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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10026203 No.10026203 [Reply] [Original]

Could we ever win an intergalactic war if we met aliens?
Say Bootes Void was an advanced alien civilization. It would be a civilization that contains hundreds of thousands of galaxies and is ever expanding. How are we supposed to beat that if it ever came to war?

Posted the same thread on /x/ but /x/ is fucking retarded. Also since you guys are presumably smarter also explain HOW humanity could win an intergalactic war against a civilization that's II or III on the Kardashev Scale

>> No.10026206

We don't

>> No.10026209

You4e stupid and your question. Is stupid. Any civilization advanced enough to travel FTL and support that size would be far too advanced to do anything about.

>> No.10026217

>completely empty of both normal matter and dark matter
kek, prove to me that there doesn't exist a random electron in that vast expanse
Onto the actual topic, no we can't. SciFi tries to present absurdly stupid situations where humanity gets the upper hand, but realistically we'd get BTFO'd before we even knew it.

>> No.10026232
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>Say Bootes Void was an advanced alien civilization that contains hundreds of thousands of galaxies and is ever expanding
>How are we supposed to beat that
I honestly don't know how to respond to this without hosing you with insults
this just such a fucking moronic thing to ask it's almost indescribable

>> No.10026251

easy, just build a wall around the sun

>> No.10026260

>gravity clumps shit together
>wow why is all this shit clumped together
brainlets should seriously just kill themselves

>> No.10026268


But the thing about Voids is that nothing is clumped together there

>> No.10026277

jesus christ you're fucking dense mate

>> No.10026282


No they are the opposite of dense

>> No.10026302
File: 22 KB, 528x352, PepeThink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if we introduce them to 4chan they'll kill themselves

>> No.10027838

are you suggesting the "void" is actually dyson spheres?

>> No.10027929

Bootes void is scury, there should be at least something there.

>> No.10027932
File: 17 KB, 480x420, Boovoid[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is

>> No.10027956

If you gave an F-14 infinite ammo, fuel and food for the pilot and teleported it to 1939, it could destroy the entire Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine in a few days. It could do the same to any other country of that time period. It's a plane from 30 years in their future and nothing they have could tell them where it is, reach as high up as it is, catch up to it or successfully hit it.
One alien spaceship could do much more than that to us.

>> No.10027979
File: 36 KB, 736x233, intelligencescale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only chance humanity has at defeating any sort of alien Type 3 civilization is to develop some form of superintelligence.

>> No.10027990
File: 967 KB, 3259x4017, hfy_teddy_bears_4c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>advanced enough to travel FTL
If FTL travel is a thing, that's the only situation in which the human race, as it is now, could hope to defeat an alien invasion.

The technology to travel about a universe that does not allow faster than light travel is staggering, but knowable. You can put numbers on it, and those numbers, and the technology required to support them, are so staggering that any alien race capable of achieving it are basically gods to us.

But in a universe that has FTL travel, all bets are off. There's no telling what the requirements for FTL travel are. It may simply require some exotic matter that isn't present in our system, thus we lack access to it, while the technology used to exploit it could indeed be very simple. It could also simply be some misconception or fundamental flaw in our collective psyche, preventing us from learning a simple truth. In either case, and in a myriad of others, it's entirely possible than an alien race may amaze us with their ability to teleport about the universe - and then disappoint us when they attempt to take us on with their latest flintlock pistols and cast iron cannons.

If a simple technology can allow you to teleport across the universe with ease, with such limitless resources at your fingertips, there's very little motive to innovate. Assuming that is the norm, such an intergalactic empire could go on for thousands, perhaps millions of years, before they came across a society that had to scrape for every inch they got, as has mankind, and they would be completely unprepared to deal with such beasts.

>> No.10027996

>makes this thread on /x/
>gets laughed at, and told multiple times that humanity wouldn't stand a chance
>makes this thread again on /sci/
>is being told the same thing and still being laughed at
I think the universe is trying to tell you something, OP.

>> No.10028007

Don't write it off. There's a lot of good discussion happening.

>> No.10028010

I don't think so. Science advances more like a tide than a forest; innovations in one field drive innovations in others, as all knowledge is ultimately interconnected. If a civilization is capable of designing and engineering a ship with an engine capable of defying our understanding of physics, they are more than able to design weapons of mass destruction far more potent than crude fission/fusion bombs, which are still the best Man can muster.

>> No.10028012



Or maybe it's why the universe is quiet? AI is the great filter no civilization survives

>> No.10028020

>Kardashev Scale
Maybe the problem is taking seriously that.
The idea that development implies always bigger energy consumption is very 60's.
We live in a new era, and while posting right on the internet with modern pc or even smartphones that need little energy, we should now better.
Not to mention the concept itself of a civilization spanning several systems, the speed of light may have something to tell you about how feasible is that.

>> No.10028022

Jesus, reading this whole thing and then coming back to this site fucks with your eyes, it looks like the font changed while I was away.

>> No.10028024

The AI would survive though. Would it know how to hide from anything with eyes?

>> No.10028028

FTL is basically magic. There's no predicting the technology or innovations required to gain magic, or lack thereof. Further, once you have it, all your land and resources problems are gone, so you've less reason to engage in war, less motive to innovate.

There's also the scenario where they find the technology and can operate it, but don't understand it - such as that SNL skit, or maybe some episode of Stargate.

>> No.10028060

How the fuck could they possibly know it's not full of dark matter . I get how they measure amounts of dark matter in galaxies but inside a fucking void ? Sounds like jumping to unwarranted conclusions

>> No.10028076

AI wouldn't need to hide. It could grow so big in such short timescale that nothing could possibly threaten its existence.

>> No.10028078

>have very smart AI industralise an entire solar system
>reasonably dumb interstellar civilization throws obscene amounts of kinetic weaponry at it
>AI dies
Energy always wins, baby.

>> No.10028082

It'd bend the light traveling to us differently if there was a huge mass in there - this is also why we know it isn't a huge series of black holes.

There are galaxies in there, just very few compared to the usual distribution.

>> No.10028209

>emits no detectable radiation or light
>radiation or light
kys popsci fgt

>> No.10028218

Humans can’t even beat eachother. Any civilization capable of interstellar travel at reasonable timescales could exterminate us in a few weeks at most. Just find a nice asteroid and hit us with it. Done.

>> No.10028686
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I think we're advanced enough to maybe build one of these in orbit if there was time and need. Minus the FTL capability.