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10032405 No.10032405 [Reply] [Original]

Sci, Is meditation a meme?

>> No.10032415

>Sci, Is meditation a meme?
Why don't you try it and find out?

>> No.10032423

Well, i tried — the feeling was pretty cool, but last time it wasn’t the same.

>> No.10032445

Science is a meme

>> No.10032447

Yes, don't do it
Waste of time

>> No.10032456
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Not if you spend it in prayer.

>> No.10032458
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>waste of time

>> No.10032460

prayer is a form of meditation

>> No.10032472

No, actually it has measurable effects on the brain (measurable through EEG's and shit) and has measurable effects on stress/anxiety and other mental issues and can actually be linked to reduced blood pressure and all those memes.

>> No.10032541
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So a few months ago, I went into the mountains for a ten day Vipassana course where I meditated on average 10.5 hours a day. Here are my thoughts and experiences:

+ Completely free accommodation, meals and instruction. Done on a donation basis so you don't have to pay a cent if you do it and think it's shit.

+ My focus improved drastically for a few weeks after the retreat. It's gone back to normal now, but that might be because I haven't been practicing regularly.

+ Generally, I've become a nicer dude. I've stopped eating meat, and I don't lose my shit as much.

+ I sleep a lot easier now.

+ 10 days without talking to people is pretty much guaranteed to give you an emotional breakdown.

+ Meditation probably doesn't boost IQ.

+ My teachers say that if you want lasting benefit to come out of meditation, you should aim for at least two hours a day. That's hard to juggle with student life.

I think my biggest takeaway from the retreat is that "enlightenment" (I.E. Full liberation from pain and suffering) is possible. It sounds absurd, but from what I've experienced so far, I'm pretty confident it can happen to anyone provided they work for it.

>> No.10032558

It's fun

>> No.10032616

>10 days without talking to people is pretty much guaranteed to give you an emotional breakdown

>> No.10032731

its literally just sitting still with your eyes closed and focusing on your breathing. how can that be a meme?

>> No.10032757

I had to take a vow of silence for the duration of the retreat and I couldn't bring any external stimuli. (No technology, books, writing material, etc.)

>> No.10032913

If you're productive and you know what to do, it can be very beneficial to get you to think more clearly, and less negatively.
Think of it as a way to use the Socratic method with yourself. Say a negative thought comes in your head, or there is a problem in your life that you're trying to work out. If you take like ten minutes where you don't think about anything else, and ask yourself questions like:
>Why do you think like this?
>What is the next best alternative?
>Is there any other way you could think on this?

Other questions, in which you play "devil's advocate" with yourself, you might arrive to some personal solution on an emotion or problem that can be resolved for you.
Ultimately it's just a way for you to think about your way of thinking. When people tend to think about their thinking, they tend to think more clearly.

>> No.10032929

Is this seriously what meditation is? Just working out problems in your head? I do that all the time to vary degrees of effectiveness and it sure as shit hasn't helped my depression

>> No.10032931

>please bully me, nagatoro

>> No.10032932

>I do that all the time to vary degrees of effectiveness and it sure as shit hasn't helped my depression
Chances are, you haven't devoted a decent chunk of your day where you ONLY think about these things. Chances are negative thoughts go throughout your head, and you're not even noticing them since you're paying attention to something else going on - so it drags your entire day down.

Meditation can help for depression, but keep in mind if your depression is very serious, then you'll probably need some other extra help.

>> No.10032935
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Western men practicing eastern arts make me ill.

The only thing you should be bowing your head into is your study.


>> No.10032938
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>Monk Class.
>Compatible with wizard class.

Please get out. OUT.

>> No.10032967

Without turning my post in to a sob story I'll just concede that you're right on the money that my depression seems to be very serious and while mindfulness has helped set me on a better path, I need (and am seeking) outside help

>> No.10032977

Same, I do this on a regular basis

>> No.10032989

No, it isn't. Many martial arts like Judo employ meditation on a regular basis.

>inb4 martial arts are a meme

>> No.10033000

It cured my homosexuality.

>> No.10033002

same, its practically cured my degeneracy now and I'm asexual now

>> No.10033007
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You are all and all is one. Through meditation you can tap into the infinite intelligence that has many names. God being one of them. This can help you navigate through life and find bliss. I realize most people here are stuck on logic based thought forms and refuse to go beyond the veil. There are huge amounts of information on the truth. If you seek you will find.
Psychedelics can aid you on this path to higher conciousness.

>> No.10033009

psychedelics just make me feel like a druggie loser

>> No.10033021

You need to take them more and more up to the point you actually believe the shit you hallucinate

>> No.10033031

I already hit that point by the 4th time I took acid. Life is a joke, time is an illusion, we're all in hell etc etc. I feel like determinism is true and we're all basically just observing everything unfold as a super complex system

>> No.10033050

Wouldn't that make observation the opposite of determinism?

>> No.10033108
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no its totally not the point of it

>> No.10033112
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i want this, more please

>> No.10033121

then what is the point

>> No.10033160


>> No.10033382
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not thinking

>> No.10033438
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Meditation is just a tool for achieving a goal.
Amphetamine sulfate works works better for me lmao
No need to get all calm and shit.
Just boof 20mg of it and you're fucking golden.

>> No.10034357

Lrn2meme fgt pls

>> No.10034374

I've tried it, but only with outside help, I can't seem to pull it off on my own. Felt great afterwards.

>> No.10034388

If you're agro as fuck it will make you less argo.
If you're the type of person who already thinks meditation is cool you're already chill enough.

>> No.10034925

no, check out the bonzo monks, they get set on fire to die and dont even squint at it, they really mastered control over their every feeling.

>> No.10034968

>Meditation can help for depression, but keep in mind if your depression is very serious, then you'll probably need some other extra help.
This is an important thing to keep in mind. Meditation will make you feel more in touch with yourself, but that is possibly not desirable if you're a mess under the surface. Maybe you will start to notice the problems under the calm surface of water and you will see that there is whole ocean of darkness underneath. On the plus side if you are aware of it, and you notice that there is some shit, you will know that this is the time you should get some outside help.

>> No.10034971

Yes, it is a meme, anyone who thinks you need to "meditate" to reach enlightenment has no clue.You are already enlightened, you just choose to not be.

>> No.10035179

Considering it has been medically proven to be effective, I would say no, it's not a meme.

>> No.10035395

Kundalini bro, look it up.

>> No.10035398

>implying the two are mutually exclusive
>implying meditation cannot be in both
you’re blocking your own potential, mage

>> No.10035434

Alright so I am in matrix and I need to die to meet God? Mega pill to swallow.