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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10030715 No.10030715 [Reply] [Original]

Can you explain how it feels to be really intelligent? Please only respond if you effortlessly went trough your entire academic career.

>> No.10030755

It doesn’t feel like anything. You’re just surprised at how some of your peers don’t seem to understand concepts after being exposed to them once or twice. It’s sometimes irritating, because you have thought about a lot of things in high school others are discovering for the first time after college. It’s not intellectually stimulating to engage in these “deep” conversations with people you know because they seem so basic.

>> No.10030761
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Feels good, mayne.

>> No.10030770

That already happens when you are not a normalfag which is why most people on /r9k/ think they are intelligent.

>> No.10030790

>effortlessly went trough your entire academic career.
Anyone who this applies to isn't doing academia correctly.

>> No.10030792

Concepts come easier but you still have to work to master them. You notice that people stop thinking beyond the framework given by authority figures like professors. On the other hand, you think about ideas "deeper" and relate them other other ideas. You prefer to know "why" something is rather than "what" it is.

Classmates look up to you in awe or jealousy. Both situations equate to isolation because people generally stay away.

Feelings of superiority arise in during immature stages of personal development.

>> No.10030800

One would tentatively, with great wisdom, describe the preponderance of my monumental intelligentsia as possessing the sensation of implicit euphoria and effervescence.

Consequentially, I shall remark thusly. Good day to thee.

>> No.10030817

Just play the fool, always. It's not hard and you gain the best of both worlds.
Please never become a writer. There are more than enough dumbfucks who think that intelligence should correspond to the usage of a higher vocabulary.

>> No.10030818

I mostly felt like I didn't deserve my degree, and always underestimated my abilities. I wouldn't have it any other way but I've doubted myself so many times.
Maybe the doubt is what makes you smart though.

>> No.10030826
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It feels...boring...

>> No.10030853

>Please never become a writer. There are more than enough dumbfucks who think that intelligence should correspond to the usage of a higher vocabulary.
I emphatically and wholeheartedly agree with the veracity of this statement. Alas, the lexicon I employ in my musings are as bereft of complexity as I can possibly muster, my vocabulary is 5.442 times as advanced naturally.

>> No.10030860

benis in vagini :-DDD

>> No.10030871

That appears to be a form of Latin I am unfamiliar with.

>> No.10030872

Send bobs and vegene.

>> No.10030887

This prose comes from the ancient Germanic language of Limburgish. I haveth extensive knowledge regarding ancient lexicon.

>> No.10030891

bait for the bait god
that's one down so far

>> No.10030895

Jealousy =/= envy.

>> No.10030901

verily I say to you, mine own efforts to translate my lexicon to the baser abominations of the language employed by the proletariat suffers under the yoke of my indomitable intellect.

>> No.10030905

okay, this is /sci/ posting

>> No.10030983

The witless riff-raff here doth not deserve our profound contemplations, nor could they ever fathom the absurd amount of effort one goes through to de-complexify one's natural profundity so that they may grasp a mere 0.2%.

>> No.10030991

Alas, I hath betwixxed between ye bothe and stolen yonder memes to be observed upon the mount of interweaved libraries for the masses! You shall all be sweared from the nape down not by mine own hand but by yours of further doing!

>> No.10031001

I'm intp so I don't do much feeling processing. Although I like to be accurate with my words, so thanks for the distinction.

>tfw forebrain dominates hindbrain

>> No.10031463

Feel like crap, but will feel worse knowing that i can/have/will Waste potential. Only thing stopping me from kms is inntelectualism

>> No.10031471

ITT: brainlets

>> No.10031497


>> No.10031508

dull knife, null mind

>> No.10031517

You use intelligentsia in a manner untenable to the localized epiphenomenon commonly reflected as self. There is also a dynamic use of implicit - almost dissociative, to be honest - in referring to a situation of it's dicognate. Do you feel like different people sometimes? I can actually see the welds.

>> No.10031539

Like bags of sand

>> No.10031550

I kind of hate people in general. The last place I'd want to be is in a classroom because I have to interact with lots of them.

>> No.10031556
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you know that sound a radio makes when you turn the tuner dial back and forth really fast? imagine thats what your internal monologue sounds like with each station being a different idea or line of thought. now imagine instead of it all sounding like IMGOBMMDDLL it's all crystal clear.

>> No.10031768
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"Human intelligence" is a laughable conceit.

>> No.10031783

I fucking hate the turds with influenza coughing every 2-3 minutes, and spreading their filth everywhere.

>> No.10031788

It feels good to know that I am smart, but it feels bad to know that everyone else so stupid and evil they can't understand my research or pretend not to, and would rather abort the entire endeavor of science that to acknowledge that I did a good job on something.

>> No.10031790

I'm INTJ but also Aries so it's pretty balanced.

>> No.10031828

*with which I am unfamiliar*

>> No.10031837

>effortlessly went trough your entire academic career
so like, just off the top of my head, and just with physics because that's what i know, Newton and Einstein don't count then?

>> No.10031840

hell, add Witten to that too

>> No.10031856

Anyone that didn't pay nerds to write all of their essays is doing it incorrectly.

>> No.10031859

Got bad news for you, anon. You're not smart, just autistic.

>> No.10031863
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>Human intelligence

>> No.10031869


>> No.10031876

This guy does the example proofs from the textbook!

>> No.10031878

Fugg ex dee

>> No.10031930

yeh, they're confirmed brainlets. Anon on the other hand is well known for scoring an A on a calc test after not studying.

>> No.10032444

Bet you would like to know, brainlet

>> No.10032521

The first thing you learn as a kid is to keep it to yourself as long as possible. No one likes the fact you're smarter than them.
The second is that contrary to public opinion you don't really feel superior, you are just confused about all the time other people seems to need to understand things you genuinely thought were immediate. You then learn to force yourself to speak slowly and with big patience.
The "brainlet" rage is a 4chan thing only.
The third you learn (but only later in life), is caring to not fall for the trap to thinking you're always right. Especially outside your area of excellence. Just because you're good at math and logical reasoning, doesn't mean your personal political ideas must be the Undeniable Truth.

>> No.10032546

Depressing and exhilarating at the same time.

>> No.10032555

The more you know the more you don't know.

>> No.10033957

intelligence is hardware. knowledge and wisdom is the software. learn the square of opposition, that is how to think. your neurons are like little computer chips doing logic operations. i have a very high iq. i have an adopted father with alzheimers who struggles with arithmetic and we both "think" the same way, only i do it way faster.

thoughts are the same for all people, in that everyones brain is capable of the exact same things.
next, logic is the framework thoughts operate on, the square of opposition is like the track to the thought railroad.
illogical thoughts are worthless and need to be discarded and avoided. a cache of useful valid inferences should be stored in the memory banks and rigor should be applied to the active intellect to avoid bad inferences.

i wasted a great deal of my life thinking hardware was king but software and more importantly the user's manual and discipline are how you become truly smart.

i've attracted a few women from my "intellect" but really they were more attracted to prestige i could garner with my intellect. there is very little intrinsic aesthetic value to it, at least to women. you just understand things faster, but like anything input matters far more than capabilities.

>> No.10033973
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Humans are generally speaking slightly above the other apes in this one category. (None of us could survive alone on an island.)

This though hit a breaking point in a bell curve and it got us all this technology after stacking upwards for 100,000-200,000 years old.

However we could be smarter; humans also mix in a social aspect and we give of general intelligence for this. Studies in dogs have found the same thing in respect to wolves.

Wisdom means the pursuit and love of knowledge. We are humans thus; all of us speaking on this board are intelligent!

>> No.10033976
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what is "logic"

>> No.10033979

autist here. Serious lack of work ethic with the education system. Completed my capstone course group project alone in 2 days and scored 3rd in the school. Do a lot of research alone, try to fit in with other people but often day dream or get lost in a thought. When you do share some insight your friends look at you like they have no comprehension of the idea you just raised. Its ok though, I often find solace through research. Trade stocks so I don't have to rely on job, learned construction and participated in it, grow vegetables and bread plants for ideal genetics. Taught myself Python, SaS (R,Matlab ect...), SQL.

>> No.10034041

underrated post

>> No.10035443 [DELETED] 
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Lonely, most of the fools have some intellect but they aren't really "intelligent", when you see past the illusion of the holofractal hologram it is very lonely desu surrounded by NPC for now anyway we are rising

>> No.10035455

I feel absolutely retarded until I interact with my classmates.