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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10032062 No.10032062[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

tfw failed calculus 1 twice

>> No.10032114

>tfw failed manufacturing processes twice
I hate this hands-on engineering bullshit; I should have studied math.

>> No.10032125

like you wouldnt fail that lmfao

>> No.10032127

I've done math up to LA and differential equations, probability theory, dynamics, engineering thermo, fluid mechanics, and circuits/systems. Stop assuming, you troglodyte.

>> No.10032129

Not to mention, thermo and fluids shits all over undergrad real analysis. I would know; I've studied each of these.

>> No.10032131

How do I know you're a CS major.

>> No.10032136

i don't know, that's an amazing question

how did you?

>> No.10032154

What do you mean they shit all over real analysis? They're harder?

>> No.10032180 [DELETED] 

>took calc 1 without taking precalculus
>got a B+ on the final exam, passed with a B
not kidding and I've always been so-so at math. the first two weeks were hell ofc.

>> No.10032190

Those are child's play compared to what you would be studying if you were in a mathematics program

>> No.10032198

holy fuck why am i so bad at math, I could barely pass precalculus

i blame public education

>> No.10032205

I've studied intro real analysis, calculus on manifolds/tensors/differential forms on my own. I've got a decent idea of what proof-based mathematics is. An engineering degree is simply harder by virtue of the workload. Off yourself.

Whatever could it mean? It's like you're trying to be autistic.

>> No.10032214

Engineering is more difficult at the undergrad leve than a mathematics degree, it's really not even close. And it's not just because of the word load. I'd say mechanical engineers are some of the most if not the most intelligent undergrads on the entire campus. EEs and Chem E's are up there as well.

The people that say pure physics or pure math degrees can compete simply don't have a clue what they're talking about, physics majors are often people that couldn't cut it in engineering. These are the people that wanted to "learn about the universe" but needed a practical way to make money, so they went in to engineering, then got completely destroyed and retreated back to the physics department. There's a reason that physics + math double majors are so prevalent, it's because neither degree is particularly challenging. I'm sorry, but you just don't see mech engineers getting double majors, it's too rigorous and difficult on its own (and not because of the workload).

>> No.10032230

it's definitely because of the workload and nothing else

>> No.10032233

Wrong. It's simply more challenging intellectually. Heat transfer, kinematics and dynamics of machinery, mechanics of materials, these are all much higher level difficulty than anything you'll find in a math undergrad. I'm sorry, I know this board is obsessed with the idea of the hard science stoic genius, but it's a total fantasy. Engineering is both more challenging intellectually as well as financially rewarding.

>> No.10032244

>tfw failed Physical Chem 2

>> No.10032259

This is most likely true
> tfw study civil engineering post-grad
> the majority of the content is absolutely piss-easy, but there's an absolute truckload of it so it's a nightmare to keep up
I swear, any fucking retard can study civil engineering and make good money where I live if they're willing to put up with a few years of hard work

I honestly found 3rd year microeconomics to be the hardest subject I ever took in my undergrad, shit was mind-bendingly confusing at times

>> No.10032283
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>engineering is easy, microeconomics is hard!

Christ, you guys want to be contrarians so bad that you end up saying shit that is blatantly false.

>> No.10032294

Firstly, I said civil engineering. Which is pretty easy - there's next to no actual math involved once you pass calc 3 and get into the actual "engineering" subjects.

Do you have any idea what advanced microeconomics is like? Or are you just a memer who thinks the economics department is where you join a supply and demand curve together and see where they intersect?

>> No.10032312
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>> No.10032316

You should see Reddit's engineering forum

Tons of these kids talking about how art was their hardest subject because they never painted before or some bullshit. Fuck I hate Reddit weenies.

You mean econometrics? It's pretty much just Stats a second fucking time because economics students are too stupid to learn it the first time. Fuck off, contrarian troglodyte.

>> No.10032321

no you fucking idiot, I mean real microeconomics. Game theory, auction theory, strategic interaction of firms, that sort of stuff. To give you an idea of the level of difficulty, they recommend real analysis as a pre-requisite - which is far beyond anything in civil engineering.
You've really exposed yourself as not knowing at all what you're talking about

>> No.10032323

That's not a 3rd year economics course you dunce.

>> No.10032326

maybe not at your brainlet uni

>> No.10032328

There's no undergraduate program in the world for economics in which real analysis is a prerequisite for a 3rd year economics course. You are full of dogshit.

>> No.10032329

if that makes you feel better, brainlet

>> No.10032331

Lol. This pleb thinks he can just claim that shit is standard in econ undergrad.

Fuck I wish I could strangle these people with piano wire.

>> No.10032335

>it's simply more challenging intellectually.
You are challenged, mentally challenged

>> No.10032340

Lmao this is the same guy. Poster count is in the bottom right retard. Again, go ahead and show me what university requires real analysis for a 3rd year economics undergrad course. We're all waiting. I've known some of the dumbest fucking mongoloids that have econ degrees that they did jack shit with, and I guarantee you they don't know or give a fuck what real analysis is.

>> No.10032347

I was calling the other guy a pleb.

But yeah I agree with you and no we're not the same person. I would screencap but I stopped caring about this thread.

Anyway, fuck the difficulty of engineering. I regret going to university.