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File: 514 KB, 2058x2990, 1537704129295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10046301 No.10046301 [Reply] [Original]

Japan to switch from neutral to encouraging stance on genetic engineering of human embryos.


Japan has issued draft guidelines that allow the use of gene-editing tools in human embryos. The proposal was released by an expert panel representing the country’s health and science ministries on 28 September.

Japan’s position on gene editing in human embryos was neutral. The proposal now encourages this kind of research, he says.

>> No.10046305
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Thank you Japan! Science and Progress to a brighter less dumb future!

>> No.10046307

Absolutely based and honorary

>> No.10046315
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SJW seething now that Japanese scientists can advance positive eugenics to a bright future!

>we want to stay ugly, unhealthy, and stupid

Post predictions for what Japanese girl teeth look like in 2080

>> No.10046323

Seriously can't stop laughing about this shit


All the insane ideological nutcase ethicists and muh ableism, muh equality people ABSOLUTELY BTFO. Literally nothing they can do. Literally NOTHING.

You do eugenics
or you become like tribe people living in the amazon throwing poison darts at monkeys

No nation will be competitive without this.

>> No.10046333

this makes it totally legal to implant such an editing embryo btw

Maybe japan could be the first publicly known birth of genetic engineered baby.

>> No.10046393

Honorary title confirmed lads

>> No.10046398

>but can't we start a hate mob to stop this?
>someone tell vox

>> No.10046400

absolutely based

>> No.10046404

Japanese are no longer having babies. What "embryos" are they gonna play with if their women aren't willing to shit out baies?


Hold your horses. Japan has no nuclear weapons. If push comes to shove, the Jews will always be able to bully Japan into submission. A bunch of 56% Amerimutts armed to the teeth with nuclear strike capabilities is still more fearsome than a Nippon heaven of high-IQ super babies who aren't allowed to own offensive weapons because they were sodomized during the last World War.

>> No.10046406



Jap researchers are hard at work

>> No.10046407

Manned mission to Titan, when?

>> No.10046409

this whole thread smells of /pol/

anyhow american jews have been seeking genetic counseling for over a half century by now; no antisemitism intended

>> No.10046411
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If disabled people never come to exist, there can be no suffering and discrimination towards people with disabilities.

>> No.10046414

this is why down's syndrome abortion is common to the point of eliminating it in some countries.

>> No.10046432

SJWs love gene editing though. It's mostly conservatives who think it's a conspiracy

>> No.10046434

If I study molecular biology, can I get a job in Japan now?
With my degree I can help make this a reality

>> No.10046437

Not really. They tend to love epigentics pop sci that's false and hate everything else about genetics. Especially genetics determining intelligence.

>> No.10046463

Titan is cool but Europa is my moonfu.

>> No.10046468

It was a reference. I think I'm too old for 4chan.

>> No.10046473
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Waiting for catgirls :3

>> No.10046484

>Post predictions for what Japanese girl teeth look like in 2080
D size tits, 10 inch cock and 60 IQ

>> No.10046509

You could not be more wrong. SJW fucking hate genetics. In fact, the entire left hates genetic. They should all be suspected because its religious fanaticism. The left are the only people who actively banned the field of genetics because it goes against their religion (The ussr banned the study of genetics under Stalin, you should read up the reason). If they weren't so ignorant of genetics and weren't aware of how unhinged they'll sound, they would be engaging in anti-genetic activism and labeling anyone interested in it, evil. They seem to have a serious hatred of anything that implies "inherentness". There is a reason why these same left can hear the statement "genes influence height and fingernails" and not really care, but then go ballistic at the mention that "genes are why you behave this or that way, genes are why you do good at school tests"

Leftists would probably discriminate and actively dehumanize any genetically enhanced humans that arouse from any "eugenic" practice, prevent them from contaminating the gene pool and they won't even see the irony.

>> No.10046524

if enough people want it badly enough it will eventually happen. simply due to the universe bending power of autism.

>> No.10046630
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>mfw I will be too old to have real genetically engineered anime waifu
Ironically despite that they believe in Darwin’s evolution

>> No.10046685


I saw the movie too.
Nice one.

>> No.10046697

I for one welcome out supreme Japanese superhuman overlords. They will be the only ones who can fight against the coming AI.

Anime will become real.

>> No.10046720

is it to remove the defects from all the incestuous kids the few that are fucking are having?

>> No.10046724

List of genetic superpowers


Increased IQ
Eidetic memory
Ability to chose what not to forget and forgetting things at will, or more precisely selective hyperthymesia.
Photographic memory
Increased learning and reasoning
Vivid imagination
Ability to force yourself to sleep
better internal clock and the ability to change it at will
Ability to paint extremely well
Amazing aim
Getting rid of all our old instincts and inserting new ones. Also inserting more realistic instincts like martial arts. removing all paradoxical perceptions.
It's partly physical, but simply making the brain work with light or electricity or quantum teleportation and not chemical signals to speed it up.
Ability to read extremely fast
Amazing sense of direction and location
Never getting addicted

Extreme eyesight - the ability to see far and close up with extreme detail and Also zoom in and out.
Being able to see in the dark.
Remove blind spots and floaters.
Seeing more of the electromagnetic spectrum
No damage when staring directly at the sun for long times or full damage repair
An increased hearing, more sensitive, for a wider set of frequencies and tunable.
Ability to shut off hearing when we want
Immunity to visual illusions
Eliminate extreme pain

Ability to use both hands at the same high level of dexterity.
Incredible voice
Extreme strength like that of animals, while increasing speed and stamina
Increased breathing efficiency, and being able to hold the breath for minutes at a time
Ability to breath underwater
Choosing if we want to lose muscle when not exercising or not
Ability to burn a lot of fat all at once to get a huge energy boost
Transparent ultra efficient sun protector as a replacement for melanin.
Drawing energy from the sun heat
Ability to change skin and hair color

>> No.10046726


Ability to fully repair damaged DNA
Full control over hair length and growing places
Enhanced stability
Full control over the body and knowing where all body parts are at any given time when doing extreme activities.
Immunity to greater forces applied to the brain,i.e no more easy concussions.
Increased bone strength while maintaining current weight and density
Withstanding greater temperature variance
Super-regeneration and healing
Immunity to high radiation
More powerful immune system and the ability to detect poison and venom and react immediately
Ability to share immunity data with other humans
The ability to survive in a vacuum for some time
Being able to turn on or off an ability to grip things extremely tightly like geckos
Immunity to high electricity and being able to produce it
Needing less sleep to function extremely well
impenetrable skin
Ability to change height at will
The ability for all woman to change the size of their breasts at will
No more bleeding and painful periods for all woman
The ability for woman and man to choose if they want to have a child during sex or not
Ability to retract fingernails
Resistance to immense pressures like those in the deep ocean
Resistance to immense g
Remove sweating as a colling mechanism and find a better one
Perfect pitch
Ability to regrow teeth when needed and also stronger teeth
Ability to change temporal perception and choose if to experience slow motion or high motion
Extreme agility
Being able to consciously secrete lubricant in selected areas
Eliminate burning sensations of muscles when working out, and also muscle soreness
No allergic reactions

>> No.10046737

If these things were possible in eukaryotes we would have seen them.
All we can do is maybe select for high IQ and no diseases

>> No.10046739
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>If these things were possible in eukaryotes we would have seen them.

>> No.10046741

we cannot even do this. we can maybe guarantee an iq of 110 and fewer instances of asymmetrical face/musculoskeletal system its unlikely we will eliminate all disease or make super immune systems. our understanding of polygenic traits is piss poor.

>> No.10046765


>> No.10047170


>> No.10047200

>It's a "people want to maximize the wrong things about humans and call it evolution" episode
Genetic engineering is fine, but we have to use it to go down the proper route.

>> No.10047221

lmao the most we can do is raise the average IQ to (what is now) about 120 and make people certain races and heights. maybe increase genital size as well.
No superhumans, but a race of sexy intelligent amazonians will be upon us.

>> No.10047229

Based Japan.
The United States is literally done for if they dont follow suit. China and Japan are going to have actual super humans(after all the bugs are worked out) and the US is just going to get fatter and stupider. The age of Asian supremacy is dawning.

>> No.10047230

there is literally no reason to keep males around with genemodding at the level we're quickly getting to.

>> No.10047237

China already did it. They cured an embryo of Marfans syndrome(a genetic disorder) before it was born.


>> No.10047239

>tfw AI uses gene modding technology to make docile worker meat sacks for shitty jobs

we'll have come full circle. Kind of beautiful really.

>> No.10047251

>thinking nukes will out perform super intelligence
The Japanese will be producing literal geniuses by the hundreds of thousands in less than 10 years. With the government literally encouraging gene editing of human embryos, there will come a day when having sub 140 IQ babies in Japan is a rarity. These will be the first humans to crack AI, and net positive nuclear fusion. Trying to fight them with nukes would be futile. They would likely have taken control of our nukes before we were able to launch them. They will develop weapons that we cannot even comprehend. Its like a tard playing chess with a grandmaster. They could defeat us with very minimal effort if they wanted to.

>> No.10047257

Theres no reason for literally any genders. We can already clone mammals without a mother, add that to gene editing humans, and we may aswell all become identical genderless geniuses. Women are no more essential to the reproductive process than men are, science can make both obsolete.

>> No.10047260
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>thw the first batch comes out as super-autists who all go hikikomori by age 13

>> No.10047273
File: 248 KB, 1180x950, 1499943771921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls make anime real, japanese genii
I want to hug my waifu

>> No.10047280

>We can already clone mammals without a mother
we still need a female's womb for the majority of the gestation period.
Which makes the most sense:
Situation 1 - Only men exist/only sexless things exist
>men exist and are grown in artificial womb facilities
>the amount of energy and labour required to keep these facilities is high, while the number of offspring that can be produced is bottlednecked to some natural number - the amount of artificial wombs available
>the large, testosterone filled males are still highly aggressive and competitive which makes the whole society less stable, expand this with WMD's that could spell disaster
Situation 2 - Only women
>Women are made into amazons, so strength disadvantage that women have no longer matters as machines and large women can do the labor that men used to be required for
>the amount of new offspring that need to be produced grows exponentially with the new generations produced, takes much lower amounts of labor and energy than artificial womb factories, as new women can just become pregnant. Say 10% of the women are pregnant per year, that grows much faster than artificial womb factories
>the giant women are still women, so there is no threat of physical violence and domination stuff undermining the stability of the society.
Situation 2 is much better. Maybe males can be kept around as small houseslave servant-pets for the women, to also add a "lower" class that the women can lord over to strengthen solidarity between the women without creating in group conflict (the women can feel connected together in their domination of the males, no ingroup conflict).
The physical small males will not be able to challenge the rule of the larger women while they serve them, and they can still be given big dicks so they can pleasure the women whenever desired.
Males are redundant, females are exponentially more important in a species. Males have rendered themselves obsolete and cemented their place as servants forever.

>> No.10047291
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The amount of virgin meatpilled anons on this board is disappointing

>> No.10047306
File: 46 KB, 600x243, 7A3388C8-A3E3-4479-ADF6-936F54BF5201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we still need a females womb for the majority of the gestation period
No, we dont.

>> No.10047308

making something legal =/= encouraging it

>> No.10047318

Those lambs were put into the wombs at the end of the gestation period. They didn't go through the whole gestation in an artificial womb. Also
>ignoring the whole point about how it's stupid to bottle-necking reproduction to some linear growth of rate of building new wombs

The women will be protected by the other amazons who aren't pregnant that year, so there isn't a need for males to step in and "protect" either.
There is no point for the males anymore, other than potentially a stabilizing token in a hierarchy ("us women are better than the little males :3 ") to keep in-group solidarity between women stronger - Those in higher classes connect in their domination of lower peoples.
males rape, kill, abuse children, destroy environments, literally almost all problems in the world stem from males. There is no point in them anymore, or at least no point in them having any degree of power anymore.

>> No.10047320
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You're missing one important factor: women do not create or maintain civilization.

>> No.10047337

>implying any successful trials wouldn't be the subject of a billion dollar espionage campaign
>implying any of the research isn't being done on botnet hardware

>> No.10047343
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>10 inch cock girls

>> No.10047350

Jews being very intelligent didn't stop Hitler from gassing them. If the entire world says it's right nothing will stop Burgerland from bringing freedom via nuclear carpet bombing

>> No.10047352

Make them at least 6'4 and you'd have the perfect woman.

>> No.10047467

superhumans is possible

>> No.10047468

It says in teh article, "encouraging" such research

>> No.10047481
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Hold up

We gotta clear this with The Man upstairs

>> No.10047513

You know what males also do? Invent literally everything. Good luck without us.

>> No.10047520

Hitler gassed jews because they were human cancer that destroyed Germany.

>> No.10047523

You missunderstand whats going on here. Jews are, at the most generous of estimates, one standard deviation above the rest of the races on an IQ scale, and thats only if you narrow it down to Askenazi Jews. Which make up a very small percentage of an already very small minority. Genetically engineered super intelligent humans would make Einstein look retarded. Its like rolling a 100 sided dice, and every time you get 3 100s in a row, a wild Einstein appears. The Japs will be working with a coin flip, heads is Einstein, tails is beyond Einsteins wildest wet dreams of intelligence.

>> No.10047542

>no threat of violence/domination undermining stability
this is a highly idealized concept of females that won't hold up while females are the only gender. same goes for males being very aggressive; if there's means to artificially produce males, then there will be means to artificially diminish aggression. you're not envisioning the entirety of the existence either way and purposefully making one example seem dystopian with the other utopian.
regardless, even when considering your flawed scenarios, the latter situation will lead to societal and technological stagnation and definitely would be outpaced by the former. with total equilibrium, there is no reason to advance.

>> No.10047547

Jews arent even a race, they are one type of middle eastern human not the entire middle eastern human breed which would be considered a race. So it makes more sense to compare european ethnicities to jews in intelligence rather than the entire white race.

>> No.10047570

In the context that guy was using, Hitler persecuted that one type of middle eastern human very preferentially, so it still makes sense. It doesnt matter, either way my point stands. Genetic Jap geniuses wont even be recognizable as humans when looking at their thought process. They likely wouldnt even be able to teach the rest of us about the things they discover in any meaningful capacity because the leaps in logic they would be capable of making would seem like clairvoyant wizardry to the smartest of un altered humans.

>> No.10047600

Weird how Germany was "destroyed" so much that they amassed a massive war machine that fought the entire world for six years less than twenty years after they lost another massive world war.

>> No.10047631

Germany was only able to do so by getting rid of its jewish infestation which right now is trying to diversify Germany into oblivion showing that Adolf was right about this evil ethnic group.

>> No.10047641

Fascist dictatorships are extremely effective, though depressing.

>> No.10048070

at first

>> No.10048075

>Asian genetic superhumans against robots while the disgenetic hordes get slaughtered in the crossfire.

>> No.10048078

Based Japan aiding us transhumanists.

>> No.10048108

Countdown to catgirls has begun.
I'm taking bets for the pool.
Five dollars to stake out your MM/DD/YYYY, whoever gets closest date to the announcement of the first successful catgirl birth without going over is going to walk out with half the pot.

>> No.10048814


>> No.10048823

>this is a highly idealized concept of females that won't hold up while females are the only gender
so males are kept as a slave class for in group cohesion
>same goes for males being very aggressive; if there's means to artificially produce males, then there will be means to artificially diminish aggression
At that point, what's the point of males, other than being an inferior female, a creature that can't reproduce on its own? There's no point for males when females can be made big and strong, and sperm can be made from skin/bones. unless for pets

>> No.10048828

>Japanese are no longer having babies. What "embryos" are they gonna play with if their women aren't willing to shit out baies?
Yes, and they are being smart by not having as many as before. They know that automatization will create a population of homeless people.

Low IQ people should be prohibited from having offspring.

>> No.10048931

As much as you want your amazonian fantasies to come true and the world be populated by tall muscle lesbians who would think a penis is some parasitic worm, it's not going to happen you troll

>> No.10048950

I'd edit left's germline if you know what I mean

>> No.10048983

I think >>10046432 was making a vaccine joke or something

>> No.10048994

Conservatives/rightwing hates it too though just for different reasons

>> No.10048995

Literally and unironically this. It’s in the nature of man to build and discover infinitely moreso than women have any tendency towards these things. I’m not bitter about women, it’s just an obvious phenomenon in humans.

>> No.10049000

They just took the gold from banks.
Anschluss is not free

>> No.10049002

great idea this couldn't possibly go wrong

>> No.10049005

If genetic engineering becomes the norm then no one is really gaining any advantages outside the early game.

It just turns into another that race for future internet dwellers to bitch about.

>> No.10049008

The war is always against idiocy and ignorance.

>> No.10049015

so no argument then. thought so.

>> No.10049072

It was just a matter of time before one of the major governments publicly kicked off the genetic arms race. In 50-60 years time theyre going to be pumping out Japanese super humans. Theyll be so heavily edited they'll be in their own genetic class, and all this

>hurrargg we're all equal

tard shit will finally be stomped to death in front of everyone.

>> No.10049083

Why are you assuming that you will have access to this technology? Just like you have access to the kind of care that a billionaire gets, I guess.

>> No.10049131

>At that point, what's the point of males, other than being an inferior female, a creature that can't reproduce on its own?
here's your answer >>10047320

>> No.10049133


Dunno, don't care, but I wonder why those two girls look like absolute bitches. Particularly the one on the right. An absolute bitch, an inhumane level of sheer bitchery is written all over her face. I just know it. I dont know why I know it BUT I DO!

>> No.10049160

All I see is two stupid little girls.

>> No.10049189

Yes, stupid, but there is also an indelible degree of bitchiness to both. Look more closely, they are both bitches, the one on the right certifiably so.

>> No.10049198
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Based Asia.

They will inherit the planet once Wast murders itself.

>> No.10049204
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.53_[2018.09.01_03.03.31].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women have equal access to education for just half a century in the most advanced countries on Earth. In some countries they are not allowed to drive yet.

Do retards really think they should be pushing as many scientists as men?

SJW's are fucking retards but you people are just as dumb.

>> No.10049283

in a hypothetical scenario where JPN starts mass pumping out genius babies america could easily put a stop to it if they really wanted, the real effects would show after 20+ years

but then healthy genetic modification is hardly something that warrants an invasion, you can't just go around invading allied countries with a hundred million people like that, america still has to play diplomacy even if it's the most powerful nation on the planet

>> No.10049296

none of us will have access to this technology, since we're already born

even if it becomes so pervasive even hobos can do it on their methhead girlfriends, the future will not really belong to any of us, but to the superhumans
all the boomer trash talk now would become amplified by a billion because they're going to have black on white that old people are genetically inferior, hopefully they'll feel gratitude for us and let us peacefully die of old age

if you feel resentment over this, which you shouldn't, consider that the same would apply to the superhumans of tomorrow vs the hyperhumans of the day after that

>> No.10049326

This discussion is missing the point. Aggression is GOOD. Good luck maintaining your feminist utopia when aliens roll around. Hell, aside from that aggression just makes a better society because otherwise what's the point but expansion of powers (which is what aggression is)? I'm sure you could make a stable and pleasant society of plants, but it's not a human society. We would be replacing ourselves, not improving us.

>> No.10049330

You have to remember that it will be an on-going process, where the standard improves after every generation. I can't remember the source, but some study predicted that being drastically mroe selective with embryos could increase the average IQ to what would be 180 today in about 10 generations or so.

>> No.10049336

A 120 iq nation would probably shit on a 100 iq nation anyway

>> No.10049337


We might not be able to help ourselves right now, but we can help Japan better themselves to the point where we have to do as they do to compete

>> No.10049342

Those are 85 IQ average countries though and mostly Islamic. Don't think your argument is valid.

>> No.10049363

>COUNTRIES WITH GREATER gender equality see a smaller proportion of women taking degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), a new study has found.

>Dubbed the “gender equality paradox”, the research found that countries such as Albania and Algeria have a greater percentage of women amongst their STEM graduates than countries lauded for their high levels of gender equality, such as Finland, Norway and Sweden.

>The researchers, from Leeds Beckett University and the University of Missouri, believe this might be because countries with less gender equality often have little welfare support, making the choice of a relatively high-paid STEM career more attractive.

>> No.10049447

>common to the point of eliminating
What does this even mean??

>> No.10049454

A lot of these things HAVE already been seen sporadically, such as eidetic memory, enhanced hearing, ability to get to sleep instantly and more.

>> No.10049492


>believe this might be because countries with less gender equality often have little welfare support,

Or it could be that STEM nerfs traditional power structure since a female having an education in engineering reduces the need for a male to take care of said female and her family. Thus it's a attractive alternative to waiting for some random guy to buy her from her family.

There's a reason why these Muslim terrorists in Middle East and Africa are going after girls seeking education. They can read the tea leaves, if the girls get into STEM or medicine related careers their economic mobility increases ten-fold. Which reduces dependency on men's wealth (at least the typical male wealth for a third world country) which is the original form of "welfare support" for women. You can see this in China and Japan too where women with more economical power can bypass a lot of traditions and society has to push memes like "left over women" and "Christmas cake" to dampen mobility. With the most extreme measures taken including reducing scores of qualified women test takers for one of the medical schools in Japan.

Not that anon btw.

>> No.10049498

Blue haired red eyes Japs when?

>> No.10049811

I’m not talking about matters of education you pathetic anime freak. Have you ever noticed in children the girls play with dolls while the boys play with legos and bionicles? GEE I WONDER WHY

Protip: see >>10048995

>> No.10049828

they're just made that it is completely illogical to keep males when there's nothing they can do that females can't but there are things females can do that males can't. This is why in a last ditch effort they try to claim that there are things that males can do but women cant. Luckily, it's just bullshit. Women are more than capable of doing anything in any field, including physically once the average woman is a 6'5" amazon.
If you want to talk about evolution, this is it. Trimming the fat (males) and optimizing the species to only have superior amazonian women.
If males want to continue to exist they need to shape up their act and accept a place in a smaller subservient role, like how they forced women to be for thousands of years.

>> No.10049831
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The phrasing is a bit awkward, but presumably anon means that abortions are so common that almost no people with down's syndrome make it to term.

>> No.10049881
File: 5 KB, 259x194, images[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that picture

>> No.10049930

China has been at it for a decade or more. Everyone knows about this. Putin mentioned genetic engineering of humans publicly.

Higher ups in many countries know what's going to happen. China is going stealth on it though and not talking much after they got a lot of press from BGI. But they have the largest cloning operations and genetic operations in the world at industrial scales. Trust me, every single school kid is being used for big data in china in this research. They want the lead.

>> No.10049932

It's not going to be JPN.. it's going to be all of Asia at the least. They have zero hangups over it in the East.

>> No.10049939

It depends. You can do the calculations yourself.

There are three important functions

# of embryos
recombination is possible yes/no
Filter function (how well you can predict results)
Editing ability (how many edits can you make at what error rate)

If you can recombine, meaning take 2 amazing samples from different couples and mate them, you can go generations deep in the lab.

If you can do 100000 embryos, you start not even requiring editing for great results.

If you have near 0% error rate on edits, you can just begin to edit them at will.

There are many, many ways to achieve 180 iq results. For instance right now research is ongoing in how to create human eggs at-will. If such technology succeeds you would have a leap forward in eugenic possibilities (tons to select/edit determined by error rates). Or if editing just gets good enough you could do it. Or if synth biology gets insane..

etc etc etc etc

There is no one roadblock that can stop it. There are many, many paths and some are already pretty decent.

>> No.10049945

>Women are more than capable of doing anything in any field

Not in STEM, it seems. Statistics show women are slightly less intelligent on average, especially in maths, and more importantly, have tighter distribution of intelligence, so much less retards and much less geniuses than males. And it is the geniuses that push humanity forwards. Face it, women need males, not the other way around.

>> No.10049949

Also this might seem a bit insane, but in lab tests show you can transplant human astrocytes into rats and their learning/memory improves.

We could theoretically start doing such things with humans. Finding really good changes in other animals that we lack and adopt them into our own genetics or early on in the process.

see: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23897758

There is no reason to believe we have a monopoly on every good adaptation.

In addition we could use such testing mechanisms to quickly find high IQ boosting variants in humans.

Meaning we use 1000000 rats, implant them with various human astrocytes, and see which improves them the most.

the possibilities are endless, not to mention orgonoids improving. People bearish on this technology are moronic.

>> No.10049961
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Another instance is crows which have achieved general intelligence.

Crows for instance can recognize and remember human faces for years and solve complex multi-step problems.


>> No.10049993

still, invading countries for such a thing isn't something you do lightly
if the shadow cabal (lol) were really concerned with losing ground, they would just propagandize for gengineering themselves and start their project

>> No.10050001

the whole conversation is about genemodding traits you want.
6'5" beautiful amazons with genius IQ's are superior to any male that could ever exist.

>> No.10050029

if we're going to go into genetic wonderland you might as well just say to kill everyone and replace them with a hivemind superintelligence modular blob creature that can perform on the fly genetic engineering of its own cells to even produce new organisms like zeus spawning athena out of his forehead

but anyone saying to remove a gender is stupid and boring

>> No.10050033

hell yes, a cybernetic implant that lets you enter a UI and modify your genetics on the fly via some gene editing organ implanted in your stomach.

>> No.10050053

I've thought of that too. convert the entire world into a jungle of interconnecting super intelligent trees, like Avatar.
But that's not possible whereas making strong, intelligent beautiful amazons with perfect body fat % is very possible.
give me 1 reason why males should exist when women are just superior in every way? males are a disposable mutation of the female that exists to spread DNA, but that's no longer needed. there is no benefit to wasting resources on a male over a female in a society as advanced as ours. every single male no matter how "smart" or "attractive" or "strong" is a waste and a liability and a threat compared to a female. males will have to be deeply modified to be smaller as to not waste more resources than necessary and to remove any chance of threatening female rule, and to enjoy subservience to women so they won't want to anyway.
Or we just remove them entirely as we go forward as a species.
there is no other logical choice, or more moral one. You're just mad because males shot themselves in the foot and rendered themselves obsolete compared to superior women who are essential and innately valuable. males removed the constructed value that they had, now they can only find value in service, if even that.

>> No.10050061

women are retarded
>bububububut lets modify them to not be retarded
yeah and lets modify males to shoot babies out of their cocks

and all this simpering about "threats" just reveals you for the pathetic faggot that you are
society WANTS threats, society NEEDS threats, because THREAT is DANGER and DANGER is PLAY and PLAY is what it all comes down to in the end

>> No.10050064

It is wonderful.
It reminds me of a line from Cody Wilson (the 3d printed gun guy) - "So how's that national conversation going?"
These people actually think that their words and moralistic ideas can control the nature of reality, but they inevitably sooner or later get btfo by mother nature (or gnon if you prefer)

>> No.10050067

>women are retarded
except women are not retarded, women already produce technology and advancements in every field and always have. Men just artificially stagnated them for much of history. Now things are changing forever.

>> No.10050079

Rei is a shit so hopefully never.

>> No.10050085

you only need to look at politics to see the devastation that female society generates
and this is besides the point
the main point is that MY superman will be outfitted with genes for aggression, so he will end up driving YOUR pacifist faggot super(wo)man into the sea where xum can vegetate for all of eternity

>> No.10050088

>Not having the superwomen become little more than fleshlights for the supermen

>> No.10050096

you can look at a long line of politics and see what idiocy generates. Women idiocy just manifests differently in politics towards more submissive ways of self-destruction.

The key similarity though is low intelligence. More intelligence means better decision making on average (even if you find a lot of bad decisions from intelligent people)

>> No.10050099

gonna need a sauce for those two long-legged bitches, OP

>> No.10050101

>Humanity will one day not be just a single species but a spectrum cobbled together from various other animals

>> No.10050100

can you rancid little sci-tards stop thinking that intelligence is literally the only character trait that exists?

>> No.10050107

muh EQ

>> No.10050145

It truly is. Everything else literally doesn't matter, just boring memetic fabrications.

>> No.10050149

>the main point is that MY superman will be outfitted with genes for aggression, so he will end up driving YOUR pacifist faggot super(wo)man into the sea where xum can vegetate for all of eternity
No, because they won't be any better at warfare or fighting, just aggressive stupid brutes that will end up destroying themselves. They have neither the logistical or moral upper hand.
A child with a gun would murder even the best of your "supermen", let along a nation of superior amazons equipped with a modern military and modern technology, with better growth potential, higher EQ and a slave class of small males to make sure that they can completely focus on other better things.
Male aggression is obsolete as well.

>> No.10050158

Yep, intelligence is everything. I can't wait until it's not hindered by remnant biology from the booting devices.

>> No.10050159

yeah but all men have innate powers of teleportation and telekenesis
*teleports behind you*

>> No.10050265

The only thing that women can do that men can't is get pregnant, in everything else the men is superior
>but superwomen amazonian genetically modified
Yeah, but supermen genetically modified still will be superior and maybe able to give birth
otherwise we coul'd modify women to be just an uterus with no conscience.
the point is women is free because the moral and valuable because they give birth, and if they try to slave us as you say, men will have to react. And all of us know who would win.

>> No.10050296

>The only thing that women can do that men can't is get pregnant, in everything else the men is superior
In nothing else are men superior
>Yeah, but supermen genetically modified still will be superior and maybe able to give birth
No they wouldn't, and if you're talking about givin birth then you're talking about amazonian women females, not males, so you agree with me.
>otherwise we coul'd modify women to be just an uterus with no conscience.
We could much more easily do that with males as a testicle sack, it's WAY easier to render males obsolete via artificial sperm than to produce artificial wombs, and even if you have artificial wombs you run into the flaws I already outlined itt. its like youre not even reading what I've written.
>the point is women is free because the moral and valuable because they give birth, and if they try to slave us as you say, men will have to react. And all of us know who would win.
Males are only valuable because they provide DNA in the form of sperm, and are physically strong.
Now women can reproduce without males, and physical strength isn't needed as much and women can have that too if they're amazons.
Males are redundant. in like 90% of animals species, the females are already larger and males are small sperm givers and food, and in some species there aren't any males (there are no species where there aren't any females).
You just have to accept that human males are going to go that route. It's just life, get over it.

>> No.10050310

we all have amazon fetishes but you don't have to be such a faggot about it

>> No.10050325

im not a male

>> No.10050332



>> No.10050343

the ideal mix is probably not 0% of one gender.

>> No.10050353

50-50 is fine, but women take the lead now. men have to go through at least 4000 years of what women have gone through, being the smaller subservient ones. each women gets a male house slave

>> No.10050365

ebin for the win

>> No.10050390

Wouldn't that just make a gay woman?

>> No.10050395

Sure you aren't, sonny boy.

>> No.10050410

>one dick baaaaad no diiiick gooooood
Thanks, Animal farm, but you've been fed a whole pile of propagandistic shit leading you to resent your own sex and you know it, and would admit it.

The truth is that a society that goes overly female winds up calling for/seeking strong men.
Your call for a feminized society creates a paradigm that wont be adopted universally.

Which means a paradigm that gets conquered by exernal-society males.

Nice move jackass, you just surrendered your genetic heretage to another tribe.

>> No.10050539

Females are incapable of being anything other then glorified children. Theres exceptions to the rule of course, but theyre rare. Its why the only female dominated society in existence is still in the stone age.

>> No.10050743

They will naturally want to be more feminine over time. Don't worry they will mostly select for even more submission and feminine quality in the future and slowly regress while males become more alpha.

>> No.10050824

>nip babys with IQ of 200+ start being created regularly in japan
The nips will be unstoppable.

>> No.10050830

In your dreams you sociopathic bitch.

>> No.10050861


Women have more stable color vision and is genetically the only sex of the two capable of tetrachromacy. So at least in that respect they have men beat.

>> No.10050910

I wonder if it's possible to do somatic editing to add tetrachromacy
I really fucking hope we won't be the suckers born before people could benefit from gengineering

>> No.10050911

The fact you’re persistently fetishizing tall “beautiful amazons” devalidates any argument you might have ever had.

>> No.10050927

whoever wins the intelligence race will be unstoppable

>> No.10050930

we are. All like a few generations early from massively improved health and statistics.

Like the last gen of people who rolled 3d6 instead of getting 20s

>> No.10050937

I mean, with biotech in 500 years (to be conservative) they could probably bioprint us new organs and everything
shit like replenishing cell populations with new weird cell types is on the horizon, and that will probably use genetic engineering to some degree
personally I don't care about my intelligence, but even then I wonder if it couldn't be increased by some therapy that upregulates a few genes

>> No.10050941

or something like just adding more neurons. I'm sure neurogenesis will be cracked sometime and people will just implant shit in their skull.

>> No.10050944

to continue since I love posting in terrible broken structures. George Church mentions that therapies that improve intelligence in adults are far more valuable than in embryos. I trust his intelligence that he's probably right.

>> No.10050950

>George Church mentions that therapies that improve intelligence in adults are far more valuable than in embryos.
how so?

>> No.10050968

The mention I remember was about him discussing the BGI documentary from a while ago. Could be a wrong memory and the quote is from some other interview or speech of his.

I haven't checked out his latest stuff though.

maybe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fYGdchv32w

>> No.10050987

Yeah he mentions it in the speech a little, not much though. Says the impact of a quickly spreading therapy that becomes a fad which increases IQ/cognitive ability would be much higher impact than germline

>> No.10051089

>It reminds me of a line from Cody Wilson (the 3d printed gun guy) - "So how's that national conversation going?"

>> No.10051094
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>> No.10051131

>The ussr banned the study of genetics under Stalin
>the left
what the fuck are you on about, the liberal left, and liberals in general are in no way connected to stalinism in the way you want to portray them. That's like saying
>the right wing all want toprotect nature, see Hitler
Is your brain broken or are you just so used to swallowing /pol/ nonsense that this shit just passes through your head unchecked?

>> No.10051142

imagine what sort of philosophical changes in the minds of the general poulace this will incur, what's the point to life if every body has near perfect genes and you know your mating instincts are a relic of the past. Can you even be rationally attracted to anyone?

>> No.10051148

well its a soft bias, they don't like biological determinism

>> No.10051153

your attraction isn't some rational choice

they will have similar sexual drives

>> No.10051155

Not really a refutation of anything he's said or done.

>> No.10051213


Not him but it's debatable, the dislike for biological determinism only includes humans and certain "designated" rep animals of nature. Outside that it's pretty open as most liberals wouldn't defend the right for mosquitoes to exist at the detriment of man. And the ones that do are a different class of liberal that may not have a lot in common with the classic interpretation. In a similar fashion to the religious right, the ideology for humans to be more than just animals on a distant rock cuts from the same cloth but at different angles.

Purists who believe in only determinism would turn off both liberals and conservatives since their view of any controlled agency is seen as non-existent. With all strife being a sign of basic animalistic instinct and any law to control it a futile effort to dominate fellow men for selfish benefit but to feign it as moral justice.

>> No.10051238

you are interpreting it like a moron

>> No.10051247


That's your opinion anon.

>> No.10051284

You should stop trying to use big words to hide small ideas. Work on the idea more.

>> No.10051496

>nothing they can do that females can't

you forgot reasoning and accountability

>> No.10051511

>50-50 is fine, but women take the lead now. women have to go through at least 4000 years of what men have gone through, being the expendable laborers and general meat shields. In return each man gets a female house slave

>> No.10051527
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Retarded nips are trying to invent the V12 engine before the wheel. Better to invest in realistic eugenics procedures that can be scaled and is safe like Embryo Selection than try something as difficult as tampering with genes and likely screwing up in the process, and creating some abomination, jeopardizing the whole field of Eugenics once again. Embryo Selection is already practiced for genetic diseases like downs syndrome and when it comes to intelligence, some expect embryo selection to yeild IQ gains of atleast 10 to 24 points.




>> No.10051541
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Wow I really need to improve my Japanese. Probably jobs open for molecular biologists there right now to carry about these experiments

>> No.10051696
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I hope they create insanely hot girls that need sex all the time but are incapable of conception. No babies and no diseases. Basically living fuckdolls.

>> No.10051702

If you can do 100000 embryos, even if you don't focus on iq alone, you can raise iq at least by 2 sd to an average of 130

>> No.10051731

They want to eliminate asian micropenis gene

>> No.10051750

No it doesn't

>> No.10051756

>average of 130
We will be beyond f*cked if they move forward with this and Western countries remain too cucked to allow it here.
Science and IQ denialism is really going to cost us.

>> No.10051821

They encourage research. Of course there will be no editing at this point.

>> No.10051832

>there are still people opposed to having an entirely better mankind

>> No.10051847

War and genocide is a good preventetive measure against such genetics

>> No.10051856

So is this basically Brave New World by Aldous Huxley?

>> No.10051958

The raving schizophrenia of the scientism mongoloids in this thread is unnerving.
Barely anyone here seems capable of making up their minds on whether they want to show their cheap hatred of humanity more openly, or if they just want to focus on offending those who think humanity should progress in its current biological arrangement.

>> No.10051977

lol I can't wait to drive you into a mass grave

>> No.10051989

technically it's legal to edit and implant to give birth in japan.

>> No.10052245 [DELETED] 
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You're welcome

>> No.10052271

You do realise it wont help you dumb genes?

>> No.10052274
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>> No.10052277

Edgefags, and muh nihilistic wicked sense of ethics.

>> No.10052301

Yes, but only with Alpha pluses. Epsilons will be replaced by cute hello kitty robots.

>> No.10052311

>Just like you have access to the kind of care that a billionaire gets, I guess.

I have, it is called universal healthcare. There may be a transition period but ultimately this kind of technology will trickle down to most people. Because if there is one thing that does trickle down, it is technology.

>> No.10052318

We do, just the best humanity possible. AKA not dying at age 34 of heart attack, or having diabetes, or a serious genetic illness that gives you immense suffering.

>> No.10052322

What we work towards as humans is optimizing our reward states. Everything about this improves my reward state. It means a better future with better reward states which is all we are here for.

>> No.10052332

>I love genetic diseases

This opens the way to cure a whole host of diseases and problems in humanity. Do you hate vaccines too?

Sure there are other solutions such as treatment or selection but another toolbox for humans to make the future better is great.

>> No.10052334

it will help my children, tough, if by zygote selection and genetic engineering their IQ can be increased by a standard deviation or two, then it is my moral duty to do it

>> No.10052346
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>> No.10052352

Unfortunately in our modern world universal healthcare tends to be used to increase death rate by denying either complete care, or necessary care. There really isn't a good solution, and the insurance racket can be just as bad and worse.

>> No.10052378

What is this optimized meme?
what is the optimized human? That doesn't really even make sense, you're optimization is different in different environments.

>> No.10052381

Down syndrom screening
>Foetuses aren't even human yet!
>everyone deserves a child
IVF + genetic testing for cystic fibrosis, huntingdons, sickel cell
>sure, we should get rid of those horrible genes
IVF + genetic screening to reduce risk of schizophrenia
>yeah, great, that condition wrecks lives
IVF + screening for autism
>hang on a minute...
IVF + genetic screening for intelligence
>woah, intelligence is environmentally determined, you're not a eugenicist are you?

>> No.10052456

You realize they have surgeries to get those kind of teeth? It''s supposed to be cute. It has nothing to do with their DNA and therefore will not change

>> No.10052462

>Japs sacrifice themselves for the better of humanity, to show everyone that eugenics and gene editing is not some kind of magical silver bullet that solves all the problems in the world
Thank you Japan, you will be gone but not forgotten

>> No.10052473

absolutely based

>> No.10052476
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>> No.10052525

epigenetic isn't fake you retard

>> No.10052529

>Science and IQ denialism
There is no denialism if the basis of IQ isn't even demonstrated as definitely true.

>> No.10052534

Now we can just edit out foreskin, clitoris, and sexual pleasure.. for a small fee. No more surgeries! Progress!

>> No.10052621

>The ability of creating superhumans will make humans and superhumans obsolete

>> No.10052632
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>Ideal TOPite Genome (Annointed:)

Am I the only person who keeps a catalog of every allele I want? I can actually justify my desired phenotype allele-by-allele to doctors or ethics panels.

My main goals have been to elevate dopamine levels, and produce a phenotype with a very low WHR. The current working hypothesis is that schizophrenia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are all caused by low dopamine, which is a result of the death of dopaminergic neurons. And what kille DA neurons? DAT removes DA from the synapse and moves it into the cell where the DA can be oxidized. During this oxidation, the dopaminergic neuron is damaged.

Anti-oxidants such as
have shown to be very effective at inhibiting DAT;

>Previous study reported that the neuroprotective effects of green tea polyphenols against MPP(+)-induced neurotoxicity were related to its inhibitory effect on MPP(+) uptake via DAT in dopaminergic cells
>treatment of EGCG decreased membrane-bound DAT by 15% to 60%
>EGCG exerts its inhibitory effect on DAT

Thus, we can predict neuro-preservation from alleles that lead to elevated dopamine levels;

>Functional polymorphism (C-824T) of the tyrosine hydroxylase gene affects IQ in schizophrenia
>IQ was lower in individuals with the C/C genotype than those with T carriers. The plasmid with the T allele at -824 showed higher transcriptional activity than that with the C allele in a transient transfection experiment using a luciferase gene as a reporter, implying that the T carriers may have higher TH activities and retain higher levels of catecholamines in the brain

But there are behavioral implications to high DA. Pimozide;

>There was an excellent response to pimozide 2 mg daily, with a cessation of both cross-dressing and the wish for sex reassignment

Pimozide is a D2 antagonist which blocks DA.

>> No.10052712

this is pretty cool. How long have you been working on it?

>> No.10052729

Elevated dopamine levels outside of the synapse increase ROS generation via fenton reaction mediated autoxidation, formation of reactive condensates, and mitochondrial MAO mediated decay.

I just don't see how this could afford neuroprotection in a downstream sense when the primary mechanism is itself fairly toxic.

>> No.10052767


>Oral administration of EGCG (2 and 10 mg/kg) in vivo, has shown to significantly reduce DA neuron loss in the SN and also prevent striatal DA and tyrosine hydroxylase protein level depletion

>I just don't see how this could afford neuroprotection

That's cool, bro.

>> No.10052790

I skimmed your post. I guess that explains a lot for me then, I've probably taken in more EGCG in the space of a moth than most people will in their entire lifetime. It induces movement disorders, including fine motor dysfunction and tends to lead to jerky exaggerating movements. I'd only looked at it from the angle of antioxidant action and ryanodine receptor activity.

I took it in via cacao. Which has a number of compounds that are quite active, but as I'm re-reading your post I think a number of key pieces to an old puzzle for me are taking form. I got hung up on cAMP and just dropped it years ago for various reasons.

Post is appreciated. Will lend further consideration.

>> No.10053025

As if the scoundrels in this thread want to stop at merely cutting out the worst ailments from our genetics.

>> No.10053026

we must be optimized

>> No.10053046

>AKA not dying at age 34 of heart attack, or having diabetes, or a serious genetic illness that gives you immense suffering.
How many cans of pepsi do you drink for breakfast each day?

>> No.10053053

none of us are genetically modified, though

are we just going to suffer an in between period of being virtually outcompeted with everything

>> No.10053058

ITT: So many retards who clearly do not understand genetics.

>> No.10053073
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Any given human is just a giant collection of alleles.

Each nucleobase is paired in DNA with an opposite. Hypothetically, any two of A/C/G/T could exist in any pair of nucleobases, meaning the human population in any given allele can have one of four alleles.

A person can be a homozygote (AA,) or a heterozygote(AB.) A and B can both be any nucleobase (ACGT.)

When we modify a genome, we can't get rid of an ailment and not also modify other aspects of biological function. An example would be how the MC1R alleles that cause red hair are associated with lower levels of dopamine;

>MC1Re/e mice, which carry an inactivating mutation of MC1R and mimic the human redhead phenotype, have compromised nigrostriatal dopaminergic neuronal integrity, and they are more susceptible to dopaminergic neuron toxins 6-hydroxydopamine and 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP). Furthermore, a selective MC1R agonist protects against MPTP-induced dopaminergic neurotoxicity

Is red hair a genetic disease? No particular allele is 'best.' Each allele has effects and downsides.

Genetic background also effects the significance of alleles. For instance, more East Asians display the red hair causing MC1R allele than Europeans (Pic related,) yet when was the last time you saw a redheaded Asian;


Some things that concern me;

1: Medical professionals and doctors seek anti-DA solutions to social and interpersonal problems, and might extend this to a eugenics program,

2: A eugenics program run by these scientists will try to give the dumb masses the alleles they want - tall, thick, muscular - at the expense of aesthetics and health;

>We suggest that the normal, physiological functions of GH in promoting growth, sexual maturation and fecundity involve significant costs in terms of aging and life expectancy

>> No.10053109
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No one and nothing - not even common sense - has the right to control the alleles we choose.

Evolution has been self-selected in many cases. Not the decision of some nebulous force, but the result of the decisions of a 1001 Individuals. When you decide to breed with someone, you select the literal face of future generations.

Playing god in the lab is as dangerous as letting diseases fester in your drinking water - that is to say, it will ultimately kill us all. But Individuals have already played god - we are the creations of our ancestors.

Lust and evolution are the same thing - chemicals in our brains move us into position to deposit or receive sperm. We judge the genome of our potential mates by looking at the Macroscopic Product of that genome. Lust is encoded by the genome, and coordinates the evolution of our genome - we lust for what we want to become;

>Society bloomed with gentler personalities, more feminine faces: Technology boom 50,000 years ago correlated with less testosterone

The right of the Individual organism to direct it's own evolution should be enshrined in our law.


We'll make new stem cells with our desired alleles, and inject them into our bodies. Macroscopic surgery would be used to remove all unnecessary flesh, and what remained would be more maticulously replaced via injections and microscopic cauterization.

Over long periods of time, your old tissue would shrink to the significance of an absorbed twin, and eventually to functionless streaks of cells through your new body.

We'll be able to gain the benefits of GM, but we'll always have impure, inferior cells that mark us to anyone who can sequence a genome.

>> No.10053162

ohno, I wish I was still a dumb monkey with conserved genetics from before humans.

Get over your fear of change.

>> No.10053167

Who cares faggot lol. Parents will want choice. Some labs will allow it somewhere in the world.

>> No.10053172

>genes are complicated so we can never ever do any genetic selection or editing ever

this argument is so fucking boring and stupid, especially when it's always a cherry picked boring example from someone low IQ with no real comprehension of the entire space of the problem.

>> No.10053202

now we code for people to be monogamous, like prairie voles

>> No.10053278
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There is nothing magical about natural fertilization. There are sizable rates of genetic disease in natural births. There are sizeable rates of severe mental illness in natural births. There are murderers, retards, and people with severe ailments that lead to poor quality of life from natural births.

You can not argue as if natural births are somehow better without good evidence. The same genes could be or not be in the child if it is born naturally versus selected or engineered.

You have to look at the % chance to avoid a severe genetic disease by editing or selection and factor that in as well versus natural birth.

The way people think about this is so fucking retarded by imagining natural births somehow avoid all serious genetic issues and aren't just literal randomness.

This picture is not a genetic engineering mistake.

>> No.10053280
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Reminder you are trying to squelch and censor an entire range of cures to human suffering by fighting against genomic solutions.

>> No.10053291

we aren't just looking to eliminate defects, we're looking to optimize the species.

>> No.10053366

>Get over your fear of change.
"fear"...what a dumb thing to reduce it to.
I don't want it to happen because it will increase momentum in the opposite direction of what it is trying to be achieved: a more sophisticated species.
What you are suggesting has the moral and societal worth of plastic surgery, just dressed up with the grandiose and quasi-providential language of the scum that fantasised about this in the first half of the last century.

>> No.10053369

On the right, archetypal sexy Scandinavian / eastern European woman.

Might just go to Russia.

>> No.10053594

>having children

>> No.10053596

JUST dont JUST your genes

>> No.10053602

This is true. Wireless devices may well eliminate his ability to have children. I almost feel like a caricature or a parody of myself saying it like that, even though it's quite serious.

>> No.10053613

if "optimizing" means avg life span of 250 years, not doing it will be the same as genetic diseases today.

too dumb to respond

>> No.10053620

>it will increase momentum in the opposite direction of what it is trying to be achieved: a more sophisticated species.

Pretty sure genetic engineering will move us towards greater sophistication, you luddite retard.

>> No.10053763

people fear the strong and intelligent, this is nothing new

>> No.10054165

strength is obsolete, efficiency is what must and will be optimized

>> No.10054406

They don't understand what it looks like. If you have bad predictive models of the future you make stupid decisions.

Most predictive models of the public are based off the last hollywood movie they watched or nazi germany.

>> No.10054421

Let's take an average member of the public or even academia. They will not think about the issue except via intuition. In most cases, say an ethicist, this will be from a critical standpoint that scientists are bad without them telling them how to cure cancers or disease. In this case "we need regulation, we need non-scientists, aka ethicists to decide how it used." In this case they are pre-programmed by brainwashing to know
1. Scientists are evil cis white males with no diversity of perspective
2. They know what's best, which means getting a nigerian tire-collector to chime in on whether cystic fibrosis should be cured or not in embryos.

In the case of the public, it would be usually based off a movie they have seen. They have no imagination or much brainwashing on the subject except from media. AKa "This would be like Gattaca".

In the case of /sci/ tards like in this thread it is to bring up the case "It's really complicated". As though this was a novel thought only imagined by them. In this case they will think 2 seconds on the problem, assume people doing it are sub 50 IQ and planned to mass produce clones with no genetic diversity (not even really what this tech is about) etc.

So in most cases you have a good swath of people with outright idiotic initial points of view and having made up a point of view, most will not change it unless forced by overwhelming evidence and enough time to do so quietly and unnoticed.

See: All the people who said it would be impossible already pivoting to some new stance equally as bad but not yet disproven completely.

>> No.10054430

Here we have someone just outright idiotic.
It's really compicated argument
ethicist argument of "only I know how to use it"

>> No.10054446

>ethicist argument of "only I know how to use it"
Obviously not ONLY me, any who agrees with me too.
But seriously, if you think making a bunch of tall white muscular Adonises is what's "best" you seriously dont know what you're talking about. It's both cliche and just wrong.

>> No.10054452


Let's say we use the criteria:

Really bad outcomes such as horrible deaths and immense suffering is reason to ban a reproductive technology

If this is your stance.

You would logically be working towards eliminating natural random births in favor of screening or editing to eliminate disease.

see: http://www.kumc.edu/GEC/prof/prevalnc.html

If we actually followed an ethical framework entirely based on logic and not on arbitrary stupidity then the natural decision would be to push genomic technology to replace natural birth.

5-6% genetic disease rate in the population is extremely high.

>> No.10054455

replace white with brown and you love it?

Again, though, you are assuming my stance is blonde and blue as though that is a major issue. Sorry idiot but I have a much higher cognitive capacity than you by some absurd amount and do not think in terms of nazis or simple fucking concepts.

>> No.10054465

>replace white with brown and you love it?
No, nothing to do with skin color, I made that point because most of the people who talk about this think about it like some Ubermensch Nazi thing.
>Sorry idiot but I have a much higher cognitive capacity than you by some absurd amount and do not think in terms of nazis or simple fucking concepts.
Lmao, no, trust me you do not. This is irrelevant, though, and just posturing.
Tell me what your master race would look like (within the context of genemodding humans, nothing cybernetic), I'll tell you if it's right.

>> No.10054471

>would look like
The parents have full power to choose.

>> No.10054476

see shithead

I am not an authoritarian. I don't want to see some retard like you or ethicists deciding what a parent should do or can do with their genetic lineage.

I definitely feel the general public will decide far better than some fucking pieces of trash like you or authoritarians who imagine themselves better able to decide. Parents will naturally make decisions and the range of decisions will be far better than a stupid fuck like you deciding whether blue eyes should be allowed or not.

>> No.10054477

>Have your foreskin genetically engineered out
>Can't choose not to cut your kids
>Probably have to pay the Jew royalties for your penis genes, else your proprietary penis won't even form.

>> No.10054482

>internal combustion engine being invented and beginning to go consumer
>hurr durr we need industrial ethicists to decide whether all the cars should be white or red
>what should we create, all trucks or all SUVs?

Like, it's such a fucking simple concept but you dumbfucks lack any cognitive reasoning above whatever shit the system programmed into you. That is how I got so far ahead of literally humanity that I can coast.

>> No.10054484

>The parents have full power to choose.
a libertarian society like what you want, while clearly more moral, will be completely overrun and out-competed by a society that specifically designs their people to be optimized.
I don't care about aesthetic traits. Eye color, race, whatever, it's irrelevant.
The general public will not decide "far better", they're just going to try to maximize current beauty standards. It'll be completely trash in comparison to an actual optimized populous specifically designed physically and mentally to dominant.
A master race of genius eusocial gnomes are going to overrun the rest of the planet.

>> No.10054485

Based Nips. Fuck yeah, eugenic wars now! Khan is best.

>> No.10054490

You underestimate people and natural selection. Although yes, a good country would want to mass produce geniuses and give them up for adoption or into a good development environment.

>> No.10054491
File: 35 KB, 825x464, prometheusEngineer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tell me what your master race would look like
Like pic. Smart, brutal, babyfaced wariors.

>> No.10054495

Go for it, make the world a better place.

>> No.10054515

Also, I personally do not know. Putting a super optimized high IQ child into a trailer park might not be the best idea. It would probably end the cycle of poverty but who knows also the feasibility.

We are currently dysgenic so going towards a super optimized maxima for positive eugenics might be impossible given social dynamics. Parental choice is probably easier to do than telling parents via gov which baby they will get.

>> No.10054526

ITT: people in this thread who don’t have a background in genetics or genomics or mol bio or biophysics rant endlessly about their fap pedo cat gril fantasy world

>> No.10054528
File: 147 KB, 604x771, brainlectron_microscope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this SEETHING roastie

men will build artificial wombs before women can come up with any way to reproduce without men, and it's a good thing

your days are numbered, flappy

>> No.10054530

no ones talking about that

>> No.10054533

mediocre ML does more work to figure out genetics than all those things you listed. Video gamers contributed more to this than 99% of those scientists via pushing GPU advancement.

>> No.10054536

>t. roastie who didn't even bother to read the thread
if this site triggers you so much why don't you just stay on tumblr/reddit? This is a serious question.

>> No.10054541

This. All the feminine soft "sciences" have been advanced more by the emergeance of powerful computers and neural nets than a century of brainlets and females mulling around in their own excrement.

>> No.10054545

It's because they don't understand geoplexami. They never look for deeper patterns. Just always branching out from shitty basis instead of understanding the complexity of the problem and knowing that "hand work" is almost pointless.

The current pathways literally almost 99% are on, are pointless and non-contributory to any advancement yet they will all masturbate themselves off about their useless knowledge and progress.

>> No.10054552

for example

hand an expert "geneticist" or "biologist" the 500,000 sample size SNP set and tell them to figure out 1% of human intelligence variance.

versus handing it to a basic ML person who has never seen a biology classroom.

>> No.10054568 [DELETED] 

Also if anyone wants to get my perspective.

1. Go from nothing to math/language.
2. Analyze a thought impossible problem to solve (mill prob) and solve it off a completely new and different basis.

>> No.10054571
File: 3.64 MB, 2752x2208, 1510609042065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

la transición...

>> No.10054572

if anything artificial wombs would empower women even more, the reverse of what you believe.
Married, high working women would just loan an artificial womb to develop their children instead of going with the hassle of maternity leave retard

>> No.10054577

All these worlds are yours, except Europa. Attempt no landings there.

>> No.10054583

Artificial womb would benefit women the most I think. At least in terms of making choices.

>> No.10054589

The exciting part about artificial womb though is the medical possibilities. Interventions, analysis, and data could quickly be used to optimize health and outcome. Not to mention the nutrients and other things could be optimized. Only risk is missing nutrients by accident which could be solved.

>> No.10054598
File: 66 KB, 700x892, khan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tell me what your master race would look like (within the context of genemodding humans, nothing cybernetic), I'll tell you if it's right.

>> No.10054600

>Tell me what your master race would look like (within the context of genemodding humans, nothing cybernetic), I'll tell you if it's right.

I should have mentioned how stupid this line was lol

>I will tell you if it's right

>> No.10054620

I think you miss the obvious. When we no longer need wombs, what the fuck do we need women for? Nobody is going to pander to you disgusting creatures anymore.

>> No.10054624

lol at that point there is no point to females anymore. Artificial wombs dont benefit women, sadly.

>> No.10054626

>I should have mentioned how stupid this line was lol
there is an objectively superior form in terms of fitness and competition, that can be designed.

>> No.10054646

>they have surgeries to get those kind of teeth?
No they don't. The entire country is full of snaggletoothed people that make the english look like they have lovely smiles.

>> No.10054651

The female form is completely optimized for gestating and feeding offpsring, there is nothing it does equal to, let alone superior to, the male form in terms of physicality or athleticism.
Remove the need to gestate and nurture, and you remove the need for the female form. This does not have an equivalent in the male form - creating artificial sperm doesn't render male form obsolete as the male form is still simply superior physically.
The woman itt who wrote about making women into amazons is unironically on the nose in terms of what women would need to do to given how tech is advancing. Funnily enough, though, women aren't going to do that because they don't want to be the big dominant ones. They'd rather completely eliminate their role rather than optimize themselves to be matriarchs. sad.
Though we'll all be machines anyway within a few decades so the whole conversation is pointless.

>> No.10054658

>Trying to trick yourself into believing you won't still want a woman's soft skin
>Her presence
>Differing perspectives
>Her lips
>Her hips
>Her hair
>Her eyes
>Her pheromones
>Her warm slippery estrogen laced pussy
>The potential for great moments of your shared pleasure

Don't kid yourself guy. People like you always cave to the most base and fundamental desires and comforts. And it's not such a terrible thing to just accept it. It's no coincidence that various cultures have considered man the knife and woman the sheath.

>> No.10054662

>Though we'll all be machines anyway within a few decades so the whole conversation is pointless.
Also this though. We'll all be sterilized and turned into bizarre morgellon's machines or something we can't even predict.

>> No.10054663

who's the qt on the right. they're in college right?

>> No.10054665

So you're admitting the reason women would continue to exist is as "pets" to men, because men like to touch them.
That's not empowering or liberating. that's submission to patriarchal rule.

>> No.10054678

I didn't bother to go into the broader systematic or existential implications, but in short, yes. The intersex dynamic is held together by certain desires, inclinations, and predicates. I don't see how a man's deeper needs to feel fulfilled (or at the very least hooked and satisfied) requires female submission and male dominance. Unless you'r implying women are inherently weak and need a man to tell them how it's going to be. If he gives her permission to be free and liberated, she will be so, if he dominates her, she will accept it and it will be so...? Doesn't seem like you think much of female agency.

Just animals to be trained, subjugated, and trauma programmed I guess. According to Anon, that's all women can be.

>> No.10054690

That's what you are saying women are. That's not what I'm saying at all.
Just because the women may "like" to be in that position, doesn't mean they are liberated, or empowered, or free.
Women will need to deeply modify their sex if they want to remain competitive. If they do it well they will dominate. I don't think they'll do it, because I think (lamentably) that women would rather accept a role of servitude rather than step up and take over. I mean, truly take over, not 'take over' the way many women seem to think about it.
I mean, becoming Hyenas. ACTUAL matriarchs. I don't see women doing it.
Patriarchal rule will be cemented forever.

>> No.10054693

I don't have any technical biology knowledge, so I don't have such a list but I do have a private list of general "superpowers" that can be attained from genetic engineering. I try to ground them more in reality than in sci-fi.

>> No.10054701

I'm not entirely sure how it would shake out. I do know as man is now, long term societal stability is predicated on the existence and interaction of both sexes. Once you get into low level re-engineering there are a number of possible branches, and all of them somewhat ill formed. I'm not really intending to contribute in that speculative sense.

>> No.10054707

>I do know as man is now, long term societal stability is predicated on the existence and interaction of both sexes
yea I agree
>Once you get into low level re-engineering there are a number of possible branches, and all of them somewhat ill formed.
Some are better than others

>> No.10054711

Also, my mother is into this in a historical sense, and there's definitely a lot to be said. I'm just not sure how worth it saying it really is.

Means for transitions in that direction, barring major collapse, seem pretty non-existent.

>> No.10054730

It's kind of stupid to speculate. Our initial biology was for a very different environment and the current environment is rapidly changing. It might become arbitrary in that case arguing over which is best is kind of pointless. If it is still important for some reason then nat selection across billions of humans will continue.

What individual decisions go into the creation of each human is meh. Keep in mind there is also improving cosmetic and gene therapy technologies for adults. Meaning that adult choices to vary based on desire could take place.

The gist of everything is advancing scientific knowledge so we have better predictive powers and can make better choices. Those choices are to reach better reward states, aka less pointless suffering and more good reward state outcomes.

>> No.10054733

In this case the support for genetic editing is that it will alleviate a lot of pointless suffering (genetic diseases) and even other problems which are genetically caused. It's not the only solution to such problems but combined with other technologies could reduce total human suffering pretty heavily.

Arguing it could have bad outcomes is equivalent to pretty much any other technology including vaccines. Vaccines can be used to give a population immunity to a bioweapon which is then used in a war against enemies. Does that mean we should not use vaccines?

>> No.10054735

you’re an idiot
nothing has been figured out

>> No.10054750

lol stay mad, dude.

>> No.10054755

chimping out and calling a huge number of published studies "nothing" isn't a good idea.

>> No.10054771

you can stop samefagging any time now

>> No.10054774

You're an idiot.

>> No.10054787

He's right though.
GWAS papers are a mess:


https://pastebin.com/JcYR641q heritability estimates are largely overestimated by environment bias.
We can't fully control the environment of humans and yet, you want eugenics to happen now?

>> No.10054789

> China
doubt it. they lie about their science constantly

>> No.10054794

>jews have been seeking genetic counseling
because they are famously inbred

>> No.10054801

No you can't compete with the Nips. They go to school all day then go to afterschool programs where they arent allowed to sleep until they pass all the tests

>> No.10054814

They treat it as a status symbol, they don't have it fixed because it is supposed to be cute, it's not a negative there

>> No.10054919

living creatures need to be physically capable in order to have successful lives, there are no exceptions.

>> No.10054927

"physically capable" isn't a high bar, and anything over it is a waste and inefficient and obsolete.

>> No.10055451

You are so fucking stupid.

>> No.10055471

My IQ swamps yours, dumbass. You've said nothing in any of these threads but calling me stupid and getting mad at everything I say because the truth makes you uncomfortable.

>> No.10055568

>the liberal left, and liberals in general are in no way connected to stalinism

So we're gonna play that game huh? Nothing will change the fact that the left once had a socialist nation that banned genetics for leftist reasons. The left also supported a fellow leftist biologist, Lysenko, and his pseudoscience "Lysenkoism". To quote wikipedia

"The pseudo-scientific ideas of Lysenkoism assumed the heritability of acquired characteristics (Lamarckism).[1] Lysenko's theory rejected Mendelian inheritance and the concept of the "gene"; it departed from Darwinian evolutionary theory by rejecting natural selection.[2] Proponents falsely claimed to have discovered, among many other things, that rye could transform into wheat and wheat into barley, that weeds could spontaneously transmute into food grains, and that "natural cooperation" was observed in nature as opposed to "natural selection".[2] Lysenkoism promised extraordinary advances in breeding and in agriculture that never came about."

Its interesting that this pseudo-scientific idea was embraced by leftist, and it notably embraced this notion that any organisms is so super malleable by the environment that you can turn something into anything. Something that is a common theme with leftist today and their rejection of any "inherentness". The other reasons genetics was banned was because muh catholics and muh nazi. Sounds very left to me. Moreover, modern leftist "scientist" have been branded as neo-Lysenkoism. Lewotin and Steven J Gould. Pure coincidences I'm sure. Leftist communist Steven J Gould, also committed academic fraud (see: Samuel Morton skull collection) in order to defend his ideas of the biological differences between skeletons. Again, telling.

We also know, that leftists have made shots against any aspects of biology that imply "inherentness". Leftists are the number one deniers of gene, race and IQ, but less well-known was leftist activism against "sociobiology".

>> No.10055586


In science there is correct or incorrect categoricals. Not liberal or conservative.

Lysenko, was just incorrect.

>> No.10055593

Genetics is not limited to ATGC, there have already been X and Y nucleotides added


>> No.10055601

Will we see genetic editing in vivo in our lifetime? I mean super babies are cool and all that but I want to be super too!

>> No.10055781

>Lysenko, was just incorrect.

That didn't matter. His conviction on his righteousness was not from the science, but from own screwed up worldview that dominates the mind of many leftists, the rejection of "inherentness". It didn't matter if he was wrong, because the political system set up by communists allowed him to essentially quash opposition, make his ideas the law, destroy Soviet Genetics for a decade, and even send a bunch of biologists to the gulags for wrongthink. Even now, we have "scientist" with leftist conviction who would organize and pie E.O Wilson in the face for the audacity of "Sociobiology", harass anyone who ever looked into genetics, take over organization and get anyone fired and criticized for attacking their worldview (the CERN lab, and Nature publishing that stupid opinion and slur piece against Plomin).

They are a threat to the science of genetics.

>> No.10055790

wow what an idiotic post way up there like 20 posts

>> No.10055803

just quote the post

>> No.10055811

monstergirls when?

>> No.10055817

This website IS mostly /pol/,... and /v/.
Ever searched for traffic stats?

>> No.10055841

>This website IS mostly /pol/

I don't know, people usually know how causality works.

On the other hand, maybe many poltards come to try to troll like they do in all the other boards.

>> No.10056020

They aren't inbred you retard. Here's the thing sometimes even in a population that is diverse if everyone is carrier the number of people who have a conditions is big. Are West Africans inbred due to Sickle Cell? Are Finns inbred due to some conditions they have in larger then normal numbers? Are Afrikaners inbred?

>> No.10056367

Wouldn't it actually make everyone equal, a few centuries down the line? Once literally every baby is 100% lab-built...

>> No.10056409

>China has been at it for a decade or more
This anon gets it. The financial upside is immense, especially in a country as huge and populous as China. If you genetically eliminate birth of anyone with IQ less than 100 and without any hereditary diseases they will simply win.

In my country we do not even stock medicine used by those with diabetes or haemophilia. In a war they will die. That would be a shock to any country.

>> No.10057056

>universal healthcare tends to be used to increase death rate

>> No.10057455

But anon ending the wide spectrum of genetic diseases wont make us even more equal?

I just want to see japan start making monsters to be honest, imagine a functional autist not interested in sex, procrastination or power. The perfect slave for modern era.

>> No.10057520
