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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 446 KB, 808x805, 1530464322002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10043151 No.10043151 [Reply] [Original]

>it's a chinese students being loud episode

>> No.10043154
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>its an indian students hoarding every computer in the library episode

>> No.10043155
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>its an episode of pajeets taking my cushy CS job

>> No.10043161

why do you need a library computer?

>> No.10043165
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>It's the autistic female student will not stop following you episode.

>> No.10043168

that's a good thing

>> No.10043169

Some people are poor anon. I know, it's disgusting,

>> No.10043170

My university doesn't let us download Pearson's Crystal Data to our own computers

>> No.10043178

I hate shit like that, fucking edukikes

>> No.10043214

pajeets doing that over here
they simply will not fucking shut up

>> No.10043215

Lol no, they are not q t 3.14 anime memes.

>> No.10043222

not everyone can get a hot gf ez pz m8, some of us have to aim for average girls

>> No.10043244

lmfao i did a summer engineering program in korea this year and when i tried to sleep in the dorms the only language i heard through the walls at night was chinese. the koreans were dead silent, they barely existed

at the end of class the chinese people never push their seat in, so to get out of my row i have to push 10 seats in and it's FUCKING ANNOYING

they're always talking in chinese every time the teacher says a complete sentence

im a cultural racist and i will say it proudly

>> No.10043252

the fact that you think in that way ensures you'll wont get an average one either

>> No.10043253

Yes, but autistic girls are not average, like the neck-beards here who also aren't average.

>> No.10043256

They aren't loud, its just Chinese language feels bad. There are lost of people speaking English loudly, but I dont feel as bad because while it isn't my first language, it is still a European language.

>> No.10043259 [DELETED] 

I have a gf

>> No.10043273
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>> No.10043279

not for long if she ever finds out you consider her mediocre

>> No.10043283

>he goes to a college so bad that it admits dumb chinese students for their tuition money

>> No.10043291

>need to use the library computer to print out a lab report before class
>every computer filled with english major thots on facebook
>they all get mad when you tell them to get off for five minutes

>> No.10043299


gotta love english major thots

>> No.10043340
File: 25 KB, 320x316, 38275309_220287528645594_9076080273786929152_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's an "I switched from a semester of math to etech and the students are as faggot and autistic and nerdy and gay and lolbitchlasagna as the mathfags" episode.

>> No.10043344

everyone hates the chinese dude, it's not racism.

>> No.10043360
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>it's a professor catches a whole gang of chinks cheating on the exam again episode

>> No.10043363
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>be me
>study math
>have chinese study partner
>burps n braps in public
>Eats chicken like a nigger
>We go to the programming course
>everyone's already inside
>Open le door
>Everyone's dead silent
>He says in broken German: "Wait, Anon. I must shit."
>Goes to toilet
>Everyone's starring at me

>> No.10043369
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>He says in broken German: "Wait, Anon. I must shit."
god damn it Chinese are hilarious

>> No.10043370

>be german
I'd already be considering suicide at that point.

>> No.10043375

I'm a polak who lives since 15 years in here. I once had respect for this country, then I woke up.

>> No.10043392

There are chinks in Germany? Literally why lmao

>> No.10043393
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>professor makes passive-aggressive remark at the two fuckheads who've been having a conversation for the last 45 minutes

>> No.10043400
File: 1.16 MB, 711x711, 1536651690815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to do work in designated/implied quiet areas (libraries, study areas and such)
>Have to move somewhere else due to cunts being loud nearly every time
>Eventually start taking note of demographics
>For every man being obnoxious (talking loudly, eating loudly etc.) there were 9.3 women
>Of these women surprisingly few were overweight given how little self-awareness lardasses have. In addition they were disproportionately highly white considering the uni's demographics, which is also odd since anywhere else you'd expect fatties/black women to be the loudest
>Also of these women, about 85% were wearing at least two of the following articles: North Face jacket, skin-tight yoga pants (teehee pls look at my ass XD) or uggs
This and Twitter started making me sexist, please like and subscribe

>> No.10043402

The one thing I will give the women is they don't smell like a combination of stale sweat and shit nearly as much as the men, though it's countered out by disgustingly over-applied perfume

>> No.10043405

"Study areas" are the worst places to actually try and study. They're noisier than just sitting in the cafeteria because they're intended to be quiet so the dickheads on their phones and the cunts giggling in the corner dominate the whole room instead of just turning to background noise.

>> No.10043415

>study area
>not sneaking into an empty classroom and autistically pretending to give a lecture as review

>> No.10043421

dis. library is where normies go to chat

>> No.10043435


>> No.10043459

theyre everywhere

i study in wales and my 2nd year is like 30% chinese. partner universities or something

>> No.10043463

>he hasn't found himself a rich chinky gf and rich chinky friends that buy him shit

>> No.10043513

I'm actually thinking of trying this now

>> No.10043515

What kind of pussy is he? Just fucking call security on them like my prof did.

>> No.10043543

I actually study in empty classrooms or auditoriums with my friends since the libraries in my campus are either full or loud - our department is very chill about it, they actually leave the classrooms unlocked and unattended when not in use

>> No.10043552


Probably Vietnamese

>> No.10043666
File: 45 KB, 1384x640, 1537236664843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the roastie lab partner turned in plagarized work and I got blamed for it episode.

>> No.10043703

>in the library
>every computer is taken up by Filipinos playing LoL/DOTA.

>> No.10043716

It's easy to tell the difference by language and Viets are usually more civilised than chinks.

>> No.10043718
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>sneaking into an empty classroom and autistically pretending to give a lecture as review
This isn't actually a bad idea. I'm going to try this later

>> No.10043728

>>He says in broken German: "Wait, Anon. I must shit."
>>Goes to toilet
>>Everyone's starring at me
They were probably staring at you because you didn't offer to help him like any normal person would.

>> No.10043730

I did this for a couple grad courses. Our math building has a little meeting hall with blackboards right in the middle of the office hallways and we'd all meet there and talk each other through the material on the boards.

>> No.10043746

I agree on the background noise thing but the problem is it's only these areas that have desks/tables (at heights intended for writing/laptops) and such, empty classrooms are nice but it's awkward when a class comes in

>> No.10043818

>It’s an Arab students go to the bathroom at the same time during a test episode

>> No.10043875

>arab friend always brings bottled water when using the bathroom
>one day knock on the door asking if he's got enough hydration in there
>only realize years later what he used it for

>> No.10043899
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>> No.10043902
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>> No.10043907 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10043911
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>> No.10043912

Fuck thats so weird, MelbourneFag here. Originally from country WA, never realised how many were in the uni. 60% chinese 20% aussie 20% other. Shit is crazy.

>> No.10043914
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>> No.10043915
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>> No.10043916
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>> No.10043920

Literally what happened in my freshman physics course and like 7 arabs got kicked out of the school lmao. The physics prof confronted them all in the men's room and from what he said, it was really awkward

>> No.10043927
File: 26 KB, 480x490, f2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-what was it used for?

>> No.10043931

whipping his ass

>> No.10043937
File: 46 KB, 460x874, 1506538986419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw 25 yr old chink

>> No.10043938

Wash the ass after taking a shit, this is very common for those with severe hemorrhoydis. Some people are so sensitive that a little bit of toilet paper can turn any pants into the japan flag

>> No.10043944

you fucking idiot
its a bidet, anon.

>> No.10043945

>tfw not laowhy pet

>> No.10043957

I don't know what country you're from but guys don't help each other shit

>> No.10043964

What the fuck is this?

>> No.10043972

How the fuck do you think toilet paper cleans your dirty ass?

You westerners love watching lesbians stuff their faces in aas, but it's a serious problem when someone cleans himself by hand.

>> No.10043992

If I had to guess he's lowering file sizes for some reason

>> No.10044005
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>> No.10044011
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>> No.10044012
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>> No.10044015
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>> No.10044017
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>> No.10044021
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>> No.10044024

Pretty good lossy approach.

>> No.10044036

>le door
How's that LARPing doing for you NEETo?

>> No.10044066

>empty classrooms are nice but it's awkward when a class comes in
Just stand your ground. Establish dominance.

>> No.10044345

Room reserved, you have no dominance.

>> No.10044370

>Viets are usually more civilised than chinks.
vietnamese cope

>> No.10044546

Koreans are overdressed hypebeasts. Chinks aren't.

>> No.10044584
File: 25 KB, 615x410, toilet-signs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a good laugh, when I first saw these signs in my unis toilets, because of asianniggers.

>> No.10044588

At least you don't live with them. Used to live with some Chinese people. The toilet smelled of diarrhea 100% of the time. It was disgusting.

>> No.10044589

Indians are bros. Don't get why they get so much bad rep. Never had a bad experience with them.

Chinese on the other hand, are the worst.

>> No.10044596

I always shit the first way and have ever since I was a kid. It's much faster and and cleaner. I never understood how people would talk about reading stuff on the toilet, until I understood that they're very slowly squeezing their turds out in the sitting position. Squatting allows for turboshits.

>> No.10044607

Squatting is the way humans naturally shat.

>> No.10044611


>> No.10044655

diet heavy in redined carbs and fats = liquid shit that releases plenty of sulfates

>> No.10044657

>it's a professor plays a video of an MiT lecture episode

>> No.10044664

>his professors arent chads enough to call em on their shits and kick them out with force if necessar
Enjoy your cucked uni

>> No.10044673
File: 121 KB, 602x623, main-qimg-44be8a34ba113e0eab926644b98acf47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, but western toilets aren't built like pic related. And squatting on plastic toilet seats breaks them, which is the reason signs like these had to be made.

>> No.10044676

It's more of a liability matter.

>> No.10044728

Lift the seat up and squat on the bowl. fuck.

>> No.10044736

bullshit, it's a society issue. If your pic was in north america it would be covered in piss and shit stains.

>> No.10044791

>Trying to get my work done
>Obnoxious caveman subhuman ape beast is eating something with their mouth open
>I can hear it across the fucking room
I'm not joking when I say this is the most anger I ever felt. I felt like throwing something at him every time he did it. How can you be smart enough to make it to college but not learn something everybody else did at age 2?

>> No.10044816

I’m Chinese and you’re right. I fucking hate it when obnoxious mainland Chinese niggas group together like a bunch of faggots and talk as loud a girl screaming rape

>> No.10045724

>It's an Asian students walk slowly while holding hands and blocking the fucking sidewalk episode

>> No.10045765

>Lived with a chinese person
>They yelled on the phone all night long talking to god-knows-who.
>Slept during the day and snored so loud I could hear it from my room.
>Spoke to her boyfriend in a really high pitched voice, thinking it was cute, but she weighed like 200 lbs, so it was disgusting.
>Would start shrieking like a literal banshee when she'd get in a fight with her white beta boyfriend.

I unironically believe the entire nation should be gassed.

>> No.10045886

gooks are yellow niggers ded srs

>> No.10045896


>> No.10045943

Also Melbournefag here, shit’s fucked

>> No.10046015

Wrong slur
Chinese are chinks
Koreans are gooks

>> No.10046031

>guys don't help each other shit
What are you gay?

>> No.10046092

>What's so bad about chinese students anon? They pay for your uni :)))))

>> No.10046102

the irony being that China is an ethnically diverse country that has only recently undergone Han supremacy.

>> No.10046108

You would get sued if you touched them in any country, all the professor's I've had definitely call them out, and one even called security on them.

>> No.10046132

It also breaks the ceramic and cuts your leg open and then you bleed to deatg in your own shit and blood. Stop squatting on the seat pajeet.

>> No.10046135

Another side affect is that curry shit ends up on the walls when farty poop sprays outwards.

>> No.10046163

Is it just me or does biology have all of the qties

>> No.10046345

are we still talking about chinks??

>> No.10046368

the last one of those died 1500 years ago

>> No.10046396

Imagine dropping your phone in that

>> No.10046451

Ayyye sweet what uni? Rmit here.

>> No.10046593
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>Quantum mechanics class, paying full attention to the prof to retain as much a possible
>Fatlord next to me smells like shit and makes me unfocused because of the putrid smell.

Fucking fatasses. Can't they use deodorant?

>> No.10046608

hate how they're everywhere in statistics, jesus fucking christ

>> No.10046698

Yeah if you weigh approx. 400 pounds.

>> No.10046728
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>> No.10046821

Why are Vietnamese students so fucking loud?

>> No.10046984
File: 64 KB, 534x539, Ron Kang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uni gym
>Chinks come in packs of 10
>Use the rack for 30 mins doing loud as fuck 185 rack pulls

>> No.10047101

> Walk into calculus tute
> All the chinks in their hypebeast getup form their own groups
> All I can hear is fucking chinese
> Tutor is some old white guy (like old as fuck - I'd say 75+?)
> When he's trying to explain the concept no one pays attention to him
> He looks resigned to accept the fact that Melbourne Uni is just a degree-mill for rich chinks
> Me and 3 other local students are the only ones who engage him and ask questions
> Impossible to make friends at uni because everyone is a fucking loaded fob that wears clothes more expensive than my fucking car
It's not even a racial thing either, all Asian-born Australians are very well integrated and easy to talk to. I just fucking hate rich fobs who think they're top shit because mummy and daddy paid for their education

>> No.10047126

Was just about to post this, god that shit is infuriating.

>> No.10047132


>> No.10047137

>lift meme on /sci/
Nobody gives a fuck you brainlet. Go back to /fit/

>> No.10047139


>> No.10047160

> not lifting and being in STEM
I swear to god most people in STEM is so fucking beta that a year in the gym will make you look like an uber-chad

>> No.10047178

Old white guy Allen Russell? Have him for linear algebra, nice dude. Get sad how chinks treat him

>> No.10047182

>it's a Chinese students openly cheating episode
>it's a Chinese students walking on the wrong side of the footpath episode
>it's an I learned Chinese episode so I can tell them to be quiet during lectures
>it's an I stop going to lectures partially because people talk all the way through episode
>it's a Chinese students dump broken glass in the sink where we wash chemistry glassware and I cut my hand episode
>it's a Chinese students slurp as loudly as possible episode
>it's one of the best unis in the Southern Hemisphere and ranked one of the top 50 in the world

>> No.10047189

Is Deakin university a good one?
What about Adelaide?

>> No.10047193

>start of term
>Asians standing on toilets to squat have kindly deposited small encrusted smears of shit on top of the bowl
We really should install 50/50 squat toilets so they don't do this

>> No.10047202

Nah man, his names Edward/Edmund or something? Had him for calc 2 and engineering math
But yeah nah I do feel sorry for lots of the staff at the uni (particularly the older ones) who've seen such a prestigious place degenerate into a degree mill

>> No.10047203

Utterly based

Computer lab is the patrician environment

Indians range from okay to pretty awesome

I can only imagine the fury they must inspire in Japan

>> No.10047220

Not possible. My unis study room is great.

>> No.10047379

>not becoming the uberman
go eat your donuts somewhere else, fatty

>> No.10048982

There's a reason imperial japan committed so many war crimes against them
there has literally never been a time where the japanese didn't fucking hate the chinese

>> No.10048991


>> No.10049021
File: 56 KB, 637x921, 15534536485689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its a pseudo intellectual physics major being condescending as fuck in chemistry class episode

>> No.10049024

not even a chink but squqatting, even on western toilets, is objectively the most patrician way to shit.

>> No.10049030

this, but in geology class
I was the physics major

>> No.10049049
File: 11 KB, 250x240, 1523364269923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>linguistics and culture professor goes on a tangent saying how gender and race are social constructs
every day this obnoxious voiced pajeet girl and african girl make the class about this. he's a cool guy disregarding that though

>> No.10049069

if your college lets rich chinese exchange students talk loud during class, shit on toilet seats, continuously cheat on exams, guess what, that makes YOU look bad. it sounds like you're going to a 3rd world tier shit university. either that or none of that shit happens, and you just don't like chinese people.
the least loud and obnoxious people are of course white frat kids and dumb white chicks who ask you for answers and literally don't give a shit about anything.

>> No.10049740


>it's a Turkish, Arab, or Black students being loud episode

>> No.10049741

>things that never happened

>> No.10049784

t. Lifan "John" zhang

>> No.10049895


>> No.10049999

>it's a Turkish, Arab, or Black students actually existing in real life episode

>> No.10050097

>in material science class
>phone of chinese exchange student starts to play sound of a gaming show

>> No.10050167

>it's a chinese student has to interact with a non-chinese episode
to me, they are the true NPCs

>> No.10050170

>it's an Albanian, Turk, Greek, or Bosnian being loud episode

>> No.10050176

people from china are subhuman animals.
t. western born chinaman

>> No.10050215

>t. proud house nigger

>> No.10050240

>breaks them
only if you’re fat AND retarded. I’ve never even been close to in danger of breaking the seat

>> No.10050259

polak here, and my physics professor is vietnamese or some shit

>> No.10050282

Only real humans shit like this though,
>not resting the book on your knees while forcing out a fat turd.

>> No.10050437


>> No.10050461
File: 3 KB, 238x195, muppet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a black guy plays trapshit out loud in the dorm/in public episode

Not all black people do this, but I've never seen someone who isn't black do this.

>> No.10050465

Why not both?

>> No.10050477

fuck i know that feel
>doing hip abductions on the machine to top off leg day
>chink dressed in fully neon nike workout clothes, complete with weightlifting belt, mounts himself onto the machine
>mounts as in jumps on to the machine, doesnt even sit down
>does like a set of 5 hip abductions really quickly then jumps off, and walks away with his neck craned down
>calc quiz during recitation
>TA calls time
>chink keeps writing
>TA walks over and tells him to put the pen down
>chink keeps writing, even as TA attempts to pull it out from his grasp

>> No.10050512
File: 70 KB, 470x470, 1524505373712 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw the blubbery chinaman who can barely speak the most broken english is still in the course months in

>> No.10050572

>it's a female muslim student with a headscarf being a virgin episode

>> No.10050576

>it's an anon asks the Arab students to stop the talking and bro fisting in the library episode

>> No.10050588

You people better stop complaining about Chinese students being loud. At least they shut up when you ask them to. Arabs and Turks on the other hand, most of the time only deny that they were loud, and will insult you, and talk bad about you on their facebook or yodel.

>> No.10050742

>t. han nigger dying of lung cancer
do the world a favor and jump off the 4th floor of the nearest building

>> No.10051072
File: 427 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20150407_162025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to have Chinese students at my dorm, here's what it looked like. The janitors ended up deciding to close the kitchen for a month or so because they were the ones in charge of cleaning it every week.
Had to pick a room with my own toilet because they literally smeared shit on the bathroom stalls

>> No.10051154

>not sticking yor fingers into your friend's asshole to help the turd come out
>never gonna make it

>> No.10051171
File: 136 KB, 500x422, 1538680943096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on a PC in the computer lab in between classes
>sometime later indian nigger standing literally an inch behind me trying to get on the PC
>absolutely no reason he needed to use this exact one there were plenty open seats
>fuck this
>open up /pol/ and /int/ looking for a nice indian hate thread
>no threads, it was early in the morning so i assume all the aussies were asleep
>damn whatever just start watching youtube videos
> 10 minutes later professor walks in for the next class
i guess the faggot just really wanted to sit there

>> No.10051475

I saw some zoomers doing this in a buss in norway.

>> No.10051525


>> No.10051602

>large research group
>after locals, largest nationality group are the Chinese
>they only talk to each other and in Chinese
>some have been there for like 5 years or more and still barely speak English
>basically can't interact with a large chunk of the group on any meaningful level

Continuing this
>4 new PhD students join the group, one is chinese
>the rest talk to each other, the chinese girl just talks to the other Chinese people in the group, in Chinese

I'm a semi-sperglord so I can bond with people if they reciprocate my efforts but I can't force my company on someone who will ignore me entirely unless I directly ask them something.

>> No.10051638
File: 8 KB, 645x773, mattaku.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new academic year started this week
>only one chinese person in the course where I teach so she has no one else to talk to

>> No.10051658

He wanted to taste your asshole

>> No.10052087
File: 946 KB, 1400x5552, CHINESE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10052145

At my uni there's a timetable outside every classroom so you can check whether and how long the classroom is free

>> No.10052157

You know, you could have been less autistic and just asked him whether there was something he needed

>> No.10052180
File: 275 KB, 700x900, AHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do chinese/phillipino have to roleplay as a fucking animal every time they eat like what the fuck. I read online they sometimes practice it because they want people to know how much they love the food for some bullshit old reason, but I don't go around farting in peoples faces to let them know how much I enjoyed grandma's chili last night.

>> No.10052581

It's an Indian students gathering in groups around one computer talking loudly in a language that isn't English and one of them is fucking singing for no reason episode.

>> No.10052591

Their families send one kid to each of the G7 countries so that they can have anchor-citizenship when their corruption within the party is inevitably exposed.

>> No.10052603

How do you even get the water down there?

>> No.10052739

i knew exactly what the little fucker was doing i wasnt born yesterday

>> No.10052749
File: 39 KB, 182x238, B3EE3F05-60DE-447C-94FA-910ADD9927C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s an Arab/Chinese student pulls his sports car out of the parking structures so fucking fast the muffler sets off all the car alarms within a 3 mile radius episode

>> No.10052752

>Professor stops class to tell them to shut the hell up or get out

>> No.10052791

>it's a random girl puts on way too much perfume episode

>> No.10052851 [DELETED] 

>Cousin just got back from getting his masters
>Ask him about the chinese guys because of this thread
>Goes on an hour long tirade against them
Are they really that awful?

>> No.10052854

>Cousin just got back from getting his masters abroad
>Ask him about the chinese guys because of this thread
>Goes on an hour long tirade against them
Are they really that awful?

>> No.10053078

I’m so glad my department isn’t infested with chinks

>> No.10053574

>girls in his major wear perfume
Spotted the humanities nigger

>> No.10053578

Lift the toilet seat up, retards.

>> No.10054018

Ay m8 me too.
Chinks are a menace, statistically speaking RMIT is the most "diverse" university in the country.
It also has the most foreign student take-in I believe and directly corresponds to continued shilling of Chinese employment.

I've caught them faking language misunderstanding to cheat on exams by abusing the toilet-leave system to go and check their phones.

I'm in IT too so the cognitive dissonance is unreal with some tutors. Praising students who don't know what a fucking router does by Week 11.

>> No.10054331
File: 17 KB, 342x311, 1449983189478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one student who asks 50 questions in every lecture
>blurts out their own remarks and opinions thinking they're some kind of go-to expert
You know it's bad when the professor straight up ignores their raised hand

>> No.10054341
File: 46 KB, 593x457, 093-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make friends with a chinese exchange student
>over a few months, opens up about his support for taiwanese/hong kong independence and gun rights before going back to work in the mainland
based westernized chinaman getting a taste of freedom

>> No.10054483

Bitch, I’ve had chem students come to me and tell they know about physics too and could teach me because of their damn physics chemistry classes while drunk

That’s truly condescending

>> No.10054521

>Work with Chinese PhD student in my materials lab
>She's legitimately sad that whensge graduates she'll most likely have to go back to China
I feel for her.

>> No.10054853

I know this feeling, every time the holidays came around the kitchen sinks got clogged with rice and the bins overflowed.

>> No.10054900

>it's a me and 3 other friends need to finish a lab report and all the 4 people tables in the library are occupied by 1 people each and they still have the nerve to get mad when I tell them to fuck off

>> No.10055022

>be a quiet chink, study hard in uni to cop the degree and get the fuck out
>other chinks want to copy my hw and cheat off of me during exams
How do I fucking gas them bros?

>> No.10055026

Ask a chink with AMG in east coast anything

>> No.10055069

just say no and find a German college bro

>> No.10055075

Make friends with westerners and pretend like you’re not Chinese

>> No.10055251

>> Impossible to make friends at uni because everyone is a fucking loaded fob that wears clothes more expensive than my fucking car
Unironically me... I go to UCI, colloquially known as the University of Chinese Immigrants or UC Squinty Eye.

>She's legitimately sad that whensge graduates she'll most likely have to go back to China
And this is a bad thing, how?

Unironically, not bad advice.

>> No.10055291

I like being Chinese, but I’m rather conservative with actual morals and values but most of uni chinks are wilding monkies. Should I snitch on these fuckers on dean? Would they do anything seeing how they are nothing more than university’s walking budget?

>> No.10055308

>I like being Chinese
Then just say you’re from Taiwan or HK. If you’re going to an American Uni, Americans are too stupid to know the difference.

>Should I snitch on these fuckers on dean
No, tell your teachers. They’re the only ones who give a fuck about cheaters

>I’m rather conservative
Unless you’re a mouth breathing liberal or brainlet conservative nobody cares. It’s only if your entire existence is focused on political issues and it’s all you can talk about that people give a fuck and it’s only because you’re being annoying. Also if you’re actually from China or anywhere in South East Asian and not just an Asian kid, westerns DO NOT understand Asian political systems or values, so being “conservative” means nothing to them other than the word you use to describe yourself

>> No.10055320

remind them taiwan is independent

>> No.10055852
File: 117 KB, 519x268, japanese text china.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just do this

>> No.10055928
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 2dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are at least two people in this thread who attend my university

>> No.10056074

jesus fuck
in my compsci class, this fatass chink fell asleep in a completely upright position, teacher didn’t even notice because of his slits
when he finally saw, screeched “WAKEY WAKEY”

>> No.10057763


>> No.10057788

marry her and get her a green card

>> No.10057815

t. pajeet

Both indians and chinks are the fucking worst.

I unironically went to a shitty college with arabs and niggers just to avoid one full of chinks and pajeets. Indians are so fucking disgusting. Now I'm in a university once again dominated by those two and I remember why I abhor them so much.

>> No.10057841


>> No.10058350

You kinda put your ass a little bit up like you were warming up for twerk, then let the water flow between the buttcheecks. Make sure the water flows out to the toilet. Apply soap and lotion in the area. Dry the ass with a towel, always bring a towel. Thats what they told me tho.