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10034057 No.10034057 [Reply] [Original]

Does water or any certain type of liquid mitigate the effects of inertia on the human body? To what extent?

>> No.10034064

Do you understand what is meant by "not even wrong"?

>> No.10034143

I dont?

>> No.10034475
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>mitigate the effects of inertia on the human body

>> No.10034628

It helps against g-forces, yes. But it only really works well if you fill the lung and all body cavities with liquid as well.

>> No.10034634

I mean, I guess the feeling of water resistance would make you think so

>> No.10034658

I dont even understand your question. Drinking water would increase your inertial? Jumping into a pool you have the same inertia as as any time, but the water resists your motion more than air.

>> No.10034723

Water in a vaccuum clings to other water molecules and eventually begins to stack up to the molecule valence level's current charge. That amperage is negligible at most levels but when water is being moved around valence fields the situation makes the pressure form a sort of rotating lossenge effects where the lossenge doesn't lose its velocity and the rotation requires that the released substance become some other form to escape the field. So when you do this the pressure pulls out of gravity through the forces of it and thus it allows the body to almost pull water into the walls and linings inside of the body by like a formal point of water transfer during the gestation phases of the body's own metabolism.

>> No.10034727


So where the effects of inertia generally encompass that necessary variables be exposed to air, or some sort of medium varied like constant, the only situation you can find out of the turn in that whole lossenge experience, the sensations we cover to ourself to make sure we don't join into some harmful energy, is that the water is now allowing the pulse in the heart and body to encounter more energy sources and we are suddenly allowed to enjoy that something in us is invasive but passively tranquil to keep inside the body and thus could be nutritious. Nutritious then in the points here made would be the constant state of the matter thhat the issue in the situation might suggest the person encountering the emergent factors but dislocatedly the only situation we won't find in the matters of the transfer of energy are those of the foods themselves where in the cells are functioning in a different type of dimension for the qualities abstained in the surface tensions of these other factors DURING intermittent stages of releasing the oxygen and making the water hold more information by breaking apart and making room for separate stages of a nearby, hopefully purposefully placed there, bodily interaction.

okay I love you bye bye

>> No.10034728

that gene assembler lady, the white lady, and that lady that makes the baby when and how she wants to make it can help you with this. We won't help anymore. Big question and I'm still broke. Laters.
btw, there is the understanding that the water is doing the work here. The situation isn't rivaling gravity so the water isn't in a flow, it's awaiting a sort of order of things. It doesn't require the gravity either because we've removed the situation from the constance of circumstance by allowing that the qualities we encounter on the surface of these symbols for the particular intertias are uhh....not exactly constant but also not so static that they can be conjured up without the proper insular discomponents. Things like managing quarks out of a star system would only relay large numbers but counting out valent forms of an atom in pressing tides makes the situation a little more complicated then just waiting to count because this is now functioning and an imperceivable level and thus requires the we suggest ourselves a new manner to leave this level and join that one but not from this direction.

This kind of things should generalize the approach to taking a life from water and into a sort of energy as substance. I think that would mitigate that law has an inset in the situation that circumstance hadn't yet decided for the victor. If you know what I mean. They don't decide to play, they just belong to you that way. Like some fate or destiny. It isn't pretty but that's why we use math to hide these kinds of realities. No I am not schizo. I was hit on the head with a hammer. It was pointy-ish too.

>> No.10034895

He's talking about this you dumb brainlets


>> No.10034900

How on the fuck was I supposed to get "liquid breathing" from "does water increase your inertia"? God damn what a shitty thread. OP should stop being so autistic and learn to communicate.

>> No.10034945

Any highly oxygenated liquids that can be used?

>> No.10034958

>How on the fuck was I supposed to get "liquid breathing" from "does water increase your inertia"? God damn what a shitty thread. OP should stop being so autistic and learn to communicate.
Connect the dots from OP and >>10034628

>> No.10034963


>> No.10035601

Have you never seen evangelion?

>> No.10035962

None are practical in real life. They are too dense to 'breath' in and out. Maybe you could augment people's 'breathing' with a machine somehow, but it is not likely to be a pleasant experience and may cause injury. One possibility is collapsing the lungs and directly oxygenating the blood.

>> No.10036228

I think you mean Mission to Mars, you pleb.

>> No.10036268

Holy shit thanks for reminding me of that movie. Loved it as a kid

>> No.10036271


np now go back to rêddit you nigger

>> No.10036277

So salty