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10035875 No.10035875 [Reply] [Original]

Are they living beings or not?

>> No.10035879

Depends on your definition of "living"

>> No.10035975

They do not fulfill some of the requirements to be called life, like homeostasis, so they are not living. However, if you believe that this definition is arbitrary and wrong, then you could redefine life to include viruses. Currently, they are not considered alive.

Is a protein alive? It's just some amino acids strung together. But it's found in living things. Is DNA/RNA alive? That's just nucleosides strung together, but it's the fundamental blueprint of life.

Living things are just combinations of these non-living things, that we have decided are to be called alive. So is anything alive, or just a bunch of non-alive stuff acting like it?

>> No.10035980

I'm gonna say yes. Also prions are alive. Also crystals.

>> No.10035986

On the Jesk-Higglemann Life Spectrum, most were calculated having a life value of about 0.4271. They have a ways to go before being on par with common lifeforms.

>> No.10036198

... alright, I googled the bullshit to make sure it was bullshit. You got me.

>> No.10036511
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Am I alive?

>> No.10036586

Probably. He have changed the definition of what is considered life before and we can do it again.

Viruses will probably be considered life since they are in a symbiotic relation with bacterias.

>> No.10036915
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Are they living beings or not?

>> No.10036923

>respond to selective pressures

if viruses are alive>>10036586 , so are memes

>> No.10036925

Remember the time that baneposting became sentient and crashed the germanwings plane?

>> No.10036936

Are they living beings or not?

>> No.10036940

Can't tell if joking or genuinely retarded.

>> No.10036945

Depends on your definition of "joking"

>> No.10036973

Did viruses originate on earth or from another planet.

I believe viruses are from a secondary life beginning event when compared to biological life forms. I also think both things happened somewhere other than Earth, life came here.

>> No.10036981

You'd have to remove the physical part of the definition from life to make that work.

But even then, memes are still considered "organic" when we discuss them. There are dead memes and active memes. The foundations of memes as "living" thing is ever present in our minds, and we recognize that in surface level, just not in our scientific definitions yet.

>> No.10036983


>> No.10036992

They are pretty indisputably living -- whether they are "beings" is where the debate happens.

>Drawing hard lines to seperate two ends of an ongoing process is always going to be tricky.

>> No.10036996

I think they evolved from living things - I'd say "devolved," but I think that word is silly.

>> No.10037001

Until Pluto is firmly re-established as a planet, I refuse to consider viri to by alive.

>> No.10038364

of course they're beings.Nobody debates that. You don't need to be conscious or valid to be a being. A perpetual brain dead human is still a human being. Heck it's probably not even wrong to call a dead person a human being. We'd call a dead alien an alien being right? That's not grammatically wrong.

The question is if you consider them persons with rights. They *are* considered persons though, it's straight out of the dictionary and even HRC called them unborn persons. Being a person does not give you rights though, as the constitution names "other persons," meaning blacks, and they did not have rights.

There's really no semantic arguments that are part of the debate. Etymologically speaking unborn children are the same as born children. You can't make a consistent distinction other than being attached to the mother and cell count, which has nothing to do with grammar. People just arbitrarily say they don't have rights and that's not based on any sort of argument, it's just a priori and does not need justification.

>> No.10038393

They are a transition between nonliving and living.

>> No.10038410

>Chad nonliving organisms vs Virgin lifeforms

>> No.10038450

They are kinda parasitic in nature. Viruses are actually pretty easy to defeat, unless they hide away within DNA or deep where the immune system can't hit.

>> No.10038469

Pluto is a planet. Viruses are alive. There’s no argument against these facts.

>> No.10038799


They are living when they hijack your cells nucleus.

>> No.10038810

Vira are better adapted to live on the earth than humans. Past the next mass extinction they will take over. That will end the discussion.

>> No.10038852

Considering that YOU are what passes for life these days, I'd say they are fairly alive to me.

>> No.10039310

le op is le dumb XD

>> No.10040274

Personally, I would say that everything, down to each atom is alive, but also quite lifeless. When complex systems emerge, which we recognize as life, it's roughly equivalent to the cells that make up "god." These living things create an ecosystem, which is like the organs of "god." Considering that things like water and minerals are pivotal for life, and also work in unison(like geological events), perhaps everything we see is part of one massive living being.

>> No.10040341

There's no such spectrum, you're probably thinking of the Musk-Boseman Spectrum

>> No.10040902

Are they living beings or not?

>> No.10040905

>Is a protein alive? It's just some amino acids strung together. But it's found in living things. Is DNA/RNA alive? That's just nucleosides strung together, but it's the fundamental blueprint of life.
This helped

>> No.10040912

You are one beautiful motherfucker.

>> No.10040957

The plural is viruses you mouth breather. Viri wouldn't even be correct in Latin.

>> No.10042909

I suggest you look into creationism. Viruses are clearly not natural, most likely made by a higher being, or an older more advanced civilization.

>> No.10042919

By that line of thought, will this apply to the average channer?

>> No.10042922

I remember that. Newfags ITT?

>> No.10042926

Yes viruses are living things that are here to take over everything you can think of

1) there are viruses in the human genome that are permanently dormant (in the dna but nothing activates them)

2) HIV. There is a reason it leads to AIDS (population control aka evolution is true)

3) you will never ever ever destroy viruses, they take over bacteria (found everywher) and mutate themselves, rendering anything against them useless the next time the DNA/RNA is replicated.

>> No.10042976

There will be no hosts for them left.

>> No.10042991

Weird. I am completely the opposite. I tend to see things as one massive inanimate object. Rocks tumbling down a hill is not "life", but it changes the state of things. Atoms have moved, energy has been transferred. Beavers build dams, organisms refold molecules and metabolize things. None of it makes a difference except for what actually happens.

Why do we assume that anything is "alive" other than for purposes purely described as bookkeeping? Why are computers artificial intelligence but we are somehow not? On that matter, the only thing that is distinguishable is the end result: who won the chess game. What use is it to prance around if we are somehow intelligent if we cannot beat the computer?

>> No.10043026
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life is a spectrum

>> No.10043092

No, you're either alive or not.

>> No.10043314


>> No.10043333

what if I'm alive on the outside but dead on the inside

>> No.10043368

They are more like seeds

>> No.10043420

Not less than humans who things purpose of their life is procreation.

>> No.10043423

*who are thinking sole purpose of their life ,...

>> No.10043504

cannot be unthonk

>> No.10043534

Based antivitalist who gets it.

>> No.10043562

nah senpai