> No.10048729


Yup, your wiki article will get us to the STARS!

You delusion dumbfuck, go take your meds before you get too worked up.

>> No.10048730

>You cant for the life of you imagine change measured over generations. Its obvious you lack the education and cognitive ability to engage in debate over issues of a global scale and spans of longer than a human life time.
Says the person who didn't even make an argument, but sure used a lot of words to say absolutely nothing of value.
See, the thing about being pretentious is, unless you actually have the attributes required to back it up (like I do), it is an utterly useless endeavor that only makes you look (somehow) even more stupid!
God, how I'd love to feel the warmth of your blood spurting against my face as you writhe and squirm on the floor like the pathetic worm you are.

>> No.10048731

Lmao, still no argument. Just shut up, my good DC. I don't even care what you think at this moment, considering your apparent lack of cognition.

>> No.10048755

>The entire human species going against their natural instincts, historical and contemporary behavior to not have children in lieu of your fascism.
>Continue with their natural instincts, historical and contemporary behavior whilst doing what humans have done since they were Homo sapiens sapiens and use technology as to find new and inventive ways to live and propagate.
Mhm, which seems more likely, dumb dumb? Option two, as per statistics and Occam's razor. The history of capitalism's success.

>> No.10048766

>caring about "our species"
>wanting humans to infest, excuse me, colonize other planets

>> No.10048772

>When you have no argument.
>Lose your arguments.
>So as not to seem like this faggot >>10048687 you don't link a reply to the post you really should.
Fuck off faggot, you're beyond dull. Firmly within the ignorami.

>> No.10048789

? I'm not the brainlet you were arguing with nor was I responding to anyone else in particular

>> No.10048794

Oh well, you're still A brainlet. Whether you're my brainlet or not is immaterial. I'm just tired of opinionated brainlets in general, and will crush them all as if they were carbon copies.
Consider yourself NOTIFIED. Any attempts of further posting will be SEVERELY REPRIMANDED.

>> No.10048806

>based and greenpilled
Oh you mean a blue pill pissed on by Greenpiece of Shit hippie fucks

>> No.10048865

What if people just wore heavy clothing on Mars to counteract the low gravity

>> No.10049312
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>Listen, kid.

>> No.10049382

take your meds, Cadet Capslock

>> No.10049387 [DELETED] 
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GTFO /pol/itard

>> No.10049484

I'm quite sure it's never going to happen for most of the reasons you mention, plus a whole lot more. Mostly, it's that technology adequate to the task is probably not conceivable by even a few percent of species intelligent enough for industrialization. Most of them, like ours will, destroy themselves as ever more potent, which is also to say dangerous, technology combines with strife, usually with overpopulation as a major contributing factor. Most of the rest, for whom overpopulation never becomes catastrophic as ours is, probably also succumb to the usual bickering, though at later stages. Still fewer civilizations fade slowly away in peaceable aesthetic self-indulgence, becoming too complacent to care about strenuous projects. Of the tiny fraction of civilizations that attain a multi-planet level of it, probably all of them discover, in one way or another, that interstellar travel, while attainable, can't be made affordable or fast enough to make the slightest bit of difference to the survival of the species on anything like geological time scales. At least this is how I'd answer the Fermi paradox.

>> No.10049497

Shut him down

>> No.10049525

It's that or death

it's inevitable or at least the working towards that goal is inevitable.

We would probably have to design a new decendent (human-like) species that can survive in space or on a hostile planet.

We would also seek to insert our DNA within any other life we find, hopefully to make a more hospitable environment over millions maybe billions of years or maybe even to farm the lifeforms for some other unseen reason.

Either way we, are defined as an 'expanding' species always trying to push boundaries on every level.

>> No.10049637 [DELETED] 

>Calling someone who criticized an anti-science, anti-progress conspiracy theorist a /pol/tard

Go fuck yourself you luddite apologist.

>> No.10049641

>Calling someone who criticized an anti-science, anti-progress conspiracy theorist a /pol/tard

Go fuck yourself you luddite apologist.

>> No.10049665

>It should be illegal to waste resources on things like this. We have issues to solve on this planet and irresponsible behavior cannot be tolerated.

Spoken like a true overbearing authoritarian fuck and a stupid and ignorant one at that. Before agriculture, it took roughly one square mile of land for every hunter-gather. Two hundred years ago, it took 80% of the population to feed themselves and the remaining 20% living in the cities. Now farmers make up no more than 1% of the populationand food is even more plentiful. Resource availablity is determined to no small part to technology like farming equipment or technological spinoffs from the Apollo Program. And that's just more efficient extraction of resources and efficient use of those resources on Earth. Just imagine the amount of resources available from astroid mining or space-based solar power. These innovations will disappear if we let totalitarian fucks like >>10048047 rule over humanity.

>> No.10049670

He is, and he's the same one that has been doing it for years
The idea of progress and achievement physically hurts them, because they are so worthless

>> No.10049676

This is literally straight from a kurzgesagt video.
Imagine thinking you know anything because you watch pop science videos lmao

>> No.10049678

Infinite growth is impossible.
Capitalism is inherently doomed.

>> No.10049768

Go to youtube. Search 'Isaac Arthur'. Never say stupid shit like this again. Tard.

>> No.10049769

Please explain how the fuck his pic is a meme

>> No.10049771

Its unfeasible now, but technology steadily advances each year so by the next 300 years space colonization will be feasible.

>> No.10049801

Space doesnt exist

>> No.10050092



Does that look like a YouTube pop-sci video you stupid cunt.

Oh if you had any thing backing up your bullshit, you wouldn't have resorted to lying about my sources.

>> No.10050106
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Colonising mars is a stupid idea. We need mind uploading technology first in order to make ourselfs immortal. Only machines can survive in harsh environment

>> No.10050476
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>most people are still happy to live on Earth


>> No.10050511

I'm here to correct you because you're fucking wrong. no shit we can't just walk around outside on mars safely that's not what colonization means dumbfuck. the point is that we can colonize another celestial body and produce a self-sustaining network capable of allowing humans to survive.

>> No.10050515

Never met a bigger brainlet until i found you, anon. kindly go to a hardware store and buy some rope, i'll give you further instructions later.

>> No.10050554

>dug her out
So you're meant to carve her vagina to your liking or something?

>> No.10050562

>I haven't seen aliens so they don't exist
I doubt we're such an anomaly that there isn't another intelligent lifeform close by.
Close by in terms of the universe, so within the galaxy.

>> No.10051326

ITT: Space cadets try and shitpost their way around admitting that the first attempts at space colonies will fail
Sure, people can live in a damp, dull cave most of their lives here in Earth, but it's taxing on morale and will to live. Now try living in a dusty, dark, irradiated cave and spending all your time locked in various pressurized suits with your own body odor and halitosis, only rarely eating anything that isn't dehydrated, no established entertainment or recreation, then tell me about your will to live.
We are going to have plenty of abandoned or failed colonies before we get a decent foothold, and only then will things possibly improve enough to warrant space migration in any form

>> No.10051337
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The ISS is the most complex manmade thing in space having taken decades to build and only supports like 8 people at one time.

>> No.10051528 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10051551
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Venus at least seems to have plenty of elements and energy. Mars is a meme, real goal is Venus.

>> No.10051784



>ISS cost
>US military budget per year

priorities, right?

>> No.10051791
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>posting the ugly radar image thats being pushed by shills in order to promote "prettier" targets for exploration like mars

the earth looks amazing without atmosphere and water too.

>> No.10051879

I think you guys are both right.

You can simulate sex, to a degree that it will satiate any human. In fact, maybe there will come a time when having sex with a robot will even be better than having sex with a real human.
But there will always remain a difference, and people complaining about "authenticity" and how "the human touch is lost" and shit like that.
But sex will continue to exist, and simulated sex will also continue to exist.

>> No.10051881


>> No.10051957

How can you say "I prefer being a biological being" without knowing what the other side has to offer?

You use computers don't you?
Do you wear glasses?
Do you use apps?

This is a sort of softer transition, because all of our bodies are still meat, but I think you get my point.

>> No.10053084

Humans think that space colonization will solve all of their problems just like couples in a bad relationship think that having a baby will. It's stupid, because wherever humans go they will still be themselves and they'll just carry their problems with them.

>> No.10053103

I had a dream I was on the Apollo 15 mission and we found water so I dug it up from the surface of the moon and accidentally caused a chunk of the moon to hit the earth causing half the planet to get destroyed, so I had to get back to earth to die with my family instead of being stranded out on the moon as one of the last humans. Turns out everything was mostly alright but the planet was drifting out of orbit and the only way to stop it was to crash the CSM into the planet. Lickily survived that too but it was scary as shit for a while.

Moral of the story is, don’t do space travel kids.

>> No.10053144
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>leftists are still too fucking retarded to comprehend what the term "world reserve currency" means
you lot will be a blight on humans for all eternity at this rate

>> No.10053527

Good thing we aren't sending fucking soi fags like you then, only the strong will survive beyond Earth, as it should be.

>> No.10053601


>it's our nature
It's how we're here talking about it

>> No.10053615

ISS is overpriced as fuck, built by a corrupt web of contractors and managed by politicians, and launched by the most expensive launch vehicle in history

commercial space will build such station for orders of magnitude less

>> No.10053619

wrong, founder effect is real and it will be the elite of humanity that will colonize space, and then they will be further refined by the hardships of space colonization

ultimately, space colony societes will make Sweden look like a third world ghetto full of niggers

>> No.10053623

why must /pol/ ruin every reasonable board

containment my ass

>> No.10053632

This board is full of reddit tier morons that crosspost from r/lescience, uninformed retards and trolls, along with way too many student who think they are hot fucking shit because they went to college for like 3 years. This place is already a dumpster fire.

>> No.10053901
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>be a massive retard
>get called out on it
>REEE /pol/

>> No.10053911

These /pol/acks are as bad as the flurries.

>> No.10053950
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>All the ((solutions)) to lack of gravity and high radiation levels are extremely hand-wavy, [citation needed] one-liners.
Yeah, nah.

>> No.10053989
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Yeah, we JUST have to spend trillions more on space exploration in the exact same way we:

>JUST have to invent a significantly better battery for solar power to act as baseload
>JUST have to get fusion to generate more energy than it consumes for it to work
>JUST have to get GPUs and their accessories to be an order of magnitude cheaper and lighter for VR to be comfortable
>JUST have to get automated cars to accurately and acceptably identify and respond to outlier events to be able to be used without drivers
>JUST have to make sexbots become convincing enough for them to replace real women
>JUST have to drill a huge hole in the US west coast and keep it in a state of vacuum 24/7 for Musk's stupid railway to work

LITERALLY every future wet-dream sounds amazing if you're willing to ignore its most egregious faults.

>> No.10054466

Literally none of that is required, they are just nice to haves.a

>> No.10054870
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If you haven't read Diaspora by Greg Egan, I'd highly recommend it. It's effectively this idea taken to the limit. It's a phenomenal book. In fact, I may have to read it again now that you've reminded me about it.

>> No.10054876
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>we don't have thing now so never ever
>half of the things said weren't even accurate

>> No.10054883
File: 1.68 MB, 1227x1037, Jello-Baby-and-Blind-Colonist.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say, "mars colony"?

>> No.10054885

>centrifugal force and additional hull plating are hand wavy
this has to be bait

>> No.10055522

>You could perhaps create a chat bot that uses some intricate statistical algorithm("ML") and tons of data to generate responses that make it appear human, if you improve the software and hardware over time, eventually it might be able to fool everyone into believing it really is a human
Have you considered that this is simply not a way to build a digital consciousness? Kind of like all those guys who tried to build a flying machine before the Wright brothers.

>> No.10056002

Such a silly OP
>There is no oxygen
>There is no food
Bring edible plants
>There is no ozone layer to protect people from developing cancer
Unironically build a dome to live in
>There is no surface water
Build the water cycle

>> No.10056051

building underground is better than domes

>> No.10056104

>space colonization is a fucking meme
Lrn2meme fgt pls

>> No.10056109

Where's your sense of adventure? Even if all we learn is how to live in space that's still pretty cool. If we learn how to terraform, establish protection from solar wind, how to genetically alter humans to suit a new environment, all that's cool too. And it's a priority for us to be able to get off this rock. Humans would probably survive a meteor or a nuclear war, but that sun is a long term problem. We were destined to go to space. It's one of the most unique, beautiful things our civilisation/culture has done.

>> No.10056113

This person is trolling

>> No.10056119

Jokes on you, I'm so civilised I already had my appendix removed, have a leg that doesn't work right, take vitamin D pills every day, still live with my parents at 26 and am still hopeful for the future.

>> No.10056124

It's worked
I don't know if OP got genuinely Vargpilled and is being provocative to make a point (which people should get, but which I disagree with)

>> No.10056125

Based and I-don't-know-what-kind-of pilled

>> No.10056137

We cannot learn how to deal with these problems without actually engaging in them. Getting to Mars and experiencing all the challenges.

And yes, there are a lot of challenges. But eventually, we may overcome them. If not, then we'll be extinct a in a billion years. In the off chance that we CAN figure it out, let's get fucking started to avoid extinction.

>> No.10056151
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OPs soul is weighed down by gravity.

>> No.10056152

I want to genetically engineer GFD women like Amir

>> No.10056319
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I wasn't trying to say all of these things were needed for space exploration, if that's what you're trying to say.

I'd gladly listen to your explanation as to how half of those things weren't accurate.
Otherwise, I never said we'll never have those things. My point is that senseless hype helps no one, and in fact is likely to be a huge letdown for laypeople who were promised lies.
There's always room for innovation, but not for hubris.

>Long-term on-orbit studies have proven that zero gravity weakens bones and muscles, and upsets calcium metabolism and immune systems. Most people have a continual stuffy nose or sinus problems, and a few people have dramatic, incurable motion sickness. Most colony designs would rotate in order to use inertial forces to simulate gravity. NASA studies with chickens and plants have proven that this is an effective physiological substitute for gravity.[citation needed]
See the [citation needed] link? See the fact that it's making a bold and unproven comparison between chickens and humans?
So you see that your HAND-WAVY response to the radiation problem was
>lol, just add more plating

Do you not see how that could be a problem as to cost, difficulty, practicality, etc? Do you think people would ever even mention the problem if it could be solved as easily as just adding more plates?

>> No.10056343
File: 53 KB, 960x720, what did you say.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>space colonization is a fucking meme

>> No.10056349

God, fucking retarded bait threads again.

If Mars doesn’t have enough gravity to maintain a proper atmosphere, why does Titan have a much denser atmosphere than Earth despite being much smaller? Fuck off.

>> No.10056350

Why the fuck would a chicken react any different to this than a human?

>> No.10056365
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1: Because it is a bird, not a mammal. There's certain types of animals that can survive 0g and vacuum for years, that doesn't mean humans can.
B: Not to mention the fact that we didn't even talk about procreation in space.
III: It doesn't even matter, because there's no source, so, as far as we know, it's a complete asspull.

>> No.10056426

The Lack of gravity can lead to issues with our bones, which means we either need a planet thats similar in mass to earth or some way to combat the issue (like centripetal force)
In that regard, it would make more sense to focus on venus.
We can overcome the problems with colonizing other worlds, all we need is time and a plan

>> No.10056435

We won't last long enough to reach that point.

>> No.10056441

>the very real need
Humans on Earth will be dead when Earth gets wiped and not be able to care, nor to profit from off-planet colonies. Humans not on Earth will be unaffected whether Earth gets wiped or not, and likewise not care.

There is no "need" for anyone. No single individual benefits from the idea of "own species continuance".

>> No.10056443

Why would you want to do that when we could just expand to other planets / solar systems?

>> No.10056477

>So you see that your HAND-WAVY response to the radiation problem was
>lol, just add more plating

Adding more shielding is what is done. It is all about adding more hydrogen atoms in order to stop primary radiation particles and most importantly the secondary radiation particles. ISS has thin shielding to stop most primary radiation. If it shielding was a little thicker the radiation would be deadlier because of the creation of secondary particles. Adding yet more shielding (meters of it) would finally stop the secondary particles.

Liquid hydrogen, while being the best candidate for stopping secondary radiation, is a terrible choice due to containment problems. Liquid methane on the other hand won't squeeze out through the molecular structure of its holding tanks int he way hydrogen does. Water isn't as good as liquid methane, but it is far easier to handle as it doesn't pose as much of a hazard as storing liquid methane.

Plastics like polyethylene (C2H4)n, polypropylene (C3H6)n, polybutylene (C4H8)n, polystyrene (C8H8)n and polymethylpentene (C6H12)n only contain carbon and hydrogen atoms. Plastics are much better at shielding because they don't create as many secondary particles. In fact, NASA has been researching plastic shielding for quite some time now. In the future you may quite literally see giant plastic-shielded interplanetary space ships; plastics like RXF1 ballistic shielding that is.

>> No.10056480

Prove space exists scientifically before you speak of hypothetical nonsense like "space colonization"

>> No.10056499
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When is NASA gonna upgrade from construction paper technology?

>> No.10056754

Venusian atmosphere is based, so is Titan, Europa, and Enceladus

>> No.10057527

>Mars has no gravity to sustain a proper atmosphere
Given long enough time scales Earth will also lose its atmosphere. If we gave Mars one, it would last essentially forever by time-scales relevant to humanity
> likely cause growth deformities in humans
We have no idea of this is true. You can say it's possible but you're taking out your ass saying it's likely
> every night they drop to around minus 100 celsius
Only at the poles. The atmosphere is also a very good insulator.
>no oxygen
Plenty of oxygen, just not in the atmosphere.
>no surface water
Plenty of surface water, just frozen.
>no food
Grow it?
>no ozone layer to protect people from developing cancer
There are many ways to shield inhabitants. The cancer risk is also overblown. A Mars colonist that quits smoking to go on the trip has a longer life expectancy than if he stayed home smoking.
>It's literally impossible to terraform
Literally wrong.
>food and drinking water they needed to transport from Earth
Why would they not grow it there? Water is all over Mars
>no means to repair
>tethered to Earth
Why would they not set up resource extraction and manufacturing there? Its like saying "don't go to the New World, you can't afford to ship wood in from Europe, how will you build your homes? "

TBC. fucking char limit

>> No.10057530

Cont from >>10057527
> "they can always just make a new one".
Hey fuckmook, guess what building systems to efficiently handle power generation, food growing and manufacturing for a planet that doesn't have an ecosystem to gradually dismantle for parts does? Provides an alternative to dismantling an ecosystem for parts. Increasing the number of funding sources for these technologies is a good thing. But I can see how you might not have recognised the possibilities for spinoff technologies, its not like space travel has consistently generated huge returns in that department ... Oh wait
No wonder you can't understand. You've failed to educate yourself on the most basic fucking information and premises pertaining to your argument.

>> No.10058933

>surface water
>terraform(science fiction propaganda)
>water is all over mars
>"if we gave Mars one it would last essentially forever"

These are some bold claims, are you going to provide any proof for these?

>> No.10058943

I'm just gonna say it because this thread is hilarious and sad.
If you actually believe it's possible, it's obvious you never went to college, or you might as well never have gone.

>> No.10059897

Not that anon but i can try to answer these. Oxygen is bound up in a lot of material all over the planet. The atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide, the surface is covered in iron oxide, etc. It takes energy to extract it but that doesn't meant its not available.
Water is also everywhere. Mars odyssey found that of the top 1m of Mars, 14% was water ice, but there is more as many deposits go deeper. The MRO found glaciers 100m thick as low as 55 degrees lat. As you go further towards the poles more obvious water deposits are available, inc at the poles themselves. There are even places on the equator where the regolith is almost 20% water ice.
As for the atmosphere, just look at how long it took for the last one to dissipate. It took several hundred million years for it to be stripped after it lost its internal dynamo. Anatomically modern humans have been around for 300,000 years. Behaviourally modern ones for between a sixth to a third of that time. If Mars magically gained an atmosphere now it's unlikely that Humanity would be alive to see it gone.

>> No.10059914
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Just read the Wiki synopsis...sounds awesome.

It's amazing how much further ahead literary SF is than movie/TV...

>> No.10059944

If if it was technologically feasible (it is not and never will be), it will never happen because the resources needed to colonize space in 300 years will have long since been used up by rich people for ferraris, helpicopters, and coke binges on their yachts.

>> No.10060211

cringe and bluepilled af

>> No.10060375

Eventually everyone will grow out of using amphetamines. Maybe not the yacht part

>> No.10060699

Explain, specifically and technically, why it's not possible. Not why it "probably wouldn't happen", because things like enough funding and popular support might not be likely, they are still possible. Explain what we're lacking, what is actually missing and literally impossible to get. Give us figures.

>> No.10061417
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Never, except for Mars, Venus, our moon/ other large moons, but it is most definitely likely that humanity will never, ever, leave this Solar System alive. The way things are going, we may never ever leave this planet before we all die out.

Before any disagrees and says we’ll colonies Mars ( and possibly our moon) I don’t doubt that. But what I do doubt is that we’ll ever be able to stay there for an extended period of time or permanently. Not to mention the environmental factors, but simply the cost of space travel and colonization will be overwhelmingly prohibitive for us. Unless earth is ever truly unified into one global nation that focuses a large chunk ( and I mean LARGE) of its GDP into space colonization, we’re never going to get off this rock.

In terms of leaving our solar system, kiss that idea goodbye. The nearest star to us is 4.5 light years away. LIGHT YEARS. Light’s the fastest thing in the universe, and it’s incredibly slow on an interstellar scale.
Take a look at http://joshworth.com/dev/pixelspace/pixelspace_solarsystem.html
That’s lightspeed. The speed we will never be able to reach with our current knowledge of space travel. Pretty slow huh? It would take even longer for us, took us three days to reach the moon when it took light only a second, and there are people who think we’re going into the cosmos? Get real.

We are never going to leave the Solar System. No way, no how. The only evidence humanity will have ever even existed in this universe will be found in the Voyager, Pioneer, and New Horizons Probes. We are going to die on this rock, or at best, on several rocks in the local neighborhood.

We will not bend time and space, we will not travel faster than light. We will not go through wormholes and we will not colonize the cosmos. All that we ever will be is what we are now. There will NEVER be contact with other civilizations across the stars, except possibly through frequency waves. Earth’s all we have.

>> No.10061479

>If you think we could be exploring other planets with our current technology you're delusional.

How could we develop the necessary technology if we don't start the exoplanetary exploration/expansion? You get the thing going on and improve on the go.

Way to create a catch 22, anon.

>> No.10061488

Pessimism and realism the post.

I think it’s the most likely scenario. We’re not gonna get past our Solar System unless a miracle happens.

>> No.10061495

You're one dumb nigger if you think the speed of light will actually limit human expansion throughout the universe. Oh no, turns out it takes a few years to reach the nearest starts, better not bother going I guess.

>> No.10061499

If solar system expansion happens, we will absolutely get to another solar system and propagate from there. The technology for near c travel in the form of laser sails is fairly well understood and while some engineering challenges remain it hardly seems impossible. FTL is not needed and you are a fag.

>Complaining about cost

lel when we expand into the solar system and grow 100x more populous than we are now, the effort to construct a vessel will be fucking trivial, especially if we are ripping apart asteroids and refining megatons of metals and shit.

>> No.10061505

This. Even for a 45 year trip to Alpha Centauri at 10% c, being a fairly credible estimate for fission powered electric ships, hordes of young people will be signing up. Time is also only a concern if no one can figure out cryo/stasis. If that is achieved then settlers won't give a shit if it takes 500 years to get there.

>> No.10061865

>muh practicality
>muh probability
>muh discomfort
you're fucking retarded and don't understand the context and the reason behind space colonization.