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10045760 No.10045760 [Reply] [Original]

>Go to uni, get top grades, bag an extremely competitive Corporate Finance job
>Studying for the CFA with my colleagues whilst working full-time
>A girl and a guy (both from Cambridge University) pick up the financial concepts we learn extremely easily despite having done a BA.
>Easily outpacing some of the finance guys in the class

Is smartness genetics or can we actually train ourselves to be smarter?

I always thought I was smart and tbf all of us in the class are otherwise we wouldn't have got the job, but these two are next level.

>> No.10045770

Its genetics and has been proven to be genetics for decades now.

>> No.10045786

>despite having done a BA.
You'll start to have a better life once you realize how stupid your notions of education are.

>> No.10045789

What majors did the cambridge kids have?

>> No.10045806

Are they Asian?
You can't compete with Asians.

>> No.10045808

top schools exist for high IQs.
it's why a 3.2 at cambridge is worth more than a 4.0 at State U. grad school adcoms know this. everyone who gets into these top schools is likely intelligent, they're simply better and always will be better. it's why the notion of school ranking is so touchy to brainlets who went to sub top 5s.

>> No.10045822

Classics and Management Studies

>> No.10045831

utter delusion

>> No.10045834

No, both white. They're not too nerdy either, both are socially well adjusted and hang out with us at the pub after.

>> No.10045837

except for you know the past 5000 years where everyone had absolutely zero difficulty competing with them.

>> No.10045844

this, to be completely honest.
In general Ivy leagues only have better graduates because they have stricter admissions, it's not like the teaching is several times better than what you could get from a cheap school, or even teaching yourself.
which only really makes worse the fact that some people will go there and get passed just for having money even if they are a brainlet.

>> No.10045853

should have studied harder little guy
you've jeopardized not only your undergrad education, but also your postgrad by going to a sub top 10 for undergrad.
better luck next life, or try and get a second BS as a 30+ year old.

>> No.10045859

>everyone who gets into these schools is likely intelligent

>what is legacy admission
>what is affirmative action

I went to a smaller private school because it was closer to home, then got into top 5 grad school. These cucks that do undergrad at Ivy League-type schools always tend to act like they’re above everyone. It’s funny to see when all the problem sets they did in undergrad are rendered useless in the real world.

>> No.10045862

keep spewing your propaganda wagie, I'm sure Bezos is appreciating how hard you're licking his boots and towing the party line.

>> No.10045868
File: 40 KB, 550x521, mp,550x550,gloss,ffffff,t.3u7[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate normies like that.
Why does the universe allow some individuals to excel at everything and be so OP?
That's so unfair it doesn't make sense.

>> No.10045878

And the world will never know the names of 99% of those people. Doesn't matter where you come from.

>> No.10045890

>be gook
>eat rice

>> No.10045931

Financial "concepts" aren't difficult.

>> No.10045986

This >>10045859
Everyone there got in because of daddy's money or Marxism.

>> No.10045992

Based and redpilled (not gooks I hate gooks).

>> No.10046231

It's genetics 100%.
Tell us your IQ now and we'll tell you what your job should be.

>> No.10046248


>> No.10046922

>pick up the financial concepts we learn extremely easily

What financial concepts are you struggling with?

>> No.10046928

There's more to life than being smart. Just b urself

>> No.10046943

>be an australian
>get a job in manual labor
>earn more than the soft cunts who sit at a desk all day
>eventually get into property/business and earn millions

>> No.10046958

No Bruce no, that's not what happened...

>be an australian
>get a job in manual labor
>earn more than the soft cunts who sit at a desk all day
>eventually become an alcoholic
>cry into a can of XXXX every day

>> No.10046959


>> No.10047054

computers guy

>> No.10047081

>they're simply better and always will be better

not always, one day they can end up around the corner asking for a dollar, and a face filled up with holes cause of crack/heroin.
Who here didn't saw a very smart person turning into a zombie because of drugs/traumas it lived?

>> No.10047284
File: 131 KB, 525x809, 1458756193790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waaaah why isn't evetything handed to me on a silver platter
>I don't wanna give effort

>> No.10047290

>op says that they easily learn stuff
>its somehow effort
I really want to torture uppity faggots like you.

>> No.10047332

we have this thread every 5 minutes please fucking stop

>> No.10047391

I thought it was race

>> No.10047566
File: 335 KB, 1520x1520, 0FBEA3A7-55F7-4C01-A353-051C18BBB794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wants a brainlet uprising

>> No.10049070

>he can't even read a single sentence post
>I'm the brainlet
we are reaching new levels of faggoty.

>> No.10049104

you're just realizing that degrees are iq tests

the whole get a degree meme has made educators very rich

>> No.10049108

It used to be you would do an "aptitude test" and then the employer would decide to train you. You know employers use to do that. Then later on in your career you would set an exam for professional accreditation and take it whenever you were ready. This was before high school was dumbed down to let everyone pass. This also saved people 4 years of their life and thousands of dollars.

>> No.10049114

its also why master degrees are a waste of time unless you're changing careers

>> No.10049116

The original aussie shitposting mathematician.

>> No.10049118

> tao
> aussie
pick one civnat globalist cuck

>> No.10049813

They studied that stuff beforehand you dummy. It's work work work, obsession and monomania. You might as well equate "book smarts" with inability to feel boredom after hours of uninterrupted work.

>> No.10049836

>You might as well equate "book smarts" with inability to feel boredom after hours of uninterrupted work.
People who aren´t "book smart" (i.e. people below the top percentiles) naturally shy away from things that they do not understand.

Are you an idiot, or why else would you be surprised at the notion that intelligent people - who are capable of solving complex problems - enjoy complex problems more than idiots who are incapable of solving the same problems?

The genius gravitates towards difficult subjects because it lends him/her pleasure, while the idiot avoids them due to their actual and perceived difficulty.

>> No.10050335

What do you mean despite having done a BA?
All Cambridge undergraduate degrees are calles BA

>> No.10050376


Not him but smart people can be lazy fucks too. Intellectual curiosity is not the same as working memory capacity or "on the spot" problem solving ability, there is a positive correlation but they are not at all the same thing and this correlation disappears as you go up the IQ spectrum.

>> No.10050566

I have no clue how you can read the OP and my reply and come to those conclusions.