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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10041730 No.10041730[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there biological brain diferences betwen artists and math guys?

Everytime I try to open a shitty book about math is just so boring and give me sleep I have to put it down.

It doesn't matter what topic of math I try to learn, is just all pointless phylosophical BS.

>vector math
>blah blah blah, math BS
>is just simple arithmetic on a Vector2 or Vector3 Variable in programming

why can't math people teach math like in a non boring way?

>oh but you're a brainlet
I don't think so, I don't find math hard, just extremelly boring and gay.

>why do u want to force yourself to learn math
so I can code my 2D platformer about loli shit on SDL.

>> No.10041739

Yes you spac. Almost everything has a genetic component, and even the environmental component operates via a phenotypic component.
You were destined to be a worthless individual.

>> No.10041747

Yes, STEMoids have a much higher IQ on average

>> No.10041751




>> No.10041752

I am 130 IQ, math isn't hard, is just pointless dumb boring shit.

Is like watching a hardware store, oh wow, so cool, nails and hammers and screwdrivers and planks, how cool.

>> No.10041759
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>math isn't hard it's just pointless
>I mean I could do it if I really wanted to, it's like just pointless

>> No.10041760

Can relate.I'm supposed to be studying for a math test right now as a matter of fact.

But I have found that classical music can help a lot (as autistic as that sounds)

>> No.10041769
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>Math has literally given us the most of any field, ever.
>It is applicable to nearly everything.
>But it is somehow pointless.
No, you're just too stupid to actually appreciate it.

>> No.10041786
File: 285 KB, 2048x768, Captura de pantalla de 2018-10-01 13-48-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't struggle with math, is easy as fuck.

It's just boring.

oh wow, look these equations.

oh wow, a dot product is nothing more than multiplying every component in a vector together than add it togheter, now let me show you how I use cos of theta and get the angle, wow, now I can calculate a torque of a rotation, how cool is that.

Autistic garbage, almost as masturbating to the though of using a screwdriver screwing nails in a plank.

>but muh math excel sheets are so cool and interesting
And yet fucking mathematicians can't make their field as interesting as history or music, or painting or even philosophy.

Even literature is more interesting than doing calculations.

>> No.10041793

probably, I have to actively shift my frame of thought if I go from thinking about mathematics to thinking about prose. individuals will have a higher propensity towards some combination of both if properly educated.

>> No.10041795
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Hey, fuck you, dude. Fuck you.

>> No.10041800

the fuck is that OS?

>> No.10041804

>mathematics for game developers
checks out

>> No.10041807

can retarded math people try to show why should I give a fuck about a p-norms and some vector calculation in a cartesian plane?

It's like wow, I get it, it may be usefull in the future, can you at least explain why do I need to give a fuck about this?

>hey, look a this nail, isn't this nail cool.

lubuntu with cinnamon destkop.

is the same math, at least this book has examples targeted towars what I want.

>> No.10041829

Because in the future, we're going to replace useless fucks like you with AI driven artists producing a crap-ton of pretty meaningless shit, just like you have been since the start of the 1950s.

>> No.10041835

lol u think calculating vectors is considered hard? a fucking fifth grader with an iq of a potato could solve them.

>> No.10041841

AI lacks a soul and can't do art, it would be like a rock trying to come with original thoughs.

At least philosophycally art can only done as a way to bring the mystical dream part of the magical realm into reality.

A machine can't rationalle with a red head waifu is more appealing, or which evangelion waifu is objectivelly superior.

Art is subjective.

I didn't say it was hard.

>> No.10041853

>He calls that math.
>Doesn't deal in Nth dimensional fields and planes of interconnected and eternal magnitudes while using predictive pattern systems to calculate any point at random for shits and giggles.
>Does it via computer system.


>> No.10041856
File: 206 KB, 750x567, ai_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, it looks like it can.
Also, no one has a soul, a soul is a spook. You are emergent and entirely structure dependent.

>> No.10041869

diferent strokes for diferent people.

I bet you can't even care about analizing a classing renaissance painting or analizing the patterns in classical music and wonder why a chord returning to a root chord is so amazing.

>advanced photoshop filters
oh wow, call me when AI can make something that isn't a photoshop filter.

>> No.10041880

The only analizing I do is with ur mom lmao

>> No.10041882

>AI lacks a soul
What do you mean? If AI fundamentally can't do art, then why can humans do it? What's so special about humans?

>> No.10041884

Are you the guy that sperged out yesterday when people told you to read linear algebra to be a ''game programmer''?

>> No.10041887

no, I didn't "sperged out"

>> No.10041896

>He doesn't understand how AI art works.
Lmao, fuck off you Dunning. Why don't you go back to your usual boards?

>> No.10041900

Lol, the same fucking retard. Go home, back to /v/, you aren't welcome here, spastic.

>> No.10041904

I'm starting to think there's a basic division in the brain structure between STEM nerds and humanities nerds.

You can't force STEM nerds to enjoy humanities and vice versa.

because humans have a soul, even if you don't want to believe in /x/ shit, there's plenty of evidence about reincarnations actually happening, like some doctors recording kids who are born with memories of past lives and even birth marks from previous lives accidents.

I'm just struggling with basic math, and every time I try to watch lectures I start to think, wow, this is pretty dumb, I rather be making music or drawing.

>wow, let's just do recurssive matrix multiplication with some markov chains
>we wuz AI now, singularity next decade
oh wow, we wuz singularity.

>> No.10041915

>I'm just struggling
>I start to think, wow, this is pretty dumb
defense mechanism in action

>> No.10041921

right now I feel sleepy and have a minor headache and even feel a bit dizzy by just reading a chapter about vector math and some coordinate systems that aren't cartesian and some lectures on the joy of math.

Basically like four hours of study.

>> No.10041925

>can't even handle 4 hours of studying

>> No.10041932

I spend like 10 hours drawing a illustration like last week, so is not about that.

>> No.10042027
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>can't into math
nigga, I aught to slap you with a wet canvas
>video games are my medium
>>can't into math
fucking what?! are you serious?

Artists are practically shorthand scribes of the universe. And you can't bring yourself to learning the mathematics? Of which, describe the very physics principles that you'll have to emulate if you attempt becoming a good artists!

>> No.10042054

this is not math, this is stuff a monkey can do.