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File: 41 KB, 999x959, 7385_PIA02879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10040880 No.10040880 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10040889

It's big.

>> No.10040892


a myth

>> No.10040986

watch this OP, its a video about what would happen if a human was able to get inside Jupiter. Its pretty fucking scary.

>> No.10040990

waht a human would see*

>> No.10041070

Is the same size as OP mother

>> No.10041549

Looks blurry and beltless through my scope.

>> No.10041647

is big

>> No.10041654

Very gassy

>> No.10041670

For you.

>> No.10041711

Is flat.

>> No.10041745

it's strong ass gravity causes one of its moons to have weird geothermal shit going on inside it i think.(and bc of that it has geisers too, kinda cool)

>> No.10041750

Callisto is the most beautiful body in our system

>worth the entry fee alone

>> No.10041766
File: 156 KB, 955x1200, callisto xena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Callisto is the most beautiful body in our system
He's not wrong.

>> No.10041777

The gravity is 24.79 m/s^2. The gravity is about 252% of Earth's gravity, thus a human would instantly be crushed by Jupiter's gravity.

>> No.10041783

If you could smell Jupiter, it would smell extremely bad, like ammonia and sulfur

>> No.10041810
File: 30 KB, 1200x800, 14124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Pan

The innermost moon

>it's a moon shaped like a fucking flying saucer

Why didn't I know about this?

>> No.10042045

it's got a perpetual hurricane
it is a perpetual hurricane

>> No.10042090

I know a lot things about Jupiter. But the most interesting part about Jupiter is metallic hydrogen.

>> No.10042107

Why is Jupiter so macroscopically stable?

>> No.10042117


>> No.10042128
File: 410 KB, 1400x788, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The polar geometric storms. 9 hurricanes in formation on the North, 5 at the South.

>> No.10042135

That's hot.

>> No.10042144

Get a better telescope.

>> No.10042189

There's possibly a giant ocean of liquid water in it's atmosphere.
Also, It's so big you could fit all the other 8 planets (fuck you pluto will always be a planet) inside with room to spare.

>> No.10042325


God of Romans

>> No.10042339

Is 1% of all mass in the solar system

>> No.10042509
File: 92 KB, 547x506, BD5EFBFF-D4F5-4088-B9FF-20AB80054A3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has plenty of beautiful children :)

>> No.10042512
File: 70 KB, 640x359, EC940950-AC05-4F00-AC15-7E5C76ED68CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another shit tier rock with a couple of craters counts as beautiful in this day and age

Nigga have you even SEEN Io? Shits beautiful as fuck.

>> No.10042524
File: 37 KB, 660x667, E3CB8B3A-0809-41FB-8D9E-34B6E090CD28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jupiter niggers can’t into Titan

Beauty so exclusive you need special lenses to see past her atmosphere. Might I add
>Only moon to possess any significant atmosphere
Top tier moon-fu. Don’t debate me on his, you literally can’t.

>> No.10042613
File: 261 KB, 1500x1200, 1500491063627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jupiter is generally considered to be a failed star, albeit too light to gather more material and begin fusion. The composition of the Sun and Jupiter are very similar, leading many to believe they were formed at the same time.

second best planet in the solar system.

>> No.10042904

>beautiful as fuck.
Looks like it has a space herpes, no thanks.

>> No.10042940

that's Saturn's moon retard

>> No.10042941

Jupiter weighs more than me

>> No.10042946

Me too.

>> No.10042969

That's a big planet

>> No.10042973
File: 22 KB, 507x393, 1DC2FDC3-2A43-4687-8D1A49C605DAC600[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was struck by a massive comet in 1994

>> No.10043037

Each point is where a magnetic line erupts out of the atmosphere.

>> No.10043043

Is it ok?

>> No.10043055

>Jupiter exists as an asteroid magnet to protect Earth from devastating collisions

Godspeed you magnificent planet. Destiny 2 does you justice.

>> No.10043160

By the time they hit jupiter they were several massive comets.
Unfortunately they hit on the far side of the planet from us so all we saw of the impact was a huge flash from behind, and then the whatever-the-fuck-you'd-call-a-crater-on-a-gas-giant's that are in your pic.
A few years later a mysterious black spot showed up on jupiter that no one could explain. Some thought it may have been an impact event we missed, but my favorite was from Richard C. Hoagland (the face on mars guy) who said that it could have been Galileo's nuclear battery that had reached crush depth in the atmosphere and caused a nuclear explosion. Sure it's a crackpot tinfoil hat conspiracy, but I really like the idea that we accidentally nuked a planet.

>> No.10043200

brainlet here but isn't there already tons of radiation in and around Jupiter?

>> No.10043201
File: 202 KB, 1920x1080, 401B48FE-5CA2-4CB9-BA00-A7522996A4B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It actually seems to fling just as many asteroids/comets TOWARD us as it does away from us. But it still does a magnificent job despite that. Pic related, Jupiter (blue) and all of the known asteroids between it and the inner solar system.

>> No.10043207

Its in space

>> No.10043229

would nuking the surface cause all the gas to ignite?

>> No.10043266
File: 49 KB, 572x600, 1521575211942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jupiter is mostly made of gas and clearly does not intend on improving the situation of France in any way.

>> No.10043274
File: 39 KB, 598x600, 123123123123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's big.
it's a planet.
it's a the biggest planet in our solar system.
it's made out of gas and stuff.
there's a huge tornado or some shit that's been fucking shit up over there for like 2000 years or something.
it literally has over 90 moons or something and they all have
rad names like callisto, europa and thebe.
it's not flat.

>> No.10044971

cute boy

>> No.10045045

>second best planet in the solar system.


Earth > Jupiter > Mars > Saturn > Venus > Uranus > Mercury > Neptune

>> No.10045705

Deep space probes can't really rely on solar energy since they're designed to operate far from the son. Instead they use nuclear batteries.
The nuclear battery in question were 2 pellet of Plutonium 238 dioxide.
If you increase pressure on a piece of plutonium past a certain threshold, you can create a chain reaction and it explodes. Look up how "Fat Man" works. In the atom bomb there was a radioactive element that is surrounded by high explosives, these go off, and since all the pressure is outward-going-in the neutrons have no where to go but shoot towards a plutonium core, 1 neutron goes in, 3 come out and you've got a runaway chain reaction bigger than the triggering explosion you used.
By dropping it into a superdense high pressure environment like the lower levels of Jupiter's atmosphere it wouldn't be impossible to hit that particular crush depth that would cause a chain reaction.
I found the article https://www.enterprisemission.com/NukingJupiter.html
And again, great big flashing warning lights, this is the website for the "Face on Mars" guy, do not read without your tinfoil hat firmly placed on your head and tongue firmly in cheek.
I used to love that site, I've got a soft spot for conspiracy theories, and since they were obviously into mars they were on the jock of every mission sent there, and you could find the high res full nasa images there before almost any other website, and they did talk a lot about how instruments on the satellites and rovers worked. A lot of genuine information with a heavy "ayy lmao NASA is a masonic order that was behind 9/11" bias.

>> No.10045719

Sheeit son, it threw planets around during the formation of the solar system. Probably responsible for earth getting smacked with something the size of mars and making the moon, and hitting mars with something so hard that it blew the crust off the southern hemisphere and created an antipodal bulge. Venus got hit so hard it spins in the wrong direction on it's axis, and made Uranus the retarded planet.

>> No.10045730

>Galileo's nuclear battery that had reached crush depth in the atmosphere and caused a nuclear explosion

As if you would be able to see a nuclear explosion on Jupiter from that far away

>> No.10045733


One of the leading theories about the solar system origins postulates a migration of the gas giants from the inner solar system to the outside of it.

Can you imagine jupiter moving from, let's say, the position of Venus to the actual position?

It's bananas.

>> No.10045775

No one saw an explosion. But there was just this random black dot that showed up on jupiter that looked like the aftermath of the impact events from the schumacher levy 9 comet.
Personally I always thought it looked like the end of 2010, where the monolith goes into jupiter and stars replicating itself until it turns jupiter into a mini-sun.
I think the ultimate explanation was that it was just a comet or asteroid that had come from "behind" jupiter that no one noticed. But it happened shortly after they dove the galileo probe into jupiter at the end of it's mission. And honestly, the idea that wee accidentally nuked another planet makes me kek.

>> No.10047046
File: 362 KB, 1024x768, Sailor-Jupiter-sailor-moon-23588249-1024-768[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has the best boobs.

Also you can see 4 moons through a telescope and you should do this because it is badass.

>> No.10047838

>you can see 4 moons through a telescope
There was some anon a few weeks ago showing off what you can see just using the zoom and your phone's camera.

>> No.10048008

>And honestly, the idea that wee accidentally nuked another planet makes me kek.
That is pretty funny.

>> No.10048375

Was penetrated by a probe due to the possibility to cross contaminate the Jupiter's moons with any possible Earth microbes on the probe.

Has more matter then all other matter in our solar system combined (not considering the sun ofc)

Also fappable to certain ppl

>> No.10048379

There was no visible explosion whatsoever, the probe penetrated 3 atmosferic layers before the expected implosion

>> No.10048394


>> No.10049281

Literally smells like cow ass 100% of the time.
Titan is baby's first favorite satellite: we all know the best is Charon

>> No.10049297
File: 817 KB, 400x398, bec.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>migrated outwards
>leading theory
I only ever hear the opposite, as the planet couldn't collect enough hydrogen to be so large by forming closer to the sun than the ice giants. Also it would likely have consumed all the materials that would end up being our rocky planets long before they formed

>> No.10049305


Because you are correct and I probably had a stroke while writing such bullshit.

>> No.10049370

Pretty based
Saves us from a lot of asteroids

>> No.10049443

I'd like to see that. I would have expected the built in jpg compressor to remove all moons. Just take a picture of the moon and you will see how the camera tries to "fix" the picture and only ends up removing all details.

>> No.10049475

I'm seriously considering buying an expensive telescope.


>> No.10049566

My favorite fact about is that the synchrotron radiation generated by its magnetic field is intense enough to be fatal in 5 minutes to any would-be astronaut standing on Io, and protected only by an Apollo type space suit. Next up is the temperature at the core, which is about 10X hotter than the sun's surface. Without looking it up, I believe that the blackbody radiation of something that hot is about 99% in the ultraviolet, and that if you could get something the size of a tungsten filament that hot, everything in the room would instantly burst into flames. That's pretty damn hot.

>> No.10050192

why dude just look at images online

>> No.10050210

>Comet's density ~ Jupiter's density
I bet the comet is swimming in the atmosphere.

>> No.10050214
File: 8 KB, 200x215, 310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm seriously considering looking for a GF.
>why dude just look at images online

>> No.10050218

sorry but you will never have sex with jupiter

>> No.10050228
File: 28 KB, 178x393, nutrimix-de-jupiter-blanc-blender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's live dangerously...

>> No.10050232

>flat chest
>ball crushing

>> No.10050278

8" Dobsonian Telescope on Amazon :
300$ to 500$

>> No.10050319

Before photoshop it looks nearly identical to what I see with 70mm refractor.

>> No.10050369

There was an interesting doc on the BBC horizon program recently on jupiter and its core based on nasa research, look it up

>> No.10050785
File: 27 KB, 372x342, 35635672467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally even creepier, it is saturns moon...

what the fuck is saturn /sci/?
the rings, the hexagon, the flying saucer moon.
it all seems like something straight out of an SCP.